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三年级先锋英语3B Unit 8 Big bird教案参考文本.docx

1、三年级先锋英语3B Unit 8 Big bird教案参考文本三年级:先锋英语3B Unit 8 Big bird教案(参考文本)Learning English is conducive to making friends, chatting or working together with foreigners, and learning English is very useful for traveling abroad.( 英 语 教 案 )学 校:_年 级:_教 师:_教案设计 / 精品文档 / 文字可改三年级:先锋英语3B Unit 8 Big bird教案(参考文本)教材简介:

2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作,本教学设计资料适用于小学三年级英语科目,学习本教材的学生可以提高自身技能,本文档是按照教材进行修订编写,可以放心的进行教材使用。unit8 big bird一、 单元概述1. 本单元是北师大版先锋英语二年级第二单元,本单元以大森林为背景,讲述了小主人公们在森林里遇到几种动物,其中淘气的mock 顽皮的将小乌龟翻过来,后来又主动承认错误的故事。2. 本课需要六课时。二、 教学目标1. 知识与技能:1)、语音:能够朗读g在不同单词中的发音,2)、词汇:能够正确的听说认读单词,beautiful, forest.3)、句型:he /she is tal

3、l. is he fat?2.过程与方法1)通过简单描述人或动物的外表特征,达到理解主要句型。2)通过阅读,深入理解本单元故事。3.情感态度与价值观培养学生热爱小动物,热爱大自然的思想感情。三、教学重难点:1)能描述人或动物的外部特征。2)能正确听说认读单词。五、学习者特征分析:经过一单元学习,学生基本进入状态,他们对英语有较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢读英语,更喜欢进行角色表演,但遇到困难有畏难情绪,基本句型和单词的掌握还有待提高,写的训练还有待加强。六、本单元易出现的问题及策略:问题: 1不能正确描述人物特征。 2对于辅音字母g发音不能很好的正确区分。策略:1通过创设情景,感知、观察,操练重点句型,学

4、会在具体情况下进行描述。2多读多练,体会发音不同。七、教学资源1.卡片。2配套资源。八、教学过程:教学主题:unit 8 a birg bird1授课课时第一课时教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、理解故事内容的基础上感知新单词和描述他人的心句型。2、理解的基础上朗读课文,尝试表演课文。二、过程与方法:1、观察故事插图,听故事录音理解故事内容。2、在理解的基础上朗读并尝试表演课文。三、情感态度与价值观: 通过mock捉弄小动物又主动改正错误的故事,培养学生宽容别人,热爱小动物,热爱大自然的思想感情。教学重点理解课文内容,学习朗读。教学难点理解的基础上朗读课文,表演课文。教学用具配套光盘,录音机,卡片

5、教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图step 1warming-upsing asonglisren and try to sing.创造英语氛围。step 2previewfree-talkhave a dtudent stand up and say“he is a tall boy.”write the sentence on the this ,write, “she is abeautiful girl.” “ he is a thin boy.”listen and feel the sentences.通过同学高、矮、胖瘦的

6、比较让学生感知该如何用英语描述一个人的特征。step 3presentationactivity1: 1)show picture1:wow, this is a beautiful forest,what can you see?guess: what animals in this forest?one day ,some friends go to this forest to play, how funny!what happened in this forest?activity2:listen this story and think question:what animals i

7、n this forest?is this turtle big or small?activity3:learn this story1)show the picture2what are they looking at in the forest?2)picture3:who is mocky talking to ?read after teacher.3)picture 4 /5:what do you think mocky is taling?4)picture 6.7: what are ken and ann looking at?5)show the picture 8:wh

8、at do you think ann is saying?what is mockys answer?6)show the picture9/ 10:what is happen now?activity4: play the tapeplay the tape againdiscuss:what can you learn from mockyin this story?whaat can you learn from ken and ann?通过观察主题图,引导学生观察、想象,激发学生对大自然的热爱,从而对接下来的故事充满期待。观看录像,听录音回答提问,逐图理解学习,熟悉故事内容。在此基

9、础上学习朗读故事事。通过故事教育学生热爱小动物,学会宽容他人。step 4practice1. read this text in group.2. read text in class.3. act the story by themselvesgroup work. and act the story 。练习朗读,提高学生朗读能力和表演能力。激发学生兴趣.step 6 homeworktell the story to your parents by yourself.板书设计unit8 a big birdhe is tall.shi is short.he is a

10、thin boy.教学主题:unit 8 a big bird授课课时第二课时教学目标:一、知识与技能:1、在句型的操练中,掌握描述人物或动物特征的形容词。2、能初步运用所学描述人或动物特征。3学唱一首英文歌曲。二、过程与方法:1、用高矮胖瘦等形容词描述人或动物特征。2会场一首关于物体特征的英文歌曲。三、情感态度与价值观:培养学生热爱生活,与人为善的思想感情。教学重点学习描述人物或动物特征的几组反义词。教学难点能用诸如its a fat bear句型对人物活动物作简单描述。教学用具配套资源,录音机,卡片。教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图step 1warm

11、ing-up. review the storystep1: greetingst: good morning, class!step2: read the story1. 学生听原声故事t: well , do you still remember the story big bird?lets listen to the story again. look at the screen. listen and repeat after it in low voice. are you ready?go.播放课文课件step 2review review and learn wordsstep

12、1:根据课文内容,表演学习单词big, small, young, old1. t:well. what animals does mocky see in the forest?ss:peacock, bird, old turtle and young turtle.t: yes. today, the friends in the story come here. lets meet them together. ok?2.创设情境学习词汇t:please come here! (教师招手让学生上来)四个表演孔雀、小鸟和乌龟的同学来到讲台前t:hello! how are you?s4:

13、 fine. thank you!(转身面对全体学生) nice to meet you!ss: nice to meet you, too! welcome to our school!s4:thank you!t: now, please intrduce yourself to classs4:四名学生分别用big, small, young, old介绍自己。t: who can introduce these friends for us?学生到前面对四个角色进行介绍。ss: this is a peacock. he is big.this is a turtle. he is o

14、ld.this is a turter, too. she is young.this is a bird. she is small.教师表扬学生并给予奖励t: wonderful! a sticker for you.3.呈现四个上面分别贴有big, small, young, old词汇的礼物盒,巩固词汇。t: well! here are four gifts for them. who can help me choose one to give themt: are they right?面向全体学生t: do you like them? but now they want to

15、 go to the zoo to see their friends. lets go with them together. ok?step 3pesentationiii. learn the new wordsstep1:1.教师打开动物园大门问t: what animals will they see in the zoo? can you guess?t: yes. there are lots of animals in the zoo.出示单词 animalt: who can read?together!2.出示两张大熊图片并板书t: ok! look at the bear

16、s. this bear is very fat.做动作出示单词fatt: fat meanst: who can read?together!指着另一只熊说this one is thin.做动作.出示单词thint:thin meanst: who can read?together!3. 出示两条蛇的图片。手指图片:t: oh! there are some snakes. one is long. the other is short教师做动作.出示单词: long, short教师边读边出示单词卡,并在单词卡上做手势。together!4.手指黑板图片小结t: pandas, bea

17、rs and giraffe are教师做动作birds, duck and snakes are 教师做动作5.板书简笔画太阳t: today is a sunny day. there are some people to come to the zoo. look, here are two girls. this one isthis one is出示单词: shortt: “short” means6.利用图片及课件学习man, womant: near the tree, there is a man. here is a woman. look at the screen.出示女

18、孩男孩的成长图girlyoung womanold womanboyyoung manold man出示单词: man, womant: who can read?4. together!step2.整体再现新单词1t:look at these new words. please try to read them after the tape.播放课件“learn to say”step3巩固新词“do actions”t:now, please do some actions with me.are you tired?iv. sing a song “this is my old bea

19、r”t: im tired, too. lets sing a song together. ok?v. listen to thisstep1.描述图片1.t: ok. can you describe these pictures? who can?step4practice2. .t: well. the bears family comes here. lets see. can you describe these pictures? who can?t: please open your books and turn to page 16. look at this part.让学

20、生看书的下方step2.播放听力材料1. lets listen to the tape and number them.一次一暂停2.lets listen again.不暂停3.check answerspicture a is number ?4.出示听力中的关键词t: here are some words about picture. who can help them find their巩固练习1. lets take out the papers.please finish them in pairs.2. check the answer.3出示综合性的图

21、片 小结归纳指着板书与学生一起归纳总结.用已学句型及形容词做介绍she isthis is 板书设计unit8 a big birdhe is tall.shi is short.he is a thin boy.教学主题:unit 8 a birg bird1授课课时第三课时教学目标一、知识与技能:1、学习talk together内容,理解的基础上能通过他人描述猜一猜这是什么动物,或者是谁。2学习谈论人或动物特征。二、过程与方法:1、训练阅读方法,理解阅读短文的内容。2、学习谈论对话并能应用。三、情感态度与价值观:通过对话的学习,培养学生热爱动物的思想感情。教学重点知道如何描述物体特征让他

22、人猜。教学难点能够说出人物特征让他人猜。教学用具配套资源,卡片,录音教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图step 1warming-up1 t: lets sing a song together .ss: sing a song 全班一起唱歌,边唱边做动作。(孩子们通过唱歌,即活跃了课堂气氛又复习了描述人或事物特征的词汇。)2 t: do you know what animal ?ss: say the name of the animals .出示动物卡片,让学生说出单词。(复习动物的单词为对话学习和拓展作铺垫。)3 t:lets read the wo

23、rds together .ss: 读出前一课时学过的反义词。(复习反义词,为对话学习和拓展作铺垫。)step 2presentationt : lets look at the page 18, tommy and peter are playing a game . can you tell me what can you see? what game ? ss: 1 talk about the picture .(i can see duck ; i can see peter ; they are playing guessing game )(学生通过对图片的描述,复习学过的语言知

24、识,训练学生的口语表达能力,培养学生的语言实际运用能力,同时为新句型的学习做好铺垫。)三、talk together: 1 师指着duck的图片:what animal is it?引导学生回答:its a duck .教师问:is it big ?ss: 生用yes , it is . /no , it is not .回答(帮助学生初步接触本课重点句型。)2 t: what are they talking ?ss: try to read the dialog.3 t: try to read the dialog . ss: 学生自己读对话4 t: listen to the tape

25、 and repeat the sentences .ss: 学生听录音重复句子。5 t: repeat again .6 t: read in role .ss: 分角色进行对话朗读(分角色朗读激发学生读的欲望,培养朗读能力。)7 t: try to read again .8 t: who want to read the dialog ? ss: 分角色朗读对话展示9 t: role play . 10 t : lets play the guessing game .教师和学生示范创编的对话:what animal is it ?is it big ?no , it is nt .is

26、 it small ?yes , it is .is it red ? yes , it is .can it swim ?yes , it can . is it fish ?yes , it is .ss: 教师拿着另一张卡片引导学生问what animal is it?is it big?师根据学生的问题进行回答.(师生创编对话,给学生自己创编对话一个很好的范例。)11 t : who want to play this guessing game ?12 t: work in pairs .ss: 两人一组活动:一个人拿着一个动物图片,另一个同学问what animal is it?i

27、s it big?根据这个学生的问题进行回答。学生小组内进行互换角色练习13 t: which pairs want to show ?(在句型学习的过程中设计了三个层次的练习,第一个为重复,第二个为替换,第三个为自己创编。活动的设计层层递进)14 t:congratulations. you all did a great jop.(教师适时表扬,极大的激发学生的学习兴趣。如根据学生的现场反馈,主动参与造句的程度,对话活动展示汇报等,通过体态语,口头表扬,等方式激励和评价学生,促进教学)step 3practice t: lets talk bout the picture.教师指女孩图问:

28、is she a short girl?ss: 学生回答:no,she is not .she is a tall girl.(培养学生认真观察图片进行思考,主动参与学习。)2 依次对其他几幅图进行讨论。ss: 讨论其他图片(通过讨论图片,培养学生的口语表达能力。)3 listen and point 教师放录音,学生指向相应得图片。4 listen and number5放录音教师和学生一起检查答案。教师奖励全部正确的同学。(让学生体验到成功的快乐。)step 4 homeworkread this dialogues.板书设计unit 8 big birdis it?can it?教学主题

29、:unit 8 a birg bird1授课课时第四课时教学目标:知识与技能能够运用发音规律的知识正确认读单词:goat gate girl cabbage orange page giraffe garden guitar good game gave cage rage large ;能够听出不属于同一种发音的单词;过程与方法通过观察、朗读等方式,掌握字母g的发音规律;用发音知识去读新单词;教学重点能够听出不属于同一种发音的单词;掌握字母g的发音规律;教学难点能够听出不属于同一种发音的单词;掌握字母g的发音规律;教学用具配套资源,录音机,卡片。教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图step 1warming-up1. sing a song :2. review(c and k发音的单词)3 greetings: (1) hello/hi/good morning,. (2) what day is today? (3)

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