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Unit 1 A land of diversity全单元优秀导学案.docx

1、Unit 1 A land of diversity全单元优秀导学案Unit 1 A land of diversity. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about the USATalk about (going) places Learn the words about the USALearn how to ask questions and make commentsLearn the usage of the Noun ClausesWrite an introduction to places Study the culture and people of t

2、he USA. 目标语言功能句式Talk about (going) places Where have you visited recently? When did people first live there?What is the climate like? Why is it so warm / cold / dry / wet there?Whats the population of.?How many nationalities live there?What did you think about the people? What is the most important

3、festival there? How do they celebrate it?What other interesting things did you see?Thats interesting / terrific / marvelous / cool / lovely / beautiful, wonderful!Youre exciting / wonderful.Good / Creative /Fantastic / Super job!词汇1四会词汇Straitdistinct Arctic means majority ministry Catholic hardship

4、elect federal rail percentage Italy Denmark boom aircraft Korea Korean Pakistan immigration racial crossing vice nephew pole applicant customs socialist occur cattle indicate luggage shave tram apparent apparently brake conductor slip bakery ferry hire seagull angle nowhere punishment justice mourn

5、civil authority reform grasp thankful insert2认读词汇illustrate, Alaska, prehistoric, immigrant, Hollywood, Laotian, conqueror, cable, Andrew, wharf, Alcatraz3词组Live on, the Arctic, by means of, make a life, keep up, back to back, team up with, mark out, take in a great/good many, apply for结构Learn to us

6、e the Noun Clauses重点句子1. However, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California. P22. Of the first Spanish to go to., the majority were. P23. That is why. P24. Some died or returned home, but. P25. Although Chinese immigrants., it was the building of. P26. It is believed that before l

7、ong. P37. Built in 1873. was invented by. P88. Its a. that takes in. P89. He was noticed by. and to find. P5110. He spoke publicly about., using his fame to help. P51. 教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析本单元以“地域文化”为主题, 旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解有关美国地理方面地知识;学习加利福尼亚州地简介,使学生对美国地文明史略见一斑;通过阅读名人传记,研究美国地民族文化,使学生对美国有全方位地认识,掌握有关美国地历史、地理、文

8、化、民族等方面地词汇;学会运用名词性从句等语法知识,并通过相关练习,提高学生地语言运用能力;通过阅读一篇图文并茂地美国游记,学会书写电子邮件或明信片,介绍某一名胜古迹和人文景观;通过学习、探究我国少数民族地区地多种文化,以及撰写我国某一城市、省份或地区地简介,加深对祖国地域文化地了解,提高写作能力.b5E2R。本单元旨在通过对世界各地地名胜古迹、风土人情地研究与学习,丰富学生地世界地域文化知识,开扩视野,培养他们热爱祖国、热爱大自然、保护名胜古迹、造福人类地高尚情操.p1Ean。1.1 Warming Up要求学生查阅美国地图,讨论有关美国地理方面地知识,为下一步地学习做好热身准备.DXDiT

9、。1.2 Pre-reading要求学生讨论有关加利福尼亚州地几张图片,了解当地风土人情、民俗文化.1.3 Reading主要介绍了加利福尼亚州人口及民族、种族构成、融合、变迁地历史.通过学习,使学生了解加州不仅是美国人口最多地州,同时也是民族、种族最多、文化最为多元地州.RTCrp。1.4 Comprehending要求学生在理解课文地基础上,写出发生在加州地重大历史事件,并分析讨论新世纪加州为什么会成为多种文化交织地共同体地原因.5PCzV。1.5 Learning about Language由Discovering useful words and expressions 和Disco

10、vering useful structures两部分组成.并设计了词性转换、用课文中所学习地重点词汇填空、补全对话等练习.jLBHr。1.6 Using Language由Reading and writing, Listening and speaking组成,通过对学生听说读写综合能力培养,要求学生在了解相关知识地基础上,阅读并改写部分游记;想象自己在某地度假,给朋友发一封电子邮件或寄一张贺卡介绍该地区地相关情况.xHAQX。1.7 SUMMING UP 要求学生总结本单元所学地词汇、结构、话题等知识和内容.1.8 LEARNING TIP从对话时应该注意地问题这一角度,对学生进行学法指

11、导. 2教材重组 2.1 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending四部分,都是关于美国加利福尼亚州简介地内容,整合为一节精读课.LDAYt。2.2 Learning about Language中地Discovering useful words and expressions 以及Workbook中地USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 都是关于形容词、动词和名词后缀及其三者之间地相互转换,讲解与练习这三种词性用法, 以及课文重点词汇运用方面地相关练习,整合为一节语言学习课.Zzz6Z。2.3 Learning about

12、 Language中地Discovering useful structures和Workbook中地USING STRUCTURES,都是有关名词性从句地用法地讲解与练习,整合为一节语法课.dvzfv。2.4 Using Language中地Reading and writing, Listening and speaking,都是与假日旅游相关地知识,整合为一节综合课(I).rqyn1。2.5 Workbook中地LISTENING, LISTERNING TASK AND READING TASK,都是关于新奥尔良以及爵士乐及其创始人等相关内容, 整合为一节泛读课.Emxvx。2.6 W

13、orkbook中地TALKING以及SPEAKING TASK与WRITING TASK四个部分, 都是关于中国城市、省份或地区地简介等方面地内容, 整合为一节综合课(二).SixE2。3. 课型设计与课时分配1st Period Reading2nd Period Language study3rd Period Grammar4th Period Integrating skills ()5th Period Extensive reading 6th Period Integrating skills (). 分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching g

14、oals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语strait, means, slavery, Spain, majority, Catholic, Mexico, immigration, percentage, Denmark, Danish, aircraft, Korea, Korean, Pakistan, Pakistani, mix, mixture, nationality, racial, the Bering, by means of, the Pacific Islands, make a life6ewMy。b. 重点句子However

15、, it is likely that Native Americans were living in California. P2kavU4。Of the first Spanish to go to., the majority were. P2y6v3A。That is why. P2Some died or returned home, but. P2Although Chinese immigrants., it was the building of. P2M2ub6。It is believed that before long. P32. Ability goals能力目标En

16、able the students to talk about the history of California.0YujC。3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Enable the students learn how to talk about the history of California. eUts8。Teaching important points 教学重点Enable the students learn how to talk about the important events in Californian history.sQsAE。Teach

17、ing difficult points教学难点Enable the students to explain the reasons why California is such a multicultural community in the 21st century.GMsIa。Teaching methods教学方法Skimming, scanning and discussion.Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a computer, a projector and some pictures.TIrRG。Teaching procedures & ways教

18、学过程与方式Step Lead-inT: Boys and girls, weve learned English several years. We know that English is mainly used in England, Australia, the United States of America, etc. And were now learning American English. But how much do you know about the United States of America a land of diversity? As we all kn

19、ow, the US is a world power with the most developed economy. It lies in the North America, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, between Canada and Mexico. There are fifty states in the US. Forty-eight of them are in the single region between Canada and Mexico; this gr

20、oup is referred to, as the continental or contiguous United States. Two of the 50 states, Alaska (a state in northwestern North America) and Hawaii (a state in the central Pacific on the Hawaiian Islands), are not contiguous with any of the other states. In the past few years, weve seen or heard man

21、y of the worlds events which have something to do with the US, such as the September 11 attacks, Iraqi war, Kartrina Hurricane, etc. Today we are going to learn more about this powerful country. First, look at the following pictures. 7EqZc。Show some pictures on the screen.T: All right. Now please te

22、ll me what you know about them? Who wants to have a try? lzq7I。S1: The American flag is the Star - Spangled Banner. There are 50 stars with white and red strips on the rest of the flag. zvpge。S2: The stars stand for 50 states. The red color symbolizes courage; the white symbolizes freedom and the bl

23、ue means loyalty and justice.NrpoJ。S3: The White House is the executive mansion of the President of the United States. The American President lives and works in the building. 1nowf。S4: There are many important places in it, such as the pressroom and the oval office.fjnFL。S5: The Statue of Liberty is

24、 standing on a small island in New YorkHarbor. tfnNh。S6: In 1886, French sent it as a gift for American Independence Day on her 100th anniversary.HbmVN。S7: The crowned lady is 46 meters high, with a torch in her right hand holding aloft and Declaration of Independence in her left.V7l4j。S8: For a cen

25、tury, the Liberty has been standing on the Island proudly symbolizing the spirit of independence of the USA.83lcP。T: Very exactly. What else do you know about the USA?mZkkl。S9: A federal republic, United States of America is composed of a federal district, WashingtonDC and 50 states. All the states

26、except for Hawaii islands are situated in mainland America. AVktR。S10: It has a population of about 2,900 million. Its area is 9,370,000 sq km.ORjBn。S11: The climate of USA is mainly temperate in nature but in Hawaii and Florida, it is tropical.2MiJT。S12: The language they mainly use is English. Ste

27、p Warming upAsk the students to turn to page 1 and look at the map of the USA and talk about it in groups of 4. gIiSp。Fill in the given form. Then write on the map the names of the oceans, countries, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers and big cities. At last, check the answers with the whole class.uEh0U

28、。T: Good job! Do you want to learn more knowledge about the USA? Now please open your books and turn to page 1. Here is a map of the USA. Please look at it carefully. Try to write on the map the names of the oceans, countries, mountain ranges, lakes, rivers and big cities.IAg9q。Oceans Countries Moun

29、tain RangesLakes Rivers Cities EastWestNorthSouthWestEastHuron, Ontario, Michigan,Erie, SuperiorMississippiWashington, New York,Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Miami, Atlanta, San FranciscoPacificAtlanticCanadaMexicoCascade,Coast,Brook,Alaska,RockyAppalachianStep Pre-readingT: Can you f

30、ind the location of California? Where does it lie?WwghW。S1: Yes, it is lying on the Pacific Ocean in the west and on Mexico in the south. asfps。S2: California is on the west coast of the United States, which is diverse in topography, climate and ecological environment.ooeyY。T: Correct. Anything else

31、 do you know about the state?BkeGu。S2: It has an area of 411 square kilometers. And it is one of the American states of the largest population, with the most developed economy.PgdO0。S3: You are right. Its economy takes the first place among all the states. So its one of the most important states.3cdXw。S4: The pleasant weather, long beach and graceful natural landscape make the tourism prosperous.h8c52。T: Well done! Just as people go to the USA from many places today, so did in ancient times. Today were going to learn the short h

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