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1、英语四级真题答案及点评汇总2021年12月20日英语四级真题答案及点评(汇总)四级作文参考范文:大学里最难忘的课When talking about the course which impresses me the most, I will certainly choose Basic Chemical Experiment. As a student of science, I am always fascinated with the magic in test tubes, and from this course I gained more than pure knowledge.T

2、o begin with, this course provides us opportunities to put theories into practices. The experiments helped us testify and better understand what we have learned in books. Besides, by designing experimental procedures of own, we became more flexible and innovative.Moreover, I also developed other ski

3、lls that required outside labs through this course. For example, to be focused and careful when proceeding a task, to be patient and calm when facing failures, and to communicate properly when you need someone else to cooperate. These can be very valuable assets to your life.Basic Chemical Experimen

4、t influenced me not only on academic field but also on daily affairs, therefore its the most impressing course to me.四级作文参考范文:使你受益最深的校园活动University is a place that provides a number of interesting activities to enrich our life on campus. In the two years, I have attended a couple of activities such

5、as football club and reading society. The most benefited one popping into my mind is the sports meeting last month.First of all, sports meeting offers a great opportunity to draw students attention from busy studies to the sports field. As students, most of our time is killed in the classroom and li

6、brary. However, doing sports could be seen as a relaxing ingredient in tedious study life.Secondly, as a member of football club, I attended the football game that day. I enjoyed the feeling of being united. During the game, we encouraged each other when we felt frustrated; we cheered for each other

7、 when we scored a goal. All these taught me to be more and more team-oriented.Lastly, doing sports benefits to our physical health. Increasingly sedentary lifestyle causes laziness and possibility of obesity. Therefore, this sports meeting on campus mobilized our students to enjoy the fun of sports.

8、This is the campus activity that has benefited not only me but also most of the students.四级作文参考范文:对你影响最大的同学Rose is my roommate, classmate and my best friend in my college. She has a round face and a little plump. One can always find a nice smile on her face, which reflects her amiable and pleasant c

9、haracter. Our friendship attributes to her great influence on me.In terms of study, she is good at English, while English is not my cup of tea. When I am confused about teachers explanation of texts, she always interprets them to me in an explicit way. I really appreciate her help. Besides, she also

10、 imparts me a few language learning tips and recommendations which arouse my learning interest.In addition, in the leisure time, she helps me a lot as well. Because I am not the local student and my hometown is far away from here, sometimes I feel homesick. However, I always have Rose on my side. He

11、r accompany gives me great comfort.I feel so lucky that I could have such a good friend, who teaches me and help me in my study and leisure life, so she is the classmate that has influenced me most in college.四级听力答案:短对话1.B He has not cleared the apartment since his mothers visit.2.C They might as we

12、ll take the next bus.3.C She has to do extra work for a few days.4.A change her job.5.D He failed to do what he promised to do.6.B The woman does not like horror films.7.C The speakers share a common view on love.8.A Preparations for a forum.四级听力答案:长对话9. B Scandinavia10. D More women will work outsi

13、de the family11. D Spend more time changing womens attitudes12. A In a restaurant13. C He is the Managing Director of Jayal Motors14. B To get a good import agent15. D 四级听力答案及点评:短文第一篇16. What are scientists trying to explain according to the passage?答案:(A) How being an identical twin influences ones

14、 identify.【点评】:细节题。本篇文章开头即指出 they(scientists) are trying to explain how being half of the biological pair influences a twins identity.由此可知科学家一直试图想要解释双胞胎的身份人格是如何受到影响的。17. What do we learn about the twin Jims?答案:(B) They grew up in different surroundings.【点评】:细节题。关键词即是Jim 这个名字。关于两个Jim的情况是:他们一直生长在不同家庭,

15、直到39岁才见面。 grew up in different families and did not meet for 39 years. 他们都结过两次婚,第二次婚姻中,妻子都叫贝蒂。Both men were married twice and their second wives were both named Betty. 而他们的第一个孩子都是儿子 Both twins named their first sons James Allen.18. Why are scientists interested in studying identical twins raised in

16、different families?答案:(A) They want to find out the relationship between environment and biology.【点评】:细节题。通过对两个Jim的研究, These twins help scientists understand the connection between environment and biology。四级听力答案及点评:短文第二篇19. What does the speaker say about camping?答案:(D) It is an inexpensive way of s

17、pending a holiday.【点评】:细节题。文章开头就说到Camping is still one of the cheapest ways of having a holiday. 这里的“the cheapest way of having a holiday”正好就和选项中的“inexpensive way of spending a holiday”同义互换20. What does the passage tell us about the most popular tent sold in Britain?答案:(B) It consists of an inner an

18、d an outer tent【点评】:细节题。关键主抓“the most popular tent ”。通过这个关键表述,我们可以知道最受欢迎的帐篷有这样的特色:“The most popular tent is the frame tent with 2 bedrooms and sleeping accommodation for 4 people. There is usually an outer tent and a lighter inner tent or tents”。21. What does the speaker suggest buying if you plan t

19、o stay camping in one place for more than a few days?答案:(C) A kitchen extension【点评】:细节题。关键抓住“camping in one place;for more than a few days”。听力文章最后讲到“You can buy a kitchen extension for many tents plan to stay camping in one place for more than a few days.” 基本就是原文重现。如果在同一地点要旅行多日,则需要一个额外的厨房部分。四级听力答案及点

20、评:短文第三篇22. How big does the speaker say Andorra is?答案:A. It covers 197 square meters.点评:事实细节题,考查同学们对于数字的记录。23. What can be said about Andorra before the 1930s?答案:D. It was cut off from the rest of the world.点评:词义判断题,考查同学们对 “travelers had difficulty in reaching the country”的理解。24. What event changed

21、the situation in Andorra?答案:C. The building of roads connecting it with neighboring countries.点评:事实细节题,需要同学们听到并理解句子“When roads were built from France and Spain to Andorra in the 1930s, life picked up speed.”25. What do most people do in Andorra do nowadays?答案:B. They work in the tourist industry.点评:

22、主旨大意题,从文章中的各个方面,表现出现在安道尔国家的人民大多从事旅游业。四级听力答案及点评:听力填空26. familiar27. put forward28. caution29. live with30. alternatives31. ignore32. participated33. in need of34. focus on35. judgments点评:本文主要表达当你在做决定时,应该如何有选择性的听取他人的意见。整体文章在理解上难度并不大。但在填入单词或词组的过程中需要同学们在拼写,时态与词组的连读上注意。比如alternatives,in need of等。十个空中,四个词

23、组,三个名词,两个动词,一个形容词。词组难度不大,拼写也比较方便。关键还是在于同学们平日的词汇量的积累。阅读理解答案及点评:选词填空36. N. survey37. O. traces38. I. products39. K. released40. J. ranging41. M. simple42. H. necessarily43. L. shocked44. C. belong45. 点评:本次选词填空是一篇关于日常生活化学污染的文章。文章内容虽然略带科普性,但实际上与大家的日常生活息息相关,如果用生活常识和中文的背景知识来答题也能帮助不少。同时,从词汇考查角度看,仍然与往年相同,副词

24、考查最少,名词和动词重点考查,所以与沪江英语教研君在平时向大家提倡的一样,建议对选项和目标词进行词性的标注和预判,进而再根据语法规则及上下文逻辑确定最终答案。另外,本次考题再次证明了难词往往不是答案,例如D. demonstrated,G. habitually都并未出现在答案中。阅读理解答案:长篇阅读46. E47. I48. D49. O50. K51. B52. E53. C54. L55. G【点评】:本次长篇阅读匹配题是关于二战后生育高峰的人在美国大萧条时期遭遇下岗、被迫提前退休等困窘状况的原因、影响等。文章题材与前两年阅读常考话题一致,属于社会问题型。考查题目中仍然以80%为细节题

25、,仅有46题和53题为主旨概括题,其他均为细节题。而细节题的好处是题干中的定位词和原文几乎完全一致,如:47题laid off在I段第一句一致;50题Age discrimination在K段特殊标点符号,引号中为“Discrimination by age,”。因此,从细节题居多,题干关键词基本能与文章一一对应来看,本篇难度与往年持平。阅读理解答案:仔细阅读56 B) Whether local bike shops will suffer.57 C) It saw its bike sales on the rise.58 B) Its customers have been drawn

26、away by Citi Banks.59 A) Inexperienced riders might break biking rules.60 D) Approving.61. C) Little improvement in education has resulted from increased spending.62. B) Skilled students are moving to private schools.63. C) Talented women teachers.64. A) New career opportunities were made available

27、to them by womens liberation.65. D) An ever-growing number of administrators.四级翻译答案大熊猫大熊猫是一种温顺的动物,长着独特的黑白皮毛。因其数量极少,大熊猫已被列为濒危物种。大熊猫对于世界自然基金会有着特殊意义。自1961年该基金会成立以来,大熊猫就一直是它的徽标。大熊猫是熊科中最稀有的成员,主要生活在中国西南部的森林里。目前,世界上大约有1000只大熊猫。这些以竹为食的动物正面临许多威胁。因此,确保大熊猫的生存比以往更重要。The giant panda is a docile animal with uniqu

28、e black and white fur. Because of their small number, giant pandas have been listed as an endangered species. The giant pandas are of special significance for WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Since the establishment in 1961, the fund has been using the giant panda as its logo. The giant panda is the rares

29、t member of the bear family. They mainly live in the forests of southwestern China. Currently, there are about 1,000 giant pandas in the world. The bamboo-eating animals are facing many threats. Therefore, to ensure the survival of the giant panda is more important than ever.旅游越来越多的中国年轻人正对旅游产生兴趣,这是近

30、年来的新趋势。年轻游客数量和不断增加,可以归于他们迅速提高的收入和探索外部世界的好奇心。随着旅行多了,年轻人在大城市和著名景点花的时间少了,他们反而更为偏远的地方所吸引,有些人甚至选择长途背包旅行。最近调查显示,很多年轻人想要通过旅行体验不同的文化,丰富知识,拓宽视野。More and more Chinese young people are becoming interested in travelling, which is a new trend in recent years. The increasing number of young tourists can be attrib

31、uted to the rapid rise of their income and curiosity for exploring the outside world. With more travel, young people spend less time in big cities and famous sights. Instead, they are attracted to more remote places. Some people even choose a long backpacking trip. A recent survey shows that many young people want to experience a different culture, enrich their knowledge and broaden their horizons through travelling.互联网中国的互联网社区是全世界发展最快的,2021年,中国约有4.2亿网民,而且人数

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