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1、ProcedureofEnclosedSpaceEntryandRescue围蔽处所进入和救助程序围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUE围蔽处所进入和救助程序P rocedure of En closed Sp ace Entry and RescueP ESER富氧、含有易燃和/或有毒气体的封闭本程序的目的旨在防止船上人员由于进入缺氧、 处所而造成人员伤亡或警惕潜在危险。The objective of these procedure is aimed at preventing casu

2、alties to ships personnel entering enclosed spaces where there may be an oxygen-deficient, oxygen-enriched, flammable an d/or toxic atmos phere, and vigila nti ng poten tial harzadous仅供本船船员训练,演习,实操指导使用To be used for crew training, drilling and operation only.文件控制信息 Document control information文件代码:D

3、OCUMENT NO.P ESER文件持有人:HOLD P ERSONM.V BIWAKO版本/修改状态:01审核人Reviewer :签发人Reviewer :生效日期 Effective date :受控章/受控编号:Control No.围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUE修订记录 Revisi on History修改号Revisi on No.生效日期Effective date修改页次Revisi on Page修改理由Revisi on Reas on修改号编 写审 核批 准

4、批准日期Revisi on No.Prep aredAuditApp rovedDate围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUE船舶规范 Ship Particular船名 Ship s name船旗国 Flag state:船籍港 Registry port:船舶呼号Call sign :IMO 编号 IMO number : 船舶登记号Registry Number : 船舶种类Type of ship : 交船日期 Delivery date : 总长LOA : 型宽 Breath:型深

5、Depth : 夏季吃水 Summer draft:总吨位 Gross tonnage:载重量DWT : 制造厂Builder : 船东 / 船舶营运人及地址 Sh ip own ers / op erators and Address:围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUEContents经修订的进入船上封闭处所的建议案 REVISED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENTERING ENCLOSED SP ACESP5.进入封闭场所演习程序 Procedure of En cl

6、osed Space Entry and RescueP19进入封闭场所演习部署表MUSTER LIST.P27封闭场所进入许可证 En closed space Entry PermitP28风险评估P33Risk Assessme nt围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUE经修订的进入船上封闭处所的建议案REVISED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ENTERINGENCLOSED SPACES ABOARD SHIPS任何封闭处所内的气体都可能是缺氧的或富氧的和 /或含有易燃

7、和/或有毒气体或蒸气。这种不安全空气也可能会出现在先前认为是安全的处所之中。毗邻已知 的危险处所,也有可能出现不安全空气。The atmosphere in any enclosed space may be oxygen-deficient or oxygen-enriched and/or contain flammable and/or toxic gases or vapours. Such unsafe atmospheres could also subseque ntly occur in a space p reviously found to be safe. Un safe

8、 atmos pheres may also bep rese nt in sp aces adjace nt to those sp aces where a hazard is known to be p rese nt.围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUEResponsible person means a person authorized to permit entryhav ing sufficie nt kno wledge of the pro cedures to be

9、established and comp lied with on board, in order to en sure that the space is safe for entry协调员是指在安全管理系统内经过适当培训,在进入封闭处所时进行守护, 所的人员保持联系并在发生事故时启动紧急程序的人员。Attendant means a person who is suitably trained within the safety management system, mai ntai ns a watch over those en teri ng the en closed sp ace

10、, mai ntains com mun icatio ns with those in side the space and in itiates the emerge ncy p rocedures in the event of an in cide nt occurri ng.Competent and responsible persons should be trained in enclosed space hazard围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUErecognitio

11、n, evaluation, measurement, control and elimination, using standards acce ptable to the Adm ini strati on.闭处所的3.3.2根据实际情况,船员需接受在封闭处所内的安全培训,包括熟悉进入封 危险识别、危险评估和危险控制有关的船上程序。Crew members should be train ed, as approp riate, in en closed space safety, in cludi ng familiarizatio n with on board pro cedures

12、 for recog nizing, evaluati ng and con trolli ng hazards associated with entry into en closed sp aces.3.4由公司对船舶安全管理体系进行的内部审核和由主管当局进行的外部审 核,应核查在实践中是否遵守已制订的程序,并且这些程序是否符合 3.1中的安全策略。Internal audits by the company and exter nal audits by the Adm ini strati on of the ships safety man ageme nt system shoul

13、d verify that the established p rocedures are comp lied with in practice and are con siste nt with the safety strategy referred to in p aragra ph 3.1.The p rocedures to be followed for testi ng the atmos phere in the sp ace and for entry should be decided on the basis of the preliminary assessment.

14、These will depend on whether the p relim inary assessme nt shows that:围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUEThroughout the assessme nt pro cess, there should be an assu mp ti on that the space to be en tered is con sidered to be hazardous un til po sitively p roved t

15、o be safe for en try.5.5.2进入许可 AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY未经船长或指定责任人员批准,以及未采取针对特定船舶设定的相应安 何人不得打开或者进入封闭处所。No person should open or en ter an en closed space uni ess authorized by the master or the nomin ated respon sible person and uni ess the approp riate safety p rocedures laid dow n for the p articular

16、 ship have bee n followed.进入封闭处所前应作计划,建议采用进入许可制度,其中可包括使用检 查表。进入封闭处所的许可证需要由船长或指定责任人员签发,而且拟进入封 闭处所的人员应该在进入前获得。附件中提供了一份进入封闭处所许可证的样 本。Entry into en closed sp aces should be planned and the use of an entry p ermit system, which may in clude the use of a checklist, is recomme nded. An En closed Space Entr

17、y Permit should be issued by the master or the nomin ated respon sible person, and comp leted by the personnel who enter the space prior to entry. An example of the Enclosed Space Entry Permit is p rovided in the appen dix.围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUE6. 一般预

18、防措施 GENERAL P RECAUTIONS6.1无需进入时,通向封闭处所的门和舱口应始终锁闭防止进入。Entry doors or hatches leadi ng to en closed sp aces should at all times be secured aga inst entry, whe n entry is not required6.2当打开封闭处所的门或舱口盖来提供自然通风时,可能会错误地暗示人 员以为里面的空气环境是安全的,因此可以在入口处安排协调员或者使用机械 式障碍物,如用绳子或铁链拦在入口处并悬挂警告标识,以防止意外进入。A door or hatch

19、cover which is opened to p rovide n atural ven tilati on of an en closed space may, wron gly, be take n to be an in dicati on of a safe atmos phere and therefore, an atte ndant may be stati oned at the entrance or the use of a mecha ni cal barrier, such as a rope or cha in po siti oned across the op

20、ening with an attached warning sig n, could prevent such accide ntal en try.6.3 船长或者责任人员在确定可安全进入封闭处所时,应确保:The master or the responsible person should determine that it is safe to enter an enclosed space by en suri ng that:.1 通过评估确定了潜在的危险,尽可能进行了隔离或消除;poten tial hazards have bee n ide ntified in the a

21、ssessme nt and as far as po ssible isolated or made safe;毒或易燃气体,并.该处所已经通过自然方式或机械方式彻底通风,排出了所有有确保在整个处所内有足够的氧气含量;the sp ace has bee n thoroughly ven tilated by n atural or mecha nical means to remove any toxic or flammable gases and to ensure an adequate level of oxygen throughout the space;试显示正

22、常,处所使用经过正确校准的仪器进行检测后,处所内的氧气水平经测 内部的易燃或有毒蒸气的水平都达到了可以 接受的程度;the atmosphere of the space has been tested as appropriate with properly calibrated in strume nts to ascerta in acce ptable levels of oxyge n and acce ptable levels of flammable or toxic vapours;处所设有安全保护,可以进入,并有良好的照明;the sp ace has bee n secu

23、red for entry and prop erly illu min ated;对在进入封闭处所期间各方所使用的通讯系统,已进行了商定 和测试;a suitable system of com muni cati on betwee n all p arties for use duri ng entry has bee n agreed and tested;围避处所进入和救助程序文件代码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUE.6 有人员进入封闭处所时,应该在入口处安排一名协调员;an attendant has

24、been instructed to remain at the entrance to the space whilst it is occ upi ed;.7处所入口处的救援和急救设备已安排到位,同时也应商定好救 援计划;rescue and resuscitati on equipment has bee n po siti oned ready for use at the entrance to the sp ace and rescue arra ngeme nts have bee n agreed;.8进入人员需正确着装并带好装备,以便于进入并完成后续任务; 以及personn

25、el are prop erly clothed and equipped for the entry and subseque nt tasks; and.9取得经签发的进入许可证。a P ermit has bee n issued, authoriz ing entry.第.6和.7中的防范措施可能不适用于本节所描述的所有情况。获得授权进入 应确认是否有必要在处所的入口处安排协调员以及配备救援设备。的人员The p recauti ons in sub paragra phs .6 and .7 may not apply to every situati on described in

26、 this sect ion. The person authoriz ing entry should determ ine whether an atte ndant and the po siti oning of rescue equipment at the entrance to the sp ace are n ecessary.6.4 只有接受过培训的人员才能被指派进入封闭处所, 或者承担协调员或救 援小组成员的职能。应对担任救援和急救职责的船员进行救援和急救程序方面 的定期训练。训练至少应包括:Only trained personnel should be assig ne

27、d the duties of en teri ng, fun cti oning as atte ndants or functioning as members of rescue teams. Ships crews with rescue and first aid duties should be drilled p eriodically in rescue and first aid p rocedures. Training should in clude as a mi nimum.1识别进入封闭处所后可能会面临的危险;iden tificati on of the haza

28、rds likely to be faced duri ng entry into en closed sp aces;.2进入过程中,由于暴露在危险状态中,能识别对健康造成不利 影响的迹象;recog niti on of the sig ns of adverse health effects caused by expo sure to hazards duri ngen try; and.3 对进入封闭处所人员所需防护装备的了解。kno wledge of personal p rotective equipment required for entry.6.5在使用前,应对所有与进入

29、封闭处所相关的设备进行检查,并确保其处 态。于良好工作状All equipment used in connection with entry should be in good working condition and insp ected p rior to use.如果不能达到上述条件,应继续对处所进行通风,并且在适当间隔后对处所再 进行检测。If these con diti ons cannot be met, additi onal ven tilatio n should be app lied to the sp ace围避处所进入和救助程序文件代

30、码codePESERP ROCEDURE OF ENCLOSED SP ACE ENTRY AND RESUCUE空气检测 TESTING THE ATMOS PHERE对封闭处所内空气的检测需使用经准确校准的设备,并由经过培训的人员 进行操作。应严格遵守生产厂家的使用说明。检测应在人员进入封闭处所前进 行,并在其后定时检测,直至所有工作完成。如合适,应在处所的不同层面进 行空气检测,以便得到处所内有代表性的气体样本。在某些情况下,不进入处 所内部会很难对整个处所的空气进行全面检测(如梯道的底部)。因此,在评估 人员进入封闭处所的风险时,要将此 类情况考虑在内。可以考虑在封闭处所内 使用可以达到远端的软管或固定的取样线,这些工具可以实现在不进入封闭处 所的情况下,进行安全的检测。Appropriate testing of the atmosphere of a space should be carried out with pro

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