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1、高考上海数学试题答案理数2011 级函授研究生期末英语复习I.选择填空一、A Bunch of Fresh Flowers 一束鲜花1.What does Miss Nancy do?C. She is the secretary of the Sales Department.2. What happened to Nancy on her first day she came to work?C. She saw a bunch of flowers on her desk.3. Which of the following is true according to the passage

2、? B. Only secretaries got flowers on Monday mornings. 4. Why did the general manager give each secretary flowers on Monday mornings?C. Because he hoped to keep every secretary in high spirits.5. What can you infer (推断) from the passage?B. The general manager knew how to keep employees in high spirit

3、s.二、Smile When You Read This 微笑阅读1. If one can remember _, he has a good memory. D. all of the above2. Which of the following is true according to (根据) the text?A. If one can answer all the four questions, his memory is very good.3. Why did education specialists try to find the relationship between

4、the mind and the body?B. Because they wanted to help people improve their reading abilities.4. What is important for learning language skills?B. Memory5. What is the passage mainly about?D. Education specialists found that facial expressions were helpful to memory.三、Great Changes in Family Life 家庭生活

5、的巨大变化1. Which of the following topics is discussed in the passage?B. Influence (影响) of science and industry on American families.2. What kind of families are described (描述) in the passage?D. Families of the past, the present and the future.3. According to the writer, what is one of the reasons why f

6、amilies are getting smaller in America?C. The need for workers who are able to move at any time has been increasing (增加).4. Who will take the chief responsibility (责任) of raising children in the future?D. A small number of families.5. What can you infer (推断) from the passage?C. Large families can ha

7、rdly survive (生存) in a highly industrialized society.四、Is Learning English Easy or Not? 学英语是易还是难1. Which of the following is not true about English?A. About 2 million people in the world speak English.2. How does a child learn his own language?D. All of the above.3. What advice does the writer give

8、to English learners?B. To spend a lot of time practicing it.4. Why is learning English not easy?C. Because people do not practice enough in learning English.5. What is the main idea of the passage? B. Learning English needs great effort and takes much time. 五、Marketing Concept 营销概念1. A good knowledg

9、e of the difference between marketing and selling leads to _.C. a basic command of the marketing concept2. Not too long ago, industries focused on _.A. producing and selling goods3. The most important thing of marketing is _.A. the understanding of the needs of consumers4. A successful business deal

10、 (交易) can take place only when _.D. consumer satisfaction and company profit are given equal importance5. “King Customer Ruled” suggests (意思是) that _.C. the consumer should have the final say (发言权)六、 The Young and the Old 青年人与老年人1. The man didnt want to travel because _.C. he thought he could learn

11、everything about life without traveling 2. The word “security” in the first paragraph might mean _.A. safety 3. All over the world people are the same because _. B. they have the same stages of life 4. In Korea old people are happy because _.C. they can enjoy an honored and respected life 5. In the

12、United States, most old people are sad because _.C. they are not respected nor given due (适当的) attention七The greatest show qn earth 世界盛会1. Why is there honor both for the losers and for the winners?D. Because what really matters is to take part in the Olympic Games.2. Which of the following is a lon

13、g-established (确立已久的) practice in the opening ceremony?C. The Greek team marches in first.3. Who takes the Olympic oath?D. A sportsman from the host country.4. What are the most important events in the Olympic Games?A. The track and field events.5. When did women start taking part in the Olympic Gam

14、es?B. In 1900.八、 W ill It Matter If I Skip Breakfast ?如果不吃早餐,会怎样?1. Many experts in the field of health think that_.D. breakfast is most important in a working day2. According to the passage those participating in the experiment_.C. were both teenagers and grown-ups3. During the experiment, these pe

15、ople were given _, and sometimes they had to skip breakfast completely.A. different kinds of breakfasts4. Special tests were set up to analyze how the participants bodies functioned when _.C. they had eaten particular breakfasts5. We can safely say _.C. skipping breakfast does a lot of harm九Ancient

16、china 古代中国1. What is mainly talked about in the second paragraph?C. The Great Wall2. According to the third paragraph, the great discovery the Chinese made in very early days was _. A. silk3. Ancient Chinese people called their country the Middle Kingdom, because they thought that _.C. they lived in

17、 the middle of the earths surface4. Many centuries before the people of Europe knew anything about paper, _ had found how to make and use it.A. the Chinese 5. The highly skilled workmen in ancient China made china from _.A. fine earth II. 英译汉One Tuesday afternoon, she was asked to hand in a plan to

18、the general managers office. Her eyes suddenly fell on these words on a piece of paper: “Keep the secretaries in high spirits; send a bunch of fresh flowers to each secretarys desk on Monday mornings.”一个周二的下午,有人让她送一份计划到总经理办公室。她的目光突然落在了一张纸上,上面写着这样一段话:“要让秘书们保持愉快的心情,每周一早上在每一位秘书的办公桌上放一束鲜花。”The specialis

19、ts found something to help: facial expressions. They gave ten students a happy article to read. Five of the students read the happy article while smiling. Five students read the happy article while frowning. Then they answered comprehension questions. The smiling students remembered more of the happ

20、y articles than the frowning students.专家们找到了帮助记忆的东西:面部表情。他们让10个学生读一篇内容欢快的文章,其中的5个学生阅读时要面带微笑,另外5个学生阅读时要眉头紧锁。然后让他们做阅读理解题。结果,微笑阅读的学生比眉头紧锁的学生记住了这篇文章中更多的内容。 But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller because industry requires workers to move off the

21、 land and to move again whenever necessary. And large families cannot be moved from place to place as smaller families can. So, at present people tend to have smaller families. 但是,当工业在美国人生活中的重要性超过农业时,家庭变小了,因为工业要求工人离开土地,并且在需要的时候再搬迁,大家庭不像小家庭那样可以轻易地从一个地方搬到另一个地方。因此,现在人们倾向于拥有小家庭。 In the future, because o

22、f industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now. So families will be even smaller. The typical family may remain childless and consists only of a man and a woman. A small number of families may take child raising as their chief work. At the same time they may

23、also raise other peoples children, leaving those families free to move from job to job. 由于工业化的缘故,未来典型的家庭可能需要比现在更频繁地搬迁。因此,家庭规模将变得更小。也许典型的家庭会不要孩子,只有夫妻二人。少数家庭可能把抚养孩子当成自己的主要工作,同时,他们也许要替别人抚养孩子,从而使别的家庭可以根据工作需要自由地搬迁。So it is hard to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English depen

24、ds upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and takes much time. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will help. But they cannot do the students work for him.因此,很难说学英语容易,因为要真正掌握英语需要大量的练习。练习需要付出巨大的努力,花费很多的时间。好的教师、音像资料、书籍、字典都是好帮手,但这一切都替代不了学生自己的劳动。 To understand the mar

25、keting concept, it is necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries centered mainly on the efficient production of goods, and then relied on “persuasive salesmanship” to move as much of these goods as possible.要理解营销概念,有必要先弄清营销和销售的区别。几年前

26、,大多数企业还主要把精力放在产品的有效生产上,然后依靠“劝诱的推销术”,尽可能多地销售这些产品。 Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It begins with first analyzing the likes and the needs of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye-on-the-consumer method is known as the marketing concept.然而,

27、营销主要是把注意力放在消费者的需求上。营销首先要分析消费者的喜好和需求,然后生产出产品来满足消费者的需求。这种眼睛盯着消费者的办法就是市场营销的概念。This concept does not mean that consumer satisfaction is put first over profit in a company. There are always two sides to every business activity the company and the consumer, and each must be satisfied before trade occurs.

28、Successful businessmen and producers, however, recognize that the surest way to profit is through understanding customers这一概念并不意味着公司将顾客满意度看得比公司利润更重要。每一种商业活动都是双边的-只有公司与消费者双方都满意,交易才会发生。然而,成功的商人和生产商都认识到,了解消费者是赚取利润的最可靠方法。In that kind of society old people receive honor, privilege and satisfaction. In Ko

29、rea, old people are honored and respected. When they are too old to live alone, they live with a son, daughter, or other relatives. When they become sixty-one years old, it is a very happy and important event. There is a big party with many guests.在那样的社会里,老年人享有荣誉、特权和满足感。在韩国,老年人就享有荣誉并受到尊重。当他们因为年事过高不能

30、单独生活的时候,他们就和儿子、女儿或别的亲戚生活在一起。对他们来说,年届61岁是一件值得高兴而且重要的事。这时候要举办有许多客人参加的大型聚会,老年人会收到很多礼物。For many North Americans, old age is not a happy time. Most North Americans want to stay young. They try to stay thin and they act like young people as long as possible. They even try to speak the language of the youn

31、g. They do not like to grow old because they will not get honor or respect or attention. Also, businesses do not want old people to work for them.对许多北美人来说,老龄阶段不是幸福的时光。大多数北美人都想保持年轻,他们尽量不让自己发胖,并且尽可能长久地像年轻人那样行动和做事,他们甚至尽量去讲年轻人习惯说的语言。他们不喜欢变老,因为他们享受不到荣誉、尊重和关怀。而且,也没有公司愿意聘用老年人为他们工作。因此,老年人一般都是孤零零地生活,没有多少事可以做。对他们来说,老年时光充满着孤独与伤感。So we can see that the man who stayed home was wrong. People are different in their customs and their values. There are young people and there are old people in Korea and in North America, but it may be better to be young in North America and old in Korea.所以,我

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