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1、SABER GUIDELINE TABLE OF CONTENTS1.Basic definitions in Saber.2.Open a new workspace from repository/Design.3.Create New symbols.3.1 Component Symbols3.2 Connector Symbols3.3 Creating Connector database in Site Manager3.4 Creating Connector database in Site manager3.5 Creating Wire and Cable databas

2、e in Site manager4.Create a Schematic4.1 Create wires4.2 Create Inline connectors.4.3 Assign Connectors to the component Symbols4.4 Create Splices4.5 Create Cables4.6 Share Symbols and splices4.7 Use of Filter4.8 Design Rule Check4.9 Use of Find/Select4.10 Assemblies4.11 Automatic Parts Selection5 E

3、xport Schematic5.1 Export to Pro-E Neutral .nwf File5.2 Export to Saber Bundle6 Saber Bundle6.1 Create Workspace and opening a new design.6.2 Creating Bundle Drawings.6.3 Add Passive elements6.4 Generate and Place tables.7 Release procedure for schematic and bundle drawing7.1 Release schematic Drawi

4、ngs7.2 Release Bundle Drawings1.BASIC DEFINITIONS IN SABER1.1 Symbols: Symbols are schematic representation of the applications like lamps,ecus,ground points switches etc. Symbols have ports where the wires get attached .They have different views which can be shared .(Discussed later).Each symbol ha

5、s a shell associated with it. The property Shell_A of the symbol determines the connector mating with the application and coming on the harness side.1.2 Connector Symbols: These represent the connector .These symbols contain only port details of the connector i.e. the Number of ports and the port na

6、me as shown. These symbols are linked to the saber connector database in the site manager discussed later.1.3 Wires: Wires in saber are physical wires connecting two different ports or a splice and a symbol port. Properties like Color,Specifications,wire type, conductor properties can be assigned to

7、 the wires .(Discussed later).1.4 Cable :A cable in saber is collection of physical wires grouped together and sheathed by an outer wrapping. A cable can include other sub cables. Cables are defined in parts database (Discussed later).1.5 Splice: Splice represents physical junction or connection bet

8、ween two or more wires. Like symbols ,splice also can be shared.1.6 Shell: Shell is the property of the component symbol. It is the component mounted connector. It is the connector inside the component which receives the connector on the harness side. 1.7 Connector :Connector in saber is the physica

9、l connector which would come in the harness side.1.8 Inline Connector: It is a single Plug and Socket pair. Usually used to represent interconnections between two harnesses. Inline connectors are connected into shell to make up a connector block.(Discussed later)1.9 Terminal: It is a metal conductor

10、 attached to the end of the wire and inserted into the connector/Shell cavity. Terminals may be male or Female.1.10 Cavity: It is a place holder on the shell/Connector that contains either a terminal or a seal.1.11 Passives: Saber harness uses this term for anything that doesnt have direct simulatio

11、n behaviour.These include tape markings, Grommets and the hardware associated with the connector shell. These are include in the parts database.1.12 Variants: Variants and assembly numbers are ways of organizing so that manufacturing information can be easily extracted from the designs. Several wire

12、 harness designs share many common elements among themselves.SaberHarness allows to treat common elements as a base design so that the common set plus additions to it can comprise a different design, called a variant. E.g.: 1.13 Assembly :An assembly is a unique combination of variants from within a

13、 harness. An assembly number is equivalent to a part number. An assembly number will be assigned to a complete harness made up of wires,splices,connectors and possibly components.1.14 Variable: Saber harness supports variables, such as a wire length ,which may be used to create unique assembly numbe

14、rs. For e.g., two harness designs may be identical in every respect except that in one option a wire is longer than the other option. In this case a variable is used which can be set according to the article number being created. This would be more clear in the example explained later.The Diagram sh

15、ows the relationship of assemblies variant, harnesses and the variable L11.15 APS:APS or Automatic parts selection is used to get terminals and seals on connectors. It is automatically done in saber. For APS to run each connector should have a rule already defined. The rule is written in the site ma

16、nager and will be automatically set on the connector when the part number is selected. Run APS before starting Saber bundle.1.16 Ref:All components in Saber have a unique identifier called a Ref.When a symbol is initially placed in the schematic saber assigns a generic Ref.Refs can be user defined.

17、No two symbols have will have identical refs.2.OPEN A NEW DESIGN FROM REPOSITORY/WORKSPACE.Create Bundle The Saber Harness user interface is as shown:Check outCheck inCreate WireBorder DisplayGrid displayFolderReportGenerated drawing toolDesign ToolParts GalleryDrawing toolAssembly toolTable Manager

18、Connector Manager2.1 Create New Workspace: To create new workspace Select Schematic/Version Control/New user workspace. Select the desired design from the repository ,a new work space will be created. Once the workspace is created the schematic sheets can be normally browsed using the folder . Selec

19、t the Desired sheet number to be displayed. Check out the Sheet. To add new sheet ,Select Schematic/Multisheet/Add. Select the border display icon to get the border on the sheet. To add template, Select the Border, Right click select border configuration, Select Border right tab, In the header data

20、column select the required template.3.Create symbols.3.1 Component Symbols. To create a new symbol, it is advisable to use copy of similar symbols available in the Parts Gallery. This reduces the time required to create a new symbol. Open a sheet ,Select a similar symbol from the parts gallery and p

21、lace it on the sheet. Select the symbol, right click and select symbol editor. The Symbol will be displayed in a new window. Here the symbol can be edited. Select File/Save as option and browse to W:/new_symbols folder. Type the desired name in name window and Save the new symbol at this location. T

22、his is a very important step. Do not edit and save the symbol without following this step as it will result in the existing symbol in the parts gallery to be edited. At the Top right of the sheet , the location of the symbol is displayed. Check if it is denoting the new symbols folder. Ports are loc

23、ations of wire attachment. To create a new port Right click on the sheet, Select Create/Analog Port. Select and move the port to the desired location.Rename the port with the desired nomenclature. To add view to the symbol Right click on the sheet and select symbol view. Select the Create tab, Enter

24、 the name and description of the symbol view ,select the import Graphics from the first view. The new view will be listed in the view list. Select Modify tab to see the view list. Select the newly created view and select apply. Now edit the View for any desired changes. Ports can be hidden in differ

25、ent view. To hide ports in a particular view, Select the desired view, Right click on the sheet ,select port visibility .Port visibility dialog box opens. Select the desired ports and select apply. Default view must contain all the details of the symbol. Default view should not be edited. Symbols ha

26、ve a set of properties .These have to be defined at the time of symbol creation. To add these properties, Right click on the sheet and select properties. Properties dialog box will open. The desired properties can be added. To add a new property row use Tab key . Each property has attributes which c

27、an be set to the desired value. Below table shows the attributes for each symbol property.3.2 Connector Symbols. Connector symbols represent the properties of a connector. These contain only ports. Properties for the connector symbols are identical to component symbols.(Ref above list) Each port in

28、the connector symbol has a set of properties which needs to be define. The below image shows the set of port properties. The properties entry_port,grouping,internal_len are user defined properties. These properties determine the Entry_port, port grouping and Internal length values ,when the saber sc

29、hematic data is imported into Pro e in .nwf format.3.3 Create Cable symbols: Cable in saber are represented in Symbols. The cable symbol encloses all the wires included in the cable as shown Cable symbols are made and stored similar to the component symbols. Different symbols representing various ty

30、pes of cables can be made .3.4 Creating Connector Database in Site Manager. Saber connector, wire database is managed in Site manager and is stored in .gui file in the Site manager folder. Open the Start scripts folder in the saber drive and open the Site_manager_VCE file. Note none of the fields ca

31、n be opened. Select File/open site and select the same site manager file. Now all the fields can be edited. Select the Shell tab. Various categories of shell will be listed. New category can be added by selecting the uppermost folder ,Right click and select Add category. Enter the details in the required fields. In the part column enter the name for the shell. Syntax is In the symbol column enter the name of the connector symbol . Similarly enter the other required details. Select save at the bottom of the site manager to save the changes made in the site manager. Close

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