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1、同义词替换表同义词替换表同义替换(1)同义替换表原词候选替换词原句people,personsindividuals, characters, folksMany people do not accept it as a good idea thatgoodpositive, favorable, rosy(美好的),promising (有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding He puts forward a good plan thatbaddreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse(有害的)

2、be less impressiveFrankly to say, this kind of idea is bad.manyan army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,“many, if not most”Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea thatsomea slice of, quiet a few, severalQuite a few people hold the idea thatthinkharbor the idea that, take the attitud

3、e that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged thatHe thinks thatthingaffair ,business ,matter He had a lot of things to monshared For these people, their common idea is that Get good resultreap huge fruits, fruitful Our plan would gets us good my opin

4、ionfor my part ,from my own perspective In my opinion, we shouldmore and moreIncreasing(ly),growingMore and more people think thatsth has gained more and more popularityhardlylittle if anything, 或little or nothing代替We can hardly find the advantage of his plan. helpfulbeneficial rewardingHis advice i

5、s helpful. His hard word is helpful to his success. customershopper, client, consumer, purchaser,Many customers made the complaint thatveryexceedingly, extremely He works very hard, sonecessaryhardly unnecessary, indispensable It is necessary for us tobe interested in sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a

6、 tremendous fascination on sb She is so interested in hiking. attract ones attention.capture ones attentionbe obsessed by(被迷住) This theory attracted our attention. Be busy withBe occupied in Recently, he has been busy with doing chores. causegive rise to, lead to, result in, trigger His absence caus

7、ed our failure. There are several reasons for sthThere are several reasons behind sth There are several reasons for peoples disappointment aboutMust(动词) A must (名词)We must take actions topay attention topour attention into, attention be given toMany people pay attention to the idea thatrememberbear

8、in mind that When taking about, we should remember thathavepossess He had a huge house. This idea has the advantage that be against , disagree with frown on sthAs a matter of fact, many people disagree with the idea thatfor exampleto name only a few, as an example He like all kinds of sports, for ex

9、ample, swimming, hiking and playing football. useEmploy Different methods have been used to spendOccupy We had spent three days to finish the job.Action, measuremovesWe should take actions to stop that.improvebetterThis book could better your understanding of Chinese culture. Improve, developperfect

10、We should do something to perfect our plan.Better than Dwarf, witherHis excellent performance really dwarfed/withered ours.(2)常用非正式和正式表达对照表非正式正式ableCapable, in a(ny) position all the timeContinuously, continually, constantly, perpetuallya lotMarkedly, noticeably, considerably, a great deal, substant

11、iallya lot ofMany, numerous, a wide variety of, a whole range of, a wide spectrum of, an abundance ofalwaysinvariablyamountquantityas a resultconsequentlyas good asPractically, virtuallyat hand, thereavailablebasicallyEssentially, in essence, substantiallyBe, amount toconstituteBecome smallerBe on t

12、he decline, be on the decrease, decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, recede Become worsedeterioratebeforePrior tobegincommencebettersuperiorBe(come) used toBe(come) accustomed tobigMajor, significant, substantialCarry outConduct, execute, commit, implement, perpetratechangeAlter/alteration, modify/

13、modificationDeal withAddress, discuss, examinedoConduct, transactDo notFail to, omit toDo withoutDispense withEnd conclusionenoughAmple, sufficient, adequateeverywhereUbiquitous, pervasivefairlyComparatively, moderatelyFind outAscertain, discern, discoverfittingProper, appropriatehatredanimosityhave

14、Contain, be equipped with, possessIf In the event of, in case(of)In the endEventually, finally, ultimatelyKeep(doing)Continue, continually, continuously, consistently, constantly, persist inknowBe aware of, conversant with, familiar withlatersubsequentLess and lessDecreasing(ly)Let, allowpermitlikeT

15、o be partial to sth; also below, likinglikingPredilection for sth; also partiality for sthlongExtensive, protracted, prolongedLook atConsider, examine, explore, investigate, observe, scrutinizemeanInvolve, entailmoneyFunding, funds, resourcesMore and moreincreasinglymuchConsiderably, substantiallyne

16、edDemand, requireNext toadjacentnowAt present, at this juncture, at this moment, currentlyoftenFrequent(ly) Quick(ly)Rapid(ly), prompt(ly)Rich, wealthyAffluent, opulentrightAppropriate, correct, properRough(ly)Approximate(ly)Set upEstablish, institutesharpAbrupt, drasticshowDemonstrate, evince, mani

17、festsideaspectsizeMagnitude, dimensionssmallMinor insignificant, marginalthereforeconsequentlythingElement, aspect, object, factor, considerationtooExcessively, inordinately, undulyToo littlepovertyToo manyAn excessive number of, a disproportionate number ofToo muchExcessive(ly)tryAttempt, endeavour

18、, striveunderstandappreciateunneededSuperfluous, redundantUps and downsvicissitudesveryExtremely, in the extreme, immensely, intenselywithoutDevoid ofyieldproduce(3)亮点词汇俗雅aboutas tosolvetackle/grapple withbecause of attribute to /ascribe tosatisfymeet /tailor to/cater for/+sb.finally end up doing/en

19、d with rightmake sense differencedistinctiondifficultChallenging/ laboriousfast-growingburgeoning populationmake truefulfill (potential / promise / dream)opposefrown on showmirror/embodyaccording to in the eyes ofaffecthinderage eraaimtarget and so onthe likeappearmushroom/spring up/sprout upaskcons

20、ultaspectsphereattracttempt/appeal tobasisfoundationbe able tobe capable tobe convenientat ones conveniencebe obviousit goes without saying that/it is arguable that be risingskyrocket/rocket/soarbe surprised atbe amazed atbecause ofdue tobeforeoriginalbuildfound / put up / shapechangemodify/shift /

21、fluctuationchange with vary withcheatingdeceptionclearevident / self-evidentcome fromstem from controlin the grips of cooperatejoin hands withdecidedeterminedeepprofound/far-reachingdevelopcultivate / build updiligentindustriousdogo in for / carry outeat lessgo on a dietemphasisPut a high value on/

22、treasure v/value v/ cherish vEnablefacilitateencourageSpur sb. on to /motivateendangerjeopardizeenoughadequateexplainunravel the mystery of /account for/ be responsible for fameprestigefamousprominentfamous peoplegalaxyfeelingpassion / sentimentsfocus oncenter onforeverpermanentget rid ofeliminategi

23、ve / supplyprovide withpay attention togive priority toglobaluniversalgo onbring forwardgoalhearts desiregood studentstop studentsgreetingsregardshappinesswell-beingHavepossess/enjoyimportantessential / vitalimproveenhance / boost / upgradejoboccupation / employmentjoinconnect / participate / take p

24、art inkeepmaintain / hold ontokill oneselfcommit suicideknowgrasp / be aware of / know aboutknowledgecommandleavedepart fromlimitconfineloadburdennot knowbe ignorant ofnumberdata / statisticsproducegenerateprogressbreakthroughpurposemotive附录2:名词动用表名词动词例句table桌子开会时延期讨论提案等,也就是暂缓审议Wearetablingthismatte

25、runtilfurthernotice我们延期讨论这件事,以后再说。pride荣誉感到得意或自豪Ihavelongpridedmyselfonbeingagoodteacher我一向以身为一名称职的老师而自豪。carpet地毯覆盖Theflowergirlscarpetedthefloorwithrosepetalsbeforethebridesentrance新娘进来前,花童将玫瑰花瓣撒满了地板。coat外套覆盖,包裹The ground is coated with snow. 白雪覆盖大地。floor地板踩足汽车的油门,加速开车或使人惊讶。Whenyouseea policecar,do

26、nt floor it当你看到警车时,别开快车。 Thenewsreallyflooredme;Ihadntbeenexpectingitatall这个消息真使我不知所措,完全出乎我的意料。top顶端做得更好,或高过某人 ,hecouldhavetoppedhisclass假如他以前用功些,他会在班里名列前茅的。 our plan surely tops his.我们的计划当然比他的计划好。 flag旗帜打旗号或做手势来传达讯息。 海滨救生员通常用旗号传达讯息。 Whenmycarbrokedown,I flaggedapolicecar当我的汽车抛锚的时候,我打了个手势招来一辆警车。brid

27、ge桥梁、桥牌连接或沟通 父母都在设法弥合与儿女的代沟。 soldier士兵不畏困难,坚持下去wehavetosoldieronunderthehardestconditions我们在最艰难的情况下,仍要勇敢前进。duck鸭子逃避、躲避、回避Hisspeechwasfullofgeneralizations,andduckedalltherealissues他的讲话全是泛泛而谈,回避了所有实质性的问题。 chair椅子、主席(chairperson)担任主席、主持Shewillchairthemathdepartmentnextsemester下学期她将担任数学系主任。doctor医生、大夫篡

28、改、对做手脚Theywerechargedwithdoctoringtheelectionresults他们因篡改选举结果而受到控告。 these pictures have been doctored by some journalists. 这些照片是经过某些记者加工的。cushion坐垫缓和或降低对某事的撞击或震动 有效的缓冲装置缓解了我们着陆时的冲撞力。 sandwich三明治夹在之间The school is sandwiched by a hospital and a cinema. 这所学校位于医院和电影院之间。quietAdj. 安静使安静;平息Time has quieted

29、 his anger at his children.时间冲淡了他对孩子的不满。betterAdj.更好的使变得更好;提高We all come here to better our English.我们都是来这儿提高英语的。cap帽子完成、使圆满完成(或结束)之意,同时也有限额、约束或制止之意Whatstheonethingyou wanttocapyourstagecareerwithbeforeretirement?在退休前,你特别希望做一件什么事来圆满结束你的舞台生涯呢? Ourschoolwillcapthewhitestudentenrollmenttopromoteitsdiversityprograms本校为了促进生源的种族多元性,对白人学

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