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G09 项目会议指导书.docx

1、G09 项目会议指导书文件名称 : 【项目会议指导书】文件编码 : 【M&S/PM01/W09】版本 : 【V1.0】业务类别 : 【M&S】生效日期 : 【20XX-12-31 】业务模块 : 【PM 】拟制责任人 : 【XXX】业务小类 : 【】审核人 : 【XXX 】(指对文件内容进行审核的业务主管)操作指导责任人: 【XXX】角色 Role : 【AM、PM、项目组成员】涉及部门: 【 市场部、GTS】涉及的IT系统: 【 】 (如涉及ERP系统,请指明所属模块)对应的上一层流程 流程编号流程名称M&S/PM01客户重大项目管理流程操作指导概述概述:本指导书总结了在整个项目过程中要召集

2、哪些会议和如何进行这些会议。操作指导说明 目录 Table of Contents导言Introduction项目会议是项目管理领域中的一个关键行为。它并不只是服务于项目管理沟通目标的实现,经常会议纪要会被用作法律附件附加在项目合同中。Meetings are one of the key activities in Project Management arena. It would not only be serving project management objectives achieving communication purposes, most often the meetin

3、g minutes will be used as legally bonding document in addition to the project contract(s).XXX公司公司大部分主要的项目由以下会议类型组成,即:Most of XXX Major Projects may consist of the following types of meetings, namely: A. 项目启动会议B. 技术评审会议C. QA评审会议D. 项目状态会议E. 筹划指导会议F. 特别会议关键条目:Key NotesA. 确保会议依照职业惯例指导进行。Make sure conduc

4、t the meeting in professional mannerB. 会议要准时,不要超时。Be punctuate on time, do not overrun the meetingC. 通知相关的人参加会议,避免与会议无关的人参加会议。Do not have non-meeting-related personnel participate the meeting, send the right person for the right meetingD. 准备会议,所有需要关注的项目加入会议中,更新状态和/或决议。Prepare the meeting, all outsta

5、nding items come-in the meeting with a status updates and/or resolutionsE. 在外部项目会议中允许非项目组成员参与。Allow no team members get into agreements during an external project meetingF. 在外部项目会议中允许项目成员之间公开的讨论。Allow no private discussions between team members during an external project meetingG. 依照会议议程进行会议。Steerin

6、g the meeting according to agendaH. 用1-2个工作日准备会议纪要。Prepare the meeting minutes within 1-2 working daysI. 依照项目沟通计划中所确定的文件分发项目会议纪要。Distribution of the meeting minutes according to the definitions documented in the Project Communication Plan 项目启动会议Project Kickoff Meetings目标:Objectives建立项目执行的一个正式起始点,与客户

7、项目管理一起,项目启动会议将认做为项目起始日,责任矩阵,项目沟通内容包括但不限于项目范围定义,XXX和相应的客户项目组织结构,执行机构和状态评审会议,筹划管理委员会,升级流程,变更控制流程,初验流程与项目结束标准等等。总之,项目启动会议将建立和客户项目管理的游戏规则。To establish an official starting point of project implementation, with the Client Management the kickoff meeting will serve as confirmation of project start date, th

8、e responsible matrix, project communication details including but not limited to project scope definition, XXX & corresponding Client project organization structures, implementation schedule and meetings of status review, steering committee. Escalation procedures, change control procedures, PAT acce

9、ptance criteria and project exit criteria etc. As conclusion, the meeting will establish “rules of the game” of the project with Client Management.请注意,内部的(XXX项目组)和分包商的项目启动会议类似服务于相同的目标,但却是不同的关系。Please note there are internal (XXX project team) and sub-contractors kickoff meeting which similarly serve

10、 the same purposes but with different context.时间:When通常当所有的项目计划行动已经完成和客户项目组相关项目计划已经被讨论与确认,项目经理要召集进行项目启动会议。Usually when all project planning activities have been completed and related project planned deliverables have offline been discussed and confirmed with Client project team, Project Manager will

11、 call for a Kickoff Meeting.建议至少在会议召开的前一周,项目经理应当与客户项目经理确定项目启动会的时间,地点和参与者,向会议参与者发送会议议程和相关会议讨论资料。It is suggested at least one week prior to the meeting taking place; project manager should confirm the place, time and participants of the kickoff meeting with Client project manager. Send the meeting age

12、nda and all related meeting discussed materials to the participants.议程:AgendaA. 正式的会议公告Official AnnouncementB. 项目组介绍(XXX项目组与客户项目组)Introduction (XXX Project Team & Client Project Team)C. 同时提出并获得项目范围定义,项目进度表,责任矩阵等等。Introduce and obtain concurrence of project scope definition, project schedule, respons

13、ibility matrix etc.D. 同时提出并获得高覆盖面的项目沟通计划(特别是变更控制流程与升级流程)Introduce and obtain concurrence of high level coverage of Communication Plan (especially the Change Control Procedure & Escalation Procedure)E. 介绍其他需要相互遵守的协议。Introduce any other rules that need mutually agreedF. 其他事情。AOB (Any Other business)G.

14、 休会。Adjourn the meeting会议参与者Meeting ParticipantsA. 客户的主要负责人或者他/她的代表(项目干系人)Client top management or his/her representatives (project stakeholder)B. 客户项目经理与他/她的关键项目组成员。Client project manager and his/her key team membersC. XXX主要项目负责人或他/她的代表(AL/AM/PM)。XXX top management or his/her representatives (AL/AM

15、/PM)D. XXX项目经理与他/她的关键项目组成员。XXX project manager and his/her key team members会议纪要Meeting Minutes会议纪要是明晰的文件,记录在会议中进行的各种讨论。Meeting minutes should clearly document whatever been discussed during the meeting.所有被讨论过了的项目管理条例,流程,标准和方法和同时不同的意见也需要被清晰的记录。All project management policies, procedures, standards an

16、d methodologies being discussed and concurrences or disagreement should also clearly be documented.记录任何后续活动项目,并确定这些活动项目被跟踪和后续处理。Document any follow-up action items and make sure these action items will be tracked and follow-up.通过项目文件管理系统归档会议纪要。File the meeting minutes according to project document c

17、ontrol system分发会议纪要Distribute the meeting minutes技术评审会议Technical Review Meetings目的Objectives确定被客户提议的解决方案是适宜的和实际可行的,技术评审会将被当做是证实客户希望解决方案和被当作为内部项目团队在将解决方案最终确定下来前最优的流程。To ensure proposed solution for the Client is optimum proven and practically viable, Technical Review Meetings will serve as confirmati

18、on with the Client of expected solution and serve as optimization process with internal project team before the solution is finalized.请主意,存在内部(XXX项目组)和外部(客户项目组)技术评审会。Please note there are internal (XXX project team) and external (with Client Technical Team) technical review meetings.时间When通常在合同已经确定后

19、和主要的项目计划被交付前,例如项目执行计划和项目预算被准备好之前。Usually after the contract has been award and before the major project planning deliverables, such as Project Implementation Plan (PIP) and Budget have been prepared. 议程Agenda(无内容)N/A会议参与者Meeting ParticipantsA. 客户技术主管和他/她的代表(如果这是客户评审会)Client technical manager and his

20、/her representatives (if this is client review meeting)B. 客户项目经理(如果这是客户评审会)Client project manager (if this is client review meeting)C. XXX技术主管和他/她的项目组成员XXX technical manager and his/her team members D. XXX项目经理XXX project manager会议纪要Meeting Minutes会议纪要需要清楚的记录在评审会中所讨论的所有问题,同时,不同的意见和需要指定的人来继续执行的后续工作也要被

21、记录在会议纪要中。这里强力建议在会议纪要中每一个后续工作要包括目标完成日期,用以监控和跟踪。如果需要在会议中更改解决方案并由所有相关人同意,(为修订解决方案)需要在下一个评审会中被预定并在会议纪要中清晰的指定出来。Meeting minutes should clearly document whatever been discussed at the review meeting. Concurrence, disagreement and follow-up action(s) with specific person assigned for the action item(s) sho

22、uld also document in the minutes. It is strongly recommended to include the target completion date in the minutes for each follow-up action item(s) for monitoring & tracking purposes. If there is request for solution amendment during the meeting and agreed by all concerned parties, next review meeti

23、ng (for the revised solution) should also be scheduled and clearly specified in the meeting minutes.通过项目文件管理系统归档会议纪要。File the meeting minutes according to project document control system分发会议纪要。Distribute the meeting minutesQA评审会(内部)QA Review Meetings (Internal)目的ObjectivesQA评审会是项目经理用以确认项目是按照预定的预算,计划

24、表和质量标准在执行的一个主要的工具与方法。QA评审会将被当作是项目经理和他/她的团队分享项目信息的沟通交流媒体。需要提出和/或宣布更新实施流程;问题或结果的监控与跟踪;新的项目条例,标准和流程; 团队重要的信息需要分享等等。QA Review Meetings is one of the major tools and techniques that Project Manager used to ensure project is operated within proposed budget, schedule and quality manner. QA Review Meetings

25、will serve as Communication Media that project manager shares project information with his/her team. Implementation progress updates; problems/issues monitoring and tracking; project performance indices review and corrective action(s) need to been taken; project risk review; new project policies, st

26、andards & procedures need to introduce and/or announce; company importance news need to share with etc. 请注意QA评审会被认做是内部(XXX项目组)会议。然而,一些项目经理也会包含分包商作为会议参与者,同时会议成为外部会议。Please note the QA Review Meeting is aimed as an internal (XXX project team) meeting. However, some project manager may include sub-cont

27、ractor management as one of the meeting participants and it becomes to external meetings.时间When通常这是一个在项目启动之后的周评审会,建议在项目形势分析会的前一天进行。Usually this is a weekly review meeting after the project has been officially kickoff; suggest having the meeting one day ahead of the Project Status Review Meeting.议程Ag

28、enda在项目沟通计划中需要提前定义一个固定的议题。在通常的形式下,会议议程将包括以下几个部分:It should be a fix agenda with previously defined in the Communication Plan. At normal situation, the meeting agenda should consist of the following items:A. 检查前一个会议纪要Corrections of previous meeting minutesB. 更新项目执行状态。(包括)Implementation Status updates(

29、including)C. 风险项目Risk items D. 问题和结果日志Problem & issues logE. 项目执行Project Performance Indices F. 变更需求Change RequestG. 项目管理部门Project AdministrationH. 其他一些事情AOB会议参与者Meeting ParticipantsA. XXX项目经理XXX project managerB. XXX项目组成员XXX Project Team members C. 分包商和/或他/她的代表(如果分包商被邀请)Sub-Contractor management an

30、d/or his/her representatives (if sub-contractor management was invited)会议纪要Meeting Minutes会议纪要需要清楚的记录在评审会中所讨论的所有问题,同时,不同的意见和需要指定的人来继续执行的后续工作也要被记录在会议纪要中。这里强力建议在会议纪要中每一个后续工作要包括目标完成日期,用以监控和跟踪。Meeting minutes should clearly document whatever been discussed at the review meeting. Concurrence, disagreemen

31、t, follow-up action(s) and corrective action items with specific person assigned for any action item(s) should also be documented in the minutes. It is strongly recommended to include the target completion date in the minutes for each action item(s) for monitoring & tracking purposes. 通过项目文件管理系统归档会议

32、纪要。File the meeting minutes according to project document control system分发会议纪要Distribute the meeting minutes项目状态会议(外部)Project Status Review Meetings (External)目标Objectives项目状态评审会是项目经理的主要工具与方法被当作与客户分享项目信息的沟通媒,更新项目执行流程,跟踪监控问题或结果。这个会议也可以帮助项目经理去从客户项目经理处收集信息例如方案和商务变更,操作计划变更等等。使得可以采取适当的改善措施(变更)去满足客户没有表达的预期,因此改善客户满意度。Project Status Review Meetings is the major tools and techniques that Project Manager used as Communication

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