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大学英语写作Unit 3.docx

1、大学英语写作Unit 3Unit 3 你要说明什么在前一单元里我们讲了如何使文章紧扣论题,也就是说如何使文章的段落之间有一条主线,这条主线牵引文章的走向使整个语篇保持首尾一致。这个能够牢牢把文章的各个部分团结在自己周围的主线就是文章的中心议题即论题,也就是文章作者要说明和阐释的问题。尽管紧扣论题这个道理十分简单,但要真正地自觉做到却并不那么容易。因为我们在写作时思想往往会像脱僵的野马纵横驰骋,而忘记了自己的写作初衷,有时写的内容会偏离轨道、改变方向,使文章失去了论题。我们有必要加强这方面的训练,在写作时养成有意识扣紧论题的习惯。 一般来说,作文偏离论题主要存在几方面的原因。其一,在动笔前没有一

2、个明确的中心议题,而是想到哪儿写到哪儿。这种写作习惯很可能来自作者本身的懒惰,或者对写作内容没有想法,大脑空空如也。其二,尽管大脑中已经形成明确的论题,但是在写作的过程中由于自由联想的缘故,由此及彼联想到一些与本题目不太相关的话题,于是就开始沿着另一个方向继续自己的思路。这说明作者对写作过程缺乏必要的把握,不能时时将自己的写作视线掌握在论题的范围内。本单元的目的在于提醒读者写作时要不断地审视自己的写作目的,将任何与本议题不相关的内容删除,使全文紧扣论题。下面让我们读一读一组有关“独立”的议论文,看看这几位同学在写作过程中是否做到了中心突出。先看习作7。Student Essay 7Nation

3、al Independence1 In the year 1841, Chinese people began to lose their might of independence gradually. From then on, tens of thousands of Chinese had fought for national independence; many of them even lost their lives. A century later, China finally won its political independence, and then made a g

4、reat economic development during the period of less than half of a century. China is now considered as a lion that is opening its eyes to the world.2 The United States was just the colony of Great Britain several centuries before ago. But when Americans won the Independence War, it became a new inde

5、pendent nation in the world. It has made great fortunes fortune during The Second World War the Second World War, and then quickly became the leader of the world economy.3 Therefore, we can find out from many similar examples in the history that national independence is the precondition of its devel

6、opment. We can see that political independence is the base of the national independence, without political independence, the country is not a complete one.4 The national independence By national independence we meant then were just a political one, because there were still many colonies in the world

7、. Nowadays, along with the worlds economic development, majority countries most countries in the world have acquired the political independence. And the complicated international situation has given “Independence” more significance as well. At present, the political independence is not the only focu

8、s of the national independence, the independence in the economy and culture is becoming more and more important in this world gradually. Meanwhile, the independent Independent economy and culture is playing very important roles in the world peace are playing a very important role in world peace.5 In

9、 the recent twenty years In the past twenty years, the United States cracked down on some Western Asian countries in economy. The deed that invaded the independent culture of the Western Asian people aroused many against voices negative feelings. The event occurred on September llth, 2001, as we all

10、 know, had brought great impact t0 has brought great impact on the world economy. It has been thought as a madly attack which the wildness does to the mad attack of savage on civilization. But in fact, it was the conflict between two kinds of cultures. The event is not a sudden accidents accident, i

11、t is the inevitable result of the inconsistency in confrontations between different cultures between on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. The event should tell The United States the United States that the world is coming to entering a new period, and independence in other cultures is of necessity. Wh

12、oever interferes in others own culture and economy will be punished, and he may throw the world system into confusion, or even create wars.6 It is no denying that the world in the future will be a place where different countries could develop together. The economic exchanges Economic exchanges and c

13、o-operations between different countries will be more frequent. Then the an independent economy and culture are more necessary, especially to us Chinese.习作7分析 本文的标题显示全篇应该是介绍或谈论有关“民族独立”或“国家独立”的。这时读者所期待读到的是关于某国家挣脱殖民统治或霸权主义的枷锁而获得民族独立的介绍,其体裁属于说明文。然而,当读者读完整篇文章后发现作者的目的是想论述民族独立在国家的经济和文化发展中所处的重要位置,对体裁的处理应该是

14、议论文而非说明文。这是标题选择上的失误给读者带来的误解。 按照议论文的写作规则作者应该在文章的开头部分做些背景介绍,接下来就应该提出论题或论点。但是本文的作者没有遵循写作规范,在文章的开头先是举出两个国家独立的例子,然后在第三段才提出本文的论题“国家独立是民族发展的前提”。然而即使这样也没有全面概括本文的论点,因为在接下来的议论中作者又开始论述经济发展和文化发展在一个国家中所起的作用。这似乎又将文章开头的写作中心由民族独立转向经济独立和文化独立上,使文章丧失了论题,变成想到哪里就写到哪里了。由于作者对自己的观点没有一个清楚的认识,除了标题的选择不贴切外,段落之间也没有一根主线统领,因此,全文无

15、法做到紧扣论题和中心突出,并缺乏衔接。 正确的做法应该是在文章的开头就点明论题。假如本篇习作作者确实要论述民族独立是经济和文化独立的先决条件,就应该在文章的开头写出论题句,如“民族独立是一个国家取得经济和文化独立的首要条件”。在论证的过程中不管是事例还是常识都应该围绕这一论题来写。只有这样,读者在文章的开始就知道作者的中心议题是什么,论述的轨迹又是什么,就会寻着其写作轨迹来理解内容。 所以,在构思一篇文章时首先应该明确自己的中心议题,然后再决定使用何种论述手段展开段落。否则,文章就会显得杂乱无章,缺乏中心思想,从而背离作者的初衷和标题显示的内容。Student Essay 8Be Indepe

16、ndent as a College Student1 When we were children, we were always told to “do ones own things all by oneself”, and since that time a conception that one should be independent was formed in our mind. But what is independence? We must definitude define it first.2 Nowadays, many people think independen

17、ce only means that one can feed himself. In another word In other words they think independence is an abbreviation of “economic independence”. Obviously economic capability is an aspect of independence. But is it the only aspect? Suppose there be an infant with a great deal of bequest and there are

18、many servants to look after it. No doubt, the infant has the capability to support itself, but do you think the infant is independent? So obviously independence concludes contains something else. I think it is the capability of thinking off ones own bat thinking on ones own and the maturity of one m

19、ind that make one really independent. So aim at aiming at the content of independence we can conclude how to be independent.3 Firstly we should try to find some part-time jobs so that we can support ourselves in a measure to a certain extent. But now there are many part-time jobs for college student

20、s, so we should choose them cautiously. I think we should choose jobs according to our major so that working and studying can boost each other. For example, for a student from computer science, being a tutor is not a bad choice. But it isnt the best choice, he should choose some jobs related with re

21、levant to computer such as programming.4 Secondly we should learn to think on our own. As a college student, we shouldnt echo what other says without earnest thinking, and we should see the world though through our own eyes. Now though the period when whatever teachers or books say is right has pass

22、ed, but quite a large part quite a large number of students is still affected by media. For example, all the media say that hosting the Olympic Games is good for our country, and most of us just think it is true. But how many people know the real benefits of that? So when we want to come to a conclu

23、sion, we must investigate the affairs especially the current affairs first.5 The last aspect of independence is being mature. Compared with the famous wisdom saying “Youth is not a time of life; it is state of mind”, maturity is does not only mean age but also means ones experience expending expandi

24、ng with his age and his ability of controlling himself. So if we want to be mature we should hammer-harden our characters.6 All in all, independence means one can resolve the problems he may meet, and of course when we are trying to be independent, we must learn to be modest and accept others advice

25、.7 So all the above is my opinion on being independent as a college student. 习作8分析 本文的标题是“做一个独立的大学生”。这个标题包括两点,一是独立,一是做。读者希望看到的是怎样才能做一个独立的大学生。然而,文章的内容却没有像读者想像的那样在“怎样做”三个字上下功夫,而是在为“独立”一词进行解释、加以定义。这样的内容强调了一点,而忽略了另一点。此文没有做到中心内容与标题完全相符。按照本文的内容标题应该改为“什么是独立的大学生?”则更加合适。 现在让我们来看作者是如何为“独立”一词定义的。在第二段作者就指出除了人们公

26、认的“经济独立”属于独立概念的一个方向外,他还提到思想独立和人的成熟两个方面。接着用了三个自然段(3、4、5) 分别阐释了独立在这三方面的内涵。先让我们来看第三段。这一段里作者指出参与临时工是获得经济独立的一个来源。但是作者没有解释为什么打零工可以称作独立,却转而劝告读者如何挑选适合于自己的临时工作。这又偏离了中心内容。 第四段基本上是紧扣中心议题的。独立思考、不盲目听从别人的意见是思想独立的体现。作者举了“奥运会”为例。多数媒体谈到举办奥运会时都说它对我们国家有好处。于是人们就跟着认为举办奥运会确实有好处。但是并不是所有的人都真正知道它能够给我们带来的利益。Student Essay 9 G

27、row Up Growing Up To Be Independent1 Living in the world, we enjoy all the good things the nature nature gives usthe beautiful scenery of the countryside, various cultures of different nations, friendship among people, and above all the perfect harmony of the whole world. So since the day when we we

28、re born, we were anxious to grow up to gain life experience. And the sense of independence has grown at the same time, because we want to be ourselves to make the world more colorful. But it is a long way to be a real grown-up and independent an independent person. What we need is patience and what

29、we should pay is sweat. Not today, but throughout our life.2 When we were children, our parents tended to get everything ready for us, which makes us feel somewhat of convenience convenient; but a sense of dependence maybe arises might arise simultaneously. Anyhow, since the day we were born, we hav

30、e been longing for standing on our own feet. The anxiety for independence grew stronger and stronger. Finally, we maybe try may try to do some housework by ourselves. For example, we could cook a meal, wash the dishes, and clean the house, and so on. Father and Mother would remark highly on our beha

31、vior of course. That makes us feel the happiness of having grown up and been independent, quite unaware of the fact that in parents eyes, we are forever little babies. But anyway, we are learning the sense of responsibility and how to care for others. And of course, this is the most important thing

32、we should learn before we come to be become real grown-ups.3 As time went by, we entered the university. Thats a key period in ones life, for no one would keep on commenting on our behavior or asks ask us to do things that we are unwilling to do. We should be responsible for ourselves. Since we have a lot of spare time, some young students may even find a part-time job and make some money, feeling a sense of econo

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