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1、英文实习报告模板英语专业实习报告学生学院 外国语学院专业班级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 2000年01月01日Internship Report1. In troducti onSi nee the awake ning of the spri ng in 2014, three mon ths fromApril to June wit nessed my intern ship in the Cool CampDepartme nt of New Orie ntal Educati on & Tech no logy Group In c., Guan gzhou. Within the

2、 time frame of three mon ths, I man aged to land a job in the departme nt mainly in charge of three facets: recruit the new teachi ng staff; 2. to assume theresponsibility of trainingnew teachersand assistants;3. tocompile the new vers ionof En glish textbooks gearedto K-12groups.2. Goals and O

3、bjectivesThe primary objective ofthe in ter nshipis to: 1.furtherenhance my organizationaland man agerialcapability; 2.devisean appropriate developmental scheme forthe new blood;3. honemy skills of compilati on of textbooks.3. The Orga ni zati on and my Work in itNew Orie ntal Educati on & Tech no l

4、ogy Group In c., viz. NewOrien tal, was the first Chin ese educati onal in stituti on to en terthe New York Stock Exchange in 2006, which is a provider ofprivate educational services in China. The headquarters of New Oriental is located in the Haidian district of Beijing. It is curre ntly the larges

5、t comprehe nsive educati onal compa ny in Chi na.The bus in ess of New Orie ntal in cludes pre-school educatio n, general courses for students of various age levels, online educati on, overseas study con sult ing, and textbook publishi ng.Among the four mai n bran ches n ati on wide, the Guan gzhou

6、NewOriental branch outclasses the other three in terms of human resources and geographical location, together with the uniqueCool Camp Departme nt of Win ter and Summer Camp.4. The Gap betwee n the Experie nee and my Expectati onsAs is no ted in the previous paragraphs, my work was roughly divided i

7、nto the three dime nsions above: recruitme nt, training, compili ng.Chrono logically speaki ng, the in itial task of my work was toestablish recruitme nt activities in our school. The mostcon spicuous gap betwee n reality and expectati on con sisted in the interferenee of the force majeure. To be mo

8、re specific, in theprocess of the publiciz ing the eve nt, the posters and flyersfailed to efficie ntly reach the target audie nee n amely the girls in the School of Foreign Languages due to the fact that the posters were always covered by other colored and varied posters or banners of other activit

9、ies. Further, the sec ond case of the force majeure was the time arrangement. Unfortunately, betweenthe first-stage preparatio n and the day of the eve nt, a shortbreak of Qingming Festival interrupted the proceedings of thepropagation, thereby diluting the strength and effects of thepopularizati on

10、.What followed the recruitme nt was the trai ning and nu rturi ng ofthe new teachers and assistants. Counter to the received ideasthat the girls at foreig n Ian guage departme nt are talkative and have a good comma nd of En glish, the reality is, the proficie ncy of English, their personal preferenc

11、es, and the presentationskills and style, all varied sig ni fica ntly from each in dividual to in dividual, which was in deed a headache for me to devise a reas on able and appropriate training scheme.Ultimately, also the most painstakingly, enormous amount ofordeal and difficulties presented themse

12、lves as I plunged intothe compilation of the new textbooks. As is the case with the majority of intellectuals, a solid collection of publishedmaterials that carry their names are the symbol of their pride and kno wledge, the passport to the pan the on of academic leaders.This firmly rooted belief pl

13、us my zeal for academic research, served as the catalyst for my compili ng the textbook of En glish readi ng and vocabulary.Nonetheless, only in practice did I come to the painful realization that I was far from academically qualified tofulfill this missi on. For example, in refere nee to the detail

14、edusage of some key words and phrases, the releva nt senten ces containing these words were n ecessitated respectively in severalregisters such as spoken and written registers. If we do the math, the number of sentence collection could reach more than 1000 senten ces, which is appare ntly bey ond my

15、 capability.5. New Skills and In formatio n Gai nedsetMy man agerial and coachi ng skills are remarkably honed by heeding scrupulous attention and finding creative ways to set the pla ns in trai n.Whe n it comes to the laun chi ng of the recruitme nt, I did n foot in this recruitme nt sector un til

16、this time. Being the leader of the big eve nt, I did feel in my bones that it was nota piece of cake to reach the critical mass of this activity,the design of the slogan and banner all had borne my scrutiny. As to the more concrete tasks, for instanee, the speech scriptalso had my fingerprints all o

17、ver it. After the recruitment, Ido better un dersta nd that at the heart of the recruitme nt is the effective and efficie nt dissem in ati on of in formatio n andpopularizati on. As is men ti oned above, a short holiday ofQingming hin dered the process, but later the con sta ntbombardment of propaga

18、nda” in all media channels such as QQ andWechat coun teracted that n egative effects. Frankly I also draw aless on from this:it is n ever too late to reple nish yourammun iti on in the battle of propaga ndaAs far as the training part was concerned, it is well-established fact that research and teach

19、i ng are in extricablyin tertw in ed. A teacher or trainer is required to enjoyproficie ncy of En glish fused with prese ntati on skills no matter what level the students are. For me, there was a major shift from being a merely teacher for stude nts to being a pion eer ofthe teachi ng team -greater

20、resp on sibility, better in tellectualresources.Judgi ng from the assig nments collected from differe nt groupmembers, I was able to put myself in their shoes and thereforedesign a tailor-made developmental scheme. For example, for those who had trouble deali ng with their mind and logic, my mind ma

21、p of speech (an excel document with time scale and content indicator) was provided; while for those struggling with theirPowerPoint elaboration I capitalized on a period of training session to enhance their overall awareness of a good and brief slide show, elim in at ing the malaises such as the dis

22、proporti onbetwee n the pictures and fon ts.Typically, the newly added highlights of the training scheme revolved aro und achiev ing the Ian guage clarity and brevity via an old-fashi oned but effective method -tra nscripti on. Whoever had achanee to perform his/her lessons were strictly required to

23、record the en tire class and tran scribe the audio in to scripts. Peculiarly, I dema nded all of them should not only tran scribe the meaningful words but also the redundant wordy expressions like ah”, Oh” and even well ”. Despite the occasional complaints, the method eventually became the silver bu

24、llet ” to the redundancy of statements and the new teachers were thus enabled and empowered to express their ideas much more flue ntly.Apart from the lingual aspect, a high degree of creativity andinnovation was exhibited from the teachers endeavor toin corporate the popular eleme nts like the Big B

25、ang Theory intotheir prese ntatio n. Greatly impressed was I at the sight of theinno vative in teractive games of word puzzles. In a word, allthese con stituted the source of brillia nt pedagogical ideas.6. Difficulties Encoun teredAs is stated in the previous paragraphs, the in dividualdiffere nee

26、of the new teachi ng staff posed great obstacles for me to come up with a systematic trai ning scheme.To better accelerate the productivity in educatio nal tasks, four in dividuals were grouped together with a prominent member being the group leader. Though I did comprehensively take various factors

27、 such as gen der, age, proficie ncy into acco unt, each team still exhibited great differe nee ranging from academic level to the output of the tasks. To en capsulate, it is n ever an easy job to han dle and guide a riot of members.Likewise, to better illustrate the difficulties encoun tered inthe e

28、diti on, the exhaustive system of the academic reservein cludes: 1. Phon etics; 2. Collocati on; 3dioms; 4. Defin iti ons from authoritative dicti on aries like Oxford Dicti onary andLon gma n Dicti on ary; 5. Con corda nee of the vocabulary in theCorpus of College Entrance Exam in ati on etc.Theref

29、ore, this herculea n task was delegated to all six groups of new teacherswhose team leaders would further determ ine the divisio n of labor.Con trary to the popular belief that I could just relax and unwind leaving the task to them, I felt obligated to be theproofreader tak ing heed of every little

30、nuance of each entry of the vocabulary, givi ng fhe evil eye ” to those typos etc.Also, provided all the senten ces were correct, a closer exam in ati on was later made in evaluati on of the literari ness and readability with the purpose that the stude nts can better digest them. To recap, the compi

31、lation of the book far overwhelmed myprevious con cepts of writ ing and editi on.7. My Shortco mingsacted relatively hurried and unorganized at the end of the training sessi on;scrambled to take all the heavy work such as delicate proofread ing rather tha n delegati ng, thereby in duc ing lowproduct

32、ivity;in sufficie nt executive leadership;a few con flict ing arra ngeme nt of time.8. I nflue nee on my Future StudyHavi ng fini shed the intern ship, I gain more in sights in to therole of a team leader and man ager. An excelle nt executive is of paramount importanee to the operation and collaboration of anentity. Also, it proved to me that combined with our editorial skills, presentation strengths, and the communi

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