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1、泰安市中考英语试题及答案版山东省泰安市 2018 年中考题英语试题本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。第I卷1至9页,第II卷10至12页,共120分 考 试时间 120 分钟。注意事项:1. 答题前,请考生仔细阅读答题卡上注意事项,并务必按照相关要求作答。2. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第 I 卷(共 70 分)第一部分 听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)(一) 听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。1. A. Thank you B. You re welcome C. Never mind2. A. No , I m not B. Sorry, I don

2、 t C. Sure, I d love to3. A. Kind. B. Delicious C. Sunny4. A. No problem B. Good idea! C. Sounds good(二) 听四段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。你将有 1 5秒钟的时间阅读下面 4 个小题。5. When does Mary go to the libraryA. On Tuesday B. On Friday C. On Sunday6. What s Kate s favorite sportA. Baseball B. Basketball C. Volleyball7. How

3、long does it take the girl to ride to schoolA. An hour B. Half an hour C. Ten minutes8. What does Jack want to be in the futureA. A policeman B. A writer C. A dentist.(三) 听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听每段对话你将有 1 0分钟的时间阅读对应的 2 个小题。听第一段对话,回答第 9 和第 10小题。9. Why did Tony go to LondonA. To study English B. To vis

4、it his friends C. To have a trip10. Where did To ny stayA. In a school B. At a hotel C. In a family听第二段对话,回答第 11和第12小题。11. Why does the boy like to be a volun teer at an ani mal hospitalA. Because its easy and in terest ing for him.B. Because it can help him to get his future dream jobC. Because he

5、can play with ani mals12. How does he feel when he sees the animals get betterA. Wome n B. Satisfied C. Surprised(4) 听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有 20秒钟的时间阅读下面4个小题。13. What did Sue want to know in her last letterA. Somethi ng about Amys tow nB. Something about the food in Amys townC. Someth ing about

6、 Amys school life.14. What do Amy and her friends do in the parkA. Sing and dance. B. Play a game. C. Play basketball15. Where does Amy ofte n do her homeworkA. At home B. At school C. At the library.16. How is the food in Top Food Cen terA. Cheap and n ice B. Expe nsive but delicious. C. Cheap but

7、bori ng(5) 听短文,填表格。根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的信息,每空一词。短文读三遍。你将有20秒钟的时间阅读表格内容。答题完毕后,请将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置Manners at a dinner party in AmericaWhat to takeTake some drinks like(17) juice, beer or something likethese.When to arriveYou should arrive on time or no more tha n(18) mi nu teslate. If you ll be fifteen minute

8、s late, you should give the(19) a call.What to do the tableTry to be relaxed an d(20) at the table.第二部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。During the Warring States Period(475-221BC), there was a man called Yue Yangzi. One day he saw a piece of gold

9、 on the road. He picked it up and _21 it home. But his wife was not 22_a nd said, I hear that a great man does nt drink a thief s water or accept alms( 施舍物).What do you think of the action of keeping others thing for yourself Yue Yan gzi felt sorry 23 what he had done, so he put the gold back to the

10、 place where he found it.The n ext year, Yue Yan gzi decided to go to a faraway school to improve himself.A year later , he came back home 24 . “ Why have you returned ” asked his wife insurprise, “ You ve 25 spe nt one year study ing with scholars (学者们)” I comeback because I 26 you very much. ”With

11、out saying anything, his wife took a pair of scissors and went to the loom(织 布机)at which she had worked. 27 the half done cloth, she said, “The cloth iswoven from the best silk, Now28 I cut it, all myprevious( 先前的)work will be wasted. It s the same as your 29 . You can learn a lot only by working ha

12、rd. Now, you vestopped halfway. Is n t it the same as cutting the cloth on the loomC. Poi nting atYue Yangzi was moved by 30 she said, He again left hometo visit scholars. Several years later he became a lear ned man.21. A. boughtB. tookC. sent22. A. happyB. surprisedC. angry23. A forB. atC. as24. A

13、. successfullyB. carefullyC. sudde nly25. A. alreadyB. onlyC. ever26. A. wome nB. missedC. believed27. A. Thi nking aboutB. Look ing for28. A. ifB. untilC. unless29. A. trip B. study C. business30. A. how B. that C. what 第三部分 阅读理解(共两节;满分 40 分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑。 (共 15 小题

14、;每小题 2分,满分 30 分)AIf you are given only I yuan, could you live in a city for one day It seems thismay be a little difficult. But students from Xian did it.On April 10, more than 60 students from a middle school of Xian took part in the One Yuan Metropolis Survival. Students not only have to live, but

15、 also have to deal with a lot of hard tasks in this charitable( 慈善的 )activity. It has happened in eight cities and is going to four others, including Beijing, in May.To make money, many students looked for part-time jobs and experience how hard life was. Zhang Qiyue, 14,asked more than 10 restaurant

16、s for a job and finally got one chance. “We were upset when they said no , But gradually, we got used to it. ” he said. After being a waiter for an hour, he got 25 yuanSomemade use of their talents by singing and dancing in parks or shopping malls. Manypeople who walked by took notice and helped the

17、m Zhao Jiacheng. 14, drew pictures and made paper crafts( 手工 ). “This showed its important to learn a special skillhe said.Living was hard, but finishing the asks wasnt any easier. They went to different places to finish tasks in a short time The most amazing one was when they had to exchange things

18、 worth thousands of yuan with only a piece of paper in half an hour. We learned how to explain to othersFrom a balloon to cake to a bottle of yogurt after almost 20 tries ,we succeed, ” he said. They will give all of the money they made to poor schools in Tibet31. The students should in this activit

19、y.A. be given enough money B. complete some easy tasks(零用钱)C. live and finish difficult task D. give away their pocket money32. To make mon ey, stude nts tried many things EXCEPT .A. going to Beiji ng for work B. doing part-time jobsC. givi ng tale nt shows D. draw ing and making paper crafts33. Wha

20、t did the stude nts lear n from this activitya. Liv ing was hardb. It was much easier to finish the than livingc. It was important to learn a special skilld. Success came from many triesA. abc B. abd C. bcd D. acd34. What s the main purpose of this activityA. To let stude nts from differe nt cities

21、com muni cate with each otherB. To teach stude nts how to make moneyC. To develop stude nts livi ng skills and social respon sibilityD. To make students realize the importance of learning a special skillBBeiji ng World HotelSorts ClubGourmetYou can do many differe nt sports hereIt is simple to prepa

22、re a great meal forto keep healthy. You ll never get bored.your family or friends now! you can buyOur program is always working on new waysthe best meat, milk products, win es,to keep you strong and happy.bread, cakes and more Locati ons: First Level, West WingLocati on: Baseme nt 1, Beiji ng World

23、TradeBuildi ng, Beiji ng World Trade Cen terCen terOpe ning Hours: 14:00 to 21:30 hoursOpe ning Hours: 19:00 to 21:00 hours.Lost Horiz onBrauhausYou are the star at the Lost Horiz onHere we ope n an excelle nt Germa n bar.karaoke room. Over 7,000 choices ofGuests will feel the atmosphere of a barChi

24、nese, Japanese, Korean and Englishin Berl in, enjoy real Germa n beers andsongs are all for your singing pleasure.meals.Locatio n: Ground Level, West WingLocati on: Ground Level, West WingBuildi ng, Beiji ng World Trade Cen terBuildi ng, Beiji ng World Trade Cen terOpening Hours:12:00 to 03:00 hours

25、(Su nday-Thursday);19:00 to 01:00 hours(S un day-Thursday);12:00 to 05:00 hours(Friday-Saturday)19:00 to 03:00 hours(Friday-Saturday) For more in formati on, please call service cen ter().35. If you want to find a place to sing karaoke, you can go to A. Sports Club B. Lost Horiz on C. Gourmet D. Bra

26、uhaus36. Accord ing to the passage, Gourmet is a place where you can A. do many differe nt sports B. visit duri ng the daytimeC. buy someth ing to eat D. buy anything you want37. Which of the following statements is NOT trueA. You can enjoy real Germa n beers and meals in brauhausB. Sports Club ope

27、ns from 2:00 p. m. to 9:30 p. m.C. Lost Horiz on is on Ground Level of West Wing Buildi ngD. You can stay in Brauhaus from morning till ni ghtA photo of a boy who arrived at school with a head fullof icicles( 冰柱)has drawnwidespread atte nti on to childre n from poor rural families.Weari ng only a th

28、in jacket, Wang Fuma n, 10, had braved -9C weather to travelover an hour from his village home to reach Zhuanshanbao Primary School in Zhaotong,Yunnan provinee. “After walking more than 4 kilometers through the freezing snow,he arrived with his hair and eyebrows completely frozen, causing laughter a

29、mong his16 classmates, ” said fu Heng, the school s principal,who uploaded(上传)WanQ sphotos on Mon day morning. Fu added that his classroomsdo not have heati ng becauseof a lack of a lack of money.After hearing WanQ s story ,the Yunnan ChinaYouth Developme nt Foun dati onoffered a public donation(捐赠)

30、for children from poor families on Tuesday. It haspromised to give each n eedy child 500 yua n( $75)to help them stay warm in win ter.By 1: 00 p. m. on Wedn esday, the provi ncial foun datio n had collected over 300,000yua n in public don ati ons accord ing to their websites.Wang, who has been nickn

31、amed Snowflake Boy(冰花男孩)by netizens( 网友),becamewell-k nown on li ne By Wedn esday morning, his picture had bee n liked more tha n260,000 times on Sina Weibo. Many children in cities dont have the strong willpower of this boy. I hope all his efforts will be rewarded(回报)” a netizen wrote on Sina Weibo.The n ame Fuma n tran slates as full of happ in ess, but Wang does not come froma rich family.He lives in a mud hut( 土坯房)with his grandmother and elder sister, and seldom sees his pare nts because they are migra nt w

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