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1、吸血鬼日记第一季18英文剧本台词吸血鬼日记第一季18Previously on The Vampire Diaries.吸血鬼日记 前景提要.For over a century, I have lived in secret.一个世纪以来 我一直秘密地生活着.Until now. I know the risk, and I have to know her.直到现在 我知道这很冒险 但我必须要认识她Elena, shes a dead ringer for Katherine.Elena 她简直是Katherine的翻版- Where is he? - They have him. I c

2、ant get in.- 他在哪儿? - 他们抓了他 我进不去Who says were not here for revenge, right?谁说我们不是为了复仇而来?Thats exactly what were here for.复仇正是我们的目的Can you make it?你还能走吗?Unh! Uhh!呃! 呃!Take my wrist. You need more blood.咬我的手腕 你需要更多血Stefan, hes dead.Stefan 他已经死了You were like this other person.你就像变了一个人Everythings gonna be

3、 ok.一切都会好的They found Vicki Donovan.他们找到了Vicki DonovanA storm unearthed the grave off county road.暴风雨把坟墓打开了 尸体在路边被发现- Shes dead? - Matt.- 她死了? - 哦 MattCould you turn it up a little bit?你还能再开大点儿么?Its not annoying yet.还不够吵Sorry.抱歉When you goin back to school?你什么时候去学校?Soon.马上就去Oh, come on. Just drink al

4、ready.哦 喝点儿吧Come on.来吧This self-detox is unnatural.这东西魔力无穷Could you get that away from me, please?你能把那东西拿远点儿么?How long did it take you to wean yourself off of it你上回放纵于血液的愉悦中后after you last indulged?用了多久才戒掉?Thats not good.那可不好Be fine. It just takes a little bit of time.没事的 我只是需要点时间I dont get it. You

5、know,我不明白 你知道you dont have to kill to survive.不用杀人 你也能生存Thats what blood banks are for.这就是血库的作用I havent hunted a human in.我已经好久gahh. way too long.天呐 好久没去觅食了Oh, Im impressd.真了不起啊It was completely self-serving.我们太自私了Trying to get the town off the trail of vampires,想赶走镇子里所有的吸血鬼which is not very easy.而且

6、这也绝非易事Considering theres an entire tomb of them running around.更何况整个墓穴里都是吸血鬼What are we planning on doing about that?我们要做什么?Were not gonna be doing much of anything如果你不恢复力量if you dont have your strength.那我们什么都不能做Theres nothing wrong with partaking从血库买血以保持正常饮食in a healthy diet of human blood from a b

7、lood bank.一点都没有错Youre not actually killing anyone.你没有杀任何人I have my reasons.我有自己的原因Well, what are those holier-than-thou reasons?有什么虚伪的原因呢?You know, weve never actually discussed that.我们从没讨论过这个问题You know, I. Id love to hear this story.我. 我真挺想听听Youre really enjoying this, arent you,你难道不乐于just watching

8、 me in a struggle?看着我纠结吗?Very much so.毫无疑问I hate to break it to you, Damon,我真不想告诉你 DamonBut. I actually have it under complete control.但是. 一切尽在我的掌控下You do?真的?Oh. Well, then you should just carry on哦 那你就继续自善其身making the rest of us vampires look bad.让我们其他吸血鬼相形见绌吧Have a great day, Stef.祝你愉快 StefOh. Hey

9、, I almost forgot something.哦 嘿 我差点把这个忘了Oops.抱歉Mmm. Mmm.恩 真不错吸血鬼 第一季第集Come on, Jeremy. Going to school.Jeremy 快点 该去学校了Walking out the door now.现在就得出门You forgot this.你忘带这个了Thank you.谢谢Elena.嘿 ElenaUncle John. Hi.John叔叔 嗨Jenna.嘿 JennaJohn. You made it.John 这么快就到了Said Id be in by noon.我说了我中午到Oh, what y

10、ou say and what you do哦 你言行不一are typically two very different things.非常正常Uncle John. Whats up?John叔叔 你好啊Hey.嘿I had some business in town.我在镇里有些事办I thought a visit was in order.我觉得来顺路拜访下比较好- How long you staying? - I dont know yet.- 你要呆多久? - 还不知道Hmm. Ok. Well, Im gonna go to school. Ill see you later

11、.呃 好的 我要去学校了 晚些时候见Whats up with Jeremy?Jeremy怎么了?He just lost a friend,他刚痛失一位友人so try to be sensitive.你体谅下他Im always sentive.我一向很体谅人Right. So really, how lo are you staying?还真是 说真的 你要呆多久?Cant you at least pretend that youre happy to see me?你就不能假装见到我很高兴?Oh, my god, John.哦 天呐 JohnIt is so good to see

12、you.见到你太开心了How have you been?你最近怎么样 这样吗?No, I cant.办不到Did you really think I was just gonna sign你真的认为我会签the escrow papers and send em back?授权书 把他们送回去吗?Actually, I did.是的Im not gonna let you sell my brothers office.我不会让你把我哥哥的办公室卖掉的Its not up you or me.这不是你或我可以决定的It belongs to Jeremy and Elena.Jeremy和

13、Elena才有权决定But theyre minors, so I get the final say,但是他们还小 所以最后我说了算Being that Im the estates trustee.我才是遗产受托人He said his trip is open-ended.他说他这趟来没定什么时候回去Uncle John. I never really liked that guy.我一点都不喜欢John叔叔Heh. Does anyone?有人喜欢么?I am here for moral support if you need me.我永远在精神上支持你Thanks. I think

14、 Ill suffer this one alone.谢了 我想这次我得独自忍受了Youve been through enough.你已经承受够多的了Thank you, by the way,顺便说句 谢谢你for just. for everything you did为了. 为了你在Vicki葬礼at Vickis funeral and her memorial.和悼念会上所做的一切I couldnt have done it without you.没有你 我就撑不住了Of course, Matt.Matt 这是应该的So is Caroline still baking for

15、 you guys around the clock?Caroline还整天给你们做饭?She finally went to her dads,她终于去她爸爸那儿了which is a good thing, because my mom was gonna strangle her这是件好事 因为如果她再做烤面条我妈妈if she dropped off more lasagna.真要杀了她了Oh.哦Nah.不要Whats your problem?你怎么了?I just dont want any.就是不想要了All right.好吧They say she oded.他们说她是嗑药过多

16、致死Thats what I dont get. She was doin ok.我就是想不明白这点 她没有嗑太多Apparently not.看样子可不这样Howd she end up buried in the woods?那她怎么会被埋在树林里?Thats what I dont understand.这就是我想不通的地方By whoever was with her when she oded.她嗑药的时候跟谁在一起 谁就埋了她Yeah, but you leave her there.可是把她扔在那儿You dont take the time to bury her.没足够的时间

17、埋她啊Maybe she saw something and.也许她看到了什么.Hell, man, I dont know.靠 老兄 我啥也不知道The coroners office has officially ruled验尸处最终正式宣布Vicki Donovans death drug overdose.Vicki Donovan是嗑药过多致死Her family has been notified.已经通知了她的家人The truth will stay in this room,只有这个房间里的人知道真相and we can put this behind us.希望大家忘却这一

18、切Thank you, sheriff.谢谢你 警长And on to a more pressing issue.还有一个更重要的事情John Gilbert has asked to say a few words.John Gilbert要求说两句Welcome back, John. Its good to see you.欢迎回来 John 很高兴见到你Thank you, mayor. Yeah.谢谢你 市长Hello, everyone. Its wonderful to see you.大家好 很高兴见到你们I wish it were under better circums

19、tances作为创始人家族一员as a founding family member,我希望一切越来越好I find its my duty to report some very distressing news.公布一些令人痛苦的消息是我的责任Hes a Gilbert?他是Gilbert家族的?Elenas uncle.Elena的叔叔His names John, but I call him jackass.叫John 但我叫他蠢货A hospital blood bank in the neighboring county of Amherst据报道 Amherst县的医院血站ha

20、s reported several break-ins over the past weeks.过去两周遭到几次非法入侵 hunters, campers, and state employees名猎人 名露营者 名政府雇员have been reported missing as well,也被报失踪All of this within a -mile radius of Mystic Falls.这一切都发生在Mystic Falls方圆英里内O. ok. No need to get alarmed right at this moment.好了 够了 这时候没必要再担心这个了Mean

21、ing he doesnt wanna cancel the founders day kick-off party.他是说他不想取消创始人派对You think all of your problems are over,你们认为一切问题都解决了But Im here to tell you nothings been solved.但我要告诉你们 一切都没解决I made a copy of a paper that Jeremy wrote for me.我复印了Jeremy写的论文I think you should take a look it.你该看看Jeremy wrote th

22、is?这是Jeremy写的?Hes very clear that he didnt think it was real.他不相信世上存在吸血鬼I really hope youre right,我希望他真是这样because Ive done so much to protect him from all this.我可是竭尽了全力向他隐瞒这一切啊So how do you deal with it?那你打算怎么办?What do you mean?什么意思?I dont know. With all the lies and the secrets,我不知道 如今谎言遍布you have

23、to lie to everyone whos important to you.而且你必须对所有你爱的人隐瞒这一切Its not safe for them to know the truth,他们知道了真相后会有危险so, yes, I keep it from them,所以 对 我不告诉他们but its only because I love them.是因为我爱他们I think Stefans a good guy,我觉得Stefan是个好人but, uh.但是 呃.At the end of the day, hes still a vampire.他终归是吸血鬼I know

24、its hard to understand,我知道你很难理解but stefans different.但Stefan确实很不同He would never do anything to hurt me.他从未伤害过我I have no interest in the founders day kick-off party.我对创始人派对没什么兴趣Sure, you do. Its tradition.你该有兴趣 这可是传统Far be it for us to break from tradition.我们不该打破这传统The Gilberts have been a part of th

25、is town for years,Gilberts家族在这个小镇已经居住了年one of the founding families,是创始家族之一and with that distinction comes certain obligations,因为我们出身于众不同 便要履行相应的义务including going to the party.包括参加这个派对One day when you can appreciate the significance,你哪天感受到了这种重要性Ill tell you all about your heritage.我就会告诉我们家的光荣传统Hmm.

26、The Gilbert family legacy.嗯 Gilbert家族的遗产I forgot how sacred it was.我都忘了那有多神圣了Im not a Gilbert, so I was never cool enough to hear it.我不姓Gilbert 所以我也不可能知道这遗产有多棒Why does she hate you?她为什么讨厌你?We used to sleep together.我们有过一腿Im standing right here.我还在场呢Why would he write a report on vampires?他为什么要写个关于吸血

27、鬼的论文呢?Do you think hes starting to remember?你说他是不是开始恢复记忆了?Damon took away those memories for good.Damon给他永远地抹去了那段记忆You dont have to worry about that.你不必担心Tell you what. Why dont you just ask him?我说你 干嘛不直接去问问他?I. I cant.我. 我做不到Why not? I mean, if he doesnt know anything,为什么做不到? 我是说 要是他一无所知then its ju

28、st a. an innocent question.那就只是个. 无关痛痒的问题I dont even know how to talk to him anymore.我都不知道该怎么和他交谈了I mean, we used to be a lot more open with each other,我们以前都可以对彼此敞开心扉but now, with all these secrets just piling up.可现在 秘密越滚越多.You know, I havent even told him连我被收养这事that Im adopted yet.我都没告诉他Maybe its t

29、ime you start opening up to him again.是时候再次向他敞开心扉了Im not saying you should tell him everything,我不是让你告诉他一切But at least try to find out what he does know and be prepared for it.但你至少该试探一下他到底知道多少 以便有所准备What about you? How are you doing?那你呢? 你怎么样?Im much, much better.我好多了Yeah, Im. Im still, you know, a little, uh.嗯 我. 我还是 有点 呃.a little jittery,有点紧张不安a little bit on edge, but, uh.有些焦虑 但是.Im. Im gonna be ok.我肯定会好起来的Ive been really worried about you,我真的很担心你and I missed you.而且很想你I just needed to lay low for a little while,我沉寂了几天and, uh, let my body readjust.让身体重新调整过来Its only been

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