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1、新编英语教程第二册生单词释义Unit 1 1. Key words from new words: LS(queue, apply, feature); D.I(in tears, hold back, qualify, occupy, slanderous, outrageous); D. II (fall apart, pile of); R.I(tremendous, luxurious, tremor, opponent, reputation, deserve, be addicted to, take up, spectator, promote) B. New words: (q

2、ueue, apply, feature)1. queue: + (up) + for/ to do sth2. apply: a sticking plaster; apply for; apply to3. feature film: a film being shown at the cinema正片,故事片4. feature: N.1)(of) a (typical or noticeable) part or quality特征,特点,特色: Wet weather is a feature of life in Scotland. 2) any of the noticeable

3、 parts of the face容貌上引人注意的地方:Her mouth is her worst feature. 3) a special long article in a newspaper or magazine.特写(报道)Did you read the feature on personal computer in the New York Times? V. 1) to include as a leading performer由主演:This film features Dustin Hoffman (as a divorced father). 2)to adver

4、tise particularly为特别做广告:Were featuring bedroom furniture this week. 3)(+adv/prep) to play an important part起重要作用:Fish features very largely in the diet of these islanders.A. Key word presentation exampled by T. (20 min.s) (in tears, hold back, qualify, occupy, slanderous, outrageous)1. You are all i

5、n tears.你两眼含着泪。e.g. I found her in tears. / Having heard his funny story, we all doubled over and some were even in tears.2. hold back: to withhold; to restrain e.g. No difficulty can hold us back./ We struggled to hold back our laughter.3. visualize: to form a mental image of somethinge.g. She coul

6、dnt visualize living there. / I could visualize how the place must have looked in the past. 4. disheartening: adj. discouraging. e.g. We have never expected such disheartening news at the time of critical moment. dishearten: v. to weaken or destroy the hope, courage of e.g. The bad news disheartened

7、 him. / Hes easily disheartened by difficulties.5. donate: v. give without anything in exchangee.g. donate blood to a blood bank; donate 1,000 dollars to schoolpeople can donate money to quake-hit areas by sending SMS. donation: n. donator: n.6. occupy: 1) to move into and hold possession of (a plac

8、e), esp. by military force. 占领,占据2)to fill (a position, space or time) 占有Writing occupies most of my free time. 3) (usu. passive) to be in (a place) Is that seat occupied?7. drop out: withdraw, quite.g. He had to drop out of school because of poverty. / He dropped out of college after only two weeks

9、.After his defeat, he dropped out of politics.8. outrageous: very offensive蛮横的,猖狂的 language/prices粗暴的语言/骇人的价格e.g.: I demand an explanation for this bill. The newspaper exclaimed against(utter aloud, state or announce) the distortion of truth.报界强烈谴责对真相无耻的歪曲。9. near-starvation diet: near: adj. almoste

10、.g. a near miss / thing / escape; a near disaster; a near tragedy; in the near futureA. Key Language points1. tremendous: very large in size, amount or degree2. luxurious: very fine and expensive N. luxury: 1) a condition of great comfort provided without any consideration of the cost奢华,奢侈 2)奢侈品sth

11、that is very pleasant and enjoyable, but not necessary and not often had or doen3. confuse A with B: mistake A for Be.g. He confused my effusiveness with affection.1) 注意confuse的介词搭配2) 主动和被动的用法不要混淆,confuse sb. “使某人糊涂”;be confused by sb. “被某人弄糊涂”4. tremor: 1)a shaking movement of the ground: a small e

12、arthquake= an earth tremor 2)a shaking or trembling movement caused by fear, nervousness, illness, weakness, etc: 震颤,发抖The story was so frightening that it sent tremors down my spine.不寒而栗;浑身发抖;a of excitement激动的发抖5. have a reputation for: how much sb. is likede.g. The company has a worldwide reputat

13、ion for quality/good service.These people have a reputation for being hot-blooded.这些人以易感情冲动而闻名。6. be addicted to: be given to; dependent on something esp. a drug; unable to stop having, takinge.g. He has been addicted to smoking at the age of 14. / The children are addicted to the cartoon films.7. C

14、ollocation: addict oneself to sth. 使自己沉溺于 be addicted to sth. 对上瘾,沉溺于addict: n. / v. 有瘾的人 / 使沉溺,使上瘾; addiction: n. 沉溺,瘾;addictive: adj. (使人)上瘾的,沉迷的compare: addicted; addictive: addicted:用来形容人,指对毒品或活动等上瘾,做定语时常置于名词后,e.g. kids addicted to computer games 沉迷于电脑游戏的孩子; addictive: 用来形容让人上瘾的事物,e.g. Crack is

15、a highly addictive form of cocaine. 快克是一种令人高度上瘾的可卡因药丸。8. follow ones lead / example: do as sb. else has donee.g. I dont want you to follow my example and rush into marriage.Hes the chief trouble maker; the others just follow his lead. 他是首要的捣乱分子,其余的人只是跟着学的.Ill follow your lead. 我将以你为榜样。 We can follow

16、 their lead. 他们怎么做我们就怎么做。9. gain in popularity on baseball: obtain more; catch up with 在受欢迎程度上赶上了棒球e.g. Nowadays girls like to gain in beauty, height, strength, but not weight.We can gain in self-confidence, influence, knowledge and understanding in the social activities.He gained on the other runne

17、rs in the race and finished first. Note: in表示在某方面,on表示追赶的目标1. increasingly: popularBut people are increasingly using the internet to talk to one another. 可是,人类已越来越多地用互联网来相互交流。greater: the workers they rely on, however, are not back, despite ever greater inducements for them to return.Unit 2 1. Key w

18、ords from new words: LS(critical, accuracy, fluency, proficiency); D.I(prosperous, sovereignty, administrative, autonomy, rehearsal, count, available); D. II (be on, pick up); R.I(stunt, work out, mime, as if, delay, ban, make sure, stretch, land, specialize) C. Language points1. be critically ill2.

19、 A proficiency test: a test designed to measure the ability or performance of an individual in a branch of study水平测试An achievement test: a test designed to measure the knowledge or proficiency of an individual in something that has been learned成绩测试;成就测试A. Language points(key word: count, available)1

20、) Community: a group of people living together and or united by shared interests, religion, nationality, etc. the black ; the academic 国际社会international community, rather than world society2) Grand: splendid in appearance or style; impressive壮丽的,雄伟的: How grand the mountains look in the early light.

21、晨曦中的群山是多么雄伟壮观。/ a millionaire who entertained his guests on a grand scale 以盛大的场面招待3) Full-length: (of a photograph, painting, etc.) showing all of a person, from head to their feet. (相片,画像等)全身的:a full-length portrait of the queen女王的全身肖像 (of a garment) reaching to the ground (衣服)拖地的,长及地面的: a full-len

22、gth evening dress拖地的晚礼服 (of a play, book, etc)not short; not shorter than is usual 未删节的;合乎标准长度的: a feature film 标准长度的故事片4) Count in/out: include/excludeCount on: depend on. You can me/ winning the contract/ the weather being fine. /him to come. Count: To have value, force, influence, or importance 有

23、价值,有影响;有重要性its not what you say but what you do that counts.5) Available: that you can get, buy, use, etc.Adv. Easily/freely/readily/widelyPrep. For- Grants should be available for all students.From- Details are available from the above address.To- This information is freely available to anyone wish

24、ing to see it.Phases: available for hire/saleThere are three boats available for hire./ Tickets are available for sale.All the people concerned must attend the meeting.6) catcall: a loud whistle or cry expressing disapproval or displeasure, made e.g. at the theatre, a sports match, etc. (表示反对或喝倒彩的)口

25、哨声;嘘声;尖叫声7) flop V. pp- +adv/prep. to move or fall in a loose, heavy, or awkward way猛然坐下(躺下,放下): she flopped down exhausted in an armchair. 她筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到了扶手椅上。 infml (of a plan, performance, etc)to fail; be unsuccessful(计划,演出等)失败,砸锅N 拍击/重坠/扑通声; 失败8)Foreign policy“一国两制”的方针:the principle of “one country

26、, two systems”恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty over享有高度自治 enjoy a high degree of autonomy香港、澳门特别行政区 Hong Kong/Macao Special Administrative Region祖国和平统一大业 the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland捍卫国家主权,领土完整和名族尊严safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and nat

27、ional dignity /The Five Principles of Peaceful CoexistenceII. Guided writing (45 min.s)A. Language points1. grapple with: to take hold of and struggle with 与扭打2. wink (at): to close and open (one eye) quickly, usu. as a signal between people, esp. of amusement or a shared secret3. cater to or for: s

28、atisfy; setting: the time and place where the action of a book, film, etc., is shown as happening 背景4. shun: keep away from躲开,避开 Since the scandal shes been shunned by her neighbors. 自从这一丑闻传开以后,他的邻居都避开她了。B. Differences1. synonym-afterwards 后来 soon-within a short time; before longe.g.: At first he de

29、nied all guilt, but he later made a partial confessionWe have dinner and went home afterwards. - generally, not so definite, unfit.Soon afterwards is a time marker for a subsequent event, emphasizing that the old lady join them very soon. 不久2. Finally here means “At long last”, implying that the peo

30、ple had been waiting impatiently in the heavy rain for some time. However signals “concession”, unfit. “at the end” generally had to be followed by an of- phrase. It cant stand by itself3. beside-by the side; on the other hand - comparing different things or ideas4. after all - in spite of everythin

31、g/ all that has been done, considering everything 毕竟,终究, signifies concession; later indicates a longer time span than soon.Unit 3 1. Key words from new words: LS(conscientious, handicap, hoarse, proposal); Dia. 1(farewell, rough, rush, elbow, scramble, come across, ignore, preoccupy, pass down); Di

32、a. 2(burgle, puzzle, overlook, baffle); R I(vicious, accuse, innocence, assume, furious, upset, protest, reluctance, fragile)A. Language points (puzzle, baffle, overlook) (word presentation)1. caretaker: also janitor, a person employed to look after a school or other usu. Large public building and to be responsible for small repairs, cleaning, etc.2. burgle /bgl/ v. to break into a building and steal from (it or t

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