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Trying to Fit into a New Family 语言重点讲解.docx

1、Trying to Fit into a New Family 语言重点讲解Language Point 1 The three children sat in the airplane, watching the clouds clear away(Para.1)Meaning: The three children sat in the airplane, watching the clouds slowly disappear.airplane: n. C a machine used for carrying people or goods through the air 飞机I dr

2、eamed that we were in an airplane together. 我梦见我们一道乘坐飞机。He died in an airplane accident. 他在一次空难中丧生。Note: 飞机 (airplane或plane) 在机场 (airport) 降落 (land) 或起飞(take off)。Language Point 2 watching the clouds clear away(Para.1)clear away: move away; become clear 散开;变晴朗The clouds slowly cleared away and the s

3、un came out. 云慢慢地散去,太阳又出来了。The rain stopped and the sky cleared away. 雨停了,天空变得晴朗了。Note: 动词watch后用作宾语补足语的不定式通常不带to,这类感官动词还有feel,see,hear,look at,listen to等,如:I saw him come. 我看见他来了。I heard him sing. 我听见他唱歌了。Language Point 3 Two years ago, before their parents death, it would have been fun. (Para.1)Me

4、aning: Two years ago, when their parents were still alive, traveling by air would have been something they enjoyed.Note: 虚拟条件句中的条件从句有时不表达出来,只隐含在上下文中,如:What would I have done without you? 如果没有你,我怎么办呢?(条件隐含在介词短语without you中。)Language Point 4 Now, it was nothing more than another time of meeting new re

5、latives, (Para.1)Meaning: Now, it was like another time of meeting new members of their family, relative: n. C a member of the same family tree 亲戚My uncle is my closest living relative. 仍然在世的亲人中,叔父是我最近的亲人。She is the only relative John has. 她是约翰惟一的亲属了。Language Point 5 trying to fit into their family

6、life, and then moving on again. (Para.1)Meaning: trying to get used to a new family life, and then going on to meet other new relatives and try to get used to their family into: become a part of a group like the others in the group 适应,适合The girl found it difficult to fit into the new school

7、 life. 那个女孩发现很难适应新的学校生活。He thought he would never fit into the team. 他觉得自己永远无法适应这支队伍。Language Point 6 and then moving on again. (Para.1)move on: go on to another place 继续前进“Please move on,” said the policeman. “请往前走,” 警察说。move sb. on: make sb. go awayThat person was terrible; lets move him on. 那家伙真烦

8、人,把他弄走。Language Point 7 It wasnt easy to think of these places as home. (Para.1)think ofas: have sth. or sb. in mind for sth. or sb. else 把看作; 认为They didnt think of themselves as guests. 他们不认为自己是客人。It was a shock to him that they thought of him as an actor. 他们把他当作演员,这使他很吃惊。Language Point 8 Amy Jacks

9、on thought about the days (Para.2)think about: have in mind 思考,考虑What are you thinking about? 你在想什么?He had to think hard about the question. 他得绞尽脑汁地想那个问题。These days he was thinking about how to celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary. 这些天他在考虑怎样庆祝他们结婚10周年纪念日。Language Point 9 looking at the sheep, g

10、rass, and fences (Para.2)look at: examine sth. 看,查看You should have your bad tooth looked at. 你应该去检查一下你的坏牙。He came to look at the house.他是来查看房屋的。Language Point 10 looking at the sheep, grass, and fences (Para.2)fence:1) n. C sth. like a wall that surrounds a piece of land 围栏,栅栏They have a fence aroun

11、d their house. 他们房子周围有围栏。The fence kept the dog in the garden. 栅栏把狗隔在花园内。2) v. put a fence around a piece of land 用栅栏围住They fenced the field. 他们用围栏将田地围起来。We fenced the garden to keep the sheep out. 我们用篱笆把园子围起来以防羊闯进来。Language Point 11 Usually her father went alone to the annual farmers meeting (Para.

12、3)annual: a.1) happening or done once a year or every year 一年一次的It is a big annual event. 这是一年一度的大事。There is an annual meeting in June. 6月份有个年会。2) for the time of one year 一年的Her annual pay is $20,000. 她的年薪是2万美元。Whats your annual pay? 你的年薪是多少?Language Point 12 Usually her father went alone to the an

13、nual farmers meeting (Para.3)farmer: n. C one who owns and manages a farm or one who works on a farm 农场主; 农民In the summer holidays I often work with the farmers on my fathers farm. 暑假里我经常去父亲的农场和那里的农民一起干活。They were good farmers. 他们善于种庄稼。Tractors are very useful to farmers. 拖拉机对农民来说非常有用。Language Point

14、 13 They were to celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary. (Para.3)Note: “be to do” is used to show that sth. must happen or that sth. has been prepared (用以表示必会发生或已安排好的事).You are to leave here before 10 oclock. 你必须在10点之前离开这里。They are to get married in June. 他们准备6月结婚。celebrate: v. do sth. specia

15、l and pleasant on an important day or because of an important event 庆祝,庆贺If you pass your exams, well have a party to celebrate. 如果你通过考试,我们就开个庆祝会。They celebrated his 80th birthday yesterday. 他们昨天为他庆祝80寿辰。Language Point 14 their fifteenth wedding anniversary. (Para.3)wedding: n. C; U the event in whi

16、ch a man and a woman get married 结婚,婚礼They invited me to their wedding. 他们邀请我参加他们的婚礼。She wants them to sing at her wedding. 她请他们在她的婚礼上演唱。Note: wedding 也可用作形容词,修饰名词。This was given to her as a wedding present. 这是送给她的结婚礼物。She brought out her wedding dress. 她拿出她的结婚礼服。Language Point 15 their fifteenth we

17、dding anniversary. (Para.3)anniversary: n. C the yearly date on which some special event happened in the past 周年纪念日Its the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the country. 今天是这个国家建国20周年纪念日。We are going to a wedding anniversary. 我们去参加一个结婚纪念庆典。Language Point 16 Amy learned of the car accident (Pa

18、ra.4)learn of: get some information about 获悉I was sorry to learn of your fathers death. 听到你父亲去世,我很难过。When did you learn of the car accident? 你什么时候知道车祸的事的?Language Point 17 .she realized what it really meant to be the eldest in the family. (Para.4)Meaning: .she realized what she should do as the elde

19、st in the family.Language Point 18 Before, she had rather enjoyed playing mother (Para.4)Meaning: Before her parents death, she had quite enjoyed playing the role of a motherrather: ad. quite 相当He was a rather active young man. 他是一个很活跃的小伙子。She had some rather interesting news to tell us. 她要告诉我们一些有趣的

20、消息。Language Point 19 and helping to look after the younger children (Para.4)look after: take care of 照顾,看护The young should take the responsibility (责任) to look after the old. 年轻人应该承担照料老人的义务。Well have to look after ourselves. 我们得自己照顾自己。Language Point 20 though she did less for Richard than she did fo

21、r Susie (Para.4)Meaning: though Richard didnt have as much care as Susie from Amy.Language Point 21 and wiped away tears (Para.4)wipe away: get sth. away 擦去,抹去I sat up, wiped away tears, and took up the phone. 我坐起来,擦了擦眼泪,拿起了电话。He wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. 他用手背擦去了泪水。Language Poi

22、nt 22 and wiped away tears (Para.4)tear: n. C a water drop that comes from the eye 眼泪The tears were running down his cheeks. 泪水顺着他的脸颊流下来。I was in tears at the end of the film. 影片结束时我已是泪流满面。Language Point 23 always knowing she could stop when she wanted. (Para.4)Meaning: always knowing that if she wa

23、nted she could stop doing all this for her younger brother and sister.Language Point 24 Then it was no longer a game now. (Para.4)Meaning: Then it was no longer the way in which she acted before their parents death. no longer: not any more 不再They no longer live here. 他们已不住在这里了。By that time he was no

24、 longer a child. 那时他已不再是个孩子了。Language Point 25 Then it was no longer a game now. (Para.4)game: n.1) C any form of play or sport with rules 游戏;运动We played a game of cards and I won. 我们玩纸牌游戏,我赢了。Football is a game that doesnt interest me. 足球是我不感兴趣的一种运动。2) (pl.) a meeting to play sports 田径比赛;运动会The Gam

25、es were open. 运动会开幕了。the Olympic Games 奥运会Language Point 26 as she tried to comfort (Para.5)comfort:1) vt. make sb. feel less worried or unhappy 安慰,抚慰I tried to comfort Jean after her husbands death. 琼的丈夫去世后,我尽力安慰她。She was comforting a crying child. 她在安慰一个哭泣的孩子。2) n. C; U (sb. or sth. that gives) a

26、feeling of being free from worries or unhappiness 安慰,抚慰Her children were a great comfort to her when she was ill. 她生病的时候,她的孩子们给了她极大的安慰。You have been a real comfort to me. 你的确是我的安慰。Language Point 27 she realized with a shock that in future she must be both sister and mother. (Para.5)Meaning: she sudd

27、enly realized that in future she must be both sister and mother.shock:1) n. C; U a feeling of surprise usually caused by a sudden unpleasant event 震惊,冲击The news of his death was a shock to all of us. 他去世的消息使我们感到非常震惊。Then she saw something that gave her a shock. 这时她看到一样使她大为震惊的东西。2) vt. cause great su

28、rprise 使震惊He was shocked to see his mother looking so white. 看到母亲脸色那样苍白,他很吃惊。She knew how much the bad news would shock me. 她知道那个坏消息会使我多么震惊。Language Point 28 Now, Amy wondered how successful she had been. (Para.6)Meaning: Now, Amy asked herself how successful she had been in being both sister and mo

29、ther.successful: a. having done what one has tried to do 成功的She only wants to be successful. 她一心只想成功。He is a successful actor. 他是一位成功的演员。Language Point 29 Would Susie have been so self-willed if their mother had been alive? (Para.6)Meaning: Would Susie have been a girl who followed her own wishes an

30、d not listened to others advice if their mother had been alive?Note: 虚拟条件句所表示的假设是不可能或不太可能发生或实现的。在与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句中,条件从句的谓语用had + 过去分词,结果主句的谓语用should(第一人称)或would(第二、三人称) + have + 过去分词, 例如:I wouldnt have known what these were for if I hadnt been told. 假如没有人告诉我,我不会知道这些东西是做什么用的。We would have visited her if

31、 we had had time. 假如我们有时间,我们就会去拜访她了。alive: a. 活着的Note: alive只能作表语,living可以作定语修饰名词:Are her parents still alive? 她父母仍然健在吗?Does she have any living relatives? 她还有亲戚在世吗?Language Point 30 she needed a firm parent (Para.6)firm: a. not changing or likely to change 坚定的;稳定的,不变的He was quite firm about traveling by air. 他坚决要坐飞机去旅行。We

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