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1、英语四级翻译语法专题一:真题分析语法篇(一)虚拟语气1. The traffic police blamed the driver that (本不该开车这么快)(06.6) Shouldnt have driven so fast 2. The professor required that (我们交研究报告)by Wednesday. (06.6新) We should hand in research report.3. The victim (本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time.(06.12) would have ha

2、d a chance to survive4. if she had returned an hour earlier, Mary (就不会被大雨淋了)(09.6) wouldnt have been caught by the rain.强化练习1. The special committee recommended that _ (这项工程不应动工) until all the preparations have been made.答案:the project not be started考点: 虚拟语气,动词recommend后的宾语从句中使用should 加动词原形的虚拟式, sho

3、uld 可以省略.2. The audience must have missed their musical performance or they _(给予高度评价).答案:would have spoken highly of it 考点:1)虚拟语气,表示和过去事实相反时,主句用would have done 结构;2)短语“给予高度评价”,可译为speak highly of.3 But for his teachers help he _ (是不会成功的).would not have succeeded 本题考查虚拟语气的用法。But for 意为“要不是”,相当于if it h

4、ad not been for his teachers help 所以主句用虚拟语气,与一般过去事实相反。4 He works very hard_.(好像永远不打算睡觉似的)as if he never intended to sleep.考点:本题考查的是as if的用法,as if 后面可以是真实情况,也可以是虚拟情况,如果是虚拟情况,对现在的虚拟要用一般过去时,对过去的虚拟,要用过去完成时。5 I was really anxious about you. You _ (你本不应该一句话不说就离开家)shouldnt have left home without a word.。考点

5、:考查的是情态动词的虚拟,对过去情况的虚拟 用完成时。6 Considering his ability and experience, he _ _(他本来能做得更好的)might have done better.考点:同上7 If we had caught the 10 oclock train,we _ _ (午饭时间到达哪里).would have got there by lunch 考点:同上(二)被动语态1. Our efforts will pay off if the results of this research (能应用于新技术的开发)(08.6) can be a

6、pplied to the development of new technology2. Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life (是用他们能够借到多少来衡量), not how much they can earn. (07.12) is measured by how much they can loan3. Though a skilled worker, (他被公司解雇了) last week because of the economic crisis. (06.6新) he was fired by the

7、 company(三)定语从句1. The prevention and treatment of AIDS is (我们可以合作的领域) (07.6) The field in which we can cooperate2. Medical researches are painfully aware that there are many problems_ (他们至今还没有答案) (08.12) to which they still have no answers强化练习1. which is on the increase.考点:本题考查非限制性定于从句 which 指代前句话的用

8、法,考生不易想到。2. as many famous stars who should have appeared did not come.考点:在英语中表示过去应该做而实际上没有做的事,要用“should + have +过去分词”的句式。(四)名词性从句1. (很多人所没有意识到的)is that Simon is a lover of sports, and football in particular. (09.6) What people dont realize2. (大多数父母所关心的)is providing the best education possibility fo

9、r their children. (08.12) What most parents are concerned about强化练习:1. Whether Tony will come or not 本题考查主从句及是否的表达方法(whether or not)此外注意主语从句中come 用一般将来时,表示未来发生的动作。(五)比较级1. Since my childhood I have found that (没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力)(06.12) nothing is more attractive to men than reading2. The more you expla

10、in, (我愈糊涂) (06.6新) the more confused I am3. I would prefer shopping in a department store because (它更加方便和省时)(07.12) it is more convenient and time-saving 4. It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are (更有可能增加体重)(09.6) more likely to put on weight5. In my sixties, one change I noti

11、ce is that (我比以前更容易累了)(07.12) Im more likely to get tired than before.强化练习1、 as fluently as be speaks English 本题考查比较结构。fluently 修饰speak,应用副词;he为第三人称单数,位于动词必须加s,保持主谓一致。2、 the higher its mineral and vitamin content 本题考查“越越”的英语表达 the morethe more“矿物质和维生素含量”的英语表达为 mineral and vitamin content.3、 We have

12、to admit the fact that the quality of life is as important as life itself (生命的质量和生命本身一样重要).(六)状语从句1. Some psychologists claim that people (出门在外可能会感到孤独)(06.12) might feel lonely when they are far from home2. please come here at ten tomorrow morning (如果你方便的话)if its convenient for you3. Leaving ones jo

13、b, (不管是什么工作), is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring.(08.6) no matter what job is 4. I am going to pursue this course, (无论我要作出什么样的牺牲)(07.12) no matter what kind of sacrifice I had to make强化练习:1 (不管发生什么事情),he would not mind. No matter what happened(状语从句),可以用whatever happen

14、ed替换2、 so/as long as he keeps on trying.考点:本题考查 so/as long as(只要)引导的条件状语从句。3、 Though we have made great progress (虽然我们已经取得很大进步), we still have a long way to go.4、 Tom is too proud to see his own shortcomings (太骄傲了,以至于看不出到自己的缺点).2 (无论谁在这抽烟)will be punished. (主语从句) Whoever smokes here(不能用no matter who

15、)3 (不管他喜欢哪一个will be given to him. (主语从句) Whichever he likes (不能用no matter which)(七)分词1.Through the project, many people have received training and (决定自己创业)(08.12)decided to start their own business2. Because of the leg injury, the athlete (决定退出比赛)(07.6) decided to quit the match 3. Last week the boy

16、 and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday, (尽情地唱歌跳舞)(06.6)singing and dancing to their hearts content强化练习3. The local government has set up a number of technical schools to meet the needs of _(迅速发展的经济)in the region.the rapidly expanding economy 考点:考查分词用作定语。本题也可翻译为:the fast developing econom

17、y; the rapidly growing economy。专题二:真题分析句型篇1. had difficulties in doing sth. had troubles in doing sth.(1)Soon after he transferred to the new school, Ali found that he had (很难跟上班里的同学)in math and English. (09.6) difficulties in catching up with her classmates(2) Having spent some time in the city, he

18、 had no trouble (找到去历 史博物馆的路)(06.6新) finding the way to the history museum2. be likely to do(1). It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are (更有可能增加体重)(09.6) more likely to put on weight(2). In my sixties, one change I notice is that (我比以前更容易了)(07.12) Im more likely to get tired t

19、han before.3. in case of (1). Youd better take a sweater with you (以防天气变冷)(08.12) in case of temperature drop4. not until(1). The anti-virus agent was not known (直到一名医生偶然发现了它)(08.12) Until a doctor found it by chance(2). (直到他完成使命)did he realize that he was seriously ill.(08.6) Not until he had finis

20、hed his mission5. would rather.than(1). It is raining cats and dogs outside, so I (宁愿在家里看电视,也不愿出去)(06.6) would rather watch TV at home than go out6. but(1). The matter was so serious that I (除了报警,别无选择) had no choice but to call the police7. something wrong with.(1). I cant boot my computer now. some

21、thing (一定除了毛病)with its operation system.(08.6) must be wrong练习1、 Youd better behave yourself考点:1)句型“最好做某事”用had better do sth.; 2) 短语“行为规矩些”应译为behave yourself.2、when it comes to mathematics maths 考点:1)“说到”用短语when it comes to,该短语通常用于引起另一个话题,本题中从“体育”到“数学”即是转换了话题; 2)时态,本句其他部分的时态都是一般现在时,故从句中的动词come 用第三人称

22、单数形式comes.3.did she become aware(realize) 本题考查倒装语序,根据英语语法规则 Not until放在句首应用倒装语序:“了解”的英文表达为become aware, realize或 was Henry who(that) stole my computer 本题考查强调句型的用法,其表达为 it is that 偷电脑为过去发生的动作,应用一般过去时,先行词指人并作主语,所以应用who或that。5.It is time that the authority took proper steps to solve the t

23、raffic problems (当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题).专题三:真题分析词组篇1. 对充耳不闻She (对我们的警告充耳不闻)and made a serious mistake in the end. (06.6)turned a deaf ear to our warnings2. 适应Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to (适应不同文化中的生活)(06.12) adapt themselves to life in different cultures3. 以速度at a rate o

24、f The nations population continues to rise (以每年1200万人的速度)(06.12) at a rate of 12 million every year4. 将考虑在内The finding of this study failed to (将人们的睡眠质量考虑在内)(07.6) take peoples sleep quality into consideration5. 按以下地址To make donations or for more information, please _ (按以下地址和我们联系)(07.6) contact us a

25、t the following address6. 多亏了,一系列 (多亏了一系列的新发明), doctors can treat this disease successfully(07.12) Thanks to a series of new inventions7. 与相比 (与我成长的地方相比),this town is more prosperous and exciting(08.6) Compared with the place where I was brought up8. 与相关The study shows that the poor functioning of t

26、he human body is (与缺乏锻炼密切相关)(09.6) Closely related to the lack of exercise9. 尽情Last week the boy and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday, (尽情地唱歌跳舞)(06.6) singing and dancing to their hearts content练习:1. turned a deaf ear to our warnings本题考查“充耳不闻”的表达方法。类似的表达“turn a blind eye to”对熟视无睹;此外 to

27、是借此后跟名词或动名次,warning(警告)应该用复数。2.are blind to this考点:“视而不见”还可以翻译为:turn a blind eye to; take no notice of ; pretend not to see3.kept a detailed record of 考点:注意使用一般过去时,本题也可以翻译为:look detailed notes of; recorded in detail; noted down in detail。4. are not selling well考点:“畅销”翻译为“sell well”,动词使用主动形式,不用被动语态,类

28、似动词还有:wash, lock, dress, shave, translate 等。5.turned a deaf ear to our warnings本题考查“充耳不闻”的表达方法。类似的表达“turn a blind eye to”对熟视无睹;此外 to 是借此后跟名词或动名次,warning(警告)应该用复数。6. could not help laughing 本题考查“忍不住”的表达方法,注意laugh后加ing,此外注意用一般过去时 keep pace with times/ to keep up with times 本题考查“与时俱进”的英文表达法 keep pa

29、ce with times / keep up with times 或 keep abreast of times. time后必须加 s 才能表示“时代”之意。8.keeping the door closed 本题考查宾语补足语的用法。Closed 为宾语补足语,主语为 the door ,所以用过去分词表示被动。9.he will devote himself to charities.考点:本题考查“把(时间、精力等)投入到”的表达,devoteto。翻译专题 (四)Exercises in Book oneUnit 11. We hope the new machine will

30、work faster, (从而降低我们的成本)_thus cutting down on our costs.2. Alex has the habit of reading a newspaper (在吃早饭的时候) while eating / having / taking breakfast.3. Tom has stuck a vocabulary list on the kitchen wall (以便每天在烧饭时能记住两三个生词) so that he can memorize a couple of few words every day while cooking his

31、meals.4. He took a reading course and learned some speed-reading skills, (从而大大提高了阅读速度) thus greatly increasing his reading speed.5. An exchange student from British University, Amanda learned to do taijiquan (在北京大学学习中国近代史期间) while studying Chinese modern history at Beijing University.6. They know how to make the most o

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