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9 B 经典资料.docx

1、9 B 经典资料Unit 1 ( 定语从句 ) 九年级 下学期Lesson 1 Electricity 课文目标(Lesson Target)1 了解定语从句语法现象,能注意定语从句中关系代的正确使用,并熟练运用定语进行描述。2 能对简单电现象的物理实验进行描述。3. 能阅读一些电学史上相关的著名人士的生平以及在电学史上的成就,并选择其中的一篇进行改写简述。Turning in 通过图片讨论及提问式导入引出课题“Electricity”和相关新词汇,教授新单词。通过Flashing 的方式对新授词汇做进一步的复习和巩固。1 Photocopy the following pictures on

2、 the cards ( one picture on each card). 2 Flash all the cards for a brief moment. Let the students identify and / or describe what they saw. 3 Encourage differences if opinion and do not confirm or reject any ideas.4 Flash several times to promote attempts at identification and discussion. 5 Show al

3、l the pictures to the class. Note: Pictures on transparency and solid objects can be flashed on the OHP. Do not turn the light on and off as this destroys the lamp: Flick a book rapidly underneath the lens instead. Choose pictures which are reasonably clear. Lesson 2 A History Quiz课文目标(Lesson Target

4、)1. 学会如何描述一个历史事件。2. 了解定语从句语法现象,能区别关系副词when, where 并熟练运用定语从句进行描述。Activity 1 A guessing gameTime: 5 minutesPurposes: to learn some useful expressions about historical events to get all the students to participateMaterials: Some pictures about main historical events For example: World War II Anti-Japan

5、ese War the site of the Communist Party of China the headquarters of the United NationsIndustrial Revolution Hong Kongs Return to China1. Show students the pictures and get them to match the events with the right pictures.2. Get the students to discuss the right years of these events. Questions: Whe

6、n did it break out? When did it begin? When did it end? When was it founded? 3. Get the group which finds the answers fastest to present their result of discussion. 4. 定语从句例 A: It was 1969. The First human being set foot on the moon. B: It was 1969 when the first human being set foot on the moon.A:

7、It was 1914. World War I broke out.B: It was 1914 when World War I broke out. A: It was 1945. World War II ended. B: It was 1945 when World War II ended. A: It was 1937. The Anti-Japanese War began. B: It was 1937 when the Anti-Japanese War began. A: It was 1921. The Communist Party of China was fou

8、nded.Unit 2 Lesson 1 Volunteering Is Great!课文目标(Lesson Target)1 通过课文内容教学,掌握句型:suggest + that clause.,不仅能做机械操练,而且能将该句型灵活运用于真实情景之中。运用所学该句型向广大青少年提出更多的建议。2 谈论志愿者活动及其好处,呼吁青年学生成为志愿者为社会做贡献。了解成为志愿者应该做些什么。在此基础上讨论除了文中提到的志愿者活动,我们还能从事什么其他的志愿者活动,还能在哪些场合提供志愿者服务。3 让学生真正意识到志愿者活动的伟大,志愿者活动是一种奉献社会并获得经验的好方法,同时也能促进个人的成长

9、。Turning inTuning的教学可从2008北京奥运会志愿者标志引入,同时介绍“国际志愿者日”。 再利用书上的图片,通过师生问答引出框内生词和词组。T: ( 出示图片) What is the symbol?Volunteers Symbol of BEIJING 2008T: Who are they? S: They are volunteers of Beijing Olympic Games.T: Thanks to the volunteers, the 29th Olympic Games were held wonderfully in Beijing in 2008.

10、We are thankful to their hard work. And I also think anyone who is the volunteer of Beijing Olympic Games must always be happy. And there are some chances for you, what can you do? If you want to get a days happiness, you can _.If you want to get a months happiness, you can _.If you want to get a ye

11、ars happiness, you can _.If you want to get a life-times happiness, you can _.Let the students do group work to express their opinions.T: Thats your opinion. And lets look at what the little American volunteer said on a International Volunteer Day.If you want to get a days happiness, you can learn t

12、o swim. If you want to get a months happiness, you can go on holiday. If you want to get a years happiness, you can find someone and go dating.If you want to get a life-times happiness, you can help others.T: The International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development (IVD) was adopted by th

13、e United Nations General Assembly on 17 December 1985. Since then, governments, the UN system and civil society organizations have successfully joined volunteers around the world to celebrate the Day on 5 December. This is the symbol of International Volunteer Day. (出示图片) T: Have you ever worked as

14、a volunteer before? If not, never mind. You may have a lot of chances around you. Lets look at the following pictures and answer the questions below Use the word cues. (书中P35 图片)work in an after-school care centrebecome a professional singerclean the room for elderly peoplecontribute to the communit

15、yjoin the Communist Youth League of China.Picture 2.Where are these children? ( At an after-school care centre.) What are they doing? ( Learning how to surf the Internet/ use the computer.) What is the girl doing? ( work in an after-school care centre ) Picture 3.What is the boy interested in? ( Sin

16、ging)How well does he wish to sing? ( As well as a professional singer.)What is the boy dreaming of? ( Become a professional singer )Picture 4Where are these elderly people? ( At a home for the aged )Who else can you see in the picture? ( student volunteers)What are these volunteers doing? (Clean th

17、e room for elderly people )Picture 5Where are these people? ( At a local community)What has the boy been given? ( An award. )Why is he given the Award? ( Contribute to the community )Picture 1What flag can you see in the picture? ( Its the flag of the Communist Youth League.)What organization has th

18、e boy joined? ( The Communist Youth League. )Why is the teacher congratulating him? ( Join the Communist Youth League of China.) Let the students do pair work to answer the questions and then check the answers in class.I think you can also work as volunteers at a home for the aged or at an after-sch

19、ool care centre. And the 2010 World Expo will be held in Shanghai, you should study English harder so that you will be able to provide volunteer services in English at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.Pre-reading 让学生在语境中学习、理解、运用单词。volunteer, professional, contribute, elderly, community, after-school, we

20、ekly, enthusiasm, committee, on behalf of, promote, personal, put off, answer sb.s call at the end ofI. divide the words into groups as required: n./ n-phrase volunteer weekly enthusiasm community committee on behalf of at the end of v./v-phrase promote contribute put off answer sbs calla./ a-phrase

21、 professional personal elderly after-schoolII. Choose the proper words according to the words underlined:v./v-phrase promote contribute put off answer sbs call1. Thank you for donating generously to the people in earthquake area. contributing 2. Flight will be delayed because of the heavy fog. put o

22、ff 3. The co-operation between the two countries will be helped actively after the meeting. promoted4. In response to the call given by the Party, all of us donated generously to the Red Cross after the To answer the Partys calldisaster.III. Match the words and expressionsa./ a-phrase professional p

23、ersonal elderly after-schoolprofessionalbecome a professional singer of a person getting near old agepersonalfathers personal letter not in class; happening after classelderlysing for the elderly people belonging to a particular person; private after-schooltake part in after-school activities workin

24、g in one of the form of employmentIV. Filling the blanks with the proper words: n./ n-phrase volunteer weekly enthusiasm community committee on behalf of at the end of1. Our manager is not here, Im speaking _ him. 2. Our new teacher is full of _in teaching us. 3. The work costs us nothing, for its a

25、ll done by _. 4. I am very interested in the Youth _.5. The official from the Olympic _ said the Beijing Olympic Games were held very successfully.6. The closing ceremony of the Art Festival will be held _ this term. 7. We should study hard and contribute the _ in the future.While-reading 教师可分段落层层递进

26、落实教学内容。第一节主要讲志愿者服务的来历及总的情况;第二节具体介绍“中国国际学校”学生为响应中国共产主义青年团中央委员会的号召所参加的志愿者活动及有关志愿者服务的建议。第三节总结志愿者活动的好处,呼吁青年学生成为志愿者为社会做贡献。Paragraph 1:I. Guessing the meaning of abbreviation UN US PRC HK CCTV CPC CYLCLet the students tell what these abbreviations mean and try to write down the full name of them. the Unit

27、ed Nations 联合国the United States 美利坚合众国 the Peoples Republic of China 中华人民共和国Hong Kong 香港the Chinese Central Television 中央电视台 the Communist Party of China 中国共产党the Communist Youth League of China 中国共产主义青年团(让学生通过回忆熟悉的缩写词的全称,加深对中国共产主义青年团专有名词的记忆。还可鼓励学生查找更多的缩写词。)II. Answer the following questions after r

28、eading the first paragraphQuestion 1: What did the Communist Youth League of China call all young people to do? Question 2: How have many young people answered the call? Paragraph 2: I. Listen to the second paragraph and do the match: a. wants to be a professional singer in the futureFang Fang b. he

29、lps young children learn to read c. helps clean the elderly peoples rooms three times a weekd. puts the love to good use by working in the after-school care centre e. teaches young children how to surf the Internet.Peter f. sings for the elderly people in a home for the aged g. loves reading and com

30、puter scienceII. Listen to the second paragraph again and fill in the blanks.Fang Fang loves reading and computer science. She puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care centre near her home. She helps young children learn to read and teaches them how to surf the Internet. Peter

31、is a German student who wants to be a professional singer in the future. He not only sings for the elderly people in a home for the aged but also helps clean their rooms three times a week.III. Read the paragraph and try to complete the sentences:Fang Fang loves_. She puts this love to good use by working in _near her home. She helps young children _ and teaches them _. Peter is a German studen

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