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1、钻井作业英语100句钻井作业英语100句DRILLING OPERATION ENGLISH 1001、 钻机已安装完毕。The rigging up is finished.2、 现在开始检查和调试钻机。Lets start to check and test the rig. 钻机还没检查调试呢。 The rig isnt checked and tested.3、 所有操作都应该按正规程序进行。All the operation should be done per normal procedures.4、不戴安全帽不许上钻台工作。 It is not allowed to work o

2、n the rig floor without helmet on.5、上井架工作必须系好安全带。 The safety belt should be fastened when working on the derrick. 你系好安全带了吗? Has you safety belt been fastened?6、上班前不许喝酒。 Wine drinking is not allowed before going to work.7、大约下午1:00可以开钻。 Spud in will begin at about one oclock in the afternoon.8、一开采用钻速1

3、60,钻压2千磅。 For the first spud in ,penetration rate is 160 and weight on the bit is two thousand pounds. 钻速多大? What is the penetration rate? 钻压不到二千磅。 The weight on the bit is less than two thousand pounds. 9、开双泵,泵冲100,泵压6兆帕。 Use both pumps with 100 strokes per minute and pressure of 6 MPa. 开双泵吗? Shall

4、 we use both pumps ?10、打完单根划眼一次,直到打完一开。 Do a dummy trip after single joint drilling until the first spud in finished.11、循环一个半小时再起钻。 Circulate for one and half hours before pulling out.循环多长时间再起钻? How long to circulate before pulling out? 不用循环。 No need to circulate.12、如有特殊情况,要马上报告。 Report at once if a

5、ny unusual case occurred.13、下钻要控制下放速度。 Control the running speed when going in the hole.14、当心顿钻和伤人。 Be careful not to make free fall and hurt anyone. 15、如遇阻,不许硬压。 Dont force to run in with too more weight for a tight hole.遇阻了,怎么办?What can I do? The hole is getting tight. 16、观察振动筛有无跑泥浆现象。See if any m

6、ud overflow on the screen. 振动筛跑泥浆了。 There is an overflow screen.17、现在需要马上换筛布。 We need to change the screen at once.要换筛布吗? Is the screen to be changed? 不用换筛布。 The screen neednt changing.18、认真作好记录。 Record it carefully.19、不许作假资料。 Dont make false record.这资料有假。 Its a false record.20、每钻进100米测斜一次。 Do a dev

7、iation survey every 100metre interval.钻多深测一次井斜?Whats the interval between deviation surveys?21、勤活动钻具。 Move the drill string frequently.22、将测斜结果及时汇报监督。 The result of deviation survey has to informed to supervisor in time.已经将测斜结果报告监督了。 The supervisor has already been informed about the survey result.2

8、3、扭矩不要过大。 Dont apply excessive torque.扭矩太大。 The torque is excessive.24、不许强提。 No forced pulling out is allowed.25、已经提放多次,未见效果。 The string has been moved up and down several times,but it doesnt work. 26、接方钻杆,倒划眼。 Connect kelly and do a backreaming. 不要接方钻杆。 Dont connect the kelly.27、在钻杆上作卡点记号。 Make a m

9、ark for sticking point on the drill pipe. 在钻杆上作卡点记号了吗? Is the drill pipe marked for sticking point. 28、当心扭断钻具。 Be careful not to twist off the drill string.29、未得到监督的许可,不许乱来。 Dont act at your disposal without supervisors consent. 我事先已得到监督的同意。 Ive got the prior consent from supervisor already.30、下钻时,不

10、许用钻盘上扣。 Dont make up by rotary table while running in. 下钻时,我从来不用钻盘上扣。 Ive never made up by rotary table while running in.31、用双钳紧扣。 Make up and tighten by both tongs.32、对所有防范措施作一次检查。 Check all the precaution measures. 检查完毕,未发现问题。 Check finished and no problem found.33、做一次防喷演习。 Do a blow out preventio

11、n exercise.34、按深度,现在快接近油气层了。 It approaches the pay zone based on depth. 根据深度,离油气层还远呢。 It is far away from the pay zone based on depth.35、作好正常排量三分之一的泵压记录。 Make a record of pump pressure at one third of normal rate.36、作好压井准备。 Get ready to kill the well. 有必要压井吗? Is it necessary to kill the well.37、该更换刹

12、车片了。 The brake blocks need to be changed. 要换刹车片吗? Need the brake blocks to be changed?38、每起钻20柱,要核对泥浆的升降情况。 Check the fluctuation of mud level whenever 20 string pulled out. 有泥浆升降变化吗? Is there any fluctuation of mud level? 未见有升降变化。 No fluctuation found.39、这样下去,要扣你们的日费。 Your day rate will be deducted

13、 in such a case. 为什么要扣日费? Why to deduct our day rate?40、日保养时间不得超过15分钟。 The daily maintenance will be done for less than 15 minutes. 15分钟之内做不完保养。 The maintenance can not be done within 15 minutes.41、现需加大钻压。 钻压加大了吗? Has the weight on the bit been increased?42、井下出现复杂情况,不要离开钻台。 There is some trouble in

14、the borehole. Dont leave the rig floor.43、我们在等措施和检修设备。 We are waiting for the completion of service and equipment maintenance. 准备好,措施和检修已完成。 Get ready. The service and maintenance have completed. 44、将二开钻具下到水泥塞处。 Run the string for the second spud in to the cement pulg. 等等,先不要下二开钻具。 Wait, do not run

15、the string for the second spud in now.45、井下已畅通无阻。 The borehole is in real good shape. 井下情况怎么样? How is the borehole now?46、请帮我将泥浆罐清洗干净。 Please help me to clean the mud tank.47、罐内放满水后,配泥浆。 Fill up the tank with water, then prepare the mud. 罐里灌满水了吗? Is the tank filled up with the water? 罐里还没灌满水呢。 The t

16、ank isnt filled up with water yet.48、安装井口时,上紧各螺丝。 Tighten all the screws when installing the wellhead. 这个螺丝还没上紧。 This screw isnt tightened.49、看看井口有没有泄漏现象。 See if there is any leakage on the wellhead. 井口上没有泄漏。 There is no leakage on the wellhead. 井口上有泄漏。 There is some leakage on the wellhead.50、把这些工具

17、整理好。 Put these tools in good order.51、不要把这些工具放在这儿。 Dont put these tools here. 把这些工具放在这里。 Put these tools here.52、这台机器运转时有杂音。 There is a noise while this machine is running. 这台机器运转时没有杂音。 There is no noise while this machine is running. 这台机器运转时有杂音吗? Is there any noise while this machine is running?53、

18、应当停车,检查原因。 We have to shut down it to check the cause. 需要停车查原因吗? Should we shut down it to check the cause?54、泵压忽高忽低,该怎么办? The pump pressure is fluctuating, what can I do?55、必须马上起钻,弄清楚怎么回事。 The string has to be pull out at once to see whats wrong. 出什么事了? Whats wrong?56、现在下钻。 Run the string in the ho

19、le now. 现在下钻了吗? Shall we run the string in the hole now?57、开始打循环。 Start the circulation. 开始打循环吗? Shall we start the circulation? 先别开始。 Dont start now.58、接单根。 Make a connection. 接单根吗? Shall we make a connection.59、开始卸扣。 Start to break out the pipe. 开始卸扣吗? Shall we start to break out the pipe?60、先接好引鞋

20、和套管鞋。 First, connect the guide shoe and the casing shoe. 引鞋和套管鞋都已接好。 Both the guide shoe and the casing shoe have already been connected.我们正在接引鞋和套管鞋。 We are connecting the guide shoe and the casing shoe.61、所有接头都要涂上螺纹脂。 All the joints should be coated with thread compound. 所有接头都要涂上螺纹脂了吗? Have all the

21、 joints been coated with thread compound. 我们正在涂螺纹脂。 We are coating the joints with thread compound.62、每隔一根套管下一 个扶正器。 Run a centralizer every two joints of casing. 每隔一根套管下一个什么? What to be run every two joints of casing.扶正器下在什么地方? Where to connect the centralizer.63、除司钻外,其他人不许上钻台。 No one is allowed to

22、 be on the rig floor except the driller. 还有谁在钻台上? Who else is on the rig floor now?现在只有司钻在钻台上。 Only a driller is on the rig floor now.64、固井水罐负责打水的人不许脱岗。 The person in charge of water delivery for cementing water tank is not allowed to leave his job.谁负责固井水罐打水? Who is in charge of water delivery for c

23、ementing water tank?65、卸水泥头及管汇后,将井口拉正。 Put the wellhead in right place after removing the cementing head and manifold.井口拉正了没有? Is the wellhead in right place?66、关全封闭闸板。 Close the blind ram.全封闭闸板关闭了没有? Have you closed the blind ram?全封闭闸板还没有关闭。 The blind ram is not closed.67、要求5分钟不卸压。 It is required t

24、o keep pressure for 5 minutes.压力要保持多少分钟? How many minutes is it required to keep the pressure for?68、打开半封,试各压井阀。 Open the pipe ram and test all the valves for killing.半封打开了吗?可以试阀门了吗? Is the pipe ram opened? Can I test valves now?69、所有试压都合格。 All the tests are acceptable.试压都合格了吗? Are all the tests acc

25、eptable but this one.除了这个阀门,都合格了。 All the tests are acceptable but this one.70、将方钻杆提出钻盘面。 Lift the kelly out from rotary table.方钻杆提出钻盘面了吗? Is the kelly out from rotary table?71、今后井喷以此压力为关井和压井的依据。 This pressure will be the basis for well shut in and killing in case blowing out.这个压力用来干什么? What is this

26、 pressure used for?井涌时多大压力下压井? What is the pressure for well killing in case kick out?72、要仔细地清洗和丈量套管。 Clean and measure the casing carefully. 套管已清洗和丈量完毕。 The casing cleaning and measurement are completed.73、下表层套管时,每5根套管灌满一次泥浆。 Fill up with mud every 5 joints of casing when running surface casing.74、

27、钻进一米后,停泵。 Shut down the pump after one meter drilled.钻多少米以后停钻? How many meters have to be drilled before pump shut down? 泵已经停下。 The pump is stopped.75、请配合测井人员吊仪器。 Please assist the logging crew to lift logging tools.76、注意安全,不要蛮干。 Ensure safety in operation and dont act rashly.安全第一。 Safety first.77、要

28、使用安全可靠的绳套。 Use safety and reliable rope socket.这个绳套不可靠。 This rope socket is not reliable.78、吊重物一定要有牵引绳。Be sure to use guideline when lift any weights.停下,没有牵引绳不许起吊。 Stop, dont lift without guideline.79、井上水已用光,请通知送水。 Water has been run out on the well site. Please notify for water supply.你通知送水了吗? Have

29、 you notified for water supply?没有水,要停钻了。 There is no water, we have to stop drilling.80、要按照规定参数钻进。 Drill with parameters as required.你没按规定参数钻进。 You didnt drill with parameters as required.你按规定参数钻进了吗? Have you drilled with parameters as required?81、第一次起钻时,要注意防卡及拔活塞。 When the first time to pull out th

30、e pipe from the hole, attention should be paid to sticking and forced pulling.注意! Attention! Take care!82、泥浆性能如有变化,及时报告泥浆工程师。 Tell the mud engineer in time if mud property changed.我已经告诉泥浆工程师。 Ive told the mud engineer.83、违者将被开除。 Violator will be dismissed.他没有违反规定。 He didnt violate any rule.84、记录上要标明排量和钻压。 The pump rate and weight on the bit should be indicated in the record.记录上有排量吗? Is the pump rate indicated in the record?记录上没有标明排量。 The pump rate isnt indicated in the record.85、吊臂旋转半径下,禁止人行走。 Walking under the rotation radius of crane boom is prohibited.86、咱们得想办法把气引到那边的土坑去。 We have

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