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高考英语一轮复习 unit5unit6知识要点聚焦1.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 unit5unit6知识要点聚焦1Unit 5-Unit 6知识要点聚焦1重点词汇 单词:role, prize,choice, speed, peace, owe, accept, determine, live,comment, action,interrupt,apologize,fault,introduce,apology, manner,impression,roll,Pray,course,breast,raise,advice,impolite, mix, extra stare,disabled 短语:silver screen,take off, go w

2、rong,in all,stay away, lock sb. up,run after,bring sbback,on the air,think highly of,leave out,stare at,make jokes about sb2重点句型 I like/dont like this film because. It starts with. .not just. ,but also. introduce sbTo sb It is polite to do sth Although. Dont start smoking before a dinner is finished

3、3交际用语 Whats the film about? What do you think about the story of the film? How do you feel about the ending of the film?I apologize for.Im sorry I didnt mean to. Oh,thats all rightNo problem注意: 1. 词数100左右: 2. 参考词汇: 雅典Athens, 110米跨栏110m hurdles, 锦标赛 championships, 田径 track and field 重点考点精释1comment评论;

4、意见 Make comments on/upon 对做出评论 have comments from 听取别人意见 He didnt make any comments on your reportYoud better have comments from your teachers and classmates2law短语 Study law 研读法律 Practice law 从事律师事务 Go to law 提出诉讼 Law and order 法律和秩序 By law 依照法律 Keep/ obey the law 守法 Break the law 违法 The civil law 民

5、法 The international law 国际法 Have the law on sb. 控告(他人) 3辨析beat/defeat/win/gain Beat “战胜,打败”,后接比赛、辩论、战斗中的对手。defeat“击 败”,多接敌军、人侵者,也可指对手。win“赢得”,后接名词 match/fight /game/war/prize/fame/bat tie,接人时需加over: I beat/defeated/won over John at chess yesterday The enemy was completely defeated Gain “得到”后边常接one s

6、 living/experience/strength/time/ knowledge/attention/respect /admiration: We shall gain experience through practice His brother gains 30 yuan by his service every day,4辨析late/later/lately/the last/the latest/the latterlate可用作形容词,意为“晚的;近来的;前任的;已故的”。还可用作副词,表示“迟,晚”(属不应该之事),与early相对。later是形容词late的比较级,单

7、独用,或构成later on,five days later之类短语,作状语,表示某一过程中的“后来,较晚的,较迟的”。Lately同recently, 表示“近来,最近”,多用于否定句和疑问句, the last指一系列事物中的最后一个;the latest“最近的;最新的”;the latter指提及的两个事物中的第二个。如:The train was five minutes lateThey came home in the late afternoon,tiredHe often thinks of his late wifeMr Jones is the late Prime Mi

8、nister.This is a later editionI shall call on you two weeks later.We havent seen each other latelyThe latest bus leaves at 10 at nightWe want to buy the latest newspaper and read the latest newsOf football and basketball,I prefer the latter(one)5take off走红;起飞;请假;模仿;离开;脱下It was at this point that her

9、 acting career really took offThe flight for New York took off an hour agoYou may take a couple of days off since youre not well enoughThe actor Made everyone laugh by taking off another actorShe just took off without saying goodbye to anyoneTake off your coat and let me take your measure6Owe to受到的恩

10、惠,感激,把归功于I owe a great deal to my parents and teachersI owe it to you that I am still aliveHe owes his success to good luck more than to abilityI owed my classmate 10 yuan/10 yuan to my classmate for a book注意owing to意为“未付的”,“该给予的”另外owing to 还可表示“由于;因为”:This is to inform You that you have 10000 yuan

11、owing to usOwing to the drought,the crops are short7determine:决心,决意;使决意 Determine to do Determine that 从句 Determine on sth. Determine sb. against sth. Be determined to do Be determined that. (should do)Have you determined where to spend the holidays?He has determined that nothing shall prevent him f

12、rom going.We determined on an early start.What determined you to accept the offer?The news determined him against further delay.Tom was determined to study maths well.He was determined that no one should know anything about it.注意 determine 还有“确定,算出”之意:They determined the date for our party.The size

13、of your feet determines the size of your shoes.Determined 是形容词,“坚定的”: Madame Curie was a determined woman and set a good example to us.注意 determine to do sth. 与be determined to do sth. 意思基本一样,不同的是,前者指当时决定的动作,后者着重于有决心的状态。8Live adj活的,现场的,直播的Look at the live fish in the basin.It was a live broadcast, n

14、ot a recording.9. go 作系动词用:A terrible disease hit the potato crop and potatoes went bad in the soil.My watch has gone wrong. Something has gone wrong with my watch.His wife went mad.Her face went red when she saw him.If father failed to find anything to do, well have to go hungry.10 succeed v. 成功;接替

15、、继任 success n. 成功;成功的人或事,successful adj.成功的; Succeed in Success in Successful in Succeed sb.He succeeded in life.He was successful in life.He has great success in life.Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan.The party is a great success.Mr. Li succeeded Mr. Wang as our class teacher.1.all

16、 短语Above all 最重要的是After all 毕竟At all 根本(否定、疑问句中);竟然(肯定句中)In all 总共If you want to be successful, you must believe in yourself above all.He was weak but he succeeded after all.I dont know him at all.She can eat ten apples at all!In all, 309 people were killed in the great fire in Luoyang.2.escape v. 逃

17、跑,逃脱escape 作为不及物动词,常与from连用。Escape也作及物动词,后接名词后动名词,不接不定式。They escaped from the burning house.You were lucky to escape being punished.Nothing can escape my eyes.3.afford vt. 花费得起,买得起,能力足以注意 afford作“花费得起、买得起”解,常与can, could, be able to 连用:Can you afford $100, 000 for a house?Since she lost her job, she

18、cannot afford a car.注意 作“经得起、忍得住”解,其后多接不定式。She can hardly afford to wait for another for 需要; 叫某人(同往某处);约请He entered the restaurant and called for a glass of beer.Ill call for you at nine.Her father called for her.5.what 的用法主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句中缺少主语、宾语、表语,一般需要what, 表示“所的东西”:What we need are sci

19、ence books. (what 引起主语从句)He told me what he had seen. (what 引起宾语从句)She is never satisfied with what he does. (what 引起的从句作介词宾语)Asia is no longer what it used to be. (what 引起表语从句)6.Play a role/roles in 在中扮演角色,在中发挥作用What role did you play in the film?The U. N. plays an important role in international r

20、elations.7.start with 首先;以开始To start with, we havent enough money.We had only six members to start with.The TV play starts with a doctor, who is working to save a man who has got SARS disease.8.manner 的用法manner 在用作单数名词时,意思是“方法,态度”。 在表达“方式”“方法”的含义时,我们可以在manner之前加形容词类的修饰语。Manner前用介词in。如:in a friendly

21、mannerin an acceptable manner in a friendly mannerDid you realize that your manner was a bit impolite?As far as Im concerned, her manner should be criticized.Manner 一词的复数形式是manners, 意思是“规矩,礼节,礼貌”等。多指人们在公共场所或社交活动中应该做到或遵一守的礼仪或规则。good manners“良好的举止”,table manners “用餐时的礼仪”。 Keeping polite manners on a b

22、us is what everyone,especially the young people should do19apologize vi道歉,辩护apology n道歉,歉意 Apologize to sb. For sth. He apologized to his teacher for coming to school late Do you have found some one to apologize for you? He wrote to make an apology for his carelessness Please accept my sincere apolo

23、gies for the unpleasant quarrel between us last week20express vt表达,叙述,递送expression n表达;表情;词语 Express your gratitude How do you express this sentence in Chinese? Try to express yourself in simple English,will you? His words gave expression of his gratitude Can you see any happy expression on her face

24、 these days? We should learn words and expressions of the unit before we get to the text impression短语 Make an impression on 给留下印象 Leave an impression on The impression of 对的印象 Be impressed by/with 对留下印象 Impress sth. On sb. His speech made a great impression on me. The experience left a lasting impre

25、ssion on me Whats your impression of him(of the book)? I was very impressed by(with)their new house My father impressed on me the value of hard work21introduce vt介绍:插入:提出(议案) Introduce sth. To sb. Introduce sth. Into. You ask him to introduce you to the man The doctor introduced a tube into the pati

26、ents throat22辨析custom/habit custom可指一个社会的“风俗、习俗”,也可以指个人的“习 惯”,都是因长期延续而固定下来的。 They broke some of the old customs It is his custom to take a cold bath every morning habit只用于表示个人习惯,强调习惯成自然,常常是不自然 的,有时还含有不易破除的意味。 He has formed the bad habit of smoking after meals23advice短语 Advice to 给(某人)提建议 Follow/take

27、 sb. s advice 接受(某人)建议 Ask for advice 征求建议 Advice on sth./疑问词+to do 某方面的建议 They gave good advice on our work. If you take/follow my advice,you will succeed Lets ask for his advice on what to do next 注意:advice为不可数名词。24provide vt提供;供给;供应 Provide sb. With sth. Provide sth. To/for sb. You must provide y

28、ourself with food for the journey I must provide food and clothes for/to my family 过去分词provided(that)常引出一个条件状语从句,表示“如 果”。 You may keep the book a further week provided that no one else requires itI will come provided(that)Im well enough25drink短语Drink to sb.Drink sb.Drink to ones healthDrink ones hea

29、lth 注意:都可表示“为健康干杯”,但有to比较正式。高考样题例释1. (20(14年浙江)The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. _ most people say it was the worst winter of their lives AAt last BIn fact CIn a word D. As a result 【解析】答案为B. in fact(其实,实际上。1990的冬天天气不好,实际上几许多人说这是他们一生中最糟糕的冬天。2.(2004年全国)We thought of selling this old furniture, bu

30、t Weve decided to it _ It might be valuable. Ahold on to Bkeep up with Cturn to Dlook after 【解析】答案为A. hold on to(不放弃,不卖掉),keep up with(跟上),turn to(求助于),look after(照看)。3(2001年全国)The film brought the hours back to me_ I wars taken good care of in that faraway village Auntil I3that Cwhen Dwhere 【解析】答案为C.此题在考查间隔式定语从句。其先行词是the hours而不是me,关系副词when在定语从句中作状语。所以选C.单选高考模拟1Why are you so late? Well,_ ,my bike broke down halfway AI say Byou understand CI mean Dyou see2The market for used computers is getting larger and larger as the years Aget on B r

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