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Unit 6.docx

1、Unit 6Task1. My dream house is not very big but not very small.It is very quiet and it is near the center of city. I imagine a large garden with pets including three dogs and two cats.I dream of a large kitchen and a comfortable living room with a big sofa and big windows.I like brightly-lit rooms.

2、There are only two floors,with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.The furniture is modern and not dark.I would like to have a hobbies room with plenty of books and maps on the walls. Finally,I would like to have a small swimming pool for the summer and a good sauna for the winter. This is my dream house

3、.Task 2R:Hello.Is that Oxford 40414?M:Yes it is.R:EmIm enquiring about the flat which was advertised in the local paper.M:Oh yes?R:Wonder if you could tell me,how much is the rent a month,please?M:Its 112.R:I see.Is it fairly near the city centre?M:Yes,its only about a kilometer away.R:I see.Is it q

4、uite handy for the shops?M:Yes,within a minute or two on foot.R:Good.What about a garden?M:Well you have the use of the garden.R:I see.And central heating,is there?M:Yes,yes.Gas central heating.R:I see.Emhow many rooms are there,please?M:Well,theres one very large bed-sitting room,a kitchen and a ba

5、throom and a small hall.R:I see.Emwhich floor is it on?M:On the first floor.R:Oh good. Emwould it be possible for me to visit it tomorrow,say about 5 oclock?M:Yes,certainly.R:Oh good.Thats fine.Could you just give me your name,please?M:Yes.The name is Mary JonesYes.and the address is 41North Parade.

6、R:41North Parade.Fine.Thanks ever so much.Ill see you tomorrow at 5 oclock then.M:Yes.OK?Good.R:Bye-bye.M:Goodbye.Task3Mr.Henschel is talking about his house.I: Mr.Henschel,youre from Germany,and youre now living in Thailand.M:Yes,thats right.I built this hours eight years ago.I:Why did you choose a

7、 traditional Thai house?M:Because I collect Thai antiques and I think they look best in a traditional house.I:Its really very beautiful.And very cool here in the garden.Whats above us?M:Theres a large,.open verandah above us.See?Theres an opening here.You can see the sky.I:And someone on the veranda

8、h can look into the garden.M:Thats right.Thats the living room,at the front of the house,with the stairs next to it.Theres a toilet under the stairs and next to the study.I:What else is there on the ground floor?M:Theres a dining room at the back of the house,across from the study.I:And upstairs?M:T

9、he bedrooms,and the verandah.The main bedroom is above the living room.But I dont need a lot of bedrooms.I just need room for my antiques.I:But wheres the kitchen?M:Then kitchen is outside,there, in the other building.Thai houses are often like that.Then the heat and the cooking smells arent in the

10、house.Task4Electricity comes through an underground cable. Then a thin cable enters your home through a special box, called a fuse fox, and a meter. This meter counts units of electricity, and at the end of a month or a quarter your parents pay their electricity bill. Different wires go from the met

11、er to all the rooms in your house or flat. You cannot see these wires because they are under the floors or in the walls. Some wires are for the lights in the ceiling, and others are for all our machines. We use electricity for refrigerators, cookers, water heaters and washing machines. What does you

12、r family use electricity for?Task 51) Sonethings definitely wrong.Its not cooling properly.The food that I put in it yesterday was spoiled by today.2) Its been out of order for several hours.I cant get a dial tone. Id like to get it fixed as soon as possible because I have to make some important bus

13、iness calls.3) I wish you could fix the centreal heating in there.When I got to bed at night its so cold that I cant get to sleep.4) It hasnt been heating right for some time.Sometime sit gets too hot and burns everything.Other times it doesnt get hot enough,and things dont get cooked.5) Its been dr

14、iving me crazy all summer!It keeps breaking down and it doesnt keep the room cool.Its so hot in this room most of the time that I can hardly breathe.Task 6 When Mrs.Kienasts quintuplets were born,they were too small to leave the hospital.They couldnt leave the hospital until they weighed enough.Duri

15、ng the time when the babies were in the hospital,Mrs.Kienast was busy at home. After the Kienasts neighbors learned of the quintuplets birth,they decided to add some extra rooms to the familys house.The house was too small for a big family.It had only five rooms.The neighbors decided to add seven mo

16、re.They are giving their labor without any pay because they want to help.Task 7 Mary Fargo and Pete Russell are talking about how they feel about their house,now that theyre finished renovating it.M:Yes,yes.I really feel that it was all worth it now.When people come to see it,they always say they lo

17、ve it,and that weve done a super job,and its good to hear that.P:I sometimes walk around and just touch various things-some of these books are very rare and theyre lovely to hold-here,feel this leather cover.I think a house should be all about the senses.I hear Mary working out in the morning on her

18、 exercise bar,or playing the piano.It really sounds like a home as well.M:I think I have two favourite rooms-the music room is here.We had the carpet specially made.You can feel the thickness of it,even in shoes.Its an informal sitting room,really.A lot of our favourite things are in this room.Somet

19、imes,after a heavy day,I like to just sit here and look at the paintings,or play the piano,or listen to music. My other favourite is the breakfast room because its so bright and cheery, and in the summer we throw the windows open and I can hear the birds, or Pete playing with the dog.P:Someone asked

20、 me the other day if I could bear to do it all again.I:And what did you say?P:Well of course, its all worthwhile in the end. But to tell you the truth, I was almost sad when it was finished. Well, you know that, I wondered what I was going to do next. I loved designing the curtains for example. And

21、I liked doing the wallpaper .And it was especially good because we were doing it for ourselves. I hated doing some of the mundane things, though.M:I think its a question of degree, really. I like some types of shopping for antiques, for example. And choosing furniture and fabrics. I like doing that.

22、 What I hate doing is ordinary day-to-day shopping. I love shopping for a dinner party, for example. Going into all the small speciality shops, the cheese shop, the fishmongers and so on. But I hate shopping for washing powder, for example. I dont like doing the ordinary boring things.Task 8 In rece

23、nt years, there have been important social ad economic changes in the United States. And, these changes have affected almost all of Americas housing system, from home building to home buying. First of all, American families are growing smaller. People today are having fewer children, or choosing not

24、 to have children at all. Many people are marrying later in life. And, about 40 percent of all American marriages end in divorce. All this means that many Americans now want smaller houses. And, a large percentage are buying apartments. This has created a shortage of rental housing in many parts of

25、the country. It has caused special difficulties for those who are old or poor, and do not have the money to buy a place of their own. Some people are solving this problem by forming cooperatives. In a cooperative, everyone in an apartment building joins together and buys a share of the building. If

26、20 percent of those living in the cooperative have low earnings, then the group can get a low-interest loan from the government. If people want to sell their share in the cooperative, they cannot receive more than they paid for it. This helps keep the cost of cooperatives low. Recent concern over th

27、e cost or energy also has brought changes in American housing. Some people are moving back to the cities, to save the cost of driving long distances to work. And, many Americans have begun to seek homes that cost less to heat and light. Some homes are being built underground. They cost almost nothin

28、g to heat, because the temperature of the earth changes very little as the seasons change. Other new houses get their energy from the sun. During the day, heat from sunlight is collected through windows on the south side of the house. At night, the windows are covered, and the collected warmth heats

29、 the home. Recently, the American economy has also had a major effect on American housing. Inflation has pushed the cost of homes higher and higher. And, interest rates have become very high. Buyers now must pay as much as 18 percent interest for housing loans. Americans with just moderate earnings

30、now find it very difficult to make monthly payments on a new home. In the last few months, even apartments have grown too costly for most people to buy.Task 9M: Hello everyone, and welcome to this months edition of Debate on Radio Time, the programme for students of English round the world. With me

31、in the studio today I have four guests, James and Alice from Sheffield, and David and Louise from a small village in Yorkshire. How does living in a town compare with living in the country? What do they all think? Lets start with you , James.J: Living in a town like Sheffield is wonderful. There is

32、so much to do. My parents often go to the cinema. I belong to a youth club and go to lots of discos. Theres a good swimming pool at the Sports Centre and a large library. Public transport is good, so its easy to get from one place to another. I live very near my school, so I can walk there, and its easy to visit my friends.M: So youre very happy. What about you, Alice?A: Well, James is right in many ways. But I dont like living in town. It

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