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Management Regulations for Foreign Employees外籍员工管理规定.docx

1、Management Regulations for Foreign Employees外籍员工管理规定Padma River Bridge Project River Training WorkManagement Regulations for Foreign EmployeesChapter 1 General Provision Article 1 This Regulation is made in accordance with the related regulations published by Chinas Government and the Guidelines on

2、Employment and Management of Foreign Labor Service published by Power China and based on the actual situation of practice undertaken by SINOHYDRO in Bangladesh. The purpose of this Regulation is to ensure the successful implementation of the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project River Training Work, imp

3、rove the capacity of SINOHYDRO to fulfill its obligations specified in the Project Contract and protect the legitimated rights and interests of Bangladesh employees.Article 2 The foreign employee in this Regulation refers to the employee provided by the local labor companies of Bangladesh and the lo

4、cal employee hired by SINOHYDRO itself.Chapter 2 Basic Principles for Employment and Management of Foreign Labor ServiceArticle 3 SINOHYDRO will follow the basic principles of self-employment, classificationmanagement, people first and lawful operation of enterprise in the process of recruitment and

5、 management of foreign employees. In addition, SINOHYDRO will employ the labors according to the demands of production and self-development and based on relating regulations and carry out the classification and multi-layer management according to actual situation.In the spirit of responsibility and

6、people first, SINOHYDRO will always conform to the law and regulations of both China and Bangladesh, try its best to improve the management work of local employees, safeguard the image of China and SINOHYDRO and the legitimate rights and interests of local employees and achieve the harmonious unity

7、between the national interests and economical benefits of enterprise, legitimate rights protection and the career development of local employees.Chapter 3 Management of Local EmployeesArticle 4 SINOHYDRO will independently or cooperate with local qualified labor companies to advertise the employment

8、 information and hire suitable employees. After that, the labor companies will be responsible for the management of those recruited employees and SINOHYDRO will only be responsible for arranging work for these labors and paying their salaries according to their attendance performance and the salary

9、standard stipulated in the Employment Contract, but SINOHYDRO will not bear the risks such as injury, disease and other unforeseeable risks which may occur in the process of recruitment and use of local employees and try its best to avoid these risks.Article 5 Establish a special management agency f

10、or the management of local employees. The Final and Manpower Department of SINOHYDRO will be in charge of the employment and dismissal of Bangladesh employees,checking the ID information and registering these information in related documents so as to avoid re-employment of those employees who were f

11、ired before. All construction teams must fill in the Approval Form for Employment of Labor according to their construction needs. The number of employee required for each type of work will be decided by SINOHYDRO subject to the actual work quantity and technical demands and it can not be increased o

12、r decreased without any reason.If there does exist a need to increase the number of labors, the construction team shall report to the project leaders for approval. All construction teams are not allowed to employ the labors personally without being checked by Financial and Manpower Department. The D

13、ismissal of unsatisfactory labors or those in violation of related rules and regulations will follow the procedures specified in labor law of Bangladesh. SINOHYDRO will first give the written warnings to those who break the rules and then get down to the dismissal procedure in order to avoid the unn

14、ecessary disputes and law suits caused by the dismissal of labors.After that, the Financial and Manpower Department will disclose the ID information and pictures of these dismissed labors in the Labor Management System of SINOHYDRO and all construction teams are never allowed to re-employ these dism

15、issed labors again.Article 6 Establish a management system for local employees. In consideration of national conditions of the country where the engineering projects is, as well as the actual situation of the engineering projects, SINOHYDRO established the Management Regulation to Local Employees an

16、d Labor the of local employees, which mainly includes: signing manpower supplying contract in compliance with the requirement of relevant laws and regulations of the country where the engineering projects is; giving training and education in aspect of management regulations, safety operation and tec

17、hnical operation to local employees and local labors in local language and local character, in the meanwhile, making record on these training and education; both the educator who giving the raining and education and the person who are trained and educated have to affix their signatures to ensure tha

18、t they already got acknowledge of the training and education.Article 7 Pay attention to the important holidays of Bangladesh and comply with the regulations regarding local holidays: SINOHYDRO will attach importance to the grand local holidays (such as Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, etc.), and pay salary

19、 to the local employees and local labors as usual in accordance with local laws and regulations when it is grand holidays. For local employees and local labors who have to and agree to work overtime, SINOHYDRO will make full payment of salary to them in a daily basis according to the provisions of p

20、aid holiday. During Ramadan, SINOHYDRO will reschedule the roster/timetable of the local labors, re-plan the operation intensity of the local labors, even adjust the working procedures in a short terms, trying to avoid high intensity and long time operation in Ramadan.Article 8 Attach great importan

21、ce to the working and living conditions of the local employees and give humane care to them. The different levels of employees and workers should be treated differently, and the relationship between SINOHYDRO and the local labor cannot be seen as a simple employment relationship. Instead, SINOHYDRO

22、should establish a harmonious and trust relationship with the local labors in aspect of their work and life, including welfare, distribution of PPE, holidays care, and other aspects, so to mobilize their enthusiasm. In a result, the local labors will have a sense of belonging, then incorporate thems

23、elves into the grand RTW project. When there is staff appraisal and citation activities, SINOHYDRO will reserve a certain number of quota for the local workers, so as to encourage them to work more actively. Once the injury or accident occurs, SINOHYDRO should immediately organize first aid, and pro

24、mptly sent the wounded to a nearby hospital for treatment, in the meanwhile, SINOHYDRO should arrange the management personnel to deal with the related matters, and proceed the settlement of claims work of labor insurance.Article 9 Have a deep understanding of the local culture and religious faith.

25、SINOHYDRO will explain the local customs, religion, etc., to the Chinese staffs, as well adequately communicate and contact with the local manpower company, so as to have a better understanding on the difference between the customs and cultures of Bangladesh and that of China, then give full respect

26、 to the local labors. The various forms of get-together activity will be organized regularly to enhance the mutual understanding.Article 10 Attendance Management1) Since attendance record is the main basis for calculating salary, overtime work hours and other benefits, the personnel at all levels mu

27、st attach great importance to it. The Financial and Manpower Department of SINOHYDRO is in charge of the attendance management, each department/office and construction team should set timekeepers system to make attendance record for the Bangladesh labors, while the director of each department/office

28、 and leader of construction team will designate a specialized person as the part-time timekeper.2) The timekeepers should seriously implement the attendance management system, and the labors name, manpower company and type of works should be clearly record in the time Sheet. The timekeeper should re

29、cord the attendance of each local labors as per the factual situation, false record and neglected record are not allowed, while the timekeeper have make modification by using Chinese character instead ofArabicnumerals. The Time Sheet should be handed out the by Chinese managing personnel to the Fina

30、ncial and Manpower Department before the second day of the next month.3) The timekeepers will be punished according to the actual situation when they make false record, fail to make record or make inaccurate record in the time sheet.Article 11 Responsibilities of the Labor CompanyThe labor companies

31、 should provide the employees and local labors which meet the requirements of SINOHYDRO, examine the identity information and vocational qualification certificates of the employees and local labors, and strengthen the daily inspections and management works, so as to prevent the strike, fights and ot

32、her serious adverse events from occurring. Once these events occurs, the monthly management fee will be deducted from 10% to 50% depending on the influence degree of event, until the partnership is terminated. The labor companies should provide work shoes, helmets and other protection equipment with

33、in five days after the recruitment of new employees, while the Chinese managing personnel will supervise the consistent use of PPE of the employers and local labors, the employees and local labors fail to use PPE as per the provisions will get verbal warning, deduction of working hours and other penalties.Chapter 4 Prevention and Treatment for Ov

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