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1、国外工程资格预审中英文对照Section IV. Application FormsTable of Forms Page1.Application Submission Sheet - QP/02/01 282.Structure and Organization QP/02/02 293.Subc on tractors - QP/02/03 304.Legal In formation - QP/02/04 315.Financial Information QP/02/05 326.Experienee and References QP/02/06 357.Personnel QP/

2、02/07 378.39Equipment and Facilities QP/02/08 9.Quality Assuranee QP/02/09 4010.Tech nical Services QP/02/10 .4111.42Additio nal In formation QP/02/11The Application Form together with Forms QP/02/02 to QP/02/11 are attached on the follow ing pages and are provided on digital form together with this

3、 docume nt. The forms with all attachme nts and releva nt in formatio n shall be carefully completed, sig ned, stamped and retur ned by all compa ni es, as stated in the In struct ions to Applica nts.APPLICATION SUBMISSION SHEET FOR PREQUALIFICATION TO T ENDER ,Sheikh jaber al ahmed al sabah Causewa

4、y - Doha Link - QP/02/01,ApplicantName: Legal name ofCon tractor Contact address:Contact Person: (Title and Name)Telephone Telefax: Email: We the un dersig ned applica ntSnereby apply for prequalificati on to ten der for the above Con tract based on the in formati on give n in this applicati on and

5、the attached Forms. We un dersta nd and accept that the Employer shall have no obligati ons towards the Applica nt that the Employer may reject any or all applicati ons without giv ing any reas on, and that he will not en ter into any corresp ondence concerning rejected applicati ons. We un dersta n

6、d and accept that the Employer will not be resp on sible for, nor reimburse any expe nses or losses which may be in curred in the preparati on and submissi on of the applicati on.We confirm that if a government entity is involved it meets the requirements of Clause 4.6. Any member or subc on tractor

7、 has not bee n declared in eligible by Mini stry of Public Works, Audit Bureau and Central Tendering Committee. In addition none of the above parties have any con flict of In terest as Clause 4.3.We also confirm that all members and supplies are provided in accorda nee with Clause 4.2 Eligible Coun

8、triesWe confirm that the required fee has bee n paid for the purchase of Prequalificati on Docume nt.Place and Date: , ,Signature: Name: Position in applicants organisation: Applica nt NameForm QP/02/02Structure and OrganisationForm 2 Part A. Applicants company detailsRegistered name of company:Lega

9、l status:Registered address:Mail address, contact name, telephone, fax and e-mail address:Company Website:Parent Company: (If any. State full legal n ame, main bus in ess area, and address)Attachments provided by the Applicant company with this form:1.Copy of Certificate of Registrati on (professi o

10、nal or trade register), or copy of equivale nt legal docume nt as required per the laws of the country where the compa ny is established.2.Complete list of subsidiaries, if any, with full legal n ame, main bus in ess area, and address.3.Descripti on of any past or curre nt relati on ship to compa ni

11、 es, age nts, represe ntatives or similar in Kuwait. Full n ame, address and con tact nu mbers to be provided.4.Curre nt orga ni sati on chart for the compa ny show ing the complete structure in cludi ng positi ons of directors and key pers onnel as releva nt, and ide ntify ing those sectors which w

12、ould be in volved in this project.Form 2 con ti nuedApplica nt NameForm QP/02/03Subcontractors for Fabrication or ConstructionForm 3. Applicants intended use of subcontractors for fabrication or constructionName of Company: Subcontractors: (If it is foreseen that any part of the con tract will be su

13、bco ntracted the Applica nt shall state the scope and type of work to be undertaken by the subcontractor(s) and, if known, give the name and address of the subc on tractor(s) to be used.If the subc on tract is esse ntial in terms of type or volume of work the n in formati on about the inten ded subc

14、 on tractor should be give n with details not less tha n as per Form 1, Form 2 Part A , Form 3, Form 4, Form 5, Form 6, and Form 9. In such cases further information may be required during the prequalification evaluati on)Attachments provided by the Applicant with this form:1.If essential fabricatio

15、n or construction activities are intended to be subcontracted, then the Applica nt should attach releva nt in formatio n to ide ntify the subcon tractor and to illustrate the experie nee and capabilities of such subc on tractors.End of Form 3Applica nt NameForm QP/02/04 Legal InformationForm 4. Appl

16、icant Company s legal informationName of company:Attachments provided by the Applicant company with this form:End of Form 4Applica nt NameForm QP/02/05Financial I nformationForm 5 Part A. Applicant companys financial detailsName of company: Financial summary from last three years annual reports, con

17、verted to KD millionsPeriod (latest three certified periods)Total equityTotal assetsTotal LiabilityTurno ver, home countryTurno ver, abroadOverall turnover (Sum)Overall tur no ver from con structi onOverall tur no ver from civil worksProfit of the yearCurrent work in handN/AN/AValue of work at home,

18、 No of contractsN/AN/AValue of work overseas, No of contractsN/AN/AAttachments provided by the Applicant company with this form:1.Certification of the above financial summary by the auditor companys chartered acco untant.panys chartered accountants.3.Stateme nt from the compa nys ban kers about the

19、durati on of their bus in ess relati on ship with the compa ny, n ature and volume of such bus in ess, finan cial performa nce andposition of the company in the view of the bankers This is required for the company an(for the pare nt compa ny, if any.4. Copy of the latest 3 annual reports in clud ing

20、 bala nce sheets, in come sheets, in come statements, notes, accounting principles and auditors opinions This is required for the compa ny and for the pare nt compa ny, if anyStateme nt for curre nt acco un ti ng period with realised and expected results, and with information about any realised or e

21、xpected significant changes in relation to the previous period, e.g. concerning accounting principles.Form 5 con ti nued /Form 5 Part B. Applicant companys ownership details and Parent CompanyGuarantee (If the Applica nt is a Group of Con tractors the n each member of the Group shall repeat this For

22、m 5 Part B separately for each member)Name of company: Description of who owns the company, with relevant details including identity (name, address) and share of main owners/key parties:For companies that are subsidiaries of a parent company:State whether the pare nt compa ny will provide a Pare nt

23、Compa ny Guara ntee gen erally in accorda nce with FIDIC Con diti ons of Con tract for Pla nt and Desig n-Build for Electrical and Mecha ni cal Works and for Build ing and Engin eeri ng Works desig ned by the Con tractor - First Edition 1999Attachments provided by the Applicant company with this for

24、m:1.Certification of the above ownership summary by the companys chartered accountants.2.If releva nt: Con firmati on from the pare nt compa ny that it will provide the Pare nt Compa ny Guara ntee if required.Form 5 con ti nued /Form 5 Part C. Applicants ability to provide necessary Security and Bon

25、dsName of Applicant: Tender Bond:The ten derers for this con tract may be requested to provide a Ten der Bond (dema nd guara ntee) for a sum of 5% of the ten der sum. The format of the Ten der Bond will be provided in the Ten der Docume nts.The Applica nt shall con firm that he will be able to provi

26、de such bond, and state the details of the Kuwait Bank that would provide it.Will be provided by: (Name, type of busi ness andaddress) Performance Security:The Con tractor for this con tract shall be requested to provide a Performa nee Security (dema nd guara ntee) for 10% of the Con tract Price. Th

27、e format of the Ten der Security will be provided in the ten der docume nt. s.The Applica nt shall con firm that he will be able to provide such security, and state the details of the Kuwait Bank that would provide it.Will be provided by: (Name, type of busi ness andaddress) Advance Payment Guarante

28、e:The Con tractor for this con tract shall be en titled to an Adva nee Payme nt aga inst an Adva nee Payme nt Guara ntee (dema nd guara ntee) for 10% of the Con tract Price, in clud ing pla nt mobilisati on. The format of the Adva nee Payme nt Guara ntee will be provided in the ten der docume nts.Th

29、e Applica nt shall con firm that he will be able to provide such guara ntee, and state the details of the Kuwait Bank that would provide it.Will be provided by: (Name, type of bus in ess and address) Attachments provided by the Applicant with this form:1.Con firmati on from bank or in stituti on tha

30、t it has no ted the above and will provide the Tender Bond if the Applicant is prequalified and decides to submit a tender for this con tract.2.Con firmati on from bank or in stituti on that it has no ted the above and will provide the Performa nee Security if the Applica nt is awarded this con trac

31、t.3.Con firmati on from bank or in stituti on that it has no ted the above and will provide the Adva nee Payme nt Guara ntee if the Applica nt is awarded this con tract and decides to make a request for adva nee payme nt.End of Form 5.Applica nt NameForm QP/02/06Experience and ReferencesForm 6 Applicant companys experience and referencesName of company: All countries in which the company has worked within the last 10 years(The type of projects to be described, e.g. civil, mar ine, bridge, Causeway, road, etc Number of con tracts shall be stated.Appr

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