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本文(巴塞尔协议对中国商业银行经营绩效的影响周玉婷.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、巴塞尔协议对中国商业银行经营绩效的影响周玉婷2.2巴塞尔协议I的主要内容和特点巴塞尔委员会成立早其就发现了资本充足率的控制对于监管可能会起到的作用,委员会提供了一种标准,方便各国互相参考比对各国监管情况,并对此框架不停的修改和丰富。这些年的修改补充与1988年资本协议一起便组成了举世闻名的巴塞尔协议I。2.2 The main content and characteristics of the Basel IThe Basel committee has found its effect of capital adequacy ratio control on supervision. Th

2、e committee provides a standard to let different countries refer to each other supervision situation, and modifies and enriches its framework in continuity. These changes complement with the Capital Accord in 1988 formed the world-famous Basel I.2.2.1巴塞尔协议I的主要内容巴塞尔协议I从以下四个方面出发展开了对全球金融的监管分析:2.2.1 Mai

3、n contents of Basel IThe Basel I goes a supervision analysis from the following four aspects for regulation of global finance:资本构成资本主要分为核心和附属两种,这里我们所说的核心资本指的是股权资本与公共的储备金,而附属资本则有除去公共储备金之外的资本和资金重新估算的储备、一般发生的债务资本公积金、坏账准备以及次级贷款等。其中股权资本和公开储备金相加要大于附属资本的存量。 Capital compositionCapital is mainl

4、y divided into core capital and affiliated capital, here what we call the core capital refers to the equity capital and the publics reserves, and affiliated capital includes the capital and reassessed funding reserves, general debt capital accumulation funds, bad debt preparation and subprime loans

5、except public reserves.风险权重巴塞尔协议I的一大创新就是采用了风险加权的方式核算资本,将0-100的百分制划成五等份,按照各项资本的风险高低来划分等级,风险越大的资本权重越高,反之,风险越小的资本权重越低。尽管关于资本充足的鉴定方式非常多,巴塞尔委员会选择以风险加权的方式核算资本不仅方便那些采用不同体系的各国银行相互对照,而且不会诱导各国银行持有高风险的资本。 Risk weightA great innovation of Basel I is the way adopting risk weighted method to calcul

6、ate capital, drawing 0-100 into five equal parts, according to the capital risk ranking to classify the grading of risk of different capitals. The greater the risk, the higher capital weights is. On the contrary, the smaller the risk, the lower the weight of capital is. Although there are many ways

7、in appraisal about the capital adequacy, the Basel committee chose risk-weighted method to calculate capital, not only convenient for the different ways of accounting system of the banks against each other, but also not induce them to hold high risk capitals.最低资本标准巴塞尔委员会规定各成员国国内的国际活跃银行中资本与风险加

8、权资产的比例应不低于8%,同时,股权资本与公幵储备金之和应大于4%。 1988年开始的五年为帮助成员国调整内部银行资本占比的过渡期,五年后则必须达到最低的资本标准。 Lowest capital standardThe Basel committee stipulated that, the proportion of capital to risk-weighted assets shall be not less than 8% in international active banks in each member country, at the same time, th

9、e sum of equity capital and the public reserve should be greater than 4%. Began in 1988, in the five years, Basel committee helped the members to adjust the internal bank capital of the transition period; five years later, they must meet the minimum capital standards.2.2.2巴塞尔协议I的主要特点如上所述,巴塞尔委员会初期便制定

10、了最低资本标准,并通过这项标准营造全球范围内经济良性竞争的环境,同时,达到这项标准的商业银行在海外经营时也能维持安全范围内的资本以此促进金融安全。委员会制定这项标准刚开始只是为了防范各国信用的缺失造成危机,但是由于适用范围越来越广,委员会也根据当时的经济形势对其覆盖的内容不断扩大延伸。但是世界经济形势瞬息万变,尤其是金融行业的特殊性使然,风险的变形和扩大以及各国为了盈利不断开展的创新手段,都使这份协议不再适用指导各国开展金融监管。2.2.2 Main characteristics of Basel IEarly as mentioned above, the Basel committee

11、has set the minimum capital standards, and build benign competition of the global economic environment through the standard, at the same time, commercial banks that reach the standard also can maintain the capital within the scope of safety in overseas business so as to promote the financial securit

12、y. The committee began this standard in order to prevent the national credit crisis, but for the wider scope of application, the committee also expands its covered content extension according to the time of economic situation. But the world economic situation is rapidly changing, especially the part

13、icularity of the financial industry, the risk of deformation and expansion, and the constant innovation to get profits, make the agreement no longer applicable to guide countries to engage in financial regulation.首先,仅对风险进行了五个等级的划分,这样粗糙的划分无法细致体现各项资本的风险取向则无法及时制止危机的产生。同时世界各国的经济发展水平差异巨大,各国金融业发展情况也千差万别,而

14、委员会未对这些进行区别对待,难以用于指导具体的监管操作。First of all, it only divided risks in five levels; such rough classification cannot carefully reflect the risk of the capital orientation in a timely manner to prevent the crisis. At the same time, the worlds level of economic development is different, the financial indu

15、stry development situation is different too, the committee did not discriminate them, so it is difficult to guide the specific regulatory operation.其次,虽然委员会在1996年对市场风险资本要求进行了修订,却仍未正确区别处理银行账户与交易账户。另外,尽管委员会在1995年发表的关于操作风险管理的报告中提到关于操作风险管理实施方法,但不能区分操作风险和对测量系统展开分析,实践起来非常困难。此外,关于市场风险的操作是在后面单独提出的,所以严格意义上它并

16、不属于巴塞尔协议I,也就是说,委员会在最初并没有涉及具体的操作风险领域。Second, although the committee in 1996 revised the market risk capital requirements, it still did not correct the difference between bank accounts and trading accounts. In addition, although the committee published the Report of Operation Risk Management in 1995,

17、it cant distinguish operating risks or conduct analysis of measurement system. In addition, the manipulation of market risk was proposed unitarily in other articles, so it does not belong to the Basel I in a strict sense, that is, the committee did not involved in specific areas of operation risk in

18、 the starting phase.再次,巴塞尔委员并没有涉及到各个银行自身关于控制风险的能力范围,这样无差异的定制统一标准无形中就压制了各国银行研发风险控制新方法的动力。随着国际经济环境的不断变化和金融创新的层出不穷,风险的类型的增长速度也更加迅速。以这种单一划分的五种风险权重体系为根本的资本要求协议,事实上巳无法发挥规范银行竞争和确保资本充足要求的作用。Again, the Basel committee did not mention the scope of risk control for individual banks, so the customized uniform s

19、tandards virtually no difference will suppress the research and development motive of banks in risk control. With the unceasing change of international economic environment and the endless financial innovation, the types of risk grow more quickly. This single division of risks into five risk weighti

20、ng levels as the basic capital requirement of the agreement, in fact, has been unable to play to regulate banks competition and ensure the effect of capital adequacy requirements.2.3巴塞尔协议11的主要内容和特点2.3.1巴塞尔协议11的主要内容伴随着国际经济环境的不断变化,技术革命的周期渐渐缩短,世界各国的银行都在加快金融创新的脚步,催生了一系列金融衍生产品,由于这些金融衍生品的质量参差不齐,暗自就为金融危机埋下

21、伏笔。早期的资本监管标准仅对信用风险制定了对应的防范措施,巴塞尔委员会意识到这类缺陷的存在,就进一步发现了早期是运用资本来限制风险的产生和扩大,以此来促进各国金融行业的稳定发展,这确实是有缺陷的,遂开始对之前的监管标准展开了修订,并在时隔十六年之后出台了巴塞尔协议II。2.3 Main contents and characteristics of Basel II2.3.1 Main contents of Basel IIWith the unceasing change of international economic environment, the technological re

22、volution cycle is shortened, the worlds banks are speeding up the pace of financial innovation, and a series of financial derivatives have given rise. Due to the quality of the financial derivatives are different, inwardly setting the stage for the financial crisis. Early regulatory capital standard

23、s only formulated the corresponding measures to prevent credit risk, the Basel committee is aware of the existence of this kind of defect, and further found that in the early stage, it used capital to limit risk expansion, in order to promote the stable development of the financial industry. However

24、 it is flawed, then it began to make revision for the regulatory standards, and issued the Basel II after 16 years later.在巴塞尔协议11中,最重要的目的是加强全球金融体系的安全和稳健,而充足的资本水平则被认定是完成此要求的关键部分。所以巴塞尔协议n的基础依旧是对资本充足比率制定最低标准,但是对此进行了重大修改与补充。与此同时,还提出了两项新标准,即各国监管部门的监督检查与市场约束。这项新标准激励银行自觉加强风险防范的能力,主要方法就是赞同通过使用符合标准的内部评级法,提高发

25、现和测量风险的主动性与积极性。In Basel II, the most important purpose is to strengthen the global financial systems safety and steadiness, and sufficient capital levels are considered as a key part of the completion of the requirements. So the basis of Basel II is still the capital adequacy ratio to set minimum st

26、andards, but it has significant modification and supplement. At the same time, it also put forward two new standards, the supervision and inspection of national regulators and market discipline. The new standard incentives banks consciously to enhance the ability of risk prevention, through the use

27、of internal rating method in standard, to improve the initiative and enthusiasm of risk discovery and measurement.第一支柱最低资本要求在巴塞尔协议11中,具体的各项监管指标并没有更换,细化了之前对风险的五级划分,加强了资本对风险的敏感程度,在原有信用风险的基础上将市场风险和操作风险都增加到风险防御的范围内。对巴塞尔协议I的信用风险的计算方法展开了很大变动,并且为测量信用风险与操作风险提供了三种计算办法,让各成员监管当局参考使用。 Minimum cap

28、ital requirementIn Basel II, specific regulatory indicators have not changed, while it detailed the five levels of risk, to strengthen the capital on the sensitive degree of the risk, on the basis of the original credit risk, it fitted the market risk and operation risk into the scope of risk defens

29、e. It had a very big change in the calculation method of credit risk, and provides three computational methods to measure the credit risk and operational risk, to give reference to regulatory authorities.第二大支柱监管当局的监督检查第一次将监管当局的监督检査计入资本体系内,这主要是针对三种类型的风险而定的:一是之前提到却没有加入防范的贷款和中低级风险;二是除去上面提到的信用和市场

30、以及操作风险之外的其他风险;三是包括经济周期等金融发展的外来情况的影响。 Supervision and inspection of the regulatory authoritiesFor the first time, it adapted the regulatory supervision and inspection in the capitalist system, it is mainly for three types of risks: one is the loans and low-middle level risk which was mentioned

31、 before but wasnt fit into the prevention; The second is the other risks other than credit risk, market risk and operation risk; the third is to include other financial development situation of the economic cycle.第三大支柱市场约束引进市场约束机制是想利用市场这只无形的手,帮助商业银行能够在达到监管要求的同时稳定并持续的经营发展。一般情况下,经营比较稳定的商业银行能够拥有

32、更多优势,相比较而言,那些被标上有高风险威胁的商业银行可能会面临需要为他们的风险溢价买单或者失去投资者的青睐而造成业务量急剧下滑等等更多的代价。然而,只有当银行信息披露的范围扩大以后市场约束作用才能够充分发挥,信息的披露有助于提高银行透明度,这就要求银行必须公开相关的内部信息和财务报表。针对这项要求,巴塞尔协议11出台了一系列措施来增强金融行 业的透明度,使投资者和监管当局可以更加清楚各银行的财务等过去很隐秘的资料,及时的信息披露就发挥着非常关键的作用。从这个角度出发我们需要考虑的问题是正确把握好披露的度,要在考虑成本的基础上充分披露,否则市场参与者很难正确分析银行的真实情况;不仅要和会计信息的披露顺利结合,还要充分披露资本充足方面的信息,完成巴塞尔协议11的初始目标;最后,由于监管原则是在世界方位内推广的,所以我们还要尊重各成员国法律条款的差异。 Market constraintsIntroduction of market constraint mechanism is to utilize market to help commercial banks to meet regulatory requirements and develop busine

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