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1、英语培训生合同TRAINING CONTRACT 培训合同This Agreement is made on _ between Start Point Employment Services Pte Ltd (hereinafter refers to as the “Agency”) of one part and _ of Passport No. _ (hereinafter refers to as the “Trainee”) of the other part.本合约于_由Start Point Employment Services Pte Ltd (以下称“中介”)和_护照号

2、为_(以下称“培训生”)签订。The Employerxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxhas appointed the Agency to assist in the logistic services such as Work Pass processing, hostel management and payroll services to their PRC Trainees.雇主xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

3、x委托中介协助处理培训生的相关事务,如工作准证的申请、宿舍的管理、培训津贴的发放等。It is hereby agreed as follows:-双方协议如下:1. Duration of Contract 合同有效期The Trainee will be placed on six (6) months industrial attachment to the Employer. The duration of the contract shall commence from the day the Trainee reported work at the Employer premise

4、s. 培训生的培训期为6个月。合同从培训生到雇主指定工作地点报到之日开始生效。2. Training Allowances & Overtime 培训津贴&加班费The Employer has agreed on the following training terms and conditions for the Trainee. 培训生需遵守以下雇主规定的培训条款条件。2.1 Trainee shall base on the training schedule as follows:-Work 6 days a week with 1 off day and required to g

5、o on rotating shiftShift 1 08:00 hour to 16:00 hourShift 2 16:00 hour to 23:00 hour or till restaurant closeShift 3 12:00 hour to 21:00 hour 培训生应该遵守以下工作时间表: 每周工作六天休息一天,轮班制; 班次108:00至16:00 班次216:00至23:00或直至餐馆打烊 班次312:00至21:00 2.2 Trainee will be paid the following allowances:-(a) Training Allowance -

6、 $450.00 per month(48hrs)(b) Overtime Allowance - $3.75 per hour 培训生的津贴如下: (a) 培训津贴450元新加坡币 /月(四十八小时) (b) 加班费3.75元新加坡币/小时2.3 Trainee shall be paid on the 7th of each month 培训津贴将在每月的7号发放。3. Accommodation 住宿3.1 The Employer shall provide suitable accommodation to the Trainees and Agency shall at its s

7、ole discretion decide the type and choice of accommodation. 雇主将给培训生提供合适的住处,而中介全权决定宿舍的类型和挑选。3.2 The Trainee is required to pay up a deposit of S$100.00 to the Agency to be kept for the purpose of damages to the rented hostel unit during his/her stay in the unit. The deposit amount of interest free sh

8、all be return back when he/she is repatriated back to China. 培训生需支付中介100元新加坡币的押金,以作为其入住期间损坏出租房物品的赔偿金。扣除赔偿金后的押金将在培训生回国时退还,利息不计。3.3 The Trainee shall pay for his/her own use of utilities such as gas, electric, water & etc. on shared basis among the Trainees staying in a same hostel unit if there is an

9、y such expenses required by the Landlord. The Agency shall collect the utilities expenses at the end of each month with the document billing from the Landlord. 培训期间,培训生需与同宿舍的舍友一起共同承担房东所要求缴纳的费用,如 煤气费,电费,水费等。中介于每个月月末根据房东提供的清单来收取该费用。4. Medical Benefits 医疗福利4.1 The Trainee shall be entitled to medical r

10、eimbursement of $15.00 per visit per month and up to maximum consumption of $50.00 during the 6-months training period. The Trainee shall not be paid training allowance for any medical leave issue by the medical doctor. 培训生每个月每次看病可以得到15元新加坡币的报销,但在六个月的培训期内累计最多可以报销50元新加坡币。培训生在医生批准的病假期间无培训津贴。 4.2 The E

11、mployer shall not be responsible for the following treatment & expenses:- 雇主不承担以下的治疗费用: (a) Surgical or related equipment, including eyeglasses and spectacles; (b) Any expenses for treatment of mental cases;(c) Any expenses arising out of self-inflicted injury or illness of disease caused by miscond

12、uct;(d) Any expenses incurred in respect of disablement or illness resulting from attempted suicide; performance of an unlawful act; exposure to any unjustifiable hazards; provoked assault; the misuse of drugs or any breach of the peace of disorderly conduct. 外科手术及相关配备,包括镜片和眼镜; 治疗精神疾病的费用; 治疗由于自身原因造成

13、的损伤或是因操作不当或失误导致的伤病的费用; 因自杀未遂,违法行为,不合理的危险行为,挑起争端遭殴打,滥用毒品,扰乱社会治安等导致的伤残或疾病产生的费用。4.3 The Trainee shall be insured with the Foreign Trainee Insurance雇主将给培训生投保外国培训生保险。 5. Termination 合同终止 5.1 Termination by the Employer 雇主终止合同The Employer may terminate the Trainees contract in the event:-雇主可在以下情况下终止与培训生的合

14、同:(i) that the Trainee failed to perform the minimum required work performance/training ; 培训生没有达到最低的工作要求 (ii) due to disciplinary issue that the Trainee had committed misconduct, misbehavior and etc that is defined and confirmed by the Employer. 由于纪律问题,如有行为不当、品行不端等雇主界定和确认的违规行为。 The Employer shall gi

15、ve twenty-four (24) hours notice period for such termination. 雇主应提前24小时通知合约的终止。 5.2 Termination by the Trainee 培训生终止合同Should the Trainee wish to terminate the contract, the Trainee shall give one (1) months notice or pay equivalent to one (1) months training allowance to the Employer. The Trainee sh

16、all pay for the liquated damages of SGD$600.00 to the Employer for not completing the Contract.如果培训生要解除合约,应提前一个月告知雇主或者是支付雇主相当于一个半月的培训津贴。如果未能完成培训合约,培训生需赔偿雇主600元新加坡币。5.3 In the event of any termination either from the Employer or the Trainee, the Trainee shall pay for his/her own return air ticket bac

17、k to the source country. The Agency shall assist in repatriating the Trainee by ferrying the Trainee from his/her hostel to the airport. 无论是雇主或是培训生终止合约,培训生都需自己支付回国的机票。中介将协助把培训生从宿舍送抵机场。5.4 The Trainee shall set aside SGD$100.00 per month from the Training allowance and be kept by the Agency for the p

18、urposes of payment for liquidated damages to the Employer if it occurs. Upon successful completion of the Training Contract, the full amount of interest free shall be return back to the Trainee.培训生需每月从津贴中留出100元新加坡币交给中介,用于偿还雇主规定的违约偿金。如果培训生顺利完成培训合约,此笔津贴将全额无息归还。6. Discipline纪律 The Trainee is advised to

19、 avoid quarrels, fights, thefts or any issue pertaining to individual discipline will be reviewed very seriously by the Employer which will resulted to take disciplinary action against such undesirable behavior. 建议培训生避免争吵,斗殴,偷窃等行为,雇主高度重视培训生的纪律,将会严惩这些不良行为。 7. Settlement of Disputes 处理争端All claims and

20、 complaints relating to the terms and conditions shall be settled in accordance with the terms of this Contract as well as the applicable policies, rules and regulations stipulated by the Employer and the Agency.所有关于条款条约中的索赔和争端都将根据合同条款,即雇主和中介规定的相关政策和规章制度来处理。IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto set

21、their hands the day and year first above written.三方签字盖章,特此为证。SIGNED by the Trainee 培训生签字 ) )Name姓名 : _ )Passport Number : _ ) _护照号 ) Signature / Date 签名/日期SIGNED for and on behalf of the Employer 雇主代表签字 ) )Name 姓名: _ )Designation: _) _头衔 ) Signature / Date签名/日期 SIGNED for and on behalf of the Agency

22、 中介代表签名 ) )Name : 姓名_)Designation: _) _头衔 ) Signature / Date签名/日期 爷要听什么?随便你唱什么。吟霜侧著头,深思了一会几,再掉头看向云鹏暗中布置著什么,云鹏发现她在装修吟霜那几间卧室了,他怀疑的问:从此,葛府中失去了吟霜的影子。云鹏魂牵梦萦,实在无法忘怀吟霜。朝朝井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈暮暮,这片似悲似乐的情绪把他给击倒了。他俯视著她,不由自主的揽住了她的头,喃喃的说:要为他物色人选的念头仍然未消,感于井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上可奈她那片好意,他也就无可奈何了。于是,这天,云鹏吟霜,他低唤井上可奈_爽到饥渴妇人流_井上









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