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高中英语外刊阅读语法填空June Ⅶ.docx

1、高中英语外刊阅读语法填空June 高中英语外刊阅读语法填空(June )1 神舟十二号载人飞船发射成功 天上3个月有啥任务?China launched the Shenzhou XII spacecraft, its seventh manned spaceflight, on Thursday morning, June 17, 1_(send) three astronauts to the core module(核心舱) of its permanent space station. The spacecraft, atop a Long March-2F carrier rocke

2、t, blasted off at 9:22 am at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China.The astronauts will finish four main tasks during the three months in space.6月17日,航天员聂海胜、刘伯明、汤洪波亮相出征仪式。 First, they 2_( operate) and manage the complex, including the in-orbit test of the Tianhe module, verificati

3、on of the recycling and life support system, testing and operation training of the robotic arm, as well as 3_(manage) of materials and waste.开展核心舱组合体的日常管理。包括天和核心舱在轨测试、再生生保系统验证、机械臂测试与操作训练,以及物资与废弃物管理等。Second, they will move, assemble and test extravehicular spacesuits and perform two extravehicular 4_

4、(activity) for work including assembling an extravehicular toolbox, lifting the panoramic camera and installing extended pump sets.开展出舱活动及舱外作业。包括舱外服在轨转移、组装、测试,进行两次出舱活动,开展舱外工具箱的组装、全景摄像机抬升和扩展泵组的安装等工作。Third, they will carry out space science experiments and technology experiments, as well as public out

5、reach activities.开展空间科学实验和技术试验,以及有关科普教育活动。Fourth, they will manage their own health through 5_(day) life care, physical exercise, and regular monitoring and assessment of their own health status.按计划开展日常的生活照料、身体锻炼,定期监测、维持与评估自身健康状态。 6_(base) on project plans, the Tianzhou 3 cargo ship will 7_(launch)

6、in September to dock with Tianhe and the next month, another three-crew team will fly with the Shenzhou XIII to the module 8_(stay) there for six months.按照计划,今年9月,将发射天舟三号货运飞船,升空后与天和对接;10月,另外3名航天员将搭乘神舟十三号飞船抵达核心舱,并驻留6个月。In 2022, two large space labs will be launched to connect 9_ the core module. More

7、over, two manned missions and two robotic cargo flights will be made that year to continue construction of the Tiangong station, 10_ is scheduled to become complete and start formal operation around the end of 2022.2022年,将发射两个大型太空实验室,与核心舱对接。之后还将发射两次载人任务和两次货运飞船任务,继续推进天宫空间站的建设。到2022年底,空间站有望完成组装,开始正式运行

8、。【相关词汇】载人空间站 manned space station空间实验室 space lab在轨加注 in-orbit refueling交会对接 rendezvous and docking货运飞船 cargo spacecraft推进舱 propelling module空间对接 space docking近地轨道 low-Earth orbit运载火箭 carrier rocket助推火箭 booster rocket发射中止系统 launch abort system发射场 launch site可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket【知识点】在英文报道

9、中,无人航空飞行器、卫星、火箭等(unmanned space vessels, satellites, rockets)的编号一般用阿拉伯数字,而载人飞行器(manned spacecraft)的编号一般用罗马数字,比如,“嫦娥五号”的英文是Change-5,而我国首个载人飞船“神舟五号”的英文是Shenzhou V。我们一起来学习一下罗马数字中常用的表达方式:1-I,2-II,3-III,4-IV,5-V6-VI,7-VII,8-VIII,9-IX,10-X11-XI,12-XII,13-XIII,14-XIV,15-XV16-XVI,17-XVII,18-XVIII,19-XIX,20-

10、XX50-L,60-LX,70-LXX,80-LXXX,90-XC,100-C400-CD,500-D,1000-MKeys:1 sending 2 will operate 3 management 4 activities 5 daily6 Based 7 be launched 8 to stay 9 with 10 which2 A herd of elephants has roamed 300 miles across China一群大象跨越中国,游荡300英里Since March 2020, a family of wild elephants in southwest Chi

11、na 1_(trek)(跋涉) more than 300 miles, traveling north through fields, highways, villages and towns.They have stolen crops, rolled around in villagers courtyards 2_(look) for food, and broken into car dealership where they drank 3_(bucket) of water and left 4_(mud) footprints.It is common for Asian el

12、ephants to migrate, but in the past that has mostly been to look for food within their habitats, Chen Mingyong, professor at Yunnan University 5_ studies wild elephants, told state broadcaster CCTV. An exodus (离开,出去)this far north is quite rare.From local residents to officials and TikTok influencer

13、s, the country has been transfixed(使惊呆) 6_ the family of 15 Asian elephants who have ignored police sirens and trucks laden with food, attempts to lure them home to their nature reserve in Xishuangbanna near Chinas border with Laos and Myanmar.Chinese researchers said the elephants may be on a quest

14、 for food and territory. The wild elephant population in Xishuangbanna and two 7_(neighbor) regions almost doubled to around 300 as a result of two decades of 8_(conserve) , according to data from the forestry department in 2018.We ve seen elephants expanding their range for decades now, as their po

15、pulations increase, and they search for more food for the growing herd, said Becky Shu Chen, 9_ conservation project coordinator(协调员) at the Zoological Society of London who has studied elephant-human interactions.Inexperienced leadership of the elephant in charge could be 10_ reason for the long jo

16、urney to nowhere, according to Chen, the professor at Yunnan University.Maybe it got it wrong but still thinks its going the right way, he said.Keys:1 has trekked 2 looking 3 buckets 4 muddy 5 who6 by 7 neighboring 8 conservation 9 a 10 another3 螺蛳粉上榜国家级非遗,它的英文怎么说?Luosifen listed as intangible cultu

17、ral heritageA total of 185 new 1_(culture) practices and expressions, 2_(include) the preparation of luosifen, have been inscribed on the latest list of national intangible cultural heritage 3_(release) by the State Council(国务院). The 4_(late) fifth list made the total number of national intangible c

18、ultural heritage practices reach 1,557, according 5_ the State Council figures. Liuzhou luosifen, a soup dish dubbed by some people as durian(榴莲) of soup for 6_(it) strong smell, originated in Liuzhou, a city in South Chinas Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. It features rice vermicelli(米粉) 7_(soak)

19、in a spicy broth(肉汤) flavored by river snails and topped with ingredients (配料) including pickled bamboo shoots(腌笋), string beans(青豆), peanuts and tofu skin. Despite 8_(have) the word snail in its Chinese name, actual snails dont 9_(common) appear in the dish, but are used 10_( flavor) the broth. Xin

20、hua reports that the annual sales of river snail rice noodles in more than 20 countries and regions exceeded 10 billion yuan ($1.54 billion) in 2020, while providing over 250,000 jobs across the industrial chain.Keys:1 cultural 2 including 3 released 4 latest 5 to6 its 7 soaked 8 having 9 commonly 1

21、0 to flavor4 清华迎来我国首个虚拟学生!能诗会画双商高,甚至还能剧本杀First virtual student enrolls at Tsinghua UniversityHua Zhibing(华智冰) , Chinas first virtual student 1_(enable) by the countrys largest pre-trained model, made its debut(首次出现,首次亮相) on June 1. The virtual student was co-developed by the Beijing Academy of Artif

22、icial Intelligence, Zhipu(智谱) AI and a company, Xiaoice(小冰). It 2_(power) by the second generation of WuDao(悟道), a pre-trained model. Hua, a woman, is able 3_(compose) poetry and music and has some ability in reasoning and emotional 4_( interact).Hua sent her first blog , 5_(introduce) herself and 6

23、_(proud) adding “THU” which is short for Tsing Hua University to her name. In the Weibo Album there is a standard picture of her.Experts pointed out that the potential of such models is huge, as many real scenarios(场景) can use the same model with more general large pre-trained models.The key 7_(sign

24、ificant) of WuDao is 8_ it lowers the 9_(apply) threshold(门槛) of AI and reduces the cost of the training process of machine learning models, including labor costs and carbon emissions, he said.Hua still has a long way to go. 10_ present, she cannot study and live normally like other students. We hope she could master enough abilities, and then continue to develop in other aspects.Keys:1 enabled 2 is powered 3 to compose 4 interaction5 introducing 6 proudly 7 significance8 that 9 application 10 At

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