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1、上海虹口区第一学期期末教学质量监控测试讲解稿虹口区2018学年第一学期期末教学质量监控测试 I. Listening Comprehension Section A1. A. At a kindergarten. B. In a hospital. C. At a police station. D. In a library.2. A. A journalist. B. A tailor. C. An electrician. D. An operator.3. A. Her glasses are broken. B. She cant see the time on the sign.

2、C. She loses her glasses. D. The museum is out of sight.4. A. The kids will enjoy the movie. B. The movie will be quite boring. C. The kids will be surprised at the movie. D. The movie will not be suitable for kids to see.5. A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Neutral. D. Unclear.6. A. He isnt an experienc

3、ed skier. B. He has never been to Central Mountains. C. He doesnt plan to go skiing during spring break. D. He doesnt recommend going to Central Mountains.7. A. The bad weather stopped him. B. His shoes were worn out. C. He didnt like hiking trip. D. He was too exhausted to continue.8. A. The woman

4、is afraid of the potential noise. B. The woman doesnt like living in the suburbs. C. The woman has sleeping problems. D. The woman will sign the rental contract.9. A. Make up for the inconvenience. B. Arrange accommodation for him. C. Explain the cause of the cancellation. D. Allow him to take anoth

5、er flight that night.10. A. All work requires high speed. B. Working too fast may lead to undesirable outcomes. C. The result may not be as bad as the man has expected. D. You can never lay too much emphasis on the fast speed. Section BQuestions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage. 11.

6、A. It can work automatically. B. Its battery can run all night. C. It can clean the office windows. D. It cleans as fast as human cleaners.12. A. To start a robot cleaning company. B. To develop a better model for the market. C. To increase the profit of the robotic business. D. To develop a long-la

7、sting battery for the current model.13. A. Its work efficiency. B. Its appearance. C. Its sense of direction. D. Its robotic arm.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. 14. A. Encouraging physical activity. B. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle. C. Reducing the risk of bone weakening.

8、D. Protecting them from fatal diseases.15. A. Womens change in a day. B. The damage of depression. C. The proper use of certain chemicals. D. The healthiest place in the office.16. A. Whether it is a useful item. B. Whether it is to receivers taste. C. Whether it is a general gift. D. Whether it is

9、at a reasonable price.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Fill in an application form. B. Send in an application letter. C. Make an appointment for an interview. D. Make a brief self-introduction on the phone.18. A. Someone having a college degree in advertising. B

10、. Someone experienced in business management. C. Someone ready to take on more responsibilities. D. Someone willing to work beyond regular hours.19. A. Travel opportunities. B. Decent pay. C. Prospects for promotion. D. Flexible working hours.20. A. It is to be negotiated. B. It is about 500 pounds

11、a week. C. It depends on the working hours. D. It will be set by the Human Resources.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADear headmaster,On hearing the news that a Reading Festival is to be held on campus on the World Book and Copyright Day and the possible project is open to be recommended, I (21) _

12、 hardly wait to write to you, sharing my humble opinions. 写作素材As far as Im concerned, the theme of the festival can be “sharing”, primarily (22) _ (consist) of three parts. Firstly, the festival can start with a 30-minute discussion where groups of students can exchange and share what they (23) _ (e

13、xpose) to recently, expressing themselves freely. Following this section is the speech. Teacher and student representatives previously selected by us are to share and recommend the book they think really deserving to be read. Its needless to say that the last sharing section which is the most meanin

14、gful is donation, during (24) _ time everyone present, teachers or students, is expected to donate one or more books to the library. As for when (25) _ (hold) the activity, the afternoon may be an ideal choice so that it wont interrupt our classes.My advice is justified by the following reasons. 我的建

15、议有以下理由。 First and foremost, it is in the group discussion and exchange that we students can have a thorough idea (26) _ our peers are reading for the moment, serving as a driving force for our own reading journey. So it is (27) _ the books recommended. Named by those “idols” in our mind, they will d

16、efinitely win our heart. As for the donation, the benefits are exactly self-evident. (28) _ _ can we share beyond our class or even beyond our school, developing a good campus tradition, but (29) _ (importantly), these books which are sure to be dusted on our shelves can now be of more value.Im look

17、ing forward to your favorable reply. And (30) _ is my sincere hope that the festival can be a great success and we can gain a lot from it. Yours, Amy Young 改写为回复校园社团义卖活动方案召集的信件21. can 22. consisting 23. have been exposed 24. which 25. to hold 26. what 27. with 28. Not only 29. more importantly 30. i

18、tSection BA. deliberateB. distinction C. polishD. creditE. dependentF. occasionally G. feasibility H. shiftI. fulfillingJ. signals K. continuously Overcoming Obstacles: How Your Biggest Failure Can Lead to Your SuccessTheres been a lot written on the theme of failure and how essential it is to succe

19、ss. In a world where _31_ is given for peoples accomplishments, failing feels dangerous. The fear of failure can stop people taking risks that might lead to success.关于失败和失败对成功的重要性,已经有很多论述。在一个以成就为荣的世界里,失败让人感觉很危险。对失败的恐惧可以阻止人们去冒险从而走向成功。Heidi Grant Halvorson, a psychologist, points out much of success i

20、s _32_ not on talent but on learning from your mistakes. About half of the people in the world hold that ability in an area - be it creative or social skill - is natural. The other half believes, instead, that someone might have a preference or something - say painting or speaking foreign languages

21、- but this ability can be improved through _33_ practice or training.世界上大约有一半的人认为,在某个领域的能力无论是创造力还是社交技能是天生的。而另一半人则认为,有些人可能更喜欢画画或说外语,但这种能力可以通过刻意练习或训练来提高的。 Its almost impossible to think rationally (理性地) while shouting at yourself, “Im a failure”. But when you _34_ your thinking, you will probably see

22、what you can control - your behavior, your planning, your reactions - and change them. 在对自己大喊“我是个失败者”的同时,理智地思考几乎是不可能的。但是当你改变你的想法时,你可能会看到你能控制的你的行为,你的计划,你的反应并改变它们。The primary _35_ between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the successful people fail more. If you see failure as a monster

23、 approaching you, take another look.成功的人和不成功的人之间的主要区别在于成功的人失败得更多。如果你把失败看成是一个接近你的怪物,再看一眼。 Success is as scary as failure. Researchers report that satisfaction grows on challenges. Think about it - a computer game you can always win is boring; one you can win _36_, and with considerable effort, is fun

24、. In pursuit of success, failure exposes areas that you need to _37_. So the failure serves as a brick wall to test how you apply yourself to _38_ your objectives and how much you want them.成功和失败一样可怕。研究人员报告说,满足感随着挑战而增长。想想看-一个你总是能赢的电脑游戏是无聊的;一个你偶尔能赢的,并且付出相当大的努力,是有趣的。在追求成功的过程中,失败会暴露出你需要打磨的地方。因此,失败就像一堵砖

25、墙,用来测试你如何努力来实现你的目标,以及你有多想要这些目标There is a way to distinguish whether a failure _39_ you to double down or walk away, says Halvorson. If, when things get rough, you remain fascinated by your goal, you should keep going. If what youre doing is costing you too much time and energy or its not bringing yo

26、u joy, you should give a second thought to the _40_ of your goal and even set a new one. Halvorson说,有一种方法可以区分失败是否意味着你要(加倍下注)加倍努力或走开。如果,当事情变得艰难时,你仍然对你的目标着迷,你应该继续前进。如果你正在做的事情花费了你太多的时间和精力,或者它没有给你带来快乐,你应该重新考虑一下你目标的可行性,甚至设定一个新的目标。 DEAHB FCIJG 1. Give credit for赞扬某人归功于认可2. deliberate practice刻意练习刻意训练3. sh

27、ift sth away/onto/from etc 从上转移开。shifting attitudes towards marriage 逐渐转变的婚姻观He refused to shift his ground (= change his opinion ) . 他拒绝改变自己的立场。4. Polish shoes擦鞋 修改;润饰;润色The statement was carefully polished and checked before release. 这项声明是经仔细润色检查后才发表的。The hotel has polished up its act (= improved

28、its service) since last year. 这家酒店自去年以来已经改善了服务水平。5. apply yourself努力,专心致志Over the next months, he applied himself to improving the technique. 在接下来的几个月里,他专心致志地改进技术。6. 用语言或行动表明,表示用于新闻报道Both sides have signaled their willingness to start negotiations. 双方都表示了启动谈判的意愿。III. Reading ComprehensionSection ATh

29、is article is for all of the teenagers out there. Even though _41_ you are years from being fully grown, society regularly expects you to adult. Yes, you are _42_ in many ways: many of you drive and do so quite safely, and you handle schedules that would _43_ many adults. But you probably cannot pro

30、cess caffeine (咖啡因) as constantly as your parents can because of your still-growing bodies and brains.这篇文章是为所有的青少年写的。即使从发展角度上来看,你离完全长成还有几年的时间,社会总是期待你长大。是的,你在很多方面都很成熟:你们中的许多人开车很安全,而且你的日程安排会让很多成年人感到沮丧。但是你可能不能像你父母那样经常地接触咖啡因,因为你的身体和大脑还在成长。I understand it feels grown-up to be drinking a cup of Starbucks.

31、 But all of this caffeine may worsen your anxiety, affect tonights sleep and tomorrows school performance, _44_ nutrient absorption and even cause real trouble when mixed with alcohol. The following four aspects may well _45_ the theme of this article.我知道喝一杯星巴克让人感觉很成熟。但所有这些咖啡因可能会加重你的焦虑,影响今晚的睡眠和明天的学习成绩,阻碍营养吸收,甚至在与酒精混合时造成真正的麻烦。以下四个方面可以很好地说明本文的主题。The power of caffeineCaffeine is widely considered a drug that is socially acceptable, universally used, even cool, but it still causes _46_ symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and a

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