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1、MyUnderstandingofTranslationdocMy Understanding of TranslationBYWang Yuan摘要作为一门科学,翻译用语言对等再生产信息,同时,作为一门艺术,翻译也以另一种语言的修辞方法和表达方式再创造了文学作品,并且对不同国家和民族都产生了深刻的影响。这篇论文将要讨论关于翻译的不同定义,介绍翻译在中国的历史,并列举出一些西方翻译理论。关键词:再生产, 再创造, 定义, 历史, 理论AbstractTranslation reproduces the information of the original by linguistic equi

2、valence as a science. Meanwhile, it recreates a literary work by rhetoric devices and expressions of another language as an art. It exerts a perennial influence in different countries and ethnic groups. This thesis is to talk about different definitions and history of translation. Besides, some tran

3、slation theories in the west will be listed. Key words: reproduce, recreate, definition, history, theoryCONTENTS摘要.Abstract Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Literature Review 11.2 Purpose of the Study11.3Frame Work of the Thesis .1Chapter 2 Definitions of Translation2Chapter 3 The History of Translation

4、 in China 3Chapter 4 Translation Theories in the West .4Chapter 5 Conclusion 6BIBLICOGRAGHY 7Chapter1 Introduction1.1 Literature reviewTranslation had a long history of more than two thousand years in China. Written translation appeared firstly in Buddhist scriptures in the East Han dynasty (25-220)

5、. Ever since the first evidence, translation brought about dramatic social change to China. Lin Kenan mentioned that “It is simply unimaginable that during the last decades China could have become what it is today without translation.” (Lin Kenan, 2007:168) Coinciding with industrial development in

6、western countries, the studies of translation developed quickly. According to Tan Zaixis methods, the history of translation in the west consisted of five periods. Different schools and individuals tried to define translation and perfect theories of translation from many approaches.1.2 Purpose of th

7、e StudyThis thesis talks about some definitions of translation and the history of translation in China. It also mentions some nouns about related theories and schools in order to express the complexity and significance of translation.1.3 Frame Work of the ThesisThis thesis is composed of five chapte

8、rs. Chapter 1 serves as a brief introduction to the thesis. Chapter 2 focuses on some different definitions of translation. Chapter 3 introduces the history of translation in China and the influence it brought about. Chapter 4 talks about the five periods of translation in the west. Chapter 5 makes

9、the conclusion and further prospects of learning translation in future. Chapter 2 Definitions of TranslationOxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English fourth edition defined the word “translate” as “to express something spoken or esp. written in another language or in simpler words. In L

10、ongman Advanced American Dictionary, “translate” is to “to change speech or writing into another language” Actually, the word “translate” comes from the Latin word translatus. Translatus is the participle of transferre, meaning moving something from one place to another. The Latin term “trans” means

11、 the change of time and space, and the term “ferre” has similar meaning with “carry” or “endure”. Obviously, translation is by no means a simple task. According to Catfords words, translation implies the rendering from one language to another. It is the faithful representation in one language writte

12、n or spoken. The textual material of the source language is replaced by equivalent textual material of the target language. It is in fact the transfer of meaning instead of form. Translation is not to find some words with similar meaning and organize them. It is a process of finding ways readers can

13、 accept in another language. There are different definitions of translation from scholars who adopt different approaches. For instances, Peter Newmark, the professor of Polytechnic of Central London said that translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message in one langua

14、ge by the same message in another language. Bulhudarov, a well- known Russian scholar on translation, appointed that translation is a process in which a speech in one language is put to another language without loss of meaning. Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest

15、 natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style(Nida&Taber, 2004:12)In order to change a foreign language into his or her mother language, a translator has to be well acquainted with two different cultures. Besides, a translator is armed

16、with necessary professional knowledge. Three principles put forward by Tyler are as follows: “the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work; the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original; the translation should have the

17、same ease as the original composition.”(Li Kenan, 2007: 182)As languages are changing and human society is developing, a translation only works in a certain period. If times change, translation has to be changed in cater for new readers and new publish system. Therefore, the definition and rules of

18、translation will be developed constantly.Chapter3 The History of Translation in ChinaIn accordance with the research done by Lin Kenan, the history of translation in China can be divided into five periods.The earliest translation began during the East Han dynasty. At that time, the Buddhist scriptur

19、es brought the first wave of translation in China. Chinese scholars and monks from ancient India devoted their life to translating plenty of Buddhist scriptures into ancient Chinese. In the initial period of Buddhist translation, translators like Dao An formulated some theories of translation. They

20、had a good command of both the source language and the target language. Buddhism was introduced into China through translation and exerted great influence in China. The foundation of Chinese thought was formed by the Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.The second wave of translation was in the sevente

21、enth century. The Industrial Revolution brought dramatic changes to European science and technology. Native Chinese translators and many missionaries from Western countries made a great contribution to mutual communication. After the Opium Wars of the 1840s the third wave of translation came. The bo

22、urgeois realized that they had to learn from the West. Some scholars engaged in rendering foreign books into Chinese. Yan Fu was a representative of that translation movement. He translated Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays by Thomas Henry Huxley, introducing Darwinism and related social science

23、. For the first time the Chinese people could know the forms of governments in the West and free trade. This translation movement paved the way for the 1911revoution that overthrew the feudal dynasty in China.The 1950s gave birth to the fourth wave of translation. At that time the world was divided

24、into two camps and China belonged to the socialist camp. In order to follow the Soviet Union, translators had to rendering political pamphlets into Chinese. Translation became a tool of serving the purpose of imbuing people with communist thought and ideals.Since the late 1970s China has been in the

25、 fifth wave of translation. The current movement is more comprehensive and effective. Translation exists in every aspects of human life. Books in different fields including literature, economics, education, art, technology have been translated into Chinese. The four previous steps combined and gave

26、birth to the fifth wave of translation in China. At present, Chinese people still enjoy the convenience brought by effective translation. Meanwhile, they are facing great challenges due to the cross-cultural communication.Chapter4 Translation theories in the Western WorldIn the west, translation has

27、 a history of more than two thousand years. Translation has been played an important role in cultural communication. It makes people from different countries and ethnic groups understand each other, thus facilitate the development of human civilization. The Chinese scholar Tan Zaixi divided the hist

28、ory of translation in the west into five periods. In the ancient period, Cicero, a great debater in ancient Greek, was the first translator in western world. He insisted that translators were actually speakers who express the ideas in foreign books in a way that Romans could accept. Cicero did not a

29、dvocate free translation. In his view, translators took responsibility of repeating the content of the original. St. Jerome explained the concept of literal and dynamic translation. He appointed that religious translation was different from literary works.The second period began from the collapse of

30、 Rome to the Renaissance Movement in the fifteenth century. Manlius Boethius put forward his own ideas of translation. He thought a translator had to choose style or content. No one could translate the original text by the same style. Translation focused on objective things. Translators had to be fa

31、ithful to the source language.The Renaissance Movement brought about the third period. Martin Luther said translation would keep communication with readers and listeners. Translators could not go against the grammar, but he should pay more attention to the content.In the modern period, John Dryden i

32、nsisted that translation was an art. The characteristic of the original text could not be removed. Translators could organized words freely, but they were not permitted to change the original meaning. Schleiermacher emphasized that a translator ought to keep the original style if he could translate correctly. After the Second Wo

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