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1、牛津英语导学案八第二单元五河县“三为主”课堂八年级英语(上)导学案Unit 2 School lifeComic strip and welcome to the unit 一、学习目标:1.学会使用下列单词,词组和句子:1)British, post, lift, fall, math, vocation, math, movie;2)go to school, watch TV, be like;3)Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie?Whats school like? Its like watching TV, but there are few adv

2、ertisements.2.简要谈论学校生活,复习与学校生活有关的词汇。3.掌握相同概念在英语和美语中的不同表达方法,了解英语和美语的区别。二、预习指导:1、请同学们认真阅读课本P22-23中的内容,根据上下文语境猜测生词意思,并根据拼读规则试读生词。2、预习课本P22中Eddie和Hobo的对话,试着理解对话大意,听录音正确地模仿课文中的语音和语调。3、预习课本P23,自己试着完成Parts A and B,掌握英国英语和美国英语的不同表达方法。预习自测:A.翻译下列词组和句型。1. go to school_ 2. be like_ 3. watch TV _ 4. be smarter

3、than_ 5. fewer advertisements_6. Whats school like?_B.观察表格, 写出相应英国英语单词和美国英语单词.BE=British English AE=American English BEautumnliftfootballmathsrubberpostgroundfloorsecondaryschoolAE三、课内探究:1.听P22对话录音,回答问题: What does Eddie think school is like?2.了解了Eddie和Hobo心目中的学校,那么学校到底是什么样的呢?和你的同伴讨论What is school li

4、ke?把你们的讨论结果写下来。4.朗读并表演Eddie和Hobo的对话。5.和你的同伴讨论你已完成的P23 A、B部分的内容,核对答案,然后朗读这些单词,先读英国英语,后读美国英语。同学们在学习过程中可能有不理解的地方吧?以下内容对你理解课本有帮助,请先独立思考,然后再和你的同伴讨论解决。1. Why dont dogs go to school, Eddie?请翻译_你能总结出此句的句式结构吗?_你能写出此句的同义句吗?_这个句型表示建议,你还知道有哪些句式可以表示建议,请试着写一写吧:练一练:写出同义句。Why dont you come and see me tomorrow?_2. W

5、hats school like?请翻译_Whatslike? 用来询问对方对有关人或物的评价,相当于Howis?此句中的like是_词,意为_,后面可接_词或_词。e.g. 1) Its like watching TV. 它像看电视一样。2) He can climb trees like a monkey. 他可以像猴子一样爬树。请同学们再仔细观察下面的句子:He likes ice-cream/ swimming/ to swim/ her.他喜欢冰淇林/游泳/她。此句中的like是 _ 词,意思是 _。练一练:Answer these questions:1) Whats your

6、cousin like?_.2) What does your cousin like?_.3. Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements.请翻译_此句中的few意思是_,修饰_词。同学们,请认真观察下面的几个句子:There are a few books on the desk. 桌子上有几本书。The question is too difficult, so few students can answer it. 这个问题太难了,所以很少有学生能回答。We can speak a little English. 我

7、们可以说一点英语。There is little milk, I will buy some. 几乎没有牛奶了,我要去买一些。你能根据以上几个句子的区别,总结few, a few, little, a little的用法吗?试试吧,可以和同伴一起讨论完成。练一练:用few, a few, little, a little填空。1) Its like watching TV, but there are _advertisements.2) Im new here, so I have _ friends.3) Dont worry, theres _ time left.4) Hurry up

8、! Theres _ time left.四、达标检测:.根据句意或用所给词的适当形式填空。1. In England, we call it “autumn”, but in America, they call it “_”.2. In England, people go up and down by _ in the tall building.3. Do you know another way of saying “holiday”? I know, its _.4. What does “soccer” mean? It means _.用few和little的适当形式填空。1.

9、 He made _mistakes than you.2. He has _ friends than she.3. I have _ strength(力量)than he has.4. I have _ money than you.五、收获与反思:Unit 2 School life Reading(1) 一、学习目标:1.掌握下列单词和短语:1) mixed, subject, sew, myself, tasty, even, guys, practice, hero, close, taste, article;2) in Year 8, a mixed school, near

10、 the end of, have driving lessons, twice a week, spenddoing sth., have a great time doing sth., talk to sb.2.了解英国和美国的学校生活。3.感受中外文化差异,积极查阅资料,丰富自己的知识。二、预习指导:1、读前热身活动,请同学们在小组内讨论下面的问题: What do you think British/American school would be like?2、请同学们阅读课本P24中的课文,根据上下文语境猜测生词意思,并根据拼读规则试读生词。3、预习课本P24中的课文,试着理解课

11、文大意,听录音并能正确地模仿课文中的语音和语调,然后试着自己朗读课文。预习自测:翻译下列词组:1.在八年级 2.一个混合学校3.一起上课 4.家政5.学习如何烹饪和做针线活 6.做健康可口的饭菜7.一个阅读周 8.临近每堂课快结束时9.开车送我去学校10.花费干 11.驾驶课三、课内探究:1.认真阅读第一篇有关John的文章填空。 John was in _ at Woodland School near London. Its a _school. His favorite subject is _.So he can cook healthy and _meals now. His sch

12、ool has a_ week every year. He and his classmates can read books from the school library. And they can also _ in books and_ from home. The reading week is too _ because he wants to read others books _.2.认真阅读第二篇有关Nancy的文章填空。 Nancy is 14 years old. She is in 9th g_ at Rocky Mountain High School. Her b

13、rother Denver had d_ lessons last year. Its great for her because he d_ her to school every day. Its f_ than taking a bus. She plays s_ twice a week. She spends lots of time p_. Every Monday she goes to a b_ club. Her buddy is Julie. Julie h_ Nancy learn all about her new school. She helps Nancy wit

14、h her homework and listens to her p_. Nancy thinks Julie is a h_. During lunchtime, she has a good time t_ with her friends. Sometimes, they go to s_ malls after school.3.跟录音朗读课文,然后自己大声地朗读课文,比一比谁读得好!同学们在学习过程中可能有不理解的地方吧?以下内容对你理解第一篇短文有帮助,请先独立思考,然后再和你的同伴讨论解决。1. I know how to cook healthy and tasty meal

15、s. 请翻译_此句中的tasty是_词,意思是_,你知道它的同义词吗?_tasty的名词形式是taste,意思是“味道”,除此以外,我们以前学过taste还可做_词,意为_.e.g. The fish tastes delicious. 这鱼尝起来可口。练一练:翻译下列句子:1)我妈妈会做可口的饭菜。My mother can cook _ meals.2)这些苹果尝起来很好吃。The apples _ delicious.2. Reading Week is always too short because we want to read all our classmates books a

16、s well. 请翻译_此句中的as well意为_,通常放在句末,多用于口语,且不用逗号隔开。e.g. Most of my classmates can swim, I can swim as well.我的很多同学都会游泳,我也会游泳。我们以前还学过“也”的其它表达方法,你知道还有哪些词可以表示“也”吗?你知道它们的区别吗?先自己思考,然后和你的同伴讨论,试着写下来:练一练:选择填空。1) He_ plays the piano. A. too B. also C. either D. as well2) You cant sing this song, I cant sing it,

17、_.A. too B. also C. either D. as well四、达标检测:.根据句中提示或题意写出单词的正确形式。1. I brush my teeth _(two) a day.2. My mum can cook _(with a pleasant taste) meals, and the chicken_(尝起来)wonderful.3. These students are studying in a _(mix) school now.4. Tom is very poor in English. He cant _(甚至) understandthe easiest

18、 sentence in this unit.用as well, too, either, also填空。1. I like this color, I like that color_. 2. Sandy is my friend, Kate is my friend, _.3. I _ want to read the computer books. 4. John doesnt like basketball_.五、收获与反思:Unit 2 School life Reading(2)一、学习目标:1.熟练掌握并能正确运用本课的单词和词组。2.能描述不同国家的学校生活。3.通过学习感受校

19、园生活带来的异国文化差异。二、预习指导:1.通过上一课时的学习,本课的单词和短语你记住了多少,试着写下来,看看谁写得最多、最好!2.再大声地、认真地朗读课文,然后试着完成课本P25-26中的练习,比一比谁做得最好。三、课内探究:1.认真阅读课文第一部分Life in a British school,完成下列判断正误练习:( )1) John is in Year 9 at WoodlandSchool, a mixed school. ( )2) John knew Home Economics best of all. ( )3) He knew how to cook healthy a

20、nd tasty meals before coming to this school.( )4) There is a Reading Week in his school every year. ( )5) The students can read any books from the school library, but they cant bring in books from home. 2.认真阅读课文第二部分Life in an American school,回答下列问题: 1) What did Jim do in school last year?2) How does

21、 Nancy go to school every year? What does she think of it?3) What do the students do in the Buddy Club?4) Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?5) What do American students do during lunchtime?6) What do the students sometimes do after school?3.请同学们再认真阅读有关John和Nancy的两篇有关英国和美国的学校生活小短文,完成有关John和Nancy的一

22、列图表。Who?JohnNancyWhere?What?When?Why?同学们在学习过程中可能有不理解的地方吧?以下内容对你理解第二篇短文有帮助,请先独立思考,然后再和你的同伴讨论解决。1. Now, he drives me to school every day. 请翻译_drive sb to sp 开车送/带某人去某地=take sb to sp by car因此,此句的同义句是_练一练:翻译句子。上周一我爸爸开车送妈妈上班。Last Monday my father _ my mother _ _.2. Twice a week, I play softball after sch

23、ool.请翻译_twice a week 表示_,类似的用法还有once a week, three times a year, often, usually, always, seldom, never, sometimes,对其提问用_。练一练:对划线部分提问。Millie plays the piano once a week.3. I love this game and I spend a lot of time practicing. 请翻译_A. spend在此句中意为_,是_词。 e.g. He spent twenty yuan on this book. 他花了20元买这本

24、书。你能根据这两句话总结出spend的用法吗?试试吧:除了spend外,“花费”还有三个词:cost, take, pay, 认真观察下面几句话:1) That coat cost him 200yuan. 那件外套花了他200元。2) It took me three days to finish reading the novel. 读完这本小说花了我3天时间。3) I paid $50,000 for the car. 我花了5万元买这辆车。 你能试着总结出cost, take, pay的用法吗?先自己思考,然后可以和同伴讨论,试着写出这三个词的用法并举例说明。练一练:用spend, c

25、ost, take, pay适当形式填空。1) I _ two hours doing my homework every day.2) It _ me half an hour to walk to the hospital yesterday.3) She _ 300yuan for the new bike.4) The TV _ us 3,000yuan.练一练:翻译句子。他经常放学后练习打垒球。He often _ _ softball after school.4. During lunchtime, I meet my friends and we always have a g

26、reat time talking to each other. 请翻译_have a great time doing意为_,相当于have fun doing e.g. We had a great time swimming yesterday. 昨天我们游泳游得很开心。你能试着写出这句话的同义句吗?_练一练:翻译句子。他们正一起开心得踢足球。They are having a great time _ _ together.四、达标检测:.根据句意和所给单词填空。1. In a _(mix) school, boys and girls have lessons together.2.

27、 Lin Tao goes to the country to see his grandparents_(two) a month.3. The dishes in the restaurant are very _(taste). We often gothere.4. I am old enough to look after _(I). You neednt worry about me.5. We always have a great time _(chat) with each other.翻译句子。1. 每节课快结束时,我们通常进行一次自由交谈。We usually have a free talk _ _ _ _ each class.2. 他们每年去英国两次。They go to England _ _ _ . 3. 她每天花很多的时间练习汉语。She _ much time _ Chinese every day. 五、收获与反思:Unit 2 School life Vocabulary 一、学习目标:1.掌握下列单词和短语:1) art, geography, language, PE, useful, science, unimportant, us

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