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1、学年新教材高中英语单元综合检测6外研版必修第三册单元综合检测(六).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)AThe Solution for Your Vacation in Costa RicaThis beautiful beach house was built in a natural environment inside a private gated community (住宅小区) named Laguna Vista.It is overlooking the shining waters of the Pacific Ocean.Here,Costa Rica

2、s rich natural beauty is always on your doorstep.Only 25 minutes drive from the airport.It offers 3 different levels which can be rented separately or in its totality.Each level is designed to offer you comfort,privacy and security.PoolAir conditioningHot waterPrivate balconiesAll furnishedPlease vi

3、sit our website and feel free to contact us for more information.Welcome to Our Small Cottage Studio ComplexWe are a small cottage studio (单间公寓) complex,which is very popular due to our location four blocks to the beach,three blocks to State Street and two blocks to the farmers market.And it is furn

4、ished with the basics and is equipped with a full kitchen.Many of the studios get wireless Internet as a rewardIn the summer,you can visit our cottage studios as an affordable alternative to a hotel.If you are interested,call us at 5471931533.Feel Comfortable in Our Apartment HomesMoon Island is a b

5、rand new furnished apartment building,close to the Sue River and Pear Park,2 minutes walk to the city center.Houses for rent here provide perfect facilities (设施) like outdoor swimming pool,gymnasium,children playground,etc.Each house has a 42 inches flat LCD TV,an airconditioner,a refrigerator,kitch

6、en fittings,24hour hot water supply,24hour security guard,etc.The transportation is very convenient.2br:6,500 RMB3br: 7,800 RMB【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。三则广告介绍了三个海边的住宿处。1According to the text,what is common to the three places is that Athe city center is within walking distanceBthe price is both reasonable and

7、 affordableCthe gymnasium is available for all the guestsDthe basic facilities in them are well providedD细节理解题。第一则说“All furnished”,第二则说“furnished with the basics and is equipped with a full kitchen”,第三则说“brand new furnished”。因此选择D项。2What does the underlined sentence probably mean?AYou shall get mone

8、y if you surf the Internet.BYou have to go on the Internet in the workshops.CYou can use the Internet free in many of the rooms.DYou have to pay some money to go on the Internet.C句意理解题。第二则广告中画线句子表示单间公寓有无线网作为报酬,这里表示的是租了这个单间公寓能给你带来的好处,因此选C项。3According to the text,if youre tired of hotels in the summer

9、,you can Achoose a cottage room for a changeBbuild an apartment in Moon IslandCbuy a furnished house in Costa RicaDshare a studio close to the city centerA推理判断题。题干中提到如果在夏季厌倦了旅馆,只有第二则广告中含有这一信息。根据第二则广告中的“In the summer,you can visit our cottage studios as an affordable alternative to a hotel.”可知选A项。BAs

10、 most people know,in the past few years,sandstorms have swept across many cities and areas of North China,polluting the air and disturbing daily lives of human beings.People look dirty and suffer many kinds of illnesses,such as breath difficulty.The sandstorm is such a serious problem that it has no

11、t only undermined the industrial and agricultural development of our country but also caused a lot of trouble to the living conditions of the Chinese people.It is expected that effective (有效的) measures should be taken as soon as possible through our joint efforts to limit its occurrence.So what shou

12、ld we do with the frightening sandstorms? Some experts put forward practical suggestions as follows: For one thing,more funds (基金) ought to be put into tree planting and forest protection so as to keep more water resources within the surface of the earth.For another,governments of all countries shou

13、ld make laws on environmental protection.For example,banning the use of throwaway chopsticks and punishing illegal tree cutting.Scientists should also study and find ways to cut down the degree of its destruction and to improve the whole environment.How people look forward to sunny days with little

14、breeze (微风) touching their faces now and forever!Nevertheless,I am fully confident that the golden days can come back so long as everyone tries his best to protect natural environment from today on.【语篇解读】本文讲述的是沙尘暴对我们的工农业和生活的影响,分析了我们能够采取的多种措施。4The underlined word “undermined” in Paragraph 1 means Awe

15、akened BencouragedCkept DmadeA词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可知,沙尘暴不仅仅削弱了工农业的发展,还带来很多生活方面的困难,故该词是指A项意思。5From the first paragraph,we can infer AChina has taken no measures to prevent sandstormsBsandstorms can cause much damage to human beings and their daily livesCthe sandstorm is the most dangerous natural disaster

16、to human beingsDmore sandstorms will happen in the near future in North ChinaB推理判断题。根据第一段中“but also caused a lot of trouble to the living conditions of the Chinese people”说明沙尘暴会给人们的生活带来很多的麻烦,故B项正确。6How many ways do some experts put forward to fight against sandstorm?A5. B4.C3. D2.C细节理解题。根据文章第二段“For

17、one thing,more funds (基金) ought to.”和“For another,governments of all countries should make laws on environmental protection.”以及“Scientists should also study and find ways to cut down the degree of its destruction and to improve the whole environment.”说明文章中提出了3种方法,故C项正确。7Whats the authors attitude to

18、wards the situation to sandstorms problems? AUnconfident. BOptimistic.CRegretful. DSatisfied.B推理判断题。根据文章最后“I am fully confident that the.environment from today on.”说明作者很有信心。故B项正确。CI always wanted to be a firefighter.It seemed exciting to me.I like to be outside,lift heavy things and sleep on the gro

19、und!In college,I got a job with the forest service.My first week on the job,they asked if I wanted to get my red card(training for forest fires),I said yes!The training was a week long.I learned about the different types of fire crews(工作人员)and I remember the instructor saying hotshots were the top d

20、ogs.He said they had the most difficult and dangerous job and that you had to really prove yourself in order to be a hotshot.I was sold.I didnt want to do anything else!However,hotshot crews dont hire(雇佣)people without fire experience.I returned home from training to Logan where the Logan Hotshots a

21、re based.I walked in and told the boss I wanted to be a hotshot and they should keep me in mind if they needed anyone.The very next day I got a note saying the Hotshots were looking for me!A woman on their crew got injured and they needed a replacement.they were headed to a fire that day.They though

22、t of me because I had just been there the day before.We arrived at the fire near Provo,Utah at about 10 pm that night.We ended up working 40 hours,digging fire lines.I think I fell asleep standing up against my tool at one point.My feet were covered in blisters(水泡)and the helicopter that was suppose

23、d to pick us up at the top of the mountain broke down and we had to walk miles!To my delight,the crew liked me and hired me after that.I also met my husband that night!How cool is that!【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者介绍了自己成为一名hotshot消防员的经历。8What kind of person is the author?AEasygoing. BRiskloving.CWellorganized. DS

24、impleminded.B推理判断题。由第一段中的“I like to be outside.sleep on the ground”和第三段中的“He said they had the most difficult and dangerous job”可知,作者喜欢到户外、喜欢冒险。9When did the author decide to become a hotshot?AWhen she started college.BAfter she returned to Logan.CWhen she did her red card training.DAfter she finish

25、ed the forest service.C细节理解题。由第三段中的“I was sold.I didnt want to do anything else!”并结合第一段可知,作者在接受“红卡”培训时,知道了hotshot这一类消防员,于是下定决心从事这份工作。10Why did the Logan Hotshots send a note to the author?ABecause they were short of persons.BBecause they wanted to test her skills.CBecause they were satisfied with he

26、r ability.DBecause they thought she was rich in fire experience.A细节理解题。由第五段中的“A woman on their crew got injured and they needed a replacement”可知,因为一名女消防员受伤了,所以他们通知作者加入他们去灭火。11How did the author find the firefighting that night?ADangerous. BExciting.CHard. DUnsuccessful.C推理判断题。由倒数第二、三段可知,工作时间长、累得站着都能

27、睡着、脚上起了水泡还得继续走路,这些都说明这次灭火任务比较艰巨。DThe term“liberal bubble”(自由泡沫) suggests that people usually surround themselves with those who hold similar opinions to them.Think about your own social media platforms(社交媒体平台)who your Facebook friends are,and who you follow on Instagram and Twitter.You probably shar

28、e a lot of opinions with most,if not all,of them.However,if youre used to everyone agreeing with you all the time,it becomes difficult to have a good conversation with someone who disagrees.The world is full of experiences,realities,and history.It would be naive(幼稚的) to believe that only your views

29、are correct.We should always make space for the possibility that someone who looks different might have something valuable to offer the world.Carefully listening and being curious about different perspectives,in most cases,can help build bridges instead of walls.We all benefit when we listen careful

30、lyeven if we finally conclude that we disagree.The world we live in is increasingly divided,especially on social media,which means that for most,the only opinions we hear are ones that agree with our own thoughts.So how can we have productive discussions with people who think differently than us?Fir

31、st,follow people who dont look like you on social media.Follow people with different skills.Follow people of many different nationalities.Just reading their daytoday thoughts,in addition to seeing their bigger moments,will help you learn about worlds you didnt even know.Itll help you understand wher

32、e people are coming from when they do or say something you might push back on at the beginning.As far as having productive discussions,dont try to win others over to your side.Just listen to each other.Respect your differences.Another way is to join a club or organization where many people have different views and are willing to debate with love

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