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1、英语六级考试真题卷一2020年12月英语六级考试真题(卷一)短对话1.W: Wow, what a variety of salads youve got on your menu, could yourecommend something special?M: Well, I think you can try this mixed salad. We make the dressingwith fresh berries.Q: what does the man mean?2.W: I was talking to Mary the other day, and she mentioned

2、 that your newconsulting firm is doing really well.M: Yes, business paced up much faster than we anticipated. We now haveover 200 clients.Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?3.W: Do you know where we keep flash disks and printing paper?M: They should be in the cabinet if there ar

3、e any. Thats where we keepall of our office supplies.Q: what does the woman mean?4.W: The printing of this dictionary is so small. I cant read theexplanations at all.M: Let me get my magnify glass. I know I just cant do without it.Q: What does the man mean?5.W: Im considering having my office redeco

4、rated, the furniture is oldand the paint is chipping.M: Ill give you my sister-in-laws number. She just graduated from aninterior designing academy, and will give a free estimate.Q: What is the woman considering?6.W: We have a full load of goods that needs to be delivered. But wecant get a container

5、 ship anyway.M: Thats always being a problem in this port. The facilities here arenever able to meet our needs.Q: What are the speakers talking about?7.W: Why didnt Rod get a pay raise?M: The boss just isnt convinced that his work attitude warranted it.She said she saw him by the coffee machine more

6、 often than at his desk.Q: What are the speakers talking about?8.W: The hotel called, saying that because of the scheduling there, theywont be are able to cater for our banquet.M: I know an Indian restaurant on the high street that offers a specialdiner for groups. The food is excellent, and the roo

7、m is large enough toaccommodate us.Q: What does the man suggest they do?长对话Conversation 1M: Hello Jane.W: Hello Paul.M: Please coming. Im just getting ready to go home. Susan is expectingme for dinner. I wanted to be on time for a change.W: Look, Im terribly sorry to drop in this time on Friday, Pau

8、l, butit is rather important.M: Thats OK. Whats the problem?W: Well, Paul, I wont keep you long. You see there is a problem withthe exchange rates. The Indian Rupee has taken a fall on the foreign exchangemarket. You see there is being a sharp increase in Indians balance of paymentdeficit.M: I see.

9、How serious, isnt it?W: Well, as you know, there have been reports of unrest India, and theprospects for the Rupee look pretty gloomy.M: And thats going to affect us, as if we didnt have enough problemson our hands.W: So I thought it would be wise to take out forward exchange cover toprotect our pos

10、ition on the outstanding contract.M: Just a minute. Forward exchange cover, now what does that meanexactly?W: Well, it means that JO notes enters into a commitment to sell IndianRupees at the present rate.M: I see. And how will that benefit us?W: Well, JO notes wouldnt lose out if Indian Rupee falls

11、 further.M: What will it cost, Jane?W: A small percentage, about 1% and that can be built into the price ofthe bike.M: Well, I dont suppose there is much choice. All right Jane, letsput it into action.Q9: What do we learn aboutthe mans daily life?Q10: Why did the woman cometo see the man?Q11: What m

12、akes the womanworry about the Indian Rupee?Conversation 2W: Charles, among other things, you regarded as one of the Americasgreat masters of the blues. A musical idiom does essentially about loss,particularly the loss of romantic love. Why does love die?M: People often get into love affairs because

13、they have unrealisticexpectations about somebody. Then when the person doesnt turn out to be whothey thought he or she was, they start thinking maybe I can change him or her.That kind of thinking is a mistake. Because when the dust settles, people aregoing to be pretty much what they are. Its a rare

14、 thing for anybody to be ableto change who they really are. And this creates a lot of problems.W: At 62, you continue to spend a large percentage of your lifetouring. What appeals to you about life on the road?M: Music, I dont especially love life on the road, but I figure if youare lucky enough to

15、be able to do what you truly love doing, youve got theultimate of life.W: Whats the most widely-held misconception about the life of a famousmusician?M: People think its all glamour. Actually we have the same troublesthey do. Playing music doesnt mean life treats you any better.W: How do you feel ab

16、out being recognized everywhere you go?M: You think I be used to it by now. But I still find it fascinating.You go to a little town in Japan, where nobody speaks English, yet they knowyou on side and know all your music. Im still amazed by the love peopleexpress for me and by music.Q12: What does th

17、e man sayabout most people when they get into love affairs?Q13: What does the man sayabout himself as a singer on the road most of his life?Q14: What do most peoplethink of the life of a famous musician?Q15: How does the man feelwhenever he was recognized by his fans?短文Passage 1Changing technology a

18、nd markets have stimulated the team approach tomanagement. Inflation, resource scarcity, reduced personnel levels and budgetcuts have all underscore the need for better coordination in organizations.Team management provides for this coordination. Team management calls for newskills if personnel pote

19、ntial is to be fully realized. Although a team may be composed ofknowledgeable people, they must learn new ways of relating and working togetherto solve cross-functional problems. When teams consist to be experiencedemployees from hierarchical organizations, who have been condition totraditional org

20、anizational culture. Cooperation may not occur naturally, itmainly to be created. Furthermore, the issue is not just how the team canfunction more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization,all society that it supposes it serves. A group of individuals is notautomatically a tea

21、m. Therefore, team building may be necessary in order toimprove the groups performance. Casey, an expert in this field, suggests thatthe cooperation process within teams must be organized, promoted and managed.He believes the team corporation results when members go beyond theirindividual capabiliti

22、es, beyond what each is used to being and doing. Together,the team may then produce something new, unique and superior to that of any onemember. For this to happen, he suggests the multi-cultural managers exhibitunderstanding of their own and others cultural influences and limitations.They should al

23、so cultivate such skills as toleration of ambiguity, persistenceand patience, as well as assertedness. If a team manager exemplifies suchqualities, then the team as a whole would be better able to realize theirpotential and achieve their objectives.Q 16: What should teammembers do to fully realize t

24、heir potential?Q 17: What needs to beconsidered for effective team management?Q 18: What conclusion can wedraw from what Casey says?Passage 2In early 1994, when MarkAndreessen was just 23 years old, he arrived in Silicon Valley with an ideathat would change the world. As a student at the University

25、of Illinois, he andhis friends had developed a program called Mosaic, which allowed people toshare information on the worldwide web. Before Mosaic, the web had been usedmainly by scientists and other technical people, who were happy just to sendand receive text. But with Mosaic, Andreessen and his f

26、riends had developed aprogram, which could send images over the web as well. Mosaic was an overnightsuccess. It was put on the universitys network at the beginning of 1993. Andby the end of the year, it had over a million users. Soon after, Andreessenwent to seek his fortune in Silicon Valley. Once

27、he got there, he started tohave meetings with a man called Jim Clark, who was one of the Valleys mostfamous entrepreneurs. In 1994, nobody was making any real money from theInternet, which was still very slow and hard to use. But Andreessen had seen an opportunity thatwould make him and Clark rich w

28、ithin two years. He suggested they should createa new computer program that would do the same job as Mosaic but would be mucheasier to use. Clark listened carefully to Andreessen, whose ideas andenthusiasm impressed him greatly. Eventually, Clark agreed to invest threemillion dollars of his own mone

29、y in the project, and to raise an extra fifteenmillion from venture capitalists, who were always keen to listen to Clarks newideas.Q 19 What do we learn about Mosaic?Q 20 What did Andreessen do upon arriving in Silicon Valley?Q 21Why were venture capitalists willing to join in Clarksinvestment?Passa

30、ge 3Advertising informs consumers about the existence and benefits ofproducts and services and attempts to persuade them to buy them. The best formof advertising is probably word of mouth advertising which occurs when peopletell their friends about the benefits of products or services that they have

31、purchased. Yet virtually no providers of goods or services relay on this alone,which using paid advertising instead. Indeed many organizations also use institutionalor prestige advertising which is designed to build up their reputation ratherthan to sell particular products. Although large companies

32、 could easily set up theirown advertising departments, write their own advertisements and by media space themselves.They tend to use the services of large advertising agencies. These are likelyto have more resources and more knowledge about all aspects of advertising andadvertising media than single company. It is also easier for a

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