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1、AACSB本科教学大纲格式中文版LiangJianping0917双学位中山大学管理学院本科教学大纲课程名称:案例研究方法学期: 2013年秋季授课教师:梁剑平第一部分:课程/授课教师信息课程名称及代码案例研究方法(双学位)课程时间周二13-15节授课地点管理学院南校区M312(周二)总课时36学分2课程等级 本科核心课程 本科选修课程先修课程授课教师梁剑平教师办公时间周二:10:00-12:00; 14:30-17:30授课教师联系方式 (办公地点, 邮箱, 电话):管理学院南校区S442,liangjp8,电话:84112557, QQ:1525914749授课教师简介(200字以内):梁

2、剑平,加拿大毅伟(Ivey)商学院市场学博士,中山大学百人计划引进人才,美国密歇根大学罗斯(Ross)商学院访问学者。研究领域包括判断与决策,创新产品,品牌管理,以及跨文化研究。在Internet Research、Journal of Product and Brand Management、Advances in Consumer Research、Advances in Consumer Psychology、Gender and Consumer Behaviour、中大管理研究、中国营销科学年会等国内外知名学术期刊和会议上发表多篇文章。主讲课程还包括本硕博的品牌管理、营销管理、及消费

3、者行为。获得多项学术荣誉和奖励,主持和参与多项加拿大及中国的国家级、部级、校级和企业委托研究项目。第二部分:必读教材和选读书目1. 案例研究:设计与方法(中文第2版),罗伯特K.殷(Robert K.Yin),重庆大学出版社,2010年10月1日,ISBN: 9787562457329。必读2. 案例研究方法的应用(第2版)(校订新译本),罗伯特K殷,重庆大学出版社; 2009年1月1日,ISBN: 9787562432784, 7562432783 选读3. 工商管理案例研究方法,苏敬勤,崔淼著,科学出版社, 2011年3月1日, ISBN: 9787030303509。选读4. 案例研究方

4、法:理论与范例凯瑟琳 艾森哈特论文集,李平,曹仰锋主编,北京大学出版社,第1版 (2012年6月1日),ISBN:7301206976, 9787301206973。选读5. 课程材料 必读 + 选读第三部分:课程介绍案例研究方法是一门关于如何运用案例进行研究的方法类课程,是培养学生进行系统研究分析的核心课程之一。学生将会在这门课上学习案例研究方法的一些重要知识:案例研究的历史和发展;进行案例研究的适当条件;如何设计和计划案例研究;数据收集和分析方法;如何撰写案例研究报告;案例研究的应用。第四部分:学习目标和学习目的学习目标学习目的LG 2 Critical and Innovative Th

5、inkingLO 2.1 Students will be able to analyze and evaluate arguments, draw conclusions supported by appropriate evidence.LG 4 Communication SkillsLO 4.1 Students will demonstrate businesscommunication skills effectively in Chinese andEnglish.LG 5 Team and Interpersonal SkillLO 5.1 Students will demo

6、nstrate interpersonal skills to accomplish team work effectively.LO 2.1 次要考查LO 4.1 重点考查LO 5.1 次要考查第五部分:课程目的和学习成果这门课将侧重于学习运用案例进行研究的方法,旨在加强学生对案例研究的理解,增强学生对科学研究方法的掌握,使学生在小组合作中,较好的进行学习和应用案例研究方法的技能。通过这门课程,希望学生能达到下述表中的预期学习成果。预期学习成果相对应的AOL学习目的也在以下表格中列出。序号预期学习成果(课程目的)-完成这门课程后,学生所能达到的期望的AoL学习目的1掌握案例研究的设计与方法L

7、O2.12学会如何以小组进行案例研究LO2.1, LO4.1, LO5.13学会如何以小组进行案例研究文献、计划和成果的展示LO2.1, LO4.1, LO5.14学会如何以小组撰写案例研究报告LO2.1, LO4.1, LO5.1第六部分:教学环境教学时间主要用于讲授、课堂讨论、演讲、多媒体展示、项目报告等,课堂教学活动包括阅读研讨、案例分析、经验分享、案例研究计划和成果起草与展示、情景角色扮演与模拟演练等。学生要在课外时间阅读完布置的教材章节与课外读物,准备课堂讨论,积极参加案例学习小组,独立或团队合作完成一个小型的案例研究,包括设计、数据收集与分析、以及撰写报告等课程作业。学生如果想在课

8、外时间与老师交流,可在办公时间约谈,也可通过邮件、QQ或电话沟通。第七部分:课程安排Part VII: Course Schedule表格中是每节课的主题,课堂活动以及相关作业,请在每节课前做好相关的准备。Class ContributionYour attendance will be evaluated by your Study Representative. Moreover, from time to time, we may have unannounced (surprised) quizzes, which are related to the weekly course ma

9、terials. We may also have group discussions or presentations, and I may randomly ask you to make contributions to the class. Therefore, it is very important for you to come to all the classes!You are encouraged to ask questions, to make comments, to share experiences and examples, and to challenge t

10、he boundaries of the concepts and theories, with respect to the topics covered during class sessions. The way in which your weekly contribution on discussions, questions and comments is evaluated as follows: (a) accuracy; (b) relevance; (c) personal contribution. These weekly grades will have a dire

11、ct impact on your grade for this portion of the course. Some of the following approaches will help you make valued contributions, although these are not the only ways: (1) initiating a thought-provoking discussion; (2) providing constructive criticism; (3) giving details in calculations; (4) advanci

12、ng the logic proposed by others; (5) defending a well-articulated position in a rigorous but not stubborn manner; (6) changing discussion direction when it stagnates. Literature PresentationStudents need to form groups of 4 people by yourselves, select a paper from the list of articles provided as t

13、he content of the presentation (each group will have to make ONE presentation), and have to send an email regarding their group members and their selections of the papers to the professor before the 2nd class (i.e., Nov 15, 2012). In your presentation, you need to present the paper on behalf of the

14、author(s). In other words, you have to read the paper thoroughly and when you make the presentation, explain the major issues in the paper clearly. You have 30 minutes for your presentation. After your presentation, you need to send your power point slides (PPT) to the professor at most two days aft

15、er the class (it is ok that you make changes after your presentation). Proposal and Group Project PresentationThe requirements are similar to those in the Literature Presentation explained in the above. The major difference is that you need to present your own work instead of others.Proposal Present

16、ation: You need to explain several key issues, including but not limited to the following (1) reasons to do a case study research in this topic; (2) design of the case study research; (3) data collection; and (4) data analyses. You have 10 minutes for your presentation.Group Project Presentation: It

17、 is the 2nd half of your group project report and thus should include data, analyses, results and findings, which are the most important things in this presentation. You may also share you success or not-so-success experience in your case study. You have 10 minutes for your presentation.Proposal and

18、 Group Project ReportProposal: After your presentation, you need to hand in a maximum 2-page proposal (最多两页). This proposal will NOT be graded (不打分), but used as a milestone for your group project. 以小组为单位、只交一份。 Requirement: Times New Roman or Arial or 宋体; font size 12; single space (单倍行距); Max 1000

19、words.Group Project Report: You need to hand in a complete written report on the case study research project in groups at the end of this course one week after the last class. In other words, each group only needs to hand in ONE report (以小组为单位、只交一份). Requirement: Maximum 12 pages (最多12页正文) EXCLUDING

20、 cover page, references, graphs and figures (不包括首页、引文列表、图形和表格); Times New Roman or Arial or 宋体; font size 12; double spaced(双倍行距); no more than 5000 words.Course Schedule for Case Study ResearchDate Topic Arrangement Week 1Introduction and Review of Course Syllabus 导论(方法)导论(应用) Week 2Designing Case

21、Studies 理论(应用)设计(方法) Week 3Conducting Case Studies: Preparing for Data Collection准备(方法) Week 4Analyzing Case Study Evidence分析(方法) Week 5Reporting Case Studies报告(方法) Week 6Mid-term Exam (Proposal Presentation)分小组准备 (12个小组) Week 7Research Methodology、 Descriptive Case Studiesv Literature Presentation研

22、究方法(文献)、描述性案例(应用)(4个小组) Week 8Explanatory Case Studiesv Literature Presentation解释性案例(应用)(4个小组) Week 9Cross-Case Analysesv Literature Presentation跨案例分析(应用)(4个小组) Week 10Group Project Presentation 分小组准备 (12个小组) Week 11Final Exam开卷、两个小时个人独立完成 The course outline and schedule are subject to change at the

23、 discretion of the course instructor. Literature Readings in Chinese (中文文献阅读)(看看你是否可以区分以下文章的类型)1. 毛基业,李晓燕(2010),“理论在案例研究中的作用-中国企业管理案例论坛(2009)综述与范文分析”,管理世界,第2期,106-113。(需要结合凯瑟琳等2010)2. 黄江明,李亮,王伟(2011),“案例研究:从好的故事到好的理论 - 中国企业管理案例与理论构建研究论坛(2010)综述”,管理世界,第2期,118-126。(需要结合凯瑟琳等2010)3. 张霞,毛基业(2012),“国内企业管理

24、案例研究的进展回顾与改进步骤 中国企业管理案例与理论构建研究论坛(2011)综述”,管理世界,第2期,105-111。(需要结合凯瑟琳等2010) 凯瑟琳M.埃森哈特,梅丽莎E.格瑞布纳,张丽华、何威(译),程卫凯(校)(2010),“由案例构建理论的机会与挑战”,管理世界,第4期,125-130。- 请1-3篇文章的小组适当结合此篇文章阅读和演讲。4. 汪涛,周玲,彭传新,朱晓梅(2011),“讲故事塑品牌:建构和传播故事的品牌叙事理论 - 基于达芙妮品牌的案例研究”,管理世界,第3期,112-123。5. 彭新敏,吴晓波,吴东(2011),“基于二次创新动态过程的企业网络与组织学习平衡模式

25、演化 - 海天1971_2010年纵向案例研究”,管理世界,第4期,138-149。6. 李飞,贾思雪,刘茜,于春玲,吴沙莉,马宝龙,米卜(2011),“关系促销理论:一家中国百货店的案例研究”,管理世界,第8期,131-141。7. 俞荣建,文凯(2011),“揭开GVC治理黑箱:结构、模式、机制及其影响 - 基于12个浙商代工关系的跨案例研究”,管理世界,第8期,142-154。8. 熊艳,李常青,魏志华(2011),“媒体轰动效应:传导机制、经济后果与声誉惩戒 - 基于霸王事件的案例研究”,管理世界,第10期,125-139。9. 戴天靖,汤谷良(2011),“控制中的信任与信任中的控制

26、_基于5个中外合资汽车制造公司的案例研究”,管理世界,第10期,141-153。10. 周江华,仝允桓,李纪珍(2012),“基于金字塔底层(BoP)市场的破坏性创新 - 针对山寨手机行业的案例研究”,管理世界,第2期,112-130。11. 郑晓明,丁玲,欧阳桃花(2012),“双元能力促进企业服务敏捷性 - 海底捞公司发展历程案例研究”,管理世界,第2期,131-147。12. 于春玲; 李飞; 薛镭; 陈浩(2012),“中国情境下成功品牌延伸影响因素的案例研究”,管理世界,第6期,147-162。第八部分:学习质量保障(AoL)考查方式为确保学生达到预期的学习成果,相应的AoL考查方式

27、包括课堂讨论、文献演讲、案例研究计划演讲、案例研究报告演讲、以及案例研究报告撰写。这些考查方式将作为确认学生是否达到预期课程目的的证据。序号考查形式任务要求概要考查手段相应的LO1literature presentation文献演讲Students presented a paper in the literature on case study research in groups.课程嵌入式LO4.12case study research proposal presentations案例研究计划演讲Students presented their case study research

28、 proposals and reports in groups.课程嵌入式LO5.13case study research reports案例研究报告撰写Students provided a written report on their case study research in groups.考试LO2.1注:以上考查方式的具体要求及评估表见附件。第九部分:课程成绩该课程的总分将基于以下各项: 考查/评分方式Assignments/Grading Items%Class Contribution15%Mid-term Exam Proposal Presentation (Team

29、)15%Literature Presentation (Team)20%Group Project Presentation (Team)15%Group Project Report (Team)20%Final Exam15%合计100附件可将具体课程安排,在线资料,相关课程考查维度,案例分析评分表等列为附件。(具体例子如下)附件1: 课程评鉴指标( Course Rubrics)附件2: 补充阅读材料附件3: 课程小组评议表格(供口头表达能力评估用)附件4: 课程小组评议表格(供小组项目评估用)附件5: 中山大学学术道德规范附件1: 课程评鉴指标( Course Rubrics)Rub

30、rics for LG 2 Critical and Innovative Thinking:LO 2.1 Students will be able to analyze and evaluate arguments, draw conclusions supported by appropriate evidence.Exemplary SatisfactoryAcceptableBelow ExpectationDeliver key ideas orpointsAccurate identification ofcore ideas or issuesFair identificati

31、on of coreideas or issuesAble to identify somecomponents of the coreidea or issueRepeating data facts,failing to identify keycomponents of the coreidea or issueEvaluation, analysis andcomparisonGood ability to analyzeand compare alternativechoices and justify theargument or solution withstrong evidence supportor referencesAble to an

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