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1、最新隧道施工大学中英文翻译附 录中英文翻译1 介绍国家经济发展最重要的基础设施建设之一就是交通运输,但是中国修建铁路、公路多为多山的地形,为克服各种自然或人工障碍必须要修建隧道。随着科学技术的发展,隧道建筑的技术正在日趋完善。特别地,深埋的,特长的, 大跨度的隧道在很复杂的地质情况下施工开挖会遇到许多麻烦。因此,要找到解决这些麻烦的方法。 目前,预先进行地质学调查,选择正确的施工方案和技术, 提高早期建筑用材质量,加强数据回应的监控, 并进行科学的管理,在施工中可以减少或避免意外事件的发生。此外,作为上面提到的方法之一,PGP在所有的隧道建筑和几乎所有的地下工程中扮演了一个重要的角色。PGP技

2、术的目的要通过探测距离工作面以前几十米到上百米的地质情况,预先做出及时应对。预报内容包括工程地质的情况和水文地质的情况,如基本的地质情况,岩石的质量,围岩等级。预报地质破碎的地域和水文地质的情况。为做出正确预报有三个主要的阶段: 第一,挖掘前的地质调查;第二, 挖掘期间的地质调查;第三,分析有关数据来预知前面的地质情况。2 地质的调查方法2.1 隧道建筑前的地质调查挖掘前地质调查的目的要从工程地质学的角度检验挑选的隧道方案, 和为选择方案提供工程地质的材料。地质调查基本的内容要调查隧道开挖经过区域的工程地质的情况和水文情况。也就是说,了解整个区域的可以看到的地质特征。2.2 隧道建筑期间的地质

3、调查它的目的要探究在隧道施工期间隧道内外的地质情况。内容包括地质的大致情况,结构的数值统计,水文观察,地质变动的调查等等。2.2.1 在隧道内的地质调查1) 地质情况的草图在工作面位置上的地质草图会很快作完。它包括很多主要内容,像是围岩性质,压碎区域,接缝,破裂带,地下水等。地质草图不仅在野外是必须的而且在系统前也是必须的。地质的草图在隧道的开凿和建筑用材选取的情况下起很重要的作用。因此,为了要探究工作面的地质情况, 使用数字仪器扫描工作面和边墙尤为重要。2) 结构的数值统计岩石结构的数值统计是在发现周围的岩石结构的特性的基础上分析稳定性和预知向前的地质情况。一般情况下,在一边墙上选择一个范围

4、从2m2m到5m2m的抽样窗口。在抽样窗口,每一结构的各种参数包括位置,形态,轮廓长度,粗糙程度,空穴,填充特征,地下水特性等等都要测量。同时,结构形态经由数字相片和构造应力联合数值统计分析,每一主要部分都要分析研究,破碎区域可以用蒙地卡罗方法来进行模拟。3) 声波探测声波探测的原理声波在不同的岩石块中传播速度不同。因此岩石层的岩石和质量的变化就可能通过传播速度来确定。 一般的说,声波传播的速度越快,说明岩石的整体性和岩石的性质越好。在挖掘期间,常在工作面上开凿小导洞来进行声波探测。在探测区域内依照声波的传播速度和地质情况草图,周围岩石的情况就可以预先了解分析。4) 水流观察当水涌入隧道内时,

5、要及时的观察和测量流动速度。此外,涌水大小的变化要及时分析。至于大量涌水,涌水速度要重点测量,进行抽样分析评估外表水对隧道建筑的影响,尤其在突然涌水的情况之下。藉着水流率的变化和水的性质的实验,水在隧道施工或者气候变化时的涌入就可以确定。2.2.2 隧道外的地质调查1) 工程地质的调查依靠野外探察和先进的探测仪器,就可以发现地质的结构和它的纹理特性之间的关系, 而且可以推测出隐藏着的或不完全暴露的地质情况。 为了要推测出对隧道的影响程度要找出沉陷区域和河谷形成的原因。 同时, 要发现压碎地带来确定缺点和隧道之间的关系。除此之外, 为了推测出不良地质对隧道的影响,不良地质的类型和范围也要分析研究

6、。2) 水文地质调查依据地下水露出情况的调查,含水层,有浸透性的含水层和不能渗透的隔水层就可以确定,而且它们对隧道的影响也可以被确定。地下水和它的供应,地下水的变动,流率,流动方向等等也需要调查。3 PGP的应用PGP 的内容主要地包括基本的地质情况的预报,岩石性质,压碎区域, 水涌入隧道,塌方等等。 隧道开挖灾害研究必然以地质因素为其主要研究对象。本文以硬岩隧道开挖工程区域岩体(石)的各向异性研究为起点,从不同类型断层为主要构造形迹的应力分布特征出发,并结合隧道地下涌水灾害,系统研究隧道开挖的地质灾害类型,以宏观表象、主控因素、灾害机制及防治对策为主要研究内容,全面深入研究旨在为隧道开挖期间

7、防灾、减灾提供理论基础与技术路线。论文以原生型各向异性物质特征为基础,以岩体横观各向同性为假设条件,利用前人的理论研究结果,对于隧道开挖在此类各向异性岩体中的破坏特征进行了分析和总结,提出了不等强支护的策略技术。 本文针对不同性质的断层作用于隧道围岩的不同灾害类型及力学机制,根据研究需要,将断层分为正断层、平移断层与逆断层三大类;从正断层区域的应力状态出发,定义了正断层区域节理岩体中隧道开挖的灾害类型为结构型破坏并对其进行分类;利用块体理论的思想方法研究隧道破坏过程,将岩块向临空面滑移分为三种形式:塌落、沿单面滑移和沿两面滑移,并系统研究三种滑移的力学机制;隧道支护以工程岩体分类为基础,提出隧



10、预测的程式和方法。本文以唯象学为基础建立双孔变形渗流祸合模型,借助孔隙裂隙弹性理论,深入研究裂隙与孔隙之间的流体压力与固体变形之间的藕合关系,研究裂隙与孔隙之间的流体流动与双孔压差的关系;并结合Darcy定律研究双孔的瞬时位移量和流体压力随时间的变化规律:渗透性控制着双孔效应。研究表明,孔隙基质与裂隙之间因刚性差产生了一定的压差,双孔之间的流体转换及其应变效应使这种压差消失而达到一种新的平衡结构,隧道开挖破坏了这种平衡从而使双孔中的流体在渗透与流动过程中而涌入隧洞;据此本文研究了预测隧道涌水的理论与经验解析法,并提出隧道涌水预测研究的工作程式。Applications of Pre-Geolo

11、gical Predictionin Tunnel Construction1 IntroductionDeveloping transportation is one of the most important infrastructural industries flourishing national economy. But China has a mountainous landform, where railway, highway, and so on are constructed. Tunnels have to be built in order to overcome s

12、everal kinds of natural and artificial obstacles. With the development of science and technology, techniques of tunnel construction are becoming perfect, while difficulties encountered arise quickly. In particular, deep-buried, long, large-scale tunnels under highly complex conditions encounter lots

13、 of troubles during the excavation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop methods to deal with these troubles. At present, by adopting pre-geology survey and prediction, selecting a correct scheme and technique, enhancing earlier timbering means, strengthening feedback of monitoring information, and

14、 processing scientific management, events are decreased and avoided in excavation. Furthermore, as one of methods and techniques mentioned above, PGP is playing an important role in the construction of all tunnels and almost all underground works.The purpose of the technique of PGP is to predict for

15、ward geologic condition timely, by means of detecting forward geologic condition from a varying distance between dozens of meters to several hundreds of meters to working face. Prediction contents consist of engineering geologic condition and hydro geological condition such as basic geologic conditi

16、on, quality of rock mass, sorts of surrounding rock, prediction of faults and crushed zones, prediction of water inflow, and prediction of collapse. Three main phases are needed in order to accomplish the prediction: firstly, geologic survey before excavation. secondly, geologic survey during excava

17、tion, and thirdly, analyzing correlative data and predicting forward geologic condition.2 Methods of Geologic Survey2.1 Geologic survey before tunnel constructionThe purposes of geologic survey before excavation are to demonstrate selected tunnel scheme in the field of engineering geology, and to pr

18、ovide engineering geologic material for determining tunneling scheme. The basic contents of the geologic survey are to find engineering geologic condition and hydro geological condition within tunnel region by means of exploration. That is to say, macroscopic characteristics of regional geology are

19、realized by the geologic survey.2.2 Geologic survey during tunnel constructionIts purpose is to explore geologic condition inside or outside the tunnel during tunneling. The contents include geologic sketch, structural plane statistic, water inflow observation, surficial geologic survey, and so no.2

20、.2.1 Geologic survey inside the tunnel1) Geologic sketchOn working face exposure, geologic sketch is done quickly. It mainly masters the contents such as lithologic character, faults and crushed zones, joints, fractures, groundwater, etc.It is required that geologic sketch is made not only in the fi

21、eld, but also before shotcrete system. This shows that geologic sketch is done under the condition of excavating and timbering of tunnels. Therefore, in order to explore geologic condition of working face, it is important to use a digital-camera to shoot the scene of the working face and the sidewal

22、l.2) Structural plane statisticStructural plane statistic of rock mass is to analyze the stability and to predict forward geologic condition on the basis of finding structural characteristics of surrounding rock.In general, a side wall is chosen as a sampling window, whose range is commonly from 2 m

23、2 m to 5 m2 m. Within the sampling window, parameters including location, attitude, trace length, roughness, opening, filling character, groundwater property, and so on, of every structural plane is measured. Meanwhile, structural attitude are analyzed by means of both digital photos and joint stati

24、stic in tectonic stress field, perfect attitude of every main structural plane is obtained, and fractured network system is simulated by Monte Carlo Method.3) Sound wave detection我们长期呆在校园里,没有工作收入一直都是靠父母生活,在资金方面会表现的比较棘手。不过,对我们的小店来说还好,因为我们不需要太多的投资。The principle of sound wave detection is on basis of t

25、he fact that different rock mass has a different velocity of sonic propagation. Therefore, in the light of propagation velocity, quality index of rock mass and changes of rock layer can be determined. In general, the higher the velocity of sonic propagation is, the better the integrality is, and the

26、 better the quality of rock mass will be.In the course of excavation, shot holes of working face are used for sound wave detection. According to the velocity of the sound wave within detection length, linking with the results of geologic sketch, the condition of the surrounding rock can be evaluated

27、 and predicted.4) Water inflow observationAs for water inflow into tunnels, the flow rate is measured timely besides general observation. Furthermore, variation of the flow rate needs to be analyzed timely. As for water inflow with greater volume, the flow rate is measured with emphases, and its sam

28、pling is analyzed in order to evaluate the influence of surface water on tunnel construction, especially under the condition of precipitation seepage .By water quality testing and variation of flow rate, water inflow into tunnels due to tunneling or climatic change can be determined.2.2.2 Geologic s

29、urvey outside tunnels1) Engineering geologic survey参考文献与网址:By field exploration and by means of advanced detecting instrument, relationship between geologic structure and its lithologic character can be found out, and hidden or incompletely exposed geologic condition can be deduced. Cause of formati

30、on within pit regions and river-valley is found out in order to deduce influencing degree on tunnels. At the same time, fault and crushed zones are discovered to determine relationship between faults and tunnels. In addition, ill geologic types and ranges need to be found out for the sake of deducin

31、g its effects on tunnels.2、Google网站www。people。com。cn2) Hydro geological survey4、“体验化” 消费By investigating diaclase and groundwater outcrop, regions of aquifer, permeable aquifer, and impermeable layer can be determined, and their influences on tunnels can also be ascertained. Groundwater and its supp

32、lying, fluctuation of groundwater,flow rate, direction of flowing water, and so on need to be found out.(二)上海的人口环境对饰品消费的影响3 Applications of PGP据上述部分的分析可见,我校学生就达4000多人。附近还有两所学校,和一些居民楼。随着生活水平的逐渐提高,家长给孩子的零用钱也越来越多,人们对美的要求也越来越高,特别是大学生。他们总希望自己的无论是衣服还是首饰都希望与众不同,能穿出自己的个性。但在我们美丽的校园里缺少自己的个性和琳琅满目的饰品,所以我们的小饰品店存在的竞争力主要是南桥或是市区的。这给我们小组的创业项目提供了一个很好的市场机会。The contents of PGP mainly include prediction of basic geologic condition, rock mass quality, faults and crush zones, water inflow into tunnels, collapse, and so on.年“碧芝自制饰品店”在迪美购物中心开张,这里地理位置十分优越,交通四通八达,由于位于市中心,汇集了来自各地

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