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1、船舶电缆敷设工艺目录Contents第一章 概述Chapter 1 General1. 主要内容Main contents2. 适用范围Application3. 引用标准Refer standards第二章技术内容Chapter 2 technology1. 电缆敷设的准备工作Prepare for laying cable2. 电缆敷设的基本要求basis requirement for laying cable3. 电缆的拉敷 cable laying4. 电缆的紧固cable fastening5. 电缆金属护套的接地 earthing of cable sheath 第三章闭杯闪点小

2、于60 的油船电缆敷设附加工艺Cheaper 3 Additional technology for laying cables on oil tanker flash point below 60 第一章 概述Chapter 1 General1. 主要内容Main contents本工艺对入级钢质船舶的: 1.电缆敷设的拉敷、穿管、特殊场合的安装及接地等提出了通用的工艺要求和规定.2. 对敷设电缆的附属件的表示方法、尺寸、材料等作了具体规定。3.闭杯闪点60的油船电缆敷设的一些特殊工艺规定。This technology ruled followed items for classed s

3、teel vessels: 1. cable laying, cable piping, cable instalation in special space and earth2. detail requirement for the symbol, dimensions and materials of cable supports 3. special technology for cable laying on oil tanker that the flash point less than 60 2. 适用范围Application用于我厂入级钢质船舶(包括闭杯闪点60的油船)的电

4、气施工。其它特种船舶或船东提出的其它特殊工艺要求,应另编专用工艺文件,作为补充规定。For electric construction of classed steel ships (included oil tanker that the flash point more than 60)The special technology will been edited as additional standard, if for other special vessels or for special requirement bring forward by ship owner 3. 引用标

5、准reference standards1. 中国船级社钢质海船入级建造规范(1996)4分册CCS Rules for Classification of Steel Ships(1996)part 4 2. 中国船舶工业总公司电气专业标准Specialty Standards of China Ship Industry Parent Company 3. BV 规范 16分册BV Rules part16 4. GL规范 3分册(1992)GL Rules part 3(1992) 5. DNV规范 第四篇 第四章DNV Rules part 4 chapter 4 6. LR规范 6分

6、册LR Rules part 6第二章 技术内容Chapter 2 Technology Contents1. 电缆敷设的准备工作Preparation for cable installation1.1准备“电气综合放样图(即电装图)”“电气设备布置图”“电气焊装图”“电缆清册”等有关电缆敷设的施工用图纸及技术文件。Prepare the electric integrate drawing, electrical equipment arrangement drawing, cable-supporting installation drawing, cable list and othe

7、r drawings and technical documents for cable installation. 1.2根据主干电缆表册,进行电缆切割备料。According to the cable list, pre-cut the cables and store.1.3发电机到配电板,首侧推电机的电源线及到起动电阻箱或变压器的电缆,这些线径大,长度相对较短,不预裁备料,采用现场敷设的办法。其它一次电缆要根据表册,按所划分的区域进行切割备料。事先应做好电缆的临时标牌,标牌上注明电缆代号、规格,每根电缆首尾各一块。每根电缆切割时,随即将临时标牌包扎于该电缆的起、终两端,按照电缆表册规定

8、的长度,做好电缆穿过舱壁或甲板的停止标记。 预裁备料时,注意先裁后敷的原则,既可保证敷设美观,又做到了尽量避免敷设时交叉的现象。 The cables from generator to switchboard, the power supply cable for bow thruster motor and from the motor to resistor or transformer, the diameters are bigger and lengths are shorter, so it is not necessary to pre-cut. The cables shou

9、ld be cut on board. Other cables will be pre-cut and wrapped on the cable windlass, then marks zone number and labels on the two ends of the cables according to the cable list. Give clear information of the cable name and spec. According to the stop length shown on the cable list, mark stop sign on

10、the cable. To be care that the cable cut first should be laid out last. 1.4电缆的切口应保证不因受潮而影响绝缘,必要时应妥为包扎封口。The cable cut should not been effected by damp lead to influence the insulation performance. If necessary, please pack the cable ends.1.5按照表册规定的拉敷地点及拉敷顺序,分区将电缆依次卷入电缆盘备用。注意须将电缆表册中各区域内排在前面的大截面电缆最后预裁

11、,可以优先敷设,从而尽量减小电缆相互磨擦而损伤电缆护套的可能性。Wrap the cables on windlass according to the information showing on the cable list. Pay attention to the bigger diameter cables in the front of each zones should be pre-cut at last, which can been laid out at first to avoid the cables grind each other lead to damaged

12、the cable sheath.1.6按照施工图纸将预先配制的托架,电缆框、电缆筒、填料函等进行实船定位,划出其开孔位置及尺寸。Install the penetrations, glands and cable tray base on the construction drawing on board. 1.7在船体构件上开孔Hatch on hull structure 开孔一般为圆形或腰圆形,如开孔为其它形状则至少应有圆角,安装电缆框、电缆筒或电缆管时,孔的大小应与所选定的电缆框、电缆筒或电缆管相称,不宜过大。The hole should be rotundity or recta

13、ngle with round corner, install penetration or cable pipe, the dimension of hole to be suit to the transit, not too big.1.7.1在横梁、肋骨及纵桁上开孔 见下图1。 Hatch on beam、rib or vertical joist, see follows figure 1, 图1 Figure 11甲板deck 2肋骨frame 3孔hole 4纵桁vertical joist 5纵桁面板faceplate 6切口边缘cut edge a. 开孔高度b一般不得超过横

14、梁肋骨或纵桁高度B的四分之一(25%),宽度l不得超过骨材间距L的五分之三(60%),开孔的左右边缘尽量做到与切口边缘等距离。The height of hole b, should not exceed than one quarter (25%) of B, the height of the beam, rib or vertical joist. The width, l, should not exceed than three-fifths (60%) of the distance L between the two frames. If possible, the two di

15、stances to be equality, which from the hole left and right edges to the cut edges. b. 开孔位置应靠近甲板,即开孔下缘至纵桁面板的距离h应不小于纵桁腹板高度B的五分之二(40%)Position of the hole should be closed to the deck. The distance from low edge of hole to the faceplate should not less than two-fifths (40%) of B, the height of the vert

16、ical joist.c. 开孔应分散,不能同时密集在邻近的纵骨间距或肋距之内,如需开二个或二个以上的开孔时,应沿水平方向布置,但所有孔的宽度之和不得超过纵骨间距或肋骨间距的二分之一。如开孔不符合上述规定,应予以强度补偿。The holes should be arranged separately, those should not be centralized between the two frames. If cut two or more holes, those should be arranged on level line, and the sum of the widths

17、of the holes should less than half of the distance between the two frames. Otherwise, the reinforcement should be considered.1.7.2 在甲板上开孔cable hatch on decka. 开孔的形状一般应为腰圆形或圆形,其长轴应尽量沿船艏线方向布置且开口的长宽比不小于2,以保证在相同的开孔面积情况下,尽量减小沿船宽方向的开孔宽度。The hole should be rotundity or rectangle with round corner, the long

18、 axis of the hole should be paralleled with vessel middle line and the ratio of length and width should not be less than 2. It is means that reduces the width on the vessel horizontal direction as far as possible at the same acreage.b. 在船中二分之一船长的区域内的强力甲板上开孔,沿船宽方向的开孔尺寸不得超过货舱口至舷边距离的6%,其它处甲板上开孔,开孔宽度不得超

19、过舱口边线至船边距离的9%,圆形开孔不得超过上述距离的6%。The hole on mightiness deck (the middle area at half of the vessel), the width on the vessel horizontal direction should not be more than 6% of the distance from cargo hatch to shipboard. Other areas, the distances not more than 9%, round hole should not be more than 6%

20、. Otherwise, the strength compensation should be considered.1.7.3禁止开孔的部位Prohibit punch position 船体结构的如下图所示的部位一般是禁止开孔的,图中影线区为禁开孔区域。船体横向构件,如横梁、纵桁,其结构上原有开孔处的下部,及端衬板上禁止开孔。见下图2。Prohibit punch on the structure as follow figures. Hatching areas prohibit punch.Prohibit punch on scaleboard and the areas unde

21、r the original hole on horizontal structure, i.e. beams and vertical joists. As follow figure 2.图2 Figure 2纵强度构件,如纵骨、纵制荡舱壁、纵通桁材等,其上面禁止开孔,见下图3。On vertical intensity structure, i.e. frame, vertical anti-swing bulkhead, see figure 3.图3 Figure 3平板龙骨上部的肋板上禁止开孔,见下图4。Prohibit hole on rib on the top of flat

22、 keel, see figure 4.图4 Figure 4 支柱端部构架,禁止开孔的部位,见下图5。 The top area of supporter prohibit punch, see figure 5.图5 Figure 51. 8紧固件、组装件及安装件的焊接welding of cable fixing devices1.8.1紧固件、组装件及安装件的焊接应牢靠,能保证电缆紧固和使用时不致脱焊。Cable fixing devices should be welded fastness. To keep the fixing devices cannot be pulled o

23、ff the welding when the cables are fixing. 1.8.2紧固件、组装件及安装件的底脚不应直接焊接在上层连续甲板以下的船壳板上,如不可避免,需采用覆板或其它措施。The supporters of cables fixing devices cannot be welded on the vessel shells under the superstructure decks, if cannot avoided, welding plate to be used. 1.8.3电缆贯穿件均需与舱壁或甲板垂直安装。The penetration of cal

24、bes should be installed upright to the bulkhead or deck.1.8.4对开孔处兼作强度补偿的电缆贯穿件,应沿其四周双面连续焊接,以保证强度;如开孔不需作强度补偿及无特殊要求时,其设置的电缆 贯穿件允许采用间断焊接。If the penetration as strength compensation, to keep the original strength, the welding line should be continuous on both sides. If no necessary intensity compensatory

25、 and other special requirement, the penetration can be welded disconnection. 1.8.5对于有防火和水密要求的电缆贯穿件,应采用沿其四周双面连续焊接,保证水密,焊接完毕清除焊渣,并应检查焊缝的水密性。 To keep the original fireproof and watertight capacity, the penetration must be continuous welded both sides. After welding, check the function.1.8.6所有焊接好的紧固件、组装

26、件及安装件应清除焊渣,并涂以防锈漆。After welding the cable tray and cable-supporter, clears the welding residue and painting.1.8.7电缆框的灌注孔上方与甲板间应留有 足够的空间,以便灌注操作。 In order to perfuse seal material, the distance from perfuse hole to the up deck should be enough for perfuse.1.8.8电缆筒安装在设备底座内时(如配电板、集控台等)电缆筒伸出甲板不小于甲板敷料的厚度。

27、 If the transit installed inside the equipment foundation (switchboard, engine control console and so on), the protruded part from the deck not less than the thickness of insulation layer. 2.电缆敷设的基本要求The general requirement of cable lay2.1 电缆敷设的线路应尽可能平直和易于检修。The routing of cables chosen shall be as

28、straight as possible and easy to maintain. 2.1.1主干电缆暗式敷设时,敷设线路上的封闭板须便于开启。When the main cable runs are carried behind wall lining in accommodation spaces (except when carried in pipes), the panels shall be hinged or fixed for example by screws, so that they can be removed for inspection without damag

29、ing the cable or the bulkhead.2.1.2不应将电缆埋设在隔热或隔音绝缘层内。Cable runs shall not be laid in or covered with thermal or noise insulation. 2.2电缆敷设应防止机械损伤。Cables to be avoid to mechanical damage.2.2.1电缆敷设应尽实际可能远离机械损伤源。Cable installation should be keep away from mechanical damage fountain as far as possible.2.

30、2.2电缆敷设的弯曲半径不应小于电缆外径的6倍。The internal bending radius of should be more than 6 times of the cable external diameter. 2.2.3货舱、储藏舱、甲板上、装货处、舱底花钢板下等易受机械损伤的场所,敷设电缆应用电缆管或可拆的金属电缆护罩加以保护。在露天甲板上的电缆管或护罩与甲板之间的距离不应小于200mm,在室内甲板上则不应低于100mm,货舱和甲板上的电缆护罩厚度不应小于3mm,并有防腐蚀措施。 In those spaces that easy suffer mechanical da

31、mage, such as cargo hold, store, deck top, load station, under engine room floor and so on, the cable installations are to be protected by covers of steel plates can be removed, or in steel pipes. On weather deck the distance from cable pipes or covers to deck should not be less than 200mm, in cabin

32、s the distance not less than 100mm, in cargo hold and weather deck the thickness of cable covers not less than 3mm, the material should be anti-corrosion.2.2.4敷设电缆就避免越任何结构的伸缩接头部分,若确实不可避免时,则应将电缆弯成其长度足以适合该接头的伸长的环形伸缩弯头,该 环形弯头的内径至少为该电缆(或该束最粗电缆)外径的12倍。The installation of electric cables across expansion joints in any structure shall be avoided. Where this is not practicable, a loop of electric cable of len

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