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1、装备学院博士研究生入学考试英语1001试题装备学院2013年博士研究生入学考试英语(1001)试题(注意:答案必须定在答题纸上,本试卷满分100分)Part I Vocabulary (10 points, 0.5 point each)Direction: There are 20 questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one

2、 word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Answer Sheet.1. Without clear guidelines _, executives of hospitals are sometimes at a loss what to do. A. in order B. in place C. in need D. in trouble2. Despite the

3、suspects _ to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that he was involved. A. conviction B. assertion C. accusation D. speculation3. Some politicians in Japan still believe that the Nanjing massacre is nothing but a _. A. novel B. flaw C. truth D. myth4. Teenagers can become _ and hard to handle

4、if every single decision is taken away from them. A. obedient B. cooperative C. rebellious D. aesthetic5. Many people choose to be honest when creating their online _ to make future dating easier. A. pretexts B. prepositions C. profiles D. protests6. A person can explain his professional goals _ pos

5、ition, prestige or income. A. in terms of B. in case of C. in view of D. in honor of7. Forty-five years of conflict and _ between East and West are now a thing of the past. A. conviction B. compatibility C. collaboration D. confrontation8. An overseas market with a great growth potential is not easy

6、 to _. A. break down B. break up C. break through D. break into 9. Students of English are advised to try to _ the meaning of a new word from the context. A. turn out B. figure out C. look out D. put out10. The drastic changes that have taken place in china have won worldwide _. A. identification B.

7、 realization C. admission D. recognition 11. The finding of this experiment is _ with what was previously reported. A. consistent B. constant C. coherent D. competent12. Reading extensively can broaden our vision and extend our life into a new _. A. perspective B. hierarchy C. layer D. dimension13.

8、An earthquake of 8-_ struck some parts of this province, causing a death toll of over 30,000. A. altitude B. aptitude C. magnitude D. gratitude14. The journalist who had set out to obtain these important facts _ a long time to send them. A. spent B. took C. passed D. consumed15. Telling your doctor

9、about all the medicines you take may help avoid serious drug _. A. interactions B. interruptions C. interventions D. institutions16. Two dozen New Yorkers stood on the platform at the subway station, _ briefcases and newspapers. B. clipping B. clutching C. clashing D. clarifying17. Iran has expanded

10、 its uranium enrichment activities _ UN demands to scrap its nuclear-related programs. A. in defiance of B. in line with C. in return for D. in relation to18. China moved to _ its grain production when its grain output had kept declining for five consecutive years. A. turn up B. take up C. step up D

11、. make up19. The dean asked the secretary if there were enough people _ to hold a faculty meeting. A. on purpose B. on end C. on hand D. on average20. Visitors to this war museum are _ to see photos of mass massacre by Japanese soldiers. A. amazed B. startled C. wondered D. startedPart II Cloze Test

12、 (15 points, 1 point each)Directions: There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single

13、bar across the square brackets on your Answer Sheet.It was the worst tragedy in 21 history, six times more deadly than the titanic.When the German cruise ship Whhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes 22 from a Russian submarine in the final winter of World War II, more than 10,000 people mostly women, c

14、hildren and old people 23 the final Red Army push into Nazi Germany - were 24 aboard. An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families 25 into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go down. Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down. Some, who succeeded, foug

15、ht 26 those in the water 27 had the strength to try to claw their way aboard. Most people froze immediately. “Ill never forget the screams, “says Christa Ntitzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors. She recalls 28 the ship, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave and into seeming nothingness, rarel

16、y mentioned for more than half a century.Now Germanys Nobel Prize-winning author Gtnter Grass has 29 the memory of the 9,000 dead, including more than 4,000 children 30 has latest novel Crab Walk, published last month. The book which will 31 in English next year, doesnt 32 the sinking; its heroine i

17、s a pregnant young woman who survives the catastrophe only to say later: “Nobody wanted to hear about it, not here in the West (of Germany) and not at all in the East.” The reason was obvious. As Grass 33 it in a recent interview with the weekly Die Woche: Because the crimes we Germans are responsib

18、le for were and are so 34 , we didnt have the energy left to 35 our own sufferings.”21. A. marine22. A. fire23. A. fleeing24. A. thrust25. A. skidding26. A. against27. A. that28. A. watching29. A. regained30. A. in31. A. come in32. A. dwell in33. A. spoke34. A. dominant35. A. talk ofB. marinadeB. fi

19、ringB. running awayB. crowdedB. slidingB. withB. whichB. lookingB. relivedB. byB. come outB. dwell onB. impliedB. remarkableB. tell ofC. maritimeC. being firedC. escapingC. tuckedC. skippingC. offC. whomC. seeingC. revivedC. along withC. come byC. dwell atC. shotC. prominentC. speak ofD. maritalD. f

20、iredD. breakingD. packedD. slippingD. forD. whoD. staringD. raisedD. withD. come offD. dwell withD. putD. conspicuousD. mentionPart III Reading Comprehension (30 point)Section A (20 points, 1 point each)Directions: In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully,

21、 and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer from the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Answer Sheet.Passage One Reading new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water which is harvested from iceberg

22、s off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland, Where bottled water is consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water jour

23、nal, noting the brands he liked best. “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water.” He says.But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact, New Yorks municipal water for more than a century was called the champagne of tap water and until recently considered among the be

24、st in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive. Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-groun

25、d for market share-this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water: PepsiCos Aquafina and Coca-Colas Dasani are both purified tap water rather than spring water. As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎) over the profits. A restaura

26、nts typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water its often 300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brands arent available in stores, most dines dont notice or care. As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to

27、sell bottled water. According to an article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the dinners if they want it.Regardless of

28、how its sold, the popularity of bottled water taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.36. What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage? A. It is a kind of iced water.B. It is just plain tap water.C. It is a kind of bottled wat

29、er.D. It is a kind of mineral water.37. By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water” (Line 5, Para 2) A. plain tap water is certainly unfit for drinking B. bottled water is clearly superior to tap water C. bottled water often appeals more to dogs taste D. dogs can usual

30、ly detect a fine difference in taste38. The “fancier brands” (Line 4 Para 5) refers to _ A. tap water from the Thames River B. famous wines not sold in ordinary stores C. PepsiCos Aquafina and Coca-Colas Dasani D. expensive bottled water with impressive names39. Why are some restaurants turning up t

31、he pressure to sell bottled water? A. Bottled water brings in huge profits B. Competition from the wine industry is intense C. Most diners find bottled water affordable D. Bottled water satisfied diners desire to fashionable40. According to passage, why is bottled water so popular? A. It is much cheaper than wine B. It is considered healthier C. It appeals to more cultivated people D. It is more widely promoted in the marketPassage TwoAs we have seen, the focus of medical care in

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