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1、六年级英语上册Unit1集体备课教案六年级英语(上)第一单元集体备课教学设计主备老师:吴茜 参与成员:彭欢集体备课 Unit 1 Feeling Sick. 单元分析一、教材分析本单元是以Feeling Sick为主题来开展教学,要求学生掌握九个短语和询问别人身体状况,并能根据别人的身体状况提出建议。二、单元教学目标1.学生能听说读写短语和句型。2.学生能有运用所句型询问别人的身体状况,同时能给别人建议。3.学生能理解并能表演出来Story .4. 能正确读:的发音并对其有良好的语音感知。5 .学生能听懂、读懂短文,同时能综合运用本单元所学的单词和句子。三 、单元重难点1.能听说读写单词。2.

2、能询问对方身体状况:Whats wrong with+宾格?/Whats the matter?并能用所学的单词来回答 。3.能根据身体状况给出建议:have a toothache /see the dentist等。4.能综合运用本单元所学的单词和句型。四、课时安排 1、Vocabulary and Target1课时2、Story and Practice 1, 21课时3、Sounds and words ,Activity 1课时4、Reading and writing . 1课时4、Review . 1课时五、课前准备 PPT, disc ,pictures word cards

3、 . 图片,多媒体 课题Unit1 Feeling Sick Vocabulary and Target (第一课时)集体备课讨论过程记录教学内容 课本P9页 的单词和句子。Whats wrong with you ? I hurt my foot .Please take some medicine . Whats the matter ? I have a cold. Please stay in bed .教学目标1.能读听懂单词。2.能询问对方身体状况:Whats wrong with+宾格?/Whats the matter?并能用所学的单词来回答 。3.能根据身体状况给出建议:ha

4、ve a toothache /see the dentist等。教材分析教学重点表达身体状况的词汇,表示建议的短语。教学难点Whats wrong with+宾格? Please+动词原形。课前准备PPT ,disc .word cards . 图片,多媒体教学过程Step1.Warming up.1.Greeting and free talk . Hello ,boys and girls .How are you? Did you happy on vocation.? What did you do on summer holiday?2.Open your book and rea

5、d the phrases in groups .Then write down the words you cant read .(主要是检查学生的预习情况)Step2.Presention1.Show a photo of pupil and teach the phraseand sentences .T:Look ,he is Ben. Ben , Whats wrong with you ?S: I have a stomachache. T:oh, you should take some medicine .2.Ask the students to read the phras

6、e one by one .3.Show others pictures and teach the phrases with the same way. 4.Listen to the dise and read the phrases together .Step2.Practice1.Read the phrase in groups and then match pictures .Ask some of the students to read the phrases .2.小组玩卡,练习句子。Whats wrong with you ? I have . .Please . (每人

7、抽一张卡,抽到卡的同学回答问题,其他同学提问,直到每一位同学都能回答一次问题,然后老师请小组上台展示。)Step 3. Summry and Homework .1.小结今天学习的内容。(可让学生去小结)2.布置作业。 1)Listen and read the phrases and the sentences . 2) Copy the phrases .板书设计Unit 1 Feeling Sick . Whats wrong with you ? (Whats the matter ?) have a coldI have a stomachache . have a fever Pl

8、ease take some medicine. have a toothache Have a headache See the dentist 作业布置1)Listen and read the phrases and the sentences .2) Copy the phrases .教学反思 课题Unit1 Feeling Sick Story(第二课时)集体备课讨论过程记录教学内容 Story and Practice 1,2 教学目标1.能读单词和句子: dig, well, them, worry, easy, Dont worry. 2.学生在情境下会说更多有关身体病症的词

9、汇,会描述感受。 3.能理解文本并有感情地朗读story,语音语调正确。教材分析教学重点理解story,并能表演出来.掌握句子Whats wrong with her/him? 及答句。教学难点Dont worry. have/has的运用。课前准备PPT ,disc .word cards . 图片,多媒体教学过程Step1.Warming up.1.Greeting .2.Review the words:Show the PPT and ask the students to read out the words .3.Review the sentence:Whats wrong wi

10、th you ? Whats the matter with you ? I have a . .Practice in groups .Step2. Presention 11.Show some pictures the learn the sentence: Whats wrong with him /her ?He/She has a T: Look at the boy , whats wrong with him ? He has a (引导学生会读,并带学生朗读句子,同时强调have 和has 的用法)2.Practice the sentences in groups . (看

11、P10 practice1的图来练习,并上台展示)Step 3.Presention 2. 1.Show a picture and ask then learn the sentence You should_.T:Whats the matter with you?S: I have a T:If I want to help you,I can say, “you should see the doctor.”or “you should stay in bed.”repeat. “you should.”Ss: You should_.2Call one student show a

12、stomachache,T: Whats the matter with you?S1:I have a stomachache.T: You should take some medicine.(板书)3Call one student show a cold,T: Whats the matter with you?S1:I have a cold.T: You should stay in bed.4.导入Gogo 图片T:Whats the matter with Gogo? Now ,lets watch the vidio.5.Watch the vidio and circle

13、the words you cant .6.Read the story after the disc 7. 再读对话并小组讨论以下问题 .a. What are men doing ? b. Can go dig a well ? c.Whats wrong with Gogo ?8.Check the answers.9.Read the story in groups then act it out .Step 4. Summry and Homework .1.小结本节课所学知识,并让学生根据板书读一读。2.Homework 1)Read the story 3 times . 2)

14、Make the sentences.板书设计Unit 1 Feeling Sick . Whats wrong with you ? (Whats the matter ?) hurt my foot I have a stomachache . You should take some medicine . Whats wrong with him/her? He /She has a . 作业布置1)Read the story 3 times . 2) Make the sentences.教学反思 课题Unit1 Feeling Sick Souds and Words(第三课时)集

15、体备课讨论过程记录教学内容 Souds and Words ,Activity Song 教学目标1.能听、说、认读hurt, nurse, purple, turn, Thursday, purse等词汇。2.能正确读:的发音并对其有良好的语音感知。3.学习重单词和对话。教材分析教学重点语音ur: 和单词教学难点语音ur :课前准备PPT ,disc .word cards . 图片,多媒体教学过程Step1.Warming up.1.Greeting and Free talk .2.看单词,尝试读一读并发现单词划线部分ur发音。bird girl shirt skirt first nu

16、rse hurt Thursday purple3.尝试读一读ur 的发音。(小组内读)Step 2.Presention 1.Learn the new words in groups .(小组学习新的单词和语音)2.Play the disc and ask the students read the sounds and words after the disc.2.Practice1)新单词PK.2)Look at the pictures and fill in the blank .3)Read the dialogue in groups.Step3.A song.1.Liste

17、n and sing .2.Listen again 3.Sing the song together.4.Listen and write down the answers.a.Whats wrong with Jenny ? b.Whats the matter with Tony ?c.Whats wrong with Lisa ? d.Whats the matter with Ben ?Step 4 .Do exersices .1.请尝试朗读以下单词: bird girl shirt skirt first thirsty nurse purse hurt turn work wo

18、rd worm early earth learn2.判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写T,不相同的写F。1)hurt nurse ( ) 2)purple turn ( ) 3)Thursday purse( ) 4) bird turn ( )5) work nurse ( ) 6)Thursday during ( )3. 看图补全单词。 h _ _ t n _ _ se p _ _ ple t _ _n Th _ _ sday p _ _ se Step5.Homework 1. Read the sounds and words .2.Finish the workbook

19、.板书设计Unit 1 Feeling Sick . Ur : hurt nurse purple Turn Thursday purse 作业布置1. Read the sounds and words .2.Finish the workbook .教学反思课题Unit1 Feeling Sick Reading and Writing (第四课时)集体备课讨论过程记录教学内容 Reading and Writing .教学目标1.会读并能运用 have a rest, get lots of sleep, a lot of, later, so many, another, just.

20、2.能理解文本并有感情地朗读,语音语调正确。 3.当生病时,知道怎样做。3.重点难教材分析教学重点用来描述病症的词汇。教学难点Some advice about feeling sick.课前准备PPT ,disc .word cards ,图片,多媒体教学过程Step1.Warming up. 1.Sing a song . 2. Play a game .(看图快速读出单词或短语) 3.Try to read the words in groups ,and then match the pictures .drink some water have a rest take medicin

21、e do math homework 4.Check the answers .Step2.Presention1. Practice in groups .小组讨论。 When you are sick, what will you do? Example: headache stay in bed_ _ _ _ _2.Look ,listen ,read and fill in the blanks.3. Read the passage together.4. 巩固练习。 (1)Do exercise page13. (2)Do exercise page13.Step 3.拓展练习。根

22、据表格信息,完成短文。headache(stay in bed)toothache(see the dentist)cold(drink water)fever(take some medicinestoma-chache(have a rest)hurthisfoot(see the doctor)GogoTonyJennyBenLisa1.Gogo _ his foot , he should _.2.Jenny has a _, she should _.3.Tony_, he should _.4.Ben_,he should _.5.Lisa_, she should _.Check

23、 the answers .Step 4. Homework . Do workbook . Recite the story and the words .板书设计Unit 1 Feeling Sick . Whats wrong with you ? drink some water I have a . . have a rest do math homeworkHow are you feeling ? drink a lot of water I have a .You shouldnt eat so many candies .作业布置1)Do workbook .2)Recite

24、 the story and the words .教学反思课题Unit1 Feeling Sick Review(第五课时)集体备课讨论过程记录教学内容 Review the phrases and the sentences.教学目标1.学生能读并运用本单元的单词headache, toothache, cold, fever, stomachache, take some medicine,see the dentist, stay in bed等。2.能运用本单元的句型:Whats the matter?/ Whats wrong with +宾格? I have. She/He ha

25、s.You should./ Please.3.语音教材分析教学重点复习本单元的单词和句子教学难点 运用本单元的单词和句子来描述病症并能提出建议。课前准备PPT ,disc .word cards .教学过程Step1.Warming up.1.Play a game ( Look and read the words quickly )2. 单词背诵比赛。3.背诵本单元Target+Story。Step2.Presention 1.Show some pictures and review the sentences . Whats wrong with you ? Whats the ma

26、tter with you ?I have a . . You should .Whats wrong with him /her ? He /She has a . .He /She should . 2.Practice.1)小组讨论,完成以下练习后,展示自测结果。用her, him, them, you以及have, has填空。a. A: Whats wrong with _? B:She _ a cold .b. A: Whats wrong with _? B:He _ a fever . c. A: Whats wrong with _? B:I _ a toothache .d

27、. A: Whats wrong with _? B:They _ a stomachache2) Practice in groups (把全班分成6个组,即6间“医院”,病人可以到任何一家“医院”“看病”。教师到各组去指导,同时教师也当病人看医生。)用上句子 Whats wrong with you ? I have a You should . Step3. Writing . 1.小组讨论并写小短文。设想你是医生,你给病人看病并给病人一些建议。(用第3人称来写,至少写5句话)2.让学生上台展示。Step 3. Homework . 板书设计Unit 1 Feeling Sick . Whats wrong with you ? I have a . Please 。. 作业布置Draw and write .(小作文并配上图) 教学反思

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