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必修1 unit 3 Language points.docx

1、必修1 unit 3 Language pointsSBI unit 3 Language pointstransport n. U. (=transportation)运输,运送 vt.运输,运送public transport 公共交通means of transport 交通工具air/road transport 空运/路运transport sb./sth. (from sp.) to sp. 把.运到.Public transport in New York was excellent.His bike is his only means of transport.The tran

2、sport of goods by air is very expensive.transport goods/passengersbe transported with delight/joy 欣喜若狂,喜不自胜The goods were transported by plane.He was transported with joy.The yellow bus transports passengers from the airport to the city.journal C.n. (专业)期刊,杂志,日志,日记journalism U.n.新闻业/新闻工作journalist C

3、.n. 新闻工作者,记者keep a journal 记日记a scientific journal 科学杂志the British Medical Journal 英国医学杂志a weekly/monthly journalprefer vt.(preferred) 更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)preference n. 偏爱,偏好prefer sth.prefer to do sth.prefer doing sth. to doing sth.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.=would do sth. rather than do s

4、th.=would rather do sth. than do sth.prefer sb. to do sth.prefer that.(should)do.have a preference for 偏爱某物in preference to 优先于I would prefer that you (should) go with me.I would prefer playing outdoors to watching TV.He preferred returning to his hometown after graduation to staying in a big city.I

5、 would prefer to speak frankly.He prefers to go to the movies rather than stay at home.They preferred their son to go to college.disadvatntage: C/U. n 不利条件,不便之处;劣势advantageat a disadvantage 处于不利境地put sb. at a disadvantage 置某人于不利境地be a disadvantage to sb. 对某人来说是不利的事the disadvantage of sth. .的不利条件take

6、 advantage ofhave an advantage over 胜于,优于.同义词:weakness, shortcoming, faultThe main advantage of the project is the cost.His bad health is a great disadvantage to him.His poor eyesight was a disadvantage to him.视力不佳是他的弱点。I was at a disadvantage because I didnt speak French.His inability to speak Engl

7、ish put him at a disadvantage at the international conference.The situation put us at a serious disadvantage. 形势使我们处于非常不利的地位。 If you dont speak good English, youll be at a big disadvantage when you try to get a job. 你要是英语讲得不好,找工作时就会处于非常不利的地位。You have an advantage over me in learning English.你在学英语方面比

8、我强。fare C.n (交通)费用; (出租车的)乘客; U.n 饮食fee C.n. (pl. fees) 给律师、医生等专业人员的费用,酬金或 报名费,学费,会费a single fare 单程费用the return fare 往返费用the bus/taxi/train/air fareA single fare is $170.The taxi driver stopped to pick up a fare.What is the fare to New York?The doctors fee was higher than we fees 学费

9、 admission/entrance fee 入场费route: n. 路线take the quickest routefollow the routea route to successThe climbers tried to find a new route to the top of the mountain.flow: vi. (flowed)流淌,流动,不断地大量涌入the flow of.A stream flowed gently down into the valley.一条小溪潺潺流进山谷。This river flowed southwest to the Atlan

10、tic Ocean.这条河流向西南,汇入大西洋。Blood flows through our bodies. 血液在我们体内循环。 Tears flowed down his cheeks. I love the still flow of the river. 我喜欢那条河静静的流水。 Smoking affects the flow of blood to the brain.ever since =sinceI havent heard from him ever since last year.I have lived here ever since I was a child.We

11、 came to the UK in 1974 and have lived here ever since.dream about/dream of 梦见,梦想dream a dream 做了一个梦I dream of having a large house.He often dreams of /about his days in the countryside.I dreamed a sweet dream last night.persuade: vt.说服,劝说,使相信persuasion: n. 说服,劝说persuasive adj. 有说服力的,令人信服的persuade s

12、b. to do sth.=persuade sb. into doing sth.persuade sb. not to do sth.=persuade sb. out of doing sth. =talk/argue sb. into doing sth./out of doing sth.=convince sb. to do sth./convince sb. not to do sth.try to persuade sb.advise sb. to do sth.persuade sb. of sth.=convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事=persuade

13、 sb. thatThe hunter persuaded us not to walk through the thick forest alone.People are often persuaded to buy/into buying what they dont really want.I tried to persuade her to buy that tie, but failed.I have persuaded him of its truth.我使他相信了其中的真相get sb./sth. + adj./doing/to do/ doneget + done 表示意想不到

14、的,突然的或偶然发生的情况,谈论自己做的事情,即自己做过的动作而不是被动的动作。get dressed 穿衣 get washed 洗脸get lost 迷路 get changed 换衣服get married 结婚 get separated 被分散get broken 弄断Did you get invited to the party?graduate n. C. 大学毕业生,vi. vt. 毕业 adj.毕业的graduation n. 毕业graduate from/at. 毕业于.学校graduate(with a degree)in. 毕业于.专业graduate sb. 授予

15、某人学位/毕业文凭a graduate of. 一个.学校的毕业生after graduation 毕业后He is a graduate in medicine.他是医科毕业生。 He is a graduate of Tokyo University.他是东京大学的毕业生。 He will graduate from the school in May.他将要在五月份毕业。 Tom graduated from Standford with a degree in Law. Tom 毕业于斯坦福大学,获法学学位。They graduate 30,000 engineers every ye

16、ar.每年有3万名工程师从学校毕业She is a graduate nurse. 她是护士学院的毕业生。finally adv. 最后,终于finally 表示一系列事物或论点的最后一项,或在很长一段时间后发生,一般不带感情色彩。at last 指经过一番拖延或曲折之后“终于”发生,因而带有较浓厚的情感色彩,如不耐烦、放心、如愿等。in the end 表示某事最终的结果或用于预测将来,finally 和at last 则不能。You add flour, salt, and finally milk.Mike finished his long boring speech at last.

17、He will be a scientist in the end.强调句与定语从句:强调时间或地点状语时,It is/was +介词+时间/地点+that.定语从句 It is/was + n.(时间/地点)+ when/where.It was not until. that 直到.才.It was noon when he came back.It was at noon that he came back. It was not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks that I found we had a lot in

18、 common.I didnt find we had a lot in common until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks.schedule C/U.n.时间表, 一览表, 计划v.预定, 安排, 编制目录 on schedule 及时,准时,如期,按时间表according to schedule 按日程表(进行)ahead of schedule/time 提前behind schedule 比规定时间晚be scheduled to do sth. 被预定做某事be scheduled for. 安排在.a tight/f

19、ull/heavy schedule 紧凑的时刻表draw/plan/make up a schedule 订出/安排时刻表a bus schedule 公共汽车时刻表We are working according to a tight schedule.The meeting was held according to schedule.会议按照计划进行。The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule.The train arrived on schedule.I have a tight schedule for

20、the next few days.The door is scheduled to be closed at eleven oclock.规定好,11点关门。The speaker is scheduled to make a speech tomorrow.演讲者定于明天发表演说。 The Prime Minister is scheduled to arrive at noon.首相定于中午到达。The interview is scheduled for 10:00 am. tomorrow. 面试安排在明天早上10点。be fond of. 喜欢.fondness n.Over th

21、e years, I have grown quite fond of her/cooking.stubborn adj. 顽固的;倔强的;难对付的as stubborn as a mule 非常顽固Hes as stubborn as a mule . 他像骡子一样倔。 He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong. 他死不认错。 although/though/as 让步状语从句1) 不与but ,and,however 连用,可与yet,still 连用2) although多放句首,though主句前,中,后。3) though从句可倒装

22、,也可不倒装,as从句必须倒装。4) though 还可做adv.句尾,“不过,然而”。Although/Though I hurried, (yet) I was late for the train.Although/Though (he is ) in poor health, he (still) works hard.He made the same mistake though I had warned him again and again.It was hard work; I enjoyed it(,) though.Even though I fail, Ill keep

23、on trying.Child as he is, he knows a lot.Much as I would like to help, I have a lot to do.Rich as he is, he isnt happy.Try as she might, she couldnt get the door open.insist vt.坚持;坚决主张 vi.坚持;强调insist on/upon sth./doing sth./sbs doing sth. 坚持.insist that.(should)do. 坚持主张(未发生的动作)(虚拟)insist that.表示一个已发

24、生的动作或已存在的状态时,从句谓语多用陈述语气。stick to sth. 坚持(表示对“愿望、原则、决定、语言或某种理论”的坚持stick to a decision/ones promise/principlesIts not that difficult, she insists. “并没有那么困难,”她坚持说。Peter insisted on his innocence. 克里平坚称自己是无辜的。Ill go with you if you insist.She insisted on our going to Beijing by air.She insisted that she

25、 had done nothing wrong.We insisted that father (should) give up smoking.I insisted that he come with us.我坚持他和我们一起来。They insisted that she should be invited.他们坚持要邀请她。Some students insisted that they (should) hold a party but others insisted that they had no interest in it.organize n.

26、organized adj.organization n.Who is going to organize the meeting?proper adj.properly proper for.It is proper for sb. to do sth.=It is proper that.His speech is proper for the occasion.他的发言在那个场合很适当。We should find a proper place for a picnic.我们应找一合适的地方野餐。It is not proper for you to wear a cap

27、while eating=It is not proper that you (should) wear a cap while about sb./sth. 关心,在意,担心,在乎,介意care for sb./sth. 喜欢(否、疑问句);照顾,照料care to do sth. 想要做某事,愿意/喜欢做某事care + wh-从句 介意,在乎The only thing he seems to care about is money.He doesnt care about clothes.Would you care for a cup of tea?I don

28、t care for baseball.She cares for her sick mother.Would you care to come to the party?She doesnt care to spend much time with her relatives.I dont care whether we win or lose.My father doesnt care what I do.I dont care what hell say.detail: C/U.n 细节,详情,细微之处,枝节,琐事describe sth. in detailgo into detail

29、/details 详细叙述,叙述详情full/further details 详细情况,详细资料We need to discuss a few details before you start.For further details, contact the personnel department.欲知详情,请与人事部联系。She described the accident in detail.她详细地叙述了那次事故。If youre interested in the job,Ill send you all the details.我将寄给你全部的说明。determine vt. 决

30、定(瞬间动词)determination n.determined adj. 坚定的;毅然的;确定的determine sth.determine to do sth. =decide to do sth.determine on/upon sth. 决定determine+从句determine+疑问词+to do sth.determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定做某事be determined to do sth. (状态)决心做某事(延续v.)I determined on an early start.What determined her to marry him

31、?Have you determined where to go next Sunday?She determined that she would never see him again.We determined to leave at once. Weve determined the date for the meeting.Weather determines the crops.He was determined to do it for a long time.a determined young man 一位意志坚定的年轻人change ones mind 改变主意make up ones mind(s) to do sth. 下决心做某事;决定做某事in ones

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