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1、第七届文化艺术节英语阅读理解竞赛题1第七届文化艺术节英语阅读理解竞赛题(一年级)(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)_专业_班 号数:_ 姓名:_阅读下列短文,根据短文内容做后面的选择题,将最佳答案的序号填入题前的括号内。 A There are many mice in a house. The man of the house gets a cat. The cat kills many of the mice. Then the oldest mouse says,“All mice must come to my hotel tonight. Lets put our heads tog

2、ether and think what we can do about this cat.” All the mice come. Many mice speak, but no one knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says, “we must put a bell on the cat. When the cat comes near, we shall then hear the bell, and run away and hide. So the cat will not catch any more o

3、f us.” But the old mouse asks, “who will put the bell on the cat? ”No mouse answers. The old mouse waits, but still no one answers. At last the old mouse says, “Its not hard to say things, it is hard to do them.”Choose “T” or “F”.( ) 1.A mouse is a bird.( ) 2.The cat kills a few mice.( ) 3.The oldes

4、t mouse asks all the mice to his hole to have a meeting.( ) 4.Young mouse suggests that the cat should be killed.( ) 5.At last none of the mice puts the bell on the cat.BJohn liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But John had

5、 a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy.One evening, a few days before Johns seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers in h

6、is bedroom before he went to bed. “Please, God,” he shouted, “make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday.”His mother was in the kitchen, but she heard the small boy shouting and went into his bedroom quickly.“Why are you shouting, John?” she asked her son. “God can you hea

7、r you when you talk quietly.”“I know,” answered the clever boy with a smile, “but Grandfathers in the next room, and he cant.”( ) 6. Why Johns mother didnt like giving him any chocolates? A. John wasnt a good boy. B. John was too fat to eat them. C. There were no chocolates in the shop. D. The choco

8、lates were bad for his teeth.( ) 7. John _ sometimes bought him chocolates. A. mother B. father C. grandfather D. grandmother( ) 8. If Johns grandfather gave John some chocolates to eat, his mother would _. A. be angry B. let John eat C. ask her father to eat D. eat some( ) 9. John was _ years old.

9、A. seven B. six C. eight D. nine( ) 10. John shouted his prayers because _. A. he was afraid that God could not hear him B. he enjoyed shouting his prayers very much C. he was afraid that his grandfather could not hear him D. he was afraid his mother couldnt hear him CThe vitamins (维生素) are named by

10、 letters of the alphabet (字母表). Vitamin A is needed by the eyes. There is Vitamin A in milk, butter, and green vegetables. It can be kept by the body.Vitamin B cannot be kept. It must be supplied all the time by some of the food we eat.Vitamin C is very important to the body. Without it mens teeth b

11、ecome loose (松的) and their arms and legs get weak. Lemons (柠檬), oranges and tomatoes have Vitamin C in them.Vitamin D is the sun vitamin. We get it in milk and eggs and from sunlight on our skin (皮). There are other Vitamins, but these A, B, C and D, are the most important.( ) 11. There are many kin

12、ds of vitamins, the most important of which are _.A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B and CC. Vitamin D and A D. both B and C( ) 12. There are both Vitamins A and D in _.A. green vegetable B. sunlightC. butter and eggs D. milk( ) 13. If somebody is near-eye sighted probably he needs _.A. Vitamin A B. Vitamins

13、 A and C C. Vitamin D D. Vitamin B( ) 14. We can get Vitamin D when _.A. we have bread and butter for our breakfastB. we are eating fruitsC. we are working in the field in the sunD. we are having vegetables( ) 15. Which is true according to the article?A. The vitamins are names of the alphabet.B. We

14、 can keep both Vitamins A and B.C. Milk is very important to human beings (人类).D. A person who lacks (缺乏) Vitamin should eat more vegetables.DAs far back as 700 B.C., man had talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the legendary (传奇的) twin founders of Rome , were claimed

15、to have been cared for by wolves. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks(寻找)a human child to take its place.This seemingly ridiculous idea did not become credible(可信的)until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked(裸体的) ten-year-old boy wanderin

16、g in the woods. He did not walk erect(直立着,垂直着), could not speak intelligibly(理解力强地), nor could he relate to people. He only growled(犬,叫) and stared at them. Finally the doctor won the boys confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction(教导), the doctor

17、 was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognize and utter(发出声) a number of words, as well as write letters and form words.( ) 16. The French doctor found the boy .A. Wandering in the woods B. At his doorstepC. growling at himD. speaking intelligibly( ) 17. In this passage, the word “

18、litter most nearly means .A. garbage B. master C. offspring(儿女,子孙) D. hair( ) 18.The doctor was able to work with the boy because .A. the boy was highly intelligentB. the boy trusted himC. the boy liked to dress upD. the boy was dedicated(致力,献身) and patient( ) 19.Which of the following statements is

19、 not true? A. She-wolves have been said to substitute(代替) human children for their lost litters.B. Examples of wolves caring for human children can be found only in the nineteenth century.C. The French doctor succeeded in domesticating(驯化,培养) the boy somewhat.D. The young boy never was able to speak

20、 perfectly.( ) 20.In this passage, the word “ridiculous most nearly means .A. dedicated B. scientific C. wonderful D. absurd(荒谬可笑的)EOnce James Thornhill, a famous English painter, was asked to paint some pictures on the wall of the Kings palace in England. Then workers sent for and a big platform(平台

21、) was made. With the help of a worker, Thornhill started painting on the platform. They worked for a whole year and last the pictures were ready. Thornhill was happy when he looked at the picture, for they were really beautifully. He looked at them for a long time, and then took one step back and lo

22、oked again. Now the pictures were even more beautiful. He took another step, then another. Finally he was at very edge(边缘) of the platform but he didnt know it because he was thinking of his pictures. The worker saw everything. “What should I do?” he thought., “Thornhill is at the very edge of platf

23、orm. If I cry out, he will take another step, fall off it and surely be killed.” So the worker quickly took some paint and threw it at the pictures. “What are you doing?” cried the painter, running quickly forward to his pictures.( ) 21. Thornhilll was an English _. A. writer B. king C. worker D.ari

24、tist( ) 22. He was asked to _.A. paint a picture for the kingB. paint some pictures on the walls of the kings palaceC. have his pictures painted in the kings palaceD. paint for a worker( ) 23. They worked _ and at last the pictures were ready.A. for over a year B. for half a yearC. for one year D. f

25、or a year and a half( ) 24. Why did the worker throw some paint at the pictures? Because_.A. he didnt think the pictures beautifulB. he wanted to save the painterC. he didnt like pictures D. he was angry with the painter( ) 25. This writer wants to tell us _.A. not to be frightened when you are in d

26、angerB. a painter should pay full attention to his jobC. we must be careful with our workD. it is very important for us to help each other at workFLong ago, there lived in Greece a learned man. He was so well - known for his wide knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the c

27、ountry came to learn things from him. The great man taught his students whole heartedly(全心全意地) and answered their questions with great patience(耐心).One day a student asked him, My dear teacher, didnt you say you yourself have many many more questions about things than we do? On the contrary(相反地), we

28、 students have far more than you.With a smile, the teacher drew two circles(圆)one as a big wheel(轮子), the other smaller.Of course, Ive learned much more. But a teacher does not necessarily have fewer questions than his students. Now look at these two circles. Within the big one is my knowledge of th

29、ings, and within the smaller one yours. Out of the circles is what is still unknown to us. Since mine is larger, the line that marks out the circle is longer. That means I have more chances to face what is still unknown. And thats why I myself have more questions than you do. The more you learn, the

30、 more questions you have. You will never learn enough, you know.( ) 26. One of his students didnt agree that _.A. the teacher should have so many questionsB. the teacher had as many questions as the studentsC. the students had more questions than the teacherD. the teacher had more questions than the

31、 students( ) 27.The teacher drew two circles in order to show_.A. why he had more questions than the studentsB. how one could gain more knowledgeC. he knew a lot and was good at drawingD. what the students learned had something to do with the circles( ) 28.The passage mainly tells us that _.A. we should learn from a learned manB. a teacher should be patientC. we 11 never learn enoughD. it is never too old to learn( ) 29. The teacher was very famous for _.A. his patience B. the drawing of the t

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