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1、Unit5ToLieorNottoLieTheDoctorsDilemmaUnit 5 To Lie or Not to Lie The Doctors Dilemma一、教学目的1、了解与课文相关的文化背景知识和议论文的文体风格及写作特点。2、理解课文的主题思想以及文中出现的复杂、疑难句式。3、掌握:1) 课文的篇章结构和特点;2)构词法:后缀-ary & -ory added to nouns to form adjectives 3)惯用法:also, as well, too;4)阅读技巧: Basic Reading Skill VIIDistinguishing Fact from

2、 Opinion (1);5)写作技巧:write concluding sentence; a letter of application.4、熟练掌握:重点词汇、短语和关键句型1)重点词汇:advocate, alternative, benefit, conceal, arise, betray, promote, differ, risk, distort, tolerate, render, informed, concerning, suspicion, injure, deceive, debate, issue, consequence, professional, pecul

3、iar; 2)重点短语、句型:短语:at times, in ones eyes, slip into, contrary to, in the first place, in the course of, in the dark, bring to a close, take leave, in the long run, go to great lengths, refrain from, day after day;句型:1) contrary to 2) object clause二、教学重点1、掌握:1)与课文相关的文化背景知识,如 “Three Types of Doctors”,

4、 “Other Medical Workers”, “White Lies” etc. Three Types of Doctors: General practitioners(全科医生): They may not have special training in any particular medical field, but develops a wide knowledge of all kinds of illness. Specialists (专家,专科医生) : Some doctors prefer to treat only certain kinds of illne

5、ss, thus becoming specialists in their chosen field.Researchers (医学研究人员) : Those doctors often help teach future physicians in medical schools. At the same time, they use the laboratories and hospital facilities of the medical schools to conduct research programs. Other Medical Workers Physician内科医生

6、Surgeon外科医生Dentist牙医Intern, Resident, Chief Resident 实习医生,住院医生,住院总医师Nurse, Head Nurse护士,护士长Veterinarian (Vet) 兽医Quack江湖游医A White Lie A white lie is a lie that is considered to be justified, or even praiseworthy, if it is in the interests of the person or people to whom it is told. Quite often, a doc

7、tors lie is thought to be a case in point. 2)了解议论文的文体风格和写作特点。2、理解课文的主题思想,掌握课文的篇章结构。Main idea:Some doctors sincerely believe that they have good reasons to tell lies for the patients own benefit. But the author of this article holds a different view on this issue She gives her reasons why patients, e

8、specially those who are dying, should be informed of their true health condition. She also emphasizes that doctors telling lies injures both the patients and the doctors themselves. And in the long run, it injures the entire medical profession. Thus she urges this issue be openly debated. Part Divis

9、ion of the Text: Part 1(Para. 1-5):Doctors reasons for telling lies;Part 2(Para. 6-9):The authors reasons why patients should be told the truth;Part 3 (Para.10-11): The author urges this issue be openly debated.3、通过本课程的学习,学生应熟练掌握并运用以下词汇、短语、句型:词汇部分要注意学生对词汇搭配的掌握。1)A类词汇(四级高频词汇,要求学生准确掌握拼写、文章中的词义、用法及其相关的

10、词性转换、词义或用法的补充)1. benefit【教材】vt. do good to; be good for 有益于,对有利e.g. The new policy of the government will benefit the majority of the people. The new hospital will benefit the local community.Sentence pattern: benefit by/from 从中获益A benefits B B benefits from/ by A 2. recover【教材】vi. 痊愈,复元,恢复健康e.g. He

11、s home now recovering from a heart attack.He has just recovered from a severe illness【补充】recovery (from) n. 3. conceal 【教材】vt. 隐瞒 e.g. She concealed her fear from the young members of the family.I knew at once that the doctor was concealing something from me.4. shelter 【教材】 n.保护掩护 vi. 躲避 vt. 保护e.g.

12、The basic necessities of life are food, clothing and shelter. In the rain people were sheltering in the doorways of shops. 【补充】Shelter from 保护.以避免e.g. You must not shelter him from the police.你不可隐匿他而不报警5. promote 【教材】 vt. 促进,推进;提升e.g. The government was criticized for not paying enough attention to

13、environmental protection while promoting economic growth.He has been promoted twice since joining the army 6 years ago. 【补充】pro- : prefix forward 向前Note: be promoted to a certain position: 被提升到某个新职位6. grave 【教材】a. serious 严重的;严肃的e.g. The doctor has told us that Peters condition is very grave and he

14、will probably die. The doctors face was grave when he told us the news. 【补充】gravity n.7. confront 【教材】vt. face (勇敢地)面对;对抗e.g. We are confronting some complicated problems now.He was well aware that he was confronting serious opposition from his opponents within the party.【补充】confront sb. with be con

15、fronted with 8. distort 【教材】vt. 歪曲e.g. Youve distorted what I said.The newspaper gave a distorted account of what had happened. 9. betray 【教材】vt. 背叛e.g. The public felt betrayed when the President went back on his promise not to raise taxes.Who could have thought that he had betrayed his best friend

16、 to the enemy? 10. tolerate 【教材】vt. 容忍e.g. The ability to tolerate pain varies from person to person.The workers said they couldnt tolerate the poor working conditions any longer. 【补充 】tolerance n. 容忍,宽容tolerant a. 能容忍的,宽容的,含有主动的意味tolerable a. 可容忍的,过得去的,含有被动的意味bear, stand, endure, tolerate, put up w

17、ith1) bear: “忍受”,常带有原来“负担”的含义,强调忍受者的“坚忍”。(bear the disease / torture)2) stand: 与bear大致同义,多用于口语中,常以否定形式,在肯定语里具有比bear 更强的正面意味,即“不屈不挠”或“经受得起”。e.g. I cant stand (bear) this heat. 我真受不了这个热。 He successfully stood the severe test. 他胜利地经受了那次严峻的考验。 3) endure: 侧重折磨或不愉快的长期性4) tolerate: 容忍,语气较以上几个词弱,所容忍的现象(人或物)

18、一般不是给主语直接带来强烈苦难5) put up with: 可看作一个普通及物动词,与tolerate 意义较近,有“宽容”、“不计较”、“将就”等含义 11. advocate: vt. n. 拥护 倡导(者)e.g. Do you advocate keeping all children at school till the age of sixteen?Prof. Li is a passionate advocate of socialist market economy.They are strong advocates of womens rights.Note: advoca

19、te vt. argue for, champion, promote, support12. arise 【教材】vi. 出现,产生,呈现e.g. The question then arises as to what we are going to do once we get the equipment.At a later stage there arose new problems which were even harder to solve.【补充】 arise from: result from 由产生,由引起,起源于13. debate【教材】 vt. 辩论e.g. They

20、 debated the question for at least five hours before taking a vote.The United Nations Security Council will debate the issue tomorrow. 14. consequence【教材】: something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition.结果:一种行为或情况在逻辑上或自然而然产生的结果e.g. It has been raining for a whole week. In

21、consequence, we have to cancel our trip. 15. press for 催促 迫切要求e.g. They did press for freedom of speculation, thought, and inquiry他们确实要求自由研究、自由思想和自由探索。Moved by compassion, I didnt press for payment.出于同情心我不逼债了。2)B类词汇(四级词汇,要求学生准确掌握拼写、文章中的词义、用法)1. dilemma n.a situation in which one has to make a choice

22、 between two equally unsatisfactory things; a difficult choice 窘境,进退两难2. line n.a business, profession, trade, etc. 行业 3. brutal a.cruel, severe4. minimize vt. reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree normally 5. gravity n.the quality of being serious critical 严重性6. suicide n.the act of kill

23、ing oneself7. physician n.a doctor of medicine内科医生8. virtue n. goodness or moral excellence; a good quality 美德;优点9. utter vt. speak; give out10. overwhelming a.too many, too great, or too much to be resisted 势不可挡的;压倒之势的11. invade vt. enter (a country) with armed forces in order to attack; violate, i

24、nterfere with 侵犯 12. document vt. prove or support with documents 用文件证明13. render vt. cause to be14. informed a.having knowledge or information; having and using suitable knowledge 了解情况的;有见识的15. concerning prep. about, with regard to 16. increasingly ad. more and more all time 17. suspicion n.doubt;

25、 mistrust 怀疑18. bill n.法案;议案;账单19. treatment n.a substance or method used in treating someone medically 治疗;疗法20. issue n.a question that arises for discussion 问题;争端21. peculiar a. 特别的, 独特的, 奇怪的3) A类短语(四级高频短语,要求学生准确掌握拼写、文章中的意思、用法及其词义或用法的补充、相关短语的比较等)1. at times【教材】: sometimes; once in a while 间或,偶尔e.g

26、. We have noodles for lunch at times.As my father is getting on in years, he gets very sleepy at times. 2. in ones eyes: 在某人眼里,在某人看来e.g. Tony is over 30 now, but in the eyes of his parents, he is still a child.In the eyes of the law, it is theft to take anything that does not belong to you. ( accord

27、ing to )3. slip into: fall into, enter (esp. through carelessness) 陷入e.g. Owing to his nervousness, he has slipped into the bad habit of biting his nails when listening to others.4. contrary to: 与相反e.g. Everything he has done is contrary to what he said he would do.Contrary to popular belief, the de

28、sert can be a beautiful place. 5. keep / leave in the dark: 把某人蒙在鼓里,不让某人知道,对某事毫不知情e.g. Peter kept his parents in the dark about his bad examination results.He said nothing, leaving me in the dark about his plans.6. bring sth. to a close: ende.g. We must bring the work to a close before Christmas.7.

29、take leave (of) (向) 告别e.g. Lets take leave of the topic and turn to another. He has taken leave of me. 8. in the long run: 从长远的观点看;最终e.g. You may make good grades by studying only before examinations, but you will succeed in the long run only by studying hard every day. It pays in the long run to bu

30、y goods of high quality. 9. go to great lengths: 不遗余力,竭尽全力e.g. He went to great lengths to prove to his girlfriend that he had earned his success by hard work.Hell go to all / any lengths to get his child back from his ex-wife. 10. refrain from: 忍住;抑制,制止;戒除e.g. You must refrain from eating too much.

31、He could hardly refrain from laughing on hearing my joke. 4)B类短语(四级词汇,要求学生准确掌握拼写、文章中的词义、用法)1. go on (a trip, vacation) depart for the purpose of. 2. for ones (own) sake:for ones own benefit 为了某人自己的利益.3. in the first place:firstly4. in the course of: during5. day after day:each day4. 句型:1) contrary to 2) object clause5. 构词法:后缀-ary & -ory added to nouns to form adjectives 6. 惯用法:also, as well, too;7. 阅读技巧: Basic Reading Skill ViiDistinguishing Fact from Opinion (1);8. 写作技巧:write concluding sentence; a letter of application.9、口语训练活动:Work with

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