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1、论文最终版广东外语外贸大学本科毕业论文(2017届)论文题目 (英文)论文题目 (中文)学院 专 业 班级 准考证号 作者姓名 指导老师 完稿时间 成 绩 Application of Domestication Method in Commercial Advertisement Translation你的姓名(拼音)Abstract: Advertisement English is an applied language with its own unique style and function. This unique style and function requirements

2、of advertisement translation is different from other genres of translation. Extremely strong purpose of advertising language decided to domestication method should be the main translation methods in advertisement translation. This article from the perspective of translation of domestication and fore

3、ignization, combining with the characterization genre of advertisement English genre and discuss of domestication method in commercial advertising translation.Key words: domestication; foreignization; advertisement translation论归化法在商业广告翻译中的运用你的名字摘要:广告英语是一种有着独特的文体和功能的应用性语言,这种独特的文体和功能要求广告翻译不同于其他文体的翻译。广

4、告语言极强的目的性决定了在广告翻译中,归化法应当成为主要的翻译方法。本文拟从翻译学归化与异化的角度入手,结合广告英语的体裁特点,论述归化法在广告翻译中的运用。关键词:归化;异化;广告翻译Contents1. Introduction 12. Advertisement 12.1 The meaning of advertisement 12.2 Purpose of advertisement 12.3 The style type of commercial advertisement 23. Translation theories 23.1 Domestication translati

5、on method 33.2 Foreignization translation method 34. Domestication method used in commercial advertisements 44.1 The commercial and cultural factors in translation 44.2 Language factors 54.3 Advertisement laws and regulations 55. Translation examples 66. Conclusion 7Works Cited 8Application of Domes

6、tication Method in Commercial Advertisement TranslationGuangdong University of Foreign Studies Tutor: Professor1. IntroductionIn todays business economic prosperity, it not good goods is naturally can have a good sale. Similar products have one thousand kinds, in order to win in the fierce business

7、competition, businesses are often recommend their products with think hard. And under the trend of economic integration, open economy trade bring goods of international sales. Especially the rapid development of information technology, TV and phones, such as the Internet media presence is fundamenta

8、lly broken the traditional cultural pattern. Todays TV, film, songs and other foreign popular culture all profoundly affects the receiving people. If todays world is an open culture blend of the world, so now the mass media is a world full of advertising. Turn on the television and turned on the rad

9、io, connected to the Internet, we are a variety of colorful advertising mostly, that is largely formed rich advertising culture. And different forms of advertising language, or embodies the culture of an enterprise, or enrichment for the promotion of product characteristics, or more specifically, th

10、e real essence of language. So in todays world of cross-cultural communication increasingly frequent, how to correctly translate foreign advertising in order to adapt to the target language of mass demand is particularly important.2. Advertisement2.1 The meaning of advertisementAdvertising in the En

11、glish word advertisement comes from Latin advertere, meaning arouse the public attention to something, and import a means used by a certain direction. The goal of advertising are diverse, but its essence is consistent, is message of a product or a service, to persuade consumers to buy its products o

12、r services. Advertising as a special discourse genre, has its own characteristics. AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) is that advertising businesses are familiar with the principle.2.2 Purpose of advertisementThe purpose of advertising is to draw the readers Attention to advertising prod

13、ucts or services (Attention), causing Interest (Interest), stimulate their purchasing Desire (Desire), and eventually to take action to consumer advertising products or services (Action). The advertisement is success, if it can will eventually prompted the reading object to buy action. The purpose o

14、f advertising translation should be the same with the purpose of the advertising text, are all derived from merchants of demand to promote a product or service needs. The strong intention determines the writing and translation of the advertisement should take the readers as the center, the impact of

15、 the target language readers in other countries should be equal to the impact of the original advertising readers in their own country. Advertising translation has its unique stylistic features, but also fully reproduced the vocative function of goods Advertising the original written well, for reade

16、rs have stronger effect purchasing function, and if the translation is less than the same role, advertising translation is unsuccessfully; When the original written is not successful, the translator in the translation does not consider the economic benefits of the translation and blindly loyal to th

17、e original, such although the translation is truthfully, but for advertising translation, is still a failure.2.3 The style type of commercial advertisement Katharina Reiss,(function translation school representative)think the commercial advertisement belongs to the text focus on claims. The text foc

18、us on claims not only express specific information in the form of language, their uniqueness is resulting in the form of nonverbal expression effect with unique visual angle and clear the purpose to express information.The cause of this important factor of effect is for the readers clear article is

19、the core of translation. The texts focus on claims, to realize the function of nonverbal, any information, content, language form in a secondary position. It should arouse the reader or listener some response, prompting them to take some kind of behavior. This view contains language theory of the in

20、dependent function. In terms of theory, the function is existing of all the language expression. The above is to text focus on claims of the stylistic features and unique language features. For these characteristics, Katharina Reiss in her representative work of translation criticism have specific a

21、nd detailed describe.3. Translation theoriesTranslation as a bridge of language communication has a long history. Although translation early and development of human civilization make progress together, but build system of translation theory is struggling. Foreignization and domestication have been

22、put forward by Lawrence Venuti in 1995, American translation theorist, in The Translators Invisibility. Historically, foreignization and domestication can be regarded as extends the concept of literal translation and free translation, but not completely equal to literal translation and free translat

23、ion. Literal translation and free translation focus on the core problem is how to deal with form and meaning in language level, and foreignization and domestication is to breakthrough the limitation of language factors, to expand field of vision to factors such as language, culture and aesthetics. L

24、iteral translation and free translation are mostly limited to the value orientation on the level of language, foreignization and domestication is based on the value orientation of big cultural context. Domestication refers to the translation using a style of transparent, fluent, utmost ground down t

25、he original translations strangeness of translation strategies. It should be reflected the world where source language text is close to the world of the target language culture and readers as possible , so as to achieve the source language culture and the cultural equivalence between the target lang

26、uage cultures. Foreignization refers to deviate from the local mainstream values, retain the original language and cultural differences (Venuti, 2001:240). Or in a certain extent, retained the original allopatric, broke the translation of target language norm. It claims that keep the source language

27、 culture in translation, rich language expression of the target language culture and target language. Domesticating translation strategy requires the translator close up target language readers, expression habit of the target language to the target language readers, to convey the content of the orig

28、inal; foreignization translation strategy requires the translator close up the author, taking corresponding to the authors use the primitive expression, to convey the content of the original.3.1 Domestication translation methodComply with the target language culture and the mainstream values, the as

29、similation of the conservative of the original method, make its cater to local Canon law, publishing trends and political trends. The domestication method is as far as possible not to disturb the reader, and let the author draws close to the readers, the translator leaves the reader in peace, as muc

30、h as possible, and moves the author forward question). Domestication translation method to transfer to the readers the basic spirit and the semantic content of the original is not in a language form or individual details one by one. Its advantage lies in its fluent and smooth language easily accepte

31、d by readers, the readers will not cause understanding obstacles, its shortcomings are translation tend to stay only in the content, plot, or the main purpose of spirit, and cant deep into the cultural essence of precipitation in the language the kernel.3.2 Foreignization translation methodDeviating

32、 from the local mainstream values, retain the original language and cultural differences. Also is in the process of translation makes the reader to the author, the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader forward question), strive to take corresponding to the source language expression, reproduce the original style and culture. As the two translation strategies, domestication and foreignization is the unity of opposites, complementary to each other, the absolute absolute domestication and alienation are

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