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1、高中英语第六模块第三单元复习讲学稿高中英语第六模块第三单元复习讲学稿编稿:宜兴中学备课组 审稿:丁向萍Understanding each other一 语篇复习1. Reading (任务型阅读)Cultural differencesIn the West its (2)_ for a person to open the present when he (3)_ it, because people like to see the (4)_ of the person.Opening the present During the ceremony in Korea, a hen is t

2、hought to (5)_ good fortune and rooster is believed to drive away bad spirits. (1) _ the wedding ceremonyIn Brunei, men and women dont sit (6)_, and alcohol is not (7)_.In many countries, people use their first finger to point, which is considered a kind of (8)_ in Brunei. So people in Brunei use th

3、eir (9)_instead.Other aspectsNative English speakers have different (10)_ and customs though they share the same language.2. Project (课文改写填空) The cultural Experience Tours is a travel that provides individuals with the opportunity to be _ _ different minority cultures and various traditions, customs

4、 and way of life. Riding on a dog sled and traveling in a seal-skin boat are both the activity you can participate in while _with the Inuit people. Since Inuit mostly eat meat,_ are not suitable to go there. They believe in animal spirits. They live in small family groups with large summer _ _ _ and

5、 _.It is likely that you will take part in the dancing, listen to _ _ _ _ and play games. While dancing you will wear a specific animal mask usually _ _ wood. _ on the ancient belief, Aborigine ceremonies are _with singing and dancing. They believe it is the Great Spirits that _ all lives on Earth a

6、nd _ _and laws to _ them. They collect food from the bush and _ _ holes for large snakes. They make use of their_ _ and the boomerang to hunt animals.New Zealand_ _ _ the Maoris, who have a culture _ _ song, dance and art. It is through their songs and dance that they remember their Gods. They have

7、a traditional meeting house used to welcome visitors, _ you will join with them in dance.You are likely to eat food cooked in leaves _ _ hot stones and food cooked in _ _. _ are that you will go night fishing. _ in the center of North America, there is one tribe _ to the native American Indian group

8、, _ _ _ _ the Plains Indians. They stick to the belief that the Great Spirit _ _ _ all things. Sleeping in an Indian tent, wearing clothes _ _ animal skin, _ _ the Sun Dance, and seeing _ smoking a peace pipe can all be experienced there. Additionally, there is a bow and arrow _ _ to retell how they

9、 used to hunt for food.二重点词汇复习1. permit vt.& vi.允许,准许 n许可证教材原句Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks, tea and coffee, alcohol is not permitted at the wedding reception in fact, alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei. 允许某人做某事 permit doing sth. 允许做某事 sth.permitting, . 许可的话(独立主

10、格)(2)permission nU 允许,许可with/without ones permission 获取某人同意/没有获得某人许可ask for permission 请求允许趁热打铁(1)We dont _ people _ _ in the lecture room.我们不允许人们在报告厅里抽烟。(2)_ _, I will see you after the meeting. If _ _, I will see you after the meeting.如果时间允许的话,会后我去看你。(3) No reference books are to be taken out of t

11、he reading room _ _.本阅览室参考书不得私自携出。点击考题(2012新课标全国卷)The party will be held in the garden, weather .Apermitting Bto permitCpermitted Dpermit2. prohibit vt.(尤指以法令)禁止,不准;阻止,使不可能 教材原句 Another difference is that while we serve food, soft drinks, tea and coffee, alcohol is not permitted at the wedding recep

12、tion-in fact, alcohol is altogether prohibited in Brunei. (1) prohibit (ones) doing sth. 禁止(某人)做某事(2) prohibit sb.from doing sth. 阻止或禁止某人做某事(3) prohibition n. 禁止,禁令 (4) ptohibitive adj. 禁止性的;禁止使用或购买的趁热打铁(1) His small size_ _ _ a policeman.他身材矮小,当不成警察。(2) Passengers bringing dangerous articles with t

13、hem _ _ _ flying in a civil aircraft.禁止旅客随身携带危险品乘坐民用航空器。点击考题The suggestion came from the general _ the soldiers _ camp after dark.A. that; be prohibited from leaving B. whether; were prohibited to leaveC. that; were prohibited from leaving D. whose; should be prohibited to leave联想归纳表示“禁止或阻止某人做某事”的表达

14、法还有哪些?禁止某人做某事:ban/forbid sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事:prevent/stop/keep/discourage sb.from doing sth.3.adjust vi.& vt.适应,习惯;调整,调节 教材原句Its quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.(1)adjust to (doing) sth. 适应(做)某事,习惯(做)某事adjust oneself to (doing) sth. 使自己适应(做)某事adjus

15、t .to . 将调整到;使适应(2)adjustment n. 调整,适应make an adjustment 做出调整(3) adjustable adj. 可调整的,可调节的趁热打铁(1) These desks and chairs can be _ _ the height of any child.这些桌椅可随儿童身高来调整。(2) He has given up smoking and drinking and _ _ _ a nicer lifestyle.他已戒了烟酒,使自己适应更好的生活方式。(3) If fate does not adjust itself to you

16、, you should _ _ _ to fate.如果命运不迁就你,你就要学会迁就命运。4accustomed adj.习惯于;惯常的 教材原句Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it. 习惯于(做)某事(2)accustom vt. 使习惯于accustom sb./oneself to (doing) sth. 使某人/自己习惯于(做)某事趁热打铁(1) We had to get _ _ the new working conditions.我们必须习惯新的工作环境。(2)It took a while for me

17、to _ _ _all the new rules and regulations.我花了一段时间才逐渐适应了所有新的规章制度。点击考题_ the new life in Qingdao, the old man lived happily with his son after leaving his home in the countryside.A. Accustomed to B. Accustoming to C. Having accustomed to D. Having used to5. familiar adj.通晓的;熟悉的 教材原句For example, I have

18、fond childhood memories of Bonfire Night, but my American friends are not familiar with that particular festival.sth. be familiar to sb. 某物为某人所熟悉sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对某事(物)熟悉、通晓、精通趁热打铁(1) Most people are _ _ this figure from Wagners opera.多数人对瓦格纳歌剧中的这个人物是熟悉的。(2) He talked of other cultures as

19、 if they were _ _ _him than his own.他谈起其他文化就像比自己的文化还熟悉。点击考题The famous actor is familiar _ us, but it is a pity that he is not familiar _ me no matter how deep I love him.A. with; to B. to; with C. to; to D. with; with6account n. C描述,叙述;解释,说明;账户vt.认为vi.解释;占教材原句You will have the chance to join one of

20、these large assemblies and take part in the dancing, listen to traditional accounts of bravery, and play games.你将有机会加入这些大型集会中的一个并参与跳舞活动,聆听他们传统的英勇故事,还可以参与游戏节目。(1)give an account of 给予描述;进行说明take sth.into account/take account of sth. 认真考虑某事on account of 由于,因为on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)open an acco

21、unt 开一个账户(2)account for (在数量和比例上)占,占据;是的原因; 对做出解释和说明(1) The president declines to deliver the speech himself, _ _ _ a sore throat.那位总统由于嗓子疼不能亲自发表演讲。(2) We must _ local conditions _ _.我们必须得把当地的情况考虑进去。(3) _ _ _ shall we submit to our fate.我们绝不能向命运屈服。(4) How do you _ _the sudden disappearance of the mu

22、rder weapon?你如何解释凶器突然消失?三重点词组复习1let alone 更不用说 教材原句In his youth, however, he never left his home town, let alone travelled to another country, because he had to work to support his family.(1)let alone“更不用说”,相当于一个插入语,但其后所接的词的形式要求与前面的平行一致,一般用于否定句之后。(2)它的同义短语是not to mention。leave/let sb.alone 别烦某人leave

23、/let sth.alone 别碰某物;别管某事Let her alone when she is not happy. 她不高兴时别去惹她。趁热打铁(1).The baby cant even sit up yet, let alone _. 这个婴儿连坐都坐不稳,更不用说走路了。(2). Tom wasnt walking at the age of four, let alone _.汤姆四岁时几乎不会走路,更不用说跑了。(3). I havent decided on the menu yet, let alone _ the food.我还没决定吃什么菜呢,更不必说买好了。2. ta

24、ke up 占据(时间或空间);拿起,提起;开始从事某事;接着讲,继续;改短;接受教材原句I have no idea what he will do with them all, and it took up a lot of time. Her time is fully taken up with writing. He took up his pen and began to write. She takes up a job as a teacher. The trousers need taking up/to be taken up. She took up the story

25、she hadnt finished the day before. I will take up the challenge to accomplish the task. 联想归纳 take on 呈现;雇佣;接受;承担 take in 欺骗;吸收;理解; 收留(某人)take to 喜欢,迷上;开始从事 take off 起飞;事业腾飞;脱下;迅速流行;匆忙离开take over 占据,占领; 接管 take down 写下,记下;拿下来趁热打铁No other organization was able or willing to _ the task.She _ by his sto

26、ry, and married himWhen he saw me coming, he _ in the opposite direction.Many students _ playing computer games.The campus has _ a new look.Learning English _ a lot of my time. To tell the truth, Im tired of it.Dont let negative thoughts _.The supermarket is _ a few temporary assistants for the Chri

27、stmas season.I could hardly _ what the old man said.I _the old picture and hung up a new one.3have power over 控制,支配 教材原句The Plains Indians believe in the Great Spirit who has power over all things including animals, trees, stones and power 在掌权come to/into power 上台执政,掌权beyond ones power 为某人

28、能力所不及in/within ones power 在能力/权力之内do everything in ones power 尽力做某事趁热打铁(1) As soon as their party _ _ _, they changed the law.他们的党一上台,他们就开始修改法律。(2) Your debt situation is only temporary, and it is _ _ _ to resolve it.你的债务状况只是暂时的,解决它在你的能力范围里。(3) Not that I dont want to help you, but its_ _ _ to do so.不是我不愿意帮你,只因我爱莫能助。短语对点集训 选词填空1In my opinion, nobody can _anyone elses fate.2Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything y

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