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1、酒店营销部宴会预定协议中英文酒店营销部宴会预定协议(中英文)AGREEMENT OF BANQUET PREARRANGEMENTMay 28, 20102010年5月28日Dear Mr. X,尊敬的X先生LETTER OF AGREEMENT协议信函Thank you for confirming the event with us at theRegent Shanghai.谢谢你们在上海Regent跟我们确认相关的合作事务。We are delighted to be the selected venue and would like to confirm the following

2、arrangements.我们很高兴被选择成为贵方的合作伙伴,以下的一些安排需要进一步确认。MEETING / FUNCTION ROOMS会议/功能厅The following function rooms are assigned according to the estimated guaranteed number of persons. The hotel reserves the option to reassign function rooms should the need arise.下面的功能房间是根据预计的人员数量来进行分配的。酒店保留功能房间的再分配权。Date / D

3、ay日期Persons人数Time时间Event事件Venue地点Set-up设施June 29, 200714018:00 21:00Buffet Lunch自助午餐Ballroom A & B,大宴会厅Round table圆桌MINIMUM GUARANTEE最低保证Please note that to reserve the meeting rooms indicated, the Hotel requires a minimum guarantee of 140 attendees per day. Should your actual attendance fall below

4、the stipulated minimum guarantee; the minimum guarantee will still be charged.酒店需要一个至少人天的最低保证,请把这个记录下来以便于对那些已标明的会议室做出预订。如果实际到场的人数低于规定的最低保证,仍然要按照最低保证人数来收取费用。BUFFET DINNER自助餐We are pleased to confirm the meeting package at CNY450+15% per person per day.我们很高兴确认宴会的费用是+元人民币人天This package is based on a mi

5、nimum guarantee of140 attendees per day, which includes:这个费用是建立在人天出席人数的基础上的,里面包括:-Special Buffet Menu特定的自助餐-Three hours free flow soft drink, juice and local beer小时免费饮料、酒水For other beverage arrangements, kindly refer to our Banquet Bar Price List for the various charges.对于其他餐饮安排,是依据我们宴会价目表上的定价来收取不同费

6、用的。SET-UP设施The hotel will provide at no additional cost the following:-在不增加成本的前提下,酒店应该提供下列事项:lDedicated Meeting Co-ordinator确定会议协调人lFlower arrangements for the reception table& dining tables前台以及宴会桌上的鲜花lStage舞台lOne podium with microphone and two wireless microphones一个台子,带有一只麦克风和两只无线麦克风AUDIO VISUAL RE

7、QUIREMENT音频视频器材TRANSLATION SERVICES/EQUIPMENT翻译服务设备Simultaneous Translation Services and equipment are not available directly through the hotel. However, arrangements can be made prior to the groups arrival should there a need for such services. Rates charged will depended on the type of number of t

8、ranslators required and type of equipment rented.酒店没有直接的同声传译服务和设备。然后在出席团到达之前,可以事先准备好这样的服务。收取的费用是根据翻译的语种和设备的类型来确定的。Please refer to the audio visual equipment list attached.请参照附件里的音频视频设备清单。Audio Visual prices are subject to 15%surcharge.TERMS OF PAYMENT支付方式Full payment CNY72, 450net must reach to Hote

9、l by Friday, June 29, 2007by cash or telegraphic transfer.The payment must be made in Chinese Yuan.72,450元的全款在2007年6月29日星期五之前应该以现金或者电子转账的形式到账。支付的费用是以人民币元为单位。(70% as deposit CNY50, 715net must reach to Hotel by Tuesday, June 2, 2007)(70%的定金,也就是50,715元必须在2007年6月2日星期二之前到账)Please make yourtelegraphic tr

10、ansferpayable to “THE REGENT SHANGHAI” or transfer your prepayment directly to our bank account :-请转账至“上海”Account Name:上海大酒店Bank Name:中国建设银行上海市支行Address:Bank Account:All other payments are to be made at the end of the function upon presentation of the bill, which will include, but not limited to, an

11、y other charges not specified in this contract, but authorized by your company representative during the event.其他的费用在之后结算,这些费用将包含但不限于这份合约中提到的内容,这些是由贵公司代表来审定的。Should credit be required, our credit application form is to be completed and returned.Please note that all approvals for credit facilities wi

12、ll be entirely at the discretion of the Hotel and no reasons may be given for rejection of any application.Otherwise, payment is to be settled upon presentation of bill at the end of the event.如果需要使用信用卡的话,我们将会把信用卡申请表格做好并且发回。酒店一定要慎重考虑,确保所有获得信用卡设备的申请都能获得通过,不要给出任何拒绝的理由。否则,费用将在事务结束后才能结算。Should company c

13、heque be used as a mode of payment, it will be required that a pre-payment of the total outstanding sum be issued ten (10) working days prior to thefunction.如果公司支票可以做为一种支付形式的话,则需要在宴会开始10天前就进行预付。All other payments incurred thereafter are to be made within fourteen (14) days upon receipt of our invoic

14、e.其他从那之后产生的费用要在收到发票14天内结算。TheRegent Shanghairequires a program outline seven days prior to the arrival of your group.This will assist us in providing you with a smoothly run and professionally organised event.在宾客到来之前7天,Regent上海需要一份项目提纲。这将有助于我们为您提供一个顺利的、专业的、有组织的集会。SPECIAL NOTEFourteen (14) days befor

15、e the commencement of this event, all arrangements for meeting room set-up, food and beverage, name of event and rooming list should be finalised.在这项活动开始前14天,所有相关的设施、餐饮、事件名称、房号表都应该被制作完成。TERMS & CONDITIONS条款和条件Please refer to attached terms and conditions for the hotels policies.请参照附件里的条款和条件。VALIDITY

16、 OF OFFER提议的有效性The terms and conditions of this offer should be accepted by you and received by TheRegent Shanghaion or before May 30, 2010.Otherwise all guest rooms and function rooms reserved will be released without prior notice and this offer will be considered null and void. Any further changes

17、 to the requirement of function rooms, guest rooms or meeting package are subject to revision of rates quoted in this contract by the hotel.这份提议中所提出的形式&条件应该在2007.05.30之前被贵公司采纳。否则所有的客房和功能房间的预定将在没有事先通知的情况下被取消,如果这样的话,这份提议就成为无效的了。任何进一步的变动都将引起这份协议里所提供的报价的变动。However, should another organization approach u

18、s with a commitment to book the proposed dates on a definite basis, you will be advised and given a 48-hours right of first refusal. After which time, you have the option to confirm definite with us or to release the function space that we are holding for you.然而,如果其他任何组织跟我们经过接触后预定了我们的提议,我们将会对您做出通知,并

19、且给您48小时的优先拒绝权。在这个时限之后,你可以选择是否跟我们继续合作,或者取消我们为您保留的功能区域。Any changes to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.这份合约中的任何变动都应该被明确书写出来并且经由双方签字。Please be assured of our continued efforts to serve you and your organisation at all times. We look forward to welcoming you and your delegates

20、 to theRegent Shanghai.请保证我们能持续地为贵公司提供服务。我们希望并且欢迎贵公司代表能够到Regent上海来。This is a legal contract and must be signed by an officer empowered to sign such contracts.THE REGENT SHANGHAI, operating for and on behalf of the Shanghai Summit Hotel Management Co. Ltd., 1090 Yan An West Road, ChangNing District,

21、Shanghai 200052, P.R. China.这是一份具有法律效力的合约,必须经由法人代表签字生效。Regent上海,做为上海Summit酒店管理有限公司的代表,地址是:中国上海市长宁区延安西路1090号,邮编200052。AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES:授权签字For and on behalf of代表Agreed and accepted by:接收并且同意The Regent ShanghaiSuki YuAndy HeAssistant Catering Sales Manager餐饮销售经理助理Director of Catering餐饮总监Tel:Fax:

22、Email:I/We hereby agree to the above terms and conditions dated before May 30, 2010.我们同意以上5月30日之前的条款。Signature签字:Name姓名:Company Name公司名称Name of CompanyTERMS AND CONDITIONS条款和条件Food Service食物服务The hotel management ensures the quality and freshness of the food served to its guests.Therefore, no food m

23、ay be brought into the hotel from another source for service in our facilities.Food may not be taken off premises after it has been prepared and served.酒店确保对客食物的质量和新鲜度。因此,在我们的设施里,不要从其他任何渠道引进食物。除非是食物已经经过烹制了,否则不要拿出来。Beverage Service酒水服务Corkage charge is applicable for all bottles of wine or liquor tha

24、t is brought into the hotel. All bottles of wine or liquor served in the hotels premises have to beDuty Paid, as stipulated by the law.The Hotels employees must do dispensing of all beverages.Alcoholic beverages will not be served to anyone under the age of 18 years and proper identification must be

25、 shown upon request.所有带进酒店的酒水都可以收取开瓶费。根据法律规定,所有的酒水都应该是已付关税的。酒店的职员要负责为客人斟倒酒水。酒精类饮料将不会对18岁以下人士提供,当被请求时,应自觉出示身份证明。Function Rooms功能室Function rooms are assigned according to the guaranteed number of people anticipated. Room rental charge is applicable if the attendance falls below the minimum requirement

26、.The hotel reserves the right to change the venue to a more suitable size for the number of guests expected if the attendance drops or increases, upon consulting with the organizer.功能室是根据预计到场人数来分配的。如果实际到场人数低于最低保证人数,则要收取房间租用费。如果到场人数增加或者减少,酒店保留更换场地的权利,这些都要向组织者征询意见。Billing记账We ask that proper credit in

27、formation be established prior to the function.A deposit will be necessary to confirm all bookings and the hotel reserves the right to set payment guidelines for all or part of the bill prior to the function.All payments should be made by cash or credit card at the end of the event, unless credit fa

28、cilities have been established with TheHotel.在活动开始之前我们请求贵方提供相关的信用卡信息。为确保预订顺利,我们有必要收取一定额度的订金,酒店保留为所有或者部分账单设立支付指导的权利。所有的款项应该是用信用卡或者现金在活动结束后来进行支付的,除非之前酒店已经安装了信用卡支付设备。The Patron agrees that all liability for their bills are not waived and agrees to be held personally liable in the event that the indicat

29、ed person, company or association fails to pay for any part or the full amount of the charges of the event.赞助人同意不免除他们所有账款的责任,并且他们同意承担因个人、公司或组织导致的不能支付全款的责任。Postponement延迟The Hotel reserves the right to levy a 50% charge based on the total estimated revenue, should there be a change of date.如果日期有变动,酒店

30、保留根据预期总收益而征收50%费用的权利。Cancellation取消In event of cancellation, any deposit paid will be retained.If the event is cancelled more than 180 days in advance, the deposit retained may be applied for use towards another function within 3 months of the cancellation date.Cancellation must be advised in writing by the Event Organizer.如果活动取消,所有的已付的订金将予以保留。如果活动是在180天以前取消的,所保留的押金可以用于取消日期之后3个月中的其他活动。活动组织者应该书写一份取消声明。Number of Days Prior to the Scheduled Commencement Date of

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