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the development of schools of linguistics.docx

1、the development of schools of linguisticsthe development of schools of linguists contribuation to the cognitive linguisitisHu Yanwen Institute of ScienceInformation Engineering UniversityDecember 2007the development of schools of linguists contribuation to the cognitive linguisitisHu Yanwen Institut

2、e of ScienceInformation Engineering UniversityDecember 2007abstractWith the development of congitive language, more and more linguistis pay attention to this field, And since the history of linguistics underwent long changes, many shools of lingtuisitcs has already made contructuion to the outbrust

3、of this new field. I just want to summary their results on this newly flower.key words:schools of linguisitcs congitive linguistics categorization metaphor metonymy prototype content: Arise question4I brief introduction of congnitive linguistic.4II classical approach of categorization.9III prototype

4、 Categories.11IV prototypes and schemas12V Linguistic and encyclopaedoc knowledge.12VIIConceptual metaphors and metonymies15VIII ploysemous categories in morphonology and syntax19IX the meanings of falling and rising tones20X grammatical categories.21XIFigure and ground22XIIThe frame and attention a

5、pproach23XIIIOther issues in cognitive linguisitcs.26XIIIIsummary27I Arise question:What is the linguistics sets out to analysis? what is their utmost purpose of the study? the longing for the mystery of the origin of language and explore the heart and of human has been stimulating numerous lingtuis

6、tics to involve in this work.And since people began to pay attention to this distinctive feature-language, there are many problems sprought out, like the development of other field and science, the lingutisics has been also underwent a long way to advance. From the Greeksanalysis of phonology, synta

7、x and semantics to the Roman civilzation, Saussure, the father of linguisitcs give the lingustis a new life, then the developement of desriptivists to give us the field method to do reserch, With the rise of CHomky and the AMerican strucuturalist, we first began to explore the relation between langu

8、age and our mind, followed by the Prague school and London school. Influenced by the sociology and psychology and other fields, more and more people concerned with the human use of language, and the cognitive linguistics has came out. We can see the ideas of each period of shools of linguisics refle

9、ct the human beings research process, first we pay attention to a question, then we explore the surface of the problemthen to the deep inside our the issue, finally we touched the heart and nature of the my opinion, whether we perceive language as a content hierarchical sysetem or relation

10、net, or a method to communicate with outside world, the purpose of linguisics is to recognize the humans conginition of language into to know the nature of human beings and our potential capability. so, i think the conginive lingtuistics is just to explore in this field. Cognitive science although i

11、t is a new field that brings together what is known about the mind from many academic disciplines: psychology,Alt linguisics, anthropology, philosophy, and computer science. Although it is the newly field, many schools of linguisitcs has already made contributions to the develpment of it. So, in thi

12、s article, I want to give brief summary of the contribution of each schools of linguistics.I brief introduction of congnitive linguisticI.1brief introduction of congnitive linguistics: cognitive linguistics is an approach to language that is based on our experience of the world and the way we percei

13、ve and conceptualize it.the basic foundation of the cognitive linguistics is there is a intermediate level between language and world-congintion. Talmy is the first person who think about this problem, but until 1987, the publication of Woman , fire and dangerous things by Lakoff marked the begingin

14、g of this field. Based on the mentalism, they hold that: language knowledge is the part of our common knowledge; language like other thinking process; the use of language contain the general congnitive principle; the natural language and figurative language has no clear boundary, synchronic and diac

15、hronic description should be bound together; the varient of language make us know the principle of language and cognitition; the languistics should be linked with other disciplines.According to Lakoff, the cognition linguistics is againt the objectivism, or the traditional view.on the traditional vi

16、ew, reason is abstract and disembodied,we calling the traditinal view objectivism for the following reason: Modern attemps to make it work assume the rational thought consisits of the manipylation of abstract symblos and that these symblos get their meanning vua a correspondence with the world, obje

17、ctively constructed. A collection of symblos placed in cprrespondence with an objectively sturctured world is view as a representationof realtity. the traditional view sees reason as literal, as primarily about propositions that can be objectively either true or false. the traditional accout clamis

18、that the capaccity for meaninful thought and for reason is abstract and not necessaruly embodied in any organism. thus, meaningful comceps and rationality are transcendental, in the sense that they are transcend, or go beyond the physical limitations of any organism. Meaningful concepts and abstract

19、 reason may happen to be embodied in human beings , or in other orangims-but they exist abstray, independently of any particular embodiment. On the congintive view, reason has bodily basis, it takes imagniative aspects of reason-metaphor, metonmy and mental imagery as central to reason, rather than

20、as a peripheral and inconsequential adjunct to the literal. in the new view, meaning is a matter of what is meaningful to thinking, functioning beings. The nature of thinking organism and the way it functions in its environment are of central concern to the study of reason.Both views take categoriza

21、tion as the main view that we make sense of experience. Categories on the traditional view are characterized solely by the properities shared by their members. that is, they are (1) independently of the bodily nature of beings doing the categorizing and literally,(2)literally, with no imaginative me

22、chanisms(metaphor, metonymy and imagery) entering into the nature of categories. in the new view, our bodily experience and the way we use imaginative mechanism are central to how we construct categories to make sense of experience.the new view hold that thought is embodied, that is, the structure u

23、sed to put together our conceptualsy systems grow out of bodily experience and make sense in terms of it, moreover, the core of our conceptual system is directly grounded in perception, body movement, and experience of a physical and social character. thought is imaginative, in that those concepts w

24、hich are not direcly grounded in experience employ metaphor, metonly and mental imagery-all of which go beyond the literal mirroring, or representation, of external reality. though has gestalt properties and is thus not atomistic; concepts have an overall structure that goes beyond merely putting to

25、gether conceptual building block by general rules. thought has an ecological structure. the efficiency of cognitive processing ,as in learning and memory, dependes on the overall sturcture of the conceptual syste, and on what the concepts mean. thought is thus more than just the mechanical manipulat

26、ion of abstract symbols. conceptual structure can be described using cognitive models that have the above properties.the theory of congitive models incorporates what was right about the traditional view of categorization, meaning and reason, while accounting for the empirical data on categorization

27、and fitting the new view overall.I.2the three apparoches:Cognitive linguistics represented by three main approaches: the experiential view, the prominence view, and the attentional view of language. To begin with the experiential view, its main claim is that instead of postulting logical rules and o

28、bjective definitions on the basis of theoretical considerations and introspection, a more practical and empirical path should be pursued. They believe that our shared experience of the world is also stored in our everyday language and can thus be gleaned from the way we express our ideas. In order t

29、o open this mine, however, we have to go beyond the logic of clause patterns and examine figurative language, especially metaphors. The prominence view provides one explanation of how the information in a clause is selected and arranged. An alternative approach is based on the assumption that what w

30、e actually express reflects wich parts of an event attact our attention, I.3 Congnitive Grammar and Cognitive Semantics and it can therefore be called the attentional view.I.3 Congnitive Grammar and Cognitive Semanticsit consists two parts: congitive grammar and congintive semantics. the congitive G

31、rammar works on to connect the conceptual role with structural pole and find definition to different categorization , level or structure of grammar, They hold that the phonology, phonetic and syntax as well as sematics should be associated with each other and can not be divided separately to explore

32、. and the congitive semantics concentrates on metaphor, image schema, meantal spaces as well as constructing a scene to, we have a brief insight into the cognitive linguisitcs, we look into what contributions had been made by many schools of linguisitics in this field and how they advance the development of this field.II the categorization of col

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