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英语 1.docx

1、英语 1 萍乡学院题 目:威尼斯商人人物学 院:外语学院专 业:英语教育威尼斯商人人物之分析摘要:威尼斯商人是莎士比亚著名的戏剧之一,威尼斯中的人物已被大家定论但随着时间的流逝和社会的发展,人们对其中人物的看法已有了改变无论是安东尼奥,鲍西亚还是夏洛克。此文中会从过去和现代的背景下论述对第三条线中主要矛盾的人物的看法。关键词:主角 社会 特征 改变Contents1.Background.1 1.1 the economy.1 1.2 the culture.1 2 the thought of William Shakespeare.32.the analysis of the main c

2、haracter.4 2.1 Shylock.4 2.2 Antonio.5Conclusion.7Reference.8The analysis of character of The Merchant of Venice1.Background 1.1 the economy We know the economy of British capitalism rapidly develop from the early sixteenth century,absolute monarchy put on policies in favor of commerce and industry

3、getting the support from the Emerging bourgeoisie.A temporary alliance have been formed between the royal family and the bourgeoisie.By the late sixteenth century ,the British emerged economic prosperity and political stability of the situation under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.After a few years

4、from the beginning of the nineteen various contradictions of British society gradually sharpened up,in rural areas,the enclosure movement accelerated;in urban areas,a large number of capitalist handicraft workshop appeared leading artisans and the poor worse and worse.During the 1594-1598 floods and

5、 cold occurred in succession,poor harvest ,rising prices for which farmers and urban poor rebelled against.At the same time,the power of the bourgeoisie more stronger and the temporary alliance between them and royal disintegrated. Shakespeare began to feel the contradiction between his humanistic i

6、deal and the reality of the British,so several comedy after 1596 are still happy and optimistic but there are an increase of social satire factors.The contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the usurer.At that time,commercial bourgeoisie take foreign trade business as an important way and take com

7、mercial trade industry as decent while usury is a profitable way handed down from the old feudal and should be contempt.Because of the commercial bourgeoisie needs lending but has a conflict of economic interests with the usurer.1.2 the culture William Shakespeare was a man of the late Renaissance w

8、ho gave the fullest expression to humanist ideals.His greatest period was between 1600-1607,during which produced four tragedies and four comedies.At that time works of Renaissance show the humanism mind:advocates individual liberation and oppose medieval asceticism and religious views;promoting sci

9、ence and culture and opposition to obscurantism to get rid of the shackles of the Church peoplethinking; affirmance human rights,the right to oppose God,rejecting theory and scholastic philosophy as the foundation of all authority and traditional dogma;supporting centralization and against the feuda

10、l separatism.The Church of England was reestablished,ending the long time religious strife;humanism sing secular and contempt heaven,flaunt divine replace with ration,and certainly “man”is the Creator of this life and enjoyer;literary and artistic performance people s thoughts and feelings,science w

11、elfare human,education develop human personality;liberate the persons thoughts feelings and wisdom from theology from bondage.The humanists believed that it is important to transcend to the afterlife with a perfect mind and body. This transcending belief can be done with education. The purpose of hu

12、manism was to create a universal man whose person combined intellectual and physical excellence and who was capable of functioning honorably in virtually any situation.This ideology was referred to as the uomo universal, an ancient Greco-Roman ideal. The education during Renaissance was mainly compo

13、sed of ancient literature and history. It was thought that the classics provided moral instruction and an intensive understanding of human behavior.That is the big environment.The English Renaissance was a cultural and artistic movement in England dating from the late 15th and early 16th centuries t

14、o the early 17th century. It is associated with the pan-European Renaissance that is usually regarded as beginning in Italy in the late 14th century. Like most of northern Europe, England saw little of these developments until more than a century later. The beginning of the English Renaissance is of

15、ten taken, as a convenience, to be 1485, when the Battle of Bosworth Field ended the Wars of the Roses and inaugurated the Tudor Dynasty. Renaissance style and ideas, however, were slow to penetrate England, and the Elizabethan era in the second half of the 16th century is usually regarded as the he

16、ight of the English Renaissance.We can see William Shakespeare affected by the movement and think such person like Shylock was completely contradicted with humanism.2.the thought of William Shakespeare At 1525 Oxford and Cambridge scholar Dyer translated”New Testament”.At 1536 Section V Dyer first c

17、ompletely translate the “Bible”at the sponce of the Henry VIII .Those things are major event in UK social and cultural which affects thousands of British families.The big environment like that,the Christan family of Shakespeare also affected the mind of him.In the poem of his sonnet 105. Let not my

18、love be calld idolatry, Nor my beloved as an idol show, Since all alike my songs and praises be To one, of one, still such, and ever so. Kind is my love to-day, to-morrow kind, Still constant in a wondrous excellence; Therefore my verse to constancy confined, One thing expressing, leaves out differe

19、nce. Fair, kind and true is all my argument, Fair, kind, and true varying to other words; And in this change is my invention spent, Three themes in one, which wondrous scope affords. Fair, kind, and true, have often lived alone, Which three till now never kept seat in one. He is often called he Engl

20、ands national poet and the “Bard of Avon.He grows at the His extant works ,including some collaborations,consist of about 18plays,154 sonnets,two long narrative poems,and a few other verses,the authorship of some of which is uncertain.His plays have been translated into every major living language a

21、nd are performed more often than those of any other playwright.His poetry is mainly a tribute to the good things,praise of friendship,love and describe,in general expression of the poets ideal of life attacking feudal and religious worldview by the weapon of ideological humanitarian.He produce publi

22、c opinion for bourgeois and meet the aspirations and interests of the people.He deeply and extensively observative the social reality of the times,innovate the old theme of the injection of the profound social content and their progressive ideas.His historical theater appraise critically the bloody

23、war between feudal monarchy,reflecting the countrys historical trend must be unified on his theater like and .He sincerely respect for women,feminist,the beauty of women,the talent of women,the character of momen,which is the basic performance of emerging bourgeoisie.We can see those in Romeo and Ju

24、liet and Merchant of Venice in which they are natural beauty,noble conduct,independent and assertive.2 the analysis of the main character 2.1 Shylock Shakespeare have shaped the first expression,at that time,shylock means callous and ruthless.In Shakespeares time, no Jews had been legally present in

25、 England for several hundred years.However, stereotypes of Jews as money lenders remained. Historically, money lending had been a fairly common occupation among Jews, in part because Christians were not permitted to practise usury then considered to mean charging interest of any kind on loans.At the

26、 same time, most Christian kings forbade Jews to own land for farming or to serve in the government, and craft guilds usually refused to admit Jews as artisans, leaving money lending as one of the few professions still open to Jews.Shylock is the usury by which he can use the way to retaliate Christ

27、ian.In generally Christian claim the live of man,live away from sexty,forgive sin,cannot revenge others ,do not provide perjury and so on.But Shylock expose the contradiction at the curtain 3 scene 1: I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,dimensions, senses, affections, passi

28、ons? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means,warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die?and if you wrong us

29、, shall we not revenge?Shylock faced the pressure of society and his daughter living away with Christan.Everyone see the action of him to Antonio ignoring the reason caused the result.Human is complicated cannont like Christan said forgive all people even him hurt you.At last i can not hate Shylock

30、he just forced under various of elements at that time.He lost his repution and money which is the basis of his way making money,whats more he was deprived the right of religion.He fight against with the society though failed completely.His shaking words makes us trace the deeper reason.What really i

31、t was train the person?“I do not agree with what you say , but I defend to the death your right to say”the words has expose the nature of capitalism.Shylock already have no the right to fight for his equality.2.2 AntonioEveryone admire his spirit of sacrifice himself for friends and always be ready to help others,but with antisemitism.He lend money without interest.But at the perspective of m

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