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办公室必备日常英语口语情境对话大全 via安格英语.docx

1、办公室必备日常英语口语情境对话大全 via安格英语在线英语学习次卡,申领中. 办公室必备日常英语口语情境对话大全安格英语导读:安格英语小编发现有许多上班族在网上寻找日常办公室用于100句、工作英语300句之类的材料,可以看到现在英语在工作环境中的运用已经非常普遍了。但是你刻板地背下来几百句英语口语,你会灵活运用了吗?安格英语老师认为能够灵活地使用口语应对各种复杂情景都能够hold住全场才算是英语高手!今天,安格英语老师将教给大家办公室必备日常英语口语,这些口语将以情景对话的方式出现,让大家更加了解如何运用这些英语口语,让你在遇到不论是工作描述、产品分析还是商务会议时灵活的展示你的英语口语!Le

2、sson1:招聘新员工HM: Well, let me give you the bad news first of all.MM: Dont tell me - we cant take on as many people as we wanted.HM: Im afraid not. We can only hire three full-time marketing assistants.MM: There isnt too bad, I suppose, although four or five would have been ideal.HM: if we find we cant

3、 manage, then well have a strong case for hiring another one.MM: Anyway, lets talk about the job recruitments.HM: I think the minimum requirements should be a marketing-related degree or two years work experience in a marketing role.MM: definitely. Weve havent got time to offer much in the way of tr

4、aining.HM: But youre happy to consider new graduates?MM: I think so, as long as theyve at least had some sort of proper work experience.HM: Im pleased about that; I always think new graduates are worth considering.MM: Yes, theyre often more driven and more hardworking in my experience.HM: And lets f

5、ace it- you dont have to pay a new graduate as much money as someone with a few years experience.MM: well that true, I suppose. So where do think we should advertise?HM: Marketing Week would be the most obvious place to start most marketers read that these days.MM: And what about people who are just

6、 leaving university?HM: Well we need to call a few university careers centers and find out what their procedures are.MM: And what salary are you going to start them on?HM: 6,000 RMB per month I think thats reasonable.MM: And we mustnt forget to include information about other benefits.Lesson2:工作计划和工

7、作描述HS: We need a clear idea of what we want everyone to concentrate on.SM: we Ive been working on these information packs for all the new recruits.HS: lets have a look. I see, so youve written out everyones job description in full.SM: we there cant be any confusion that way.HS: you might want to add

8、 in some information about salary and commission, just to make it all absolutely clear.SM: thats not a bad idea have you decided what youre going to offer them yet?HS: yes, its 4,000 RMB per month basic salary plus an extra 5,000 RMB if they meet their sales targets.SM: I suppose the next thing we n

9、eed to do is to give everybody specific geographic areas to focus on.HS: well half of the team will be working closely with me and concentrating on the Chinese market.SM: And the rest will be covering overseas business with me.HS: Yes how you want to allocate individual countries is up to you.SM: OK

10、, we also need to get everyone to submit their own action plan to us by the end of the first week.HS: the end of the first week might be a bit of a tall order maybe give them a few extra days.SM: Fair enough. But I think each person needs to draw up a list of , say, the top 50 target customers withi

11、n their geographic area.HS: Right, Ive already got a pretty comprehensive contact list that Ill be distributing to everybody.SM: theyll still have to do quite a lot of research to get a list of 50 together, though.HS: yes ,but it shouldnt be anything they cant handle.SM: After that it will just be a

12、 case of getting on the phones and introducing HaiSports to the potential customers.HS: Well Im going to do a session with everybody about how to present the company properly.SM: well let me know when youre going to do it so that I can put it in my diary.Lesson3:设备采购HB: we need to be receiving deliv

13、eries by mid-April realistically.S: if you place an order with us this week, then we can get started.HB: Well our plan is for you to sully all our tennis, badminton and squash racquets.S:Can you give me an idea of the sorts of volumes youre going to want?HB: We want to buy 1,000 of each initially an

14、d then place a follow-up order later in the year.S: Those quantities shouldnt cause any real problems as far as I can see.HB: Also, we need to receive unbranded goods, since well be putting our own branding on everything.S: Thats fine, why dont you run you through our payment procedure quickly?HB: G

15、o ahead. That was next on my list anyway.S: well we expect to receive full balance of payment within 30 days of the goods arriving at your warehouse.HB: You had better send all the pricing information through to us as well.S: Yes, I will fax you everything through later today.HB: OK. Then we will be

16、 able to send you our order within the next few days.S: You also mentioned delivery times earlier.HB: Yes-how long will it take when you have our order?S: For an order of that size, youre looking at a lead time of three to four weeks.HB: Up to four weeks? That seems to be rather a long time.S: Yes,

17、but then you can place regular follow-up order and have a steady stream of deliveries coming inHB: That makes pretty good sense, but its a bit early to be worrying about follow-up orders really.S: Sure, although you might find that some models sell faster than you expect.Lesson4:健康和安全HR: As a reason

18、ably large company, we are required to produce a written health and safety policy.CP: Have you got a draft for me to look at?HR: No, we are stilling doing the risk assessment of the main office building.CP; Well this is a brand new office facility-it must be one of the safest place to work in the wh

19、ole Shanghai.HR; Yes, but youd be surprised to at all the ways that people can find to hurt themselves!CP: I know. So what about insurance? Where are we with that?HR: Well our foreign employees will be covered by their own insurance.CP: And what about the Chinese employees?HR: We are going to have t

20、o take out company-wide cover for them-we are waiting for some quotes now.CP: Wont the insurance companies want to come and inspect the premises?HR: Yes, they will want to come round before finalizing any fort of cover.CP: We will just have to make sure that everything is completely satisfactory.HR:

21、 The building manager has been making all the preparations. There shouldnt be a problem.CP: OK. Id better give him a call after this and make sure he has everything under control.HR: The other thing I want to discuss is the fires-aid programme we are planning to launch.CP: Sounds like good idea-what

22、 do you have in mind?HR: The plane is to have at least one qualified first-aider on every floor in the office building.CP: So are we going to have to offer training if we dont have enough qualified people?HR: Yes, but it doesnt cost very much to get people trained.CP: Great. Hopefully well get plent

23、y of volunteers then.Lesson5:团队合作HM: how do you think that the new team members are setting in?MM: very well on the whole, I think the team is starting to get quite nicely.HM: so how have you been organizing things?MM: well Ive been stressing that everybody even the new assistants- can have a real i

24、nfluence on our marketing strategy.HM: And what does that mean practically speaking?MM: were having a weekly team meeting at which everyone ha the chance to have their say.HM: thats good, if everyone gets a proper chance to voice their opinions.MM: absolutely. And the junior guys know that its OK fo

25、r them to say what they really think.HM: youre happy then, that the team is working well together.MM: yes. The new marketing assistants are all getting along and helping each other out with problems.HM: And are the Project Managers linking up OK?MM: they seem to be, yes. Theres been a good atmospher

26、e at the first management meetings away.HM: Good, we dont want them getting over-competitive.MM: Theres healthy competition between them obviously, but nothing that seems over the top.HM: So theyre all sharing information contacts and so on?MM: Yes, theres really nothing to worry about.HM:OK, I want

27、ed to talk to you about possible team-building exercises as well.MM: so youre still keen on doing some proper training for that?HM: Definitely, I think it could be very important for teamwork.MM: well, if weve got the budget to do that, then sure. It sounds like a great idea.Lesson6:质量管理P: if our br

28、and is going to make any real impact, our standards have to be consistently high.PM: Absolutely, Im sure we can differentiate ourselves on quality if we get the basic things right.P: So what quality control measures has your team come up with?PM: well, the most important things is that we only ever

29、accept first-rate equipment from our suppliers.P: So that will be the responsibility of the people taking the deliveries?PM: thats right, every delivery will be inspected thoroughly before it leaves the warehouse.P: what other measures do you suggest?PM: well our staff at the assembly plant have to

30、understand that were making the highest quality sports equipment.P: so we need to educate them about what the HaisSports brand really stands for.PM: yes, and give them proper incentives in terms of salary and working conditions.P: of course. We should also appoint a dedicated quality control team to

31、 inspect the production lines.PM: How many people do you think well need to have working on that?P: At least five or six working on it full time, Id have thought.PM: ok. But a lot of this is about creating the right working culture within the company.P: yes-encouraging the proper attitude among empl

32、oyees.PM: I agree. If our people feel proud that theyre working For HaiSports, then were half way there.P: Youre right if we have a happy working environment then its bound to show in the quality of our end products.PM: then maybe a good way to boost moral would be to offer staff discounts on HaisSports equipment.P: good i

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