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1、法律英语单词自己整理的仅供参考!欢迎参与词条建设!Book 1, unit 1Reading: Bodies of lawcommon law习惯法,普通法,判例法 based on customscivil law成文法,大陆法,民法criminal law(6)燕子低飞、(小鱼)游出(水面)、(蚂蚁)搬家表示要(下雨)了。刑法 deal with crimescodify编纂天气渐渐热起来了。code法典disputes争执,纠纷Types of law小小的船儿 长长的尾巴 金色的阳光女 女字旁(好 妈 奶) 心 心字底(想 思 念)bill母亲 着急 认真. 得意 主意 同意 因为 阳

2、光 办法 亲情 爱情议案;法案.a formal statement of a proposed new law that is discussed and then voted on人字头:全、会、合regulation和风细雨 万紫千红 鸟语花香 山清水秀 蒙蒙细雨 古往今来规章 carry out the intent of the law红火 红红火火 日夜 日日夜夜ordinance(地方)条例 enacted by a town,city or country governmentdirective七、填空题经常会填指令 (如:欧盟指令) establish policiesR S

3、 T U V W X Y Zstatutes成文法 formal written lawprovision规章、条例articlechapterclauseSpeaking1 : Explaining what a law saysstipulate规定provide语气弱于stipulatesspecify明确规定Types of courtsappellate court受理上诉法院 review cases heard in a lower courtcrown court刑事法庭 hear serious criminal caseshigh court高等法院 the highest

4、 court in a jurisdictionsupreme court最高法院juvenile court青少年法庭 try a person under the age of 18lower court下级法庭 hear a case for the first timemagistrates court地方法院,地方治安法庭 small crimes are tried in the UKmoot court模拟法庭 students argue hypothetical casessmall-claims court小额补偿诉讼法院 limit amount of moneytrib

5、unal特别法庭,专门法庭 legal problems of a particular typeSpeaking2: Civil court systemsexpert witness专家证人 a person who has specialised knowledge of a particular subjectappellant上诉人 appeals a decision to a higher courtadvocate诉讼律师 plead cases in courtListening: Documents in courtaffidavit法庭宣誓, 口供 swear offic

6、ially to tell the truthinjunction禁令 stop sb doing somethingwrit传票 involved sb in a legal processpleading诉讼;诉讼文件 set forth the cause of actionclient诉讼当事人, 委托人 Book 1,Unit 2 Reading: Legaleducation - a call to the Barthe Bar1.大律师职业(可出席高等法庭)(尤指资格)the profession of barrister 2.律师职业 the profession of any

7、 kind of lawyerdisbar取消(某人)的律师资格 to stop a lawyer from working in the legal profession,especially because he or she has done sth illegalLLBLegum Baccalaureus法学学士vocational 职业的,职业技术的barrister大律师,出庭律师,辩护律师(在英国有资格出席上级法庭进行辩护) a lawyer in Britain who has the right to argue cases in the higher courts of l

8、awInns of Court律师学院(尤指英国伦敦四个培养律师的组织)(in England) the four private unincorporated societies in London that function as a law school and have the exclusive privilege of calling candidates to the English bar.They are Lincolns Inn,Inner Temple,Middle Temple.Grays InnBar Vocational Course法律职业课程call to th

9、e bar获得律师资格 allowed to work as a qualified barristerpupillage1.大律师见习期 a period during which a lawyer trains to become a barrister by studying with a qualified barriser 2.大律师实习制度 3.学生时期(尤指接受某人教育) a period during which you are a student,especially when you are being taught by a particular person appre

10、nticeship1.学徒期 a period of time working as an apprentice 2.学徒工作 a job as an apprenticebarristers chambers大律师事务所solicitor1.事务律师,诉状律师(代拟法律文书、提供法律咨询等的一般辩护律师)a lawyer who prepares legal documents, for example for the sale of land or buildings,advises people on legal matters,and can speak for them in som

11、e courts of law 2.推销员 a person whose job is to visit or telephone people and try to sell them sth 3.(城镇或政府部门负责法律事务的)法务官 the most senior legal officer of a city,town or government departmentLegal Practice Course(LPC)法律实践课程trainee solicitor实习律师law school法学院juris doctor(J.D)法律博士(美)基础的法律学位,专供非法学毕业的本科毕业生

12、修读,毕业生可以申请入读专业法律证书(P.C.LL.)以图取得香港律师资格,香港中文大学和香港城市大学均设有此课程,2009年起香港大学亦开办此课程。bar examination律师资格考试 in the USA,an important test taken by law-school graduates which,when passed,qualifies a person to practise lawliaison1.联络;联系 a relationship between two organizations or different departments in an organ

13、ization,involving the exchange of information or ideas 2.联络员;联系人 counsel1.法律顾问;律师 a lawyer or group of lawyers representing sb in court 2.劝告,建议 advice,especially given by older people or experts ListeningAssociate合伙人,同事,朋友 2.准会员 adj.合伙的,共事的,有关连的 Full Partner(法律)无限责任合伙人Paralegaln.法律事务助理 adj.辅助律师业务的Re

14、al Propertyn.不动产,房地产Salaried Partner(法律)受薪合伙人litigationn.诉讼;打官司the process of making or defending a claim in a court of lawpractitionern.从业人员(尤指医学或法律界的)a person who works in a profession;n习艺者,专门人才a person who regularly does a particular activity,especially one that requires skill transactionn.交易,业务,

15、买卖a piece of business that is done between people,especially an act of buying or selling ; n.办理,处理the process of doing sthtrade-mark商标a name,symbol or design that a company uses for its products and that cannot be used by anyone else;n.特征,标记a special way of behaving or dressing that is typical of ab

16、 and that makes them easily recognizedinfringement侵犯权益to limit abs legal rightsn.触犯法规to break a law or rule ;landlordn.房东,地主a man from whom you rent a room,a house,etc;n.店主,老板a man who owns or manages a pub or a guest housetenantn.房客,租户,佃户a person who pays rent for the use of a room,building,land et

17、c;v.(作为租赁者)居住,工作to live or work in a place as a tenantLanguage Focusbarrister出庭律师a lawyerwho is admitted to plead at the bar and argue cases in superior courts.attorney1.代理人,法律事务代理人 a legal agent 2. 律师 a lawyerin-house counsel法律顾问 lawyer suppling advices for corparatonsolicitor1.事务律师(英)lawyer who co

18、nsults with clients and prepare documents but is not heard in High Court2.(美)首席法务官main legal officel of the governmentcorporate lawyer法务Setting up a business venture for the companydefence laywer辩护律师 a lawyer of a defendantgovernment lawyer政府律师 lawyer work for governmentpatent lawyer专利律师 a lawyer wh

19、o drafts and prosecutes patent applications and represents inventors in infringement suits and interference hearingstax lawyer税务律师 lawyer helping with tax issuestrial lawyer出庭辩护律师 defence for the defendant on the courtUnit 3 Reading: Introduction to constitutional lawUS Constitution美国宪法article1.(报纸、

20、杂志的)文章a piece of writing;2.物品;物件object;3.正品;真货the genuine article;4.(契约、文件的)条款、条文、项目a section of a formal agreement or document;5.见习契约Someone who is in articles is being trained as a lawyer or accountant by a firm with whom they have a written agreement;6.冠词amendment 1.(法令或法规的)修正条款,修正案a section that

21、 is added to a law or rule in order to change it;2.修改,修订a change is made to a piece of writing.bill of rights权利法案judicial review司法审查、复审review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of so me other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the

22、decision of a trial courtdue process正当程序,正当法律程序,法定诉讼程序the administration of justice according to establish rules and principlesseparation of powers政权分离division of powers(中央及地方的)分权checks and balances(政府机关彼此之间的)相互制衡limited government有限政府source1.来源;产地;2.寻找(产品或货源的)货源;3.消息来源;消息人士;(论文中引文的)出处、原始资料 a person

23、 or book that provides information for a news story or for a piece of research.4.(困难的)根源、原因 a difficultys cause.5.(河流的)源头precedent前例、先例 If there is a precedent for an action or event, it has happended before, and this can be regarded as an argument for doing it againissue1.重要问题;议题;争论的问题 an important

24、 subject;2.首要事项;要点;问题的要害;3.(报刊的)期,号,版次the version of magazine or newspaper;4.发表,发布。make a statement or a warning known formally or publicly;5.向.颁发;(正式)发给;6.(液体声音气味)流出、发出、冒出issues from=comes out of 7.争论中的,讨论中的at issus=being argued about;8.使.引起关注;在.上跳起争论make an issue of something;9.不同意;对.持争议take issue

25、 with someone or something=disagree with them;10.在.方面有困难have issues with=have problems connected with state constitution州宪法mundane subjects平凡的人Key terms:Principles of the constitutional law(BY 陈宁怡2012301180) separation of powers1.分权。即将政府机构一分为三:立法、行政和司法。每一个分支都有特定的职责范围,任何其他分支不得侵犯。 2.分权与制衡原则。美国宪法所确立的一项

26、原则。依布兰迪斯(Brandeis)大法官所言,这一原则在1787年制宪会议上采纳,其目的不在于提高政府效率,而在于保护人民免受暴政或独裁专制之苦。division of powers(联邦宪法规定的联邦和州之间的政府权力划分);分权checks and balances制衡原则;制约与平衡原则。之每一政府部门皆具有对抗其他任何部门行为的能力,从而不致出现任何单一部门操纵整个政府的权力和职能的理论。如在美国,行政部门可通过行使否决权veto power制约立法机关;而只要达到充分多数,立法机关则可推翻任一否决。limited government有限政府Unit 4 Company Lawle

27、gal entity法律实体legal person法人Legal persons are of two kinds: natural persons people and juridical persons groups of people, such as corporations, which are treated by law as if they were persons. While people acquire legal personhood when they are born, judicial persons do so when they are incorporat

28、ed in accordance with law.personal liability法律责任 The legal bound obligation to pay debts.In law, a person is legally liable when they are financially and legally responsible for something.corporate veil公司屏障(保护持股人免受独家业主造成的企业破产所带来的损失) Its purpose lies in the fact that under the special circumstance of

29、 law, the creditor can investigate control shareholders legal liabilities through the“corporate veil”to make creditor gain more forceful protection.certificate of incorporation公司注册证书登记执照,a signed statement by the Registrar of Companies that a company is duly incorporatedboard of directors董事会A board

30、of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. Other names include board of governors, board of managers, board of regents, board of trustees, and board of visitors. It is often simply referred to as the board.memorandum of ass

31、ociation公司章程A legal document setting up a corporation either with or without limited liability and including the companys name, purpose, and duration.duty of care谨慎责任a requirement that a person act toward others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a persons actions do not meet this standard of care, then the acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting

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