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1、新版广州版八下U5学案授课内容:一、单词考查: 2、课文填空: A giant panda is a kind of bear. It has a white face with black patches a its eyes. It also has black ears, s and legs. The rest of its body is white. Pandas live h up in the mountains of Central and Western China. They live in the bamboo forests there. Pandas in the

2、wild usually eat bamboo. In zoos, their m includes bamboo, apples and carrots. A giant panda can eat as m as 30 kilograms of bamboo a day. Pandas like to live on t own. They need to eat a lot to stay h , so they spend m than 12 hours a day eating. Although they are big and heavy, it is not difficult

3、 for them to climb trees. They are strong enough to p themselves. Pandas live for about 20years in the wild, but in zoos they can live for u to 35years. People are c down forests, so the pandas are l their homes. Some people are killing them for their f . It is c for them to do so. There are not man

4、y pandas in the world now. It is i for us to protect them. 三、单词拼写、单项选择一:单词拼写1. Some people are so c that they kill animals for their fur. 2. If you cant avoid troubles, you have to f them. 3. Its not easy for a man to survive in the w . 4. China is a country with the large p in the world. 5. She did

5、 not agree. However, he just shook his s . 6. The babys b has brought the young couple a lot of fun. 7. Parents b may influence their children in some way. 8. He w too much, so he has to lose weight. 二:单项选择1. I wonder whether the panda is the animal. A. endangered B. dangerous C. wild D. angry 2. Th

6、e of Beijing is much bigger than that of Shenzhen. A. relation B. population C. pollution D. Location3. Guangzhou is in the part of Guangzhou Province. A. central B. natural C. western D. Northern4. Toms bad made his father angry. A. neighbour B. luck C. behaviour D. labour5. Would you like the dish

7、es on the new ? A. picture B. chart C. book D. menu6. You should no longer depend on your parents. You are a(an) now. A. woman B. man C. person D. adult7. Dont you think its of you to laugh at the blind? A. kind B. cruel C. dangerous D. polite8. When you danger , you should first keep calm. A. see B

8、. meet C. face D. find 4、词组总结:1. In the wild 在野生环境中2. At birth 出生时3. On ones own 独自4. Close to 几乎,接近5. Endangered animal 濒危动物6. Fact file 小档案, 纪实档案 7. High up in the mountains 在深山里8. Black and white 黑白的9. Stay healthy保持健康10. Give birth to 生育11. Show a great love for 对.表示出极大的爱12. Nature reserve 自然保护区

9、13. Go missing 失踪,走丢14. In memory of 纪念5、重点难点:1. behaviour n. 词义(1): (动植物的) 活动方式 Eg. Those scientists are learning about the behaviours of dolphins. 那些科学家正在研究海滩的习性。拓展: 词义( 2):行为,举止Eg:Ted should be reponsible for his own behaviour. 特德要对他自己的行为负责。2. How many pandas still live in the wild? 有多少大熊猫仍然住在野外?

10、 In the wild 在野生环境中,注意,这里的the不可以缺少。3. Pandas live high up in the mountains of .大熊猫居住在.的高山中。 high up 意为“离地面远,高高在上”,High 为副词 Eg:the small bird is flying high up in the sky. In the mountains 意为“在深山里”。 Eg: tony is from a village in the mountains. 4. The rest of its body is white. the rest 意为“剩余部分,其余的人,其

11、余”,可用于指代可数或不可数的对象。(1)直接指代剩余部分,其谓语动词的单复数视情况而定:Eg: some students are in the classroom, and the rest are in the playground . I drank only a little of the water . The rest was drunk by him. (2) 用在the rest of 的结构中:Eg: the rest of the eggs have gone bad. 5. Pandas like to live on their own. On ones own “独

12、自”, 与by oneself 和alone意思相近。6. People are cutting down forests, so the pandas are losing their homes.lose ones home 意为“失去家园”7. Some people are killing them for their fur. kill .for.意为“为了.而猎杀.”Eg: Some hunters killed these elephants for their tusks. 8. They need to eat a lot to stay healthy, so they s

13、pend more than 12 hours a day eating. stay healthy “保持健康,”其中stay为系动词,“保持”,后接形容词。辨析remain,keep和stay(1)表示“继续呆在某处”时,应该用不及物动词remain或stay。 Shall I go or stay?(2)表示“暂住,短期停留”时,只能用不及物动词stay。 He is staying at Hilton Hotel.(3)表示残留,剩下,只能用不及物动词remain。 Not much of the house remained after the fire. (4)表示继续保持或处于原

14、来的状态时,可用remain或stay。 Three of them remained / stayed single. (5)表示使某人或某物保持某种状态时,只能用及物动词keep。She has kept him waiting for twenty minutes. 9. She soon showed a great love for these white birds. Show a great love for.“显示出对.的热爱”10. She looked for it day and night for two days. Day and night “日日夜夜的”11. L

15、ater, a song was written in memory of Xiujuan. In memory of “为了纪念.”随堂练习:1、单项选择1. There is a new factory different kinds of cars in my hometown. A. to produce B. produce C. producing D. produces2. He is young to solve such a difficult problem. A. enough B. too C. very D. much3. The youngest boy was v

16、ery tired , but the rest very excited. A. is B. was C. are D. were4. We were very excited to see out team beat theirs five to one. A. by B. in C. on D. with5. It is not polite you the disabled. A. for:laugh at B. of ;to laugh at C. for; to laugh at D. of; laughing at6. He is afraid to his mother bec

17、ause he broke the window. A. face B. worry C. help D. kill7. When you are , you had better call the police for help. A. in the wild B. in time C. in need D. in danger8. I dont think you can finish the work your own. A. of B. by C. on D. for9. The of an elephant is ten times that of an adult. A. size

18、 B. length C. height D. weight10. Many animals are because the environment ha been badly damaged. A. endangered B. protected C. dangerous D. Separate2完成句子1. 你当着这么多人的面让她难看是不对的。 It is you to embarrass her so many people. 2. 对我们来说,参加志愿者活动是很有必要的。 Its very necessary in the voluntary work. 3. 在我父母看来,我是不可能

19、取得如此大的进步的。 my parents , its me to make such great progress. 4. 我觉得人类杀害动物取其皮毛是很残忍的。 I think its very human animals for their fur. 5. 试图说服她和我们去纯碎是浪费时间。 Its of time persuade her to go with us. 6. 他的身体还不够强壮,没办法扛起那个箱子。 He is not to lift the box.6、语法复习: Its + adj + for sb to do sth Its + adj + of sb to do

20、 sth for sb还是of sb?Its +adj.+to do sth句型辨析 句型形容词特征常用形容词备注It is +adj + for sb+ to do sth形容词为不描述人物品质及性格特征的词,形容词表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式。for后面的人物与形容词之间没有主表关系。important necessaryimpossible meaningfuldifficult usefuleasy“主表关系”即of/for后面的名词和形容词之间可以构成主语和表语之间的关系。如:Its kind of you to say so.相当于You are kind to say so.

21、It is + adj + of sb + to do sth形容词为描述人物品质及性格特征的词,形容词表示主观感情或态度,of后面的人物与形容词之间有主表关系。careless cleverfoolish goodkind nicepolite selfishsilly wrongthoughtful wisegenerous rudebrave It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事真是太adj了。1 在这个句型中,形容词多是描述人物的性格、品质的,后面能够接of sb.的常见形容词有:good(好的) kind(亲切的) nice(美好的) clev

22、er(聪明的) right(正确的) careful(细心的) rude(粗鲁的) wise(明智的) foolish(愚蠢的) stupid(笨的) selfish(自私的) careless(粗心大意的) wrong(错误的) cruel(残忍的) silly(笨的) honest(诚实的) generous(大方的)2 该句型常可以转换为不定式作状语的句子。如:Its very nice of you to offer me a seat. = You are nice to offer me a seat. 你给我让座,太好了。 It is + adj. + for sb. to do

23、 sth. 对于某人来说,做某事是adj的。在这个句型中,形容词常是描述事物的,后面能够接for sb.的常见形容词有:hard(难的) difficult(困难的) easy(容易的)important(重要的) interesting(有趣的) necessary(必要的)possible(可能的) impossible(不可能的) uninteresting(无聊的) 【ex】单项选择( )1. _ generous _ the little girl to share her toys with the other kids. A. Its; of B. Thats; of C. It

24、s; for D. Thats; for ( )2. We think it is difficult _ them _ the charity walk without team spirit. A. for; to finish B. of; to finish C. for; finishing D. of; finishing ( )3. Its very kind _ you. Thank you for your help. A. of B. for C. to D. on ( )4.- Thank you for your good service. - You are welc

25、ome. It is patient _ us to serve everyone. A. of B. for C. to D. with ( )5. Its nice _ Andy _ me with my English study. A. at; to help B. of; to help C. with; help D. of; help “be + adj + enough to do”句型“形容词 + enough + 动词不定式”这一结构表示“某人在某方面已经能够达到做某事的程度”。enough是副词,修饰前面的形容词,表示程度,enough后的动词不定式表示结果,enough

26、用作副词时,位置在被修饰词的后面。如: He is old enough to go to school. 他到够上学的年龄了。 Andy is strong enough to be a player. Andy身体很强壮,能够当运动员。“be + adj + enough to do”句型可以与so that ;too to 句式替换。1. 肯定句时,可以用主besoadj.that的句型(即sothat表示的结果状语从句)来替换。如:The boy is so old that he can go to school. = The boy is old enough to go to s

27、chool.Im so tall that I can reach the top of the tree. = Im tall enough to reach the top of the tree.2. 否定句式时,既可以用sothat引导的结果状语从句来替换,还可以用tooto句式替换。如: He is not old enough to go to work. 他太小不能去上班。 = He is so young that he cant go to work. = He is too young to go to work. 【ex】完成句子1.我的邻居很好,我不在家的时候帮我照顾我

28、的小狗。_ kind _ my neighbour to care for my little dog.2.对我们来说有这样一本英汉字典真是很方便。Its very _ _ us to have such an English-Chinese dictionary.3.新体育馆足够大,能容纳3,000 个观众。 The new stadium is _ _ _ hold 3,000 spectators.4.他太忙了,不能为孩子们准备晚餐。 He is _ _ _ prepare the dinner for the children.5.他跑得太快了,没人能追上他。 He ran _ fas

29、t _ no one could catch up with him.语法练习:一、单项选择:1. He isnt to go to school. A. old enough B. enough old C. big enough D. enough big2. He wasnt _with his knife. He hurt himself. A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough D. enough carefully3. The gate isnt _for the fat elephant_ . A. wide

30、 enough; to go through B. enough wide; go through C. wide enough; to go through it D. enough wide; go through it4. This book isnt _for me to read. A. enough easy B. easy enough C. enough easily D. easily enough5. There is nothing _ A. for us to worry B. of us to worry about C. of us to worry D. for us to worry about

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