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1、高二英语人教版选修7教师用书Unit+5+Section+Learning+about+Language+Using+LanguagedocSection Learning about Language & Using Language根据提示写出下列单词1_ n 道歉;谢罪2_ n. 常规;日常事务 adj. 通常的;例行的3_ adj. 可选择的;随意的4_ vi.&vt. 钻(孔) n. 钻;钻机5_ adj. 平行的;相同的;类似的6_ adj. 丰富的;充裕的7_ vi.&vt. 统治;支配;管理8_ n. 目的地【答案】1.apology2.routine3.optional4.d

2、rill5parallel6.abundant7.govern8.destination根据提示补全下列短语1day in _ day out 日复一日2out of _question 不可能的,不值得讨论的3settle_ (迁入新居、更换工作后)安顿下来4make an apology _sb. 向某人道歉5run/be parallel_ 与平行6be abundant _ 富有【答案】1.and2.the 3.in4.to5.to6.in根据提示补全下列教材原句1I am not sure whether I will be able to meet the requirements

3、 of my course or not,as it takes so long for me to do my work.我不确信我能否完成我的功课,因为做作业花了我太长时间。2In_the_high_plains_area_is Lake Titicaca,the highest lake in the world,on which boats can travel.在高原地区有个的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。3It is a popular tourist destination as_it_is_close_to the famous Inca ruins of t

4、he city of Machu Picchu.这里是旅游热点,因为它离著名的马丘比丘城印加遗址很近。阅读P43短文,选择最佳选项1Peru consists of _.Aa narrow coastal beltBhigh,flat plains in the southeastCthe Andes Mountains running parallel to the coastDall the above2Cuzco is popular with tourists because _.Ait was once the capital of PeruBit is close to the f

5、amous Inca ruins of the city of Machu PicchuCit is in the high mountainsDit is near the high mountains3_once governed much of South America.AEngland BSpainCIndia DGermany4What can we infer from the passage?ALake Titicaca is not the highest lake in the world.BSpain once ruled Peru and Spanish culture

6、 affected Peru greatly.CThe Uros Indians houses are made of the land plants.DYou cannot accommodate in a forest reserve.5Why did the writer write the passage?A. To introduce Peru briefly and attract readers to travel there.BTo describe Peru in detail.CTo show the beautiful scenery to readers.DTo att

7、ract readers to Spain.【答案】15DBBBA apology n. 道歉;谢罪(教材P40)Sara acknowledged her mistake and made an apology immediately.萨拉承认了她的错误并立刻道了歉。(1)make/offer/demand/accept an apology 致歉/主动道歉/要求道歉/接受道歉owe apology 应向某人道歉(2)apologize vi. 道歉apologize to sb.for sth./doing sth. 因向某人道歉I owe you an apology for

8、 operating(operate)the sewing machine wrongly.因操作缝纫机不当,我应该向您道歉。Jack apologized to me for stepping on my foot.杰克因踩了我的脚而向我道歉。 day in and day out日复一日(教材P40)Day in and day out I follow almost the same routine.我几乎天天都是这样做的。day and night 日日夜夜day by day 一天一天地;逐日day after day 日复一日;连续地He carefully attended to

9、 the wounded soldiers day and night.他日夜仔细照料伤员。He went to see the tree he planted day after day and found it taller and taller day by day.他天天去看他栽的那棵树,发现它一天天长高了。 abundant adj. 丰富的;充裕的(教材P43)Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.秘鲁有着多种多样的植物,从沙漠中的草到大片的丛林。(1)be abundant in

10、富有;很丰富(2)abundancen. 丰富;充裕in abundance 大量,充裕an abundance of 大量的The country is abundant in natural resources.这个国家天然资源丰富。Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on this island.该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。名师点津be abundant in (be rich in)富有(反)be short of短缺be high in(be rich in)富含(反)be low in 含量低 out of the question 不可能的;不值

11、得讨论的(教材P43)Its out of the question.这是不可能的。out of question 没有问题;毫无疑问beyond/without question 毫无疑问;肯定in question 正被讨论的;谈论中的He is out of question the top student in his class.他无疑是班上的优秀生。To my mind,Mark Twain was beyond/without question the large man of his time.在我看来,马克吐温无疑是他那一时代中了不起的人物。 settle in (迁入新居、

12、更换工作后)安顿下来(教材P45)things you can do to help him/her settle in你可以帮他/她安顿下来的事情We will settle in the new house next spring.我们明年春天就要迁入新居了。settle down (使)安静下来;安顿下来;定居settle on/upon 决定;同意(某事)settle up 付清欠账;支付账单 settle into 习惯于;适应settle down to(doing) sth. 安下心来做某事We must settle on a place to meet next time.我

13、们必须把下次见面的地点定下来。It was two oclock before I could finally settle down to writing(write) the next chapter.两点了,我终于安下心来写下一章节。.语境填词 【导学号:88172019】1The _ in the _ are making new rules to _ the country better.(govern)2I got the job of an _ through an employment _.(agent)3Woodwork was an _ subject at our sch

14、ool,but I like it,so I had the _ of it.(option)4We should provide _ opportunities for our people to help them live a life of _.(abundant)5Yesterday he made an _ to me.He_ to me for keeping me waiting for him so long.(apology)【答案】1.governors;government;govern2agent;agency3.optional;option4.abundant;a

15、bundance5.apology;apologized.选词填空make an apology to sb.for sth.;day in and day out;be/run parallel to;be abundant in;out of the question;settle in1The railway lines_the road, so they will never meet.2As we all know,China is a country which _ natural resources.3Sally found that there was still so muc

16、h work waiting for her and a holiday abroad was_.4She _ a foreign country and had a happy life after she retired.5_,no matter what the weather is like,he walks one hour.【答案】 parallel abundant in3.out of the question4.settled in5.Day in and day out(教材P43)In_the_high_plains_area_is_Lak

17、e_Titicaca,the highest lake in the world,on which boats can travel.在高原地区有个的的喀喀湖,这是世界上海拔最高的湖,湖上可以行船。【要点提炼】句中画线部分为一个全部倒装句,正常语序为:Lake Titicaca is in the high plains area。完全倒装用法如下:(1)当表示地点的介词短语位于句首,且主语为名词,谓语动词为be,come,lie,sit,stand,walk等不及物动词时,句子的主谓要完全倒装。(2)地点副词(here,there),方位副词(out,in,up,down)及时间副词(now

18、,then)等位于句首,且谓语动词为be,come,go等不及物动词时,句子的主谓要完全倒装。(3)形容词短语/分词短语位于句首,句子的主谓要完全倒装。(注:如果主语是代词,而不是名词,句子不倒装)Around the lake lie sixteen mountains,which are covered with snow all the year round.围绕着这个湖泊的是十六座山峰,终年积雪。In the center of the city is(be) the biggest mall in the city.市中心有一座最大的购物中心。Present at the meeti

19、ng were(be) students from our school.出席会议的人是我们学校的学生。.句型转换1Three white cats are under the table.Under the table _.2A stream flows in front of the tower.In front of the tower _.3The man jumped down from the horse._from the horse.4The days when we were young were gone._when we were young.5Shouts for he

20、lp from the river came.There _ from the river.【答案】1.are three white cats2.flows a stream3.Down jumped the man4.Gone were the days5.came shouts for help学业分层测评.单句语法填空 【导学号:88172044】1My experience in this matter is parallel _ yours.2Mary took three _(option) courses last semester.3The company is _(gove

21、rn) by strict environmental regulations.4His condition improved day _ day.5He _(apology) for his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan.6Our country is abundant _ wildlife.7He has got married and settled _ to a job.8His honesty is _ question;I have worked with him for many years.9The

22、workers are _ (drill) holes in the wall.10In the company _ her good friend,she has been to many places of interest.【答案】1.to2.optional3.governed4.by5apologized6.in7.down8.beyond/without9drilling10.of.完成句子 【导学号:88172045】1他因粗鲁而向他父亲道歉。He _ being so rude.2沿路是一排排的树。_ rows of trees.3老板很吝啬,因此想要他涨工资是不可能的。The

23、 boss is mean,so _ to ask him for a rise.4熊猫宝宝迁入新家了吗?Has the baby panda _?5牛奶富含蛋白质。Milk _ protein.【答案】1.made an apology/apologized to his father for2.Along the road is out of the question4.settled in her new abundant in.阅读理解AMoving to a new neighborhood,town,state,or even country

24、 can be a pretty scary experience.All you know is that things will be different and chances are you wont know the kids at your new school.The experiences that go with moving make many kids feel nervous and worried.This is perfectly normal but dont let these emotions overrun your thoughts! You will s

25、oon get used to your surroundings and find new friends at your new school.Leaving old friends and familiar places behind can be difficult.However,as you begin the moving process,keep in mind that saying goodbye to your old house,school,and friends does not mean that you have to forget them or that y

26、our farewell is permanent!If youre moving to a new state or even a different country and wont see your friends for a long time,dont despair.Make sure to ask everyone for their address so you can write them letters.Also,thanks to the Internet,it is very easy to stay in touch through email or instant

27、messaging technologies.With your parents permission,you can even create a blog or web page to chronicle(记载) all of your new experiences.Include your thoughts,tales of your new adventures,even pictures of new friends,your new house,and new town.Your old friends will love seeing what you are busy with

28、.Many schools have an orientation(培训) program where a student already established at the school shows a new student around for their first week.This can help you to find your way around the school and to make new friends faster.While moving is tough on kids of any age,high school counselor Karen Turner says moves can be particularly difficult for teens.“I think moving during adolescents is an extremely stressful experience,especially if you are into your junior high or senior year.Students tend to have established a very strong peer network during that period in t

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