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1、5上unit7atweekends教案Unit 7 At weekends第 1 课时 教课设计Teaching contents 教课内容Story timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教课目的1. 学生能听懂、会说、会读词汇和动词短语:usually, often, always, sometimes, chaton the Internet, fly a kite, go to the cinema, have a picnic, visit one grandparents, sat weekends等;2. 能在情境中整体感知对话内容,并

2、能明确故事中人物的周末活动;3. 能够较正确地朗诵课文,并在教师的指导下试试表演;4. 能试试以第一人称方式复述表演课文中每一个人的周末活动。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教课要点和难点教课要点:1. 初步理解三会词汇和动词短语,掌握词汇发音;2. 初步感知频度副词 always, sometimes和 usually 的差别和用法。教课难点:能在理解文本的基础上明确故事中各人物的周末活动,并能用英语进行表述。Teaching procedures 教课过程Step 1 Warming up and lead-in: G

3、reeting & Free talkT: Good morning, class.S: Good morning.T: What day is it day?T: How many lessons do you have today?T: Do you go to school on Saturday or Sunday?T: Yes. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We don t go to school at weekends.We can do a lot of interesting activities at weekends.教(

4、 授 at weekends)(揭题:Unit 7 At weekends)T: Look at our friends, what do they do at the weekends? Now let say a chant and ds oactions. (PPT体现)1 / 15Chant:Play, play, play football.Draw, draw, draw pictures.Read, read, read books.Fly, fly, fly a kite.Have, have, have a picnic.Chat, chat, chat on the Int

5、ernet.【设计企图:直截了当导入话题,帮助学生建立本课主要情形。】Step 2 PresentationT: We chat on the Internet at weekends. We often have a picnic at weekend.Our weekends are interesting. What about our friends?T: Look, our friends Mike and Su Yang are talking about their weekend. What dothey do at weekends?Step 3 New teaching:

6、Story time1. Watch and find.(教师播放动画,而后达成动画后的 Think and answer部分)2. Watch and tick.(1) 教师播放动画,而后选出双胞胎的周末活动并教授这些词组: visit mygrandparents, have dinner with, play with)(2) 比较:sometimesoften usually3. Read and answer.T: Why do they usually visit their grandparents? Let s read.S1: They like playing with t

7、he cat Kitty. (可追问: Whose cat is it?)S2: They love their grandparents.S3: They love their delicious food.【设计企图: 分段学习能够帮助学生理解文本, 随文学习动词短语。 同时发掘文章感情,浸透道德教育。】4. Read and find.T: Su Yang wants to know aboutHelenwseekend. But Helen is not here. How does2 / 15she ask? 学( 生自读课文找问句,而后相互发问并回答。 )Helenalways h

8、as dancing lessonssometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.(随文教授频度副词 always和 sometimes)5. Listen and find.(1) T: Does Mike usually visit his grandparents? Why?S: Because his grandparents live in the UK. So Mike usually chats with them onthe Internet.(2) What does Mike do at weekends?usually pla

9、ys football with Liu TaoMike sometimes goes to the park with his family .usually flies a kite and have a picnic(随文教授频度副词 usually 和 sometimes)(3) Read and match.T: Now lets summarize what Helen and Mike often do at weekends.6. Mike and Su Yang想知道对方的 weekend,他们是怎么问的呢?学生自读课文找出问句。7. 教课语言: What do you us

10、ually do at weekends?I often I usually I sometimes8. 师生、男女生、同桌两人演练: What do you usually do at weekends?I often I usually I sometimes9. Lets retell.T: Can you retell their weekends according to this table?Helenalways has dancing lessonssometimes goes to the cinema with her friends.3 / 15Mike usually

11、plays football with Liu Tao sometimes go to the park with their familyMike and Helenusually fly a kite and have a picnic in the park【设计企图:指引学生试试依据表格复述课文,并重申频次词。】Step 4 Reading1. Read after the tape.2. Read it together.3. Read in roles.Step 5 Consolidation1. 学生选择 Mike,Helen 和 Su Yang的周末进行复述。2. 学生介绍自己

12、的周末生活。Homework 家庭作业1. 听磁带,有感情地模拟熟读课文。2. 复述 Mike,Helen和 Su Yang的周末生活。Teaching aids 教课准备(含板书设计)教课准备:光盘、 PPT、单词卡、板书板书设计:Unit 7 At weekendsSu Hai usually visit their grandparentsand Su play with their catYang often have dinner with their grandparentsHelen always have dancing lessons sometimes go to the

13、parksometimes go to the cinema with her with his familyfriends usually fly a kite andhave a picnic there Mike usually play football with Liu Tao第 2 课时 教课设计Teaching contents 教课内容Story time Fun time Grammar timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教课目的4 / 151. 学生能听懂、会说、会读并理解拼读副词: always, usually, ofte

14、n, sometime;s2. 能听懂、会读、会说平时用语: What do/does you/they/he/she do at weekends?I/they/he/she often/usually/always/sometimes3. 学生能深刻理解动词一般此刻时态和动词第三人称单数形式的组成;4. 能运用所学句型和同学沟通各自的周末活动;5. 指引学生合理安排自己的周末生活。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教课要点和难点教课要点:1. 复习稳固 Story time 内容;2. 理解并运用一般此刻时第三人称单数主

15、要句型。教课难点:一般此刻时第三人称单数的组成及朗诵。Teaching procedures 教课过程Step 1 Warm-up and lead-in1. Greeting.2. Free talk about weekends.(1) T: When are the weekends?S: Saturday and Sunday.T: What do these children do at weekends? (PPT体现 9幅活动图片 )T: What do you think of their weekends?(2) T: They do many things at weeke

16、nds, so they have wonderful weekends. Doyou want to know my weekends? Who can ask me?S: What do you do at weekends?T: I always (板书 always)I usually (板书 usually)I often (板书 often)I sometimes (板书 sometimes)T: What about your weekends? Please use these words to describe yourweekends.5 / 15【设计企图:话题导入,复习

17、旧知,稳固新知,收拢学生注意力。】Step 2 Review Story time1. About the twins.(1) Read together.(2) Fill in the blanks. (复习词句)(3) Retell the twinsweekends.2. About Helen.(1) Fill in the blanks.(2) Try to retell.(同法复习 Mike)3. Read and find.(1) PPT出示复述文本,红色突显动词第三人称单数形式。(2) 教师总结规则:a. 直接加“s”;b. 以辅音字母加“ y”结尾时,把“ y”改成“ ies

18、”;以元音字母( a, e, i,o, u)加“y”结尾的直接加“ s”c. 以“s”、“x”、“sh”、“ch”或“o”结尾的则加“ es”(3) 让学生举例动词的变化。(4) 学生四人一组接龙叙述 Mike,Su Hai and Su Yang,Helen 的周末生活。【设计企图: 经过复习课文, 理清人物和做的事情复习文中波及的要点词汇和句子;经过第三人称来复述感知动词的变化。】Step 4 Fun time1. Play the game.T: Great, how about these students s ?wNeoewk ,e lnedt s play a gam出e.示( 大

19、型玩具色子) Look, what s this?S: It s a dice.T: Lets see how to play this game.动( 画展现游戏规则 ) Who can be my partner?(教师与学生示范游戏过程 )T: It yosur turn. You can play in pairs.6 / 152. Summary. (教师小结。 )Let s find.T: They really have wonderful weekend. (PPT 体现游戏中的句子并框出主语和动词。)T: What can you find? (指引学生说出,当主语是 he/

20、she/it时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数。 )3. 学生齐读。Step 5 ConsolidationT: They have nice weekends, happy weekends, busy weekends They have colorfulweekends. How about you? Can you try to introduce your weekends? Can youintroduce your family members ws ?e e( kPePnTd出示骨干句式, 学生试试达成。)T: Can you share your weekends with us?

21、(邀请两位学生朗诵他们的短文,教师可向倾听的学生发问,以提升注意力。 )Homework 家庭作业1. 跟录音熟读课文。2. 熟读并抄录动词词组。3. 认识家人的周末,达成小作文。Teaching aids 教课准备(含板书设计)教课准备: PPT、板书、模型色子板书设计:Unit 7 At weekendsalways A: What do you do at weekends?B: I always usually A: What do they do at weekends?B: They usually often A: What does he/she do at weekends?

22、B: He/She oftensometimes A: What does he/she do at weekends?B: He/She sometimes7 / 15第 3 课时 教课设计Teaching contents 教课内容Cartoon time & Culture timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教课目的1. 掌握各季节能够做的运动: spring: fly a kite, go to the park, go boating summer: go swimming, chat on the Internet autumn: g

23、o climbing , have apicnic winter: go skiing, go skating, make snowmen 并在表演中运用;2. 在理解的基础上,试着表演卡通而且达成故事的续编,运用 I think Billyusually He often He sometimes 进行表述;3. 认识各国的球类文化,掌握部分球类运动单词 table tennis,basketball 以及football 等。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教课要点和难点教课要点:1. 认识各国的球类文化;2. 能听懂

24、、能理解、会读、会演卡通。教课难点:能运用所学知识,达成故事的续编。Teaching procedures教课过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. T: What do you often do at weekends?T: I see you often have colorful weekends. Do you often do sports at weekends?T: What sports do you like? Can you do it well?【设计企图:从周末活动引入运动,为文化板块铺垫。】Step 2 Culture time1. T: I know what sp

25、orts you like. Now can you guess what my favorite sport is?S: I think you like Do you like ?T: Yes, I like many sports, but I like ball games best. Do you know something aboutball games?S: (谈谈知道的球类运动 )8 / 15T: (教师出示球类实物 ) Look, what is it?S: Table tennis.T: Yes. Table tennis is very popular in China

26、. (学生跟读)(接下来 PPT体现美国的篮球和英国的足球 )2. 拓展其余球类。American football 美式橄榄球 tennis 网球 ice hockey 冰球【设计企图: 让学生认识其余国家常有的球类运动和体育文化, 拓宽学生视线。 】Step 3 Cartoon time1. Talk about the activities in each season.T: Boys and girls, we can also do a lot of activities in different seasons.列举各个季节能够做的活动,如:spring: fly a kite g

27、o to the park go boatingsummer: go swimming chat on the Internet autumn: go climbing have a picnicwinter: go skiing go skating make snowmen【设计企图:讨论不一样季节能够展开的活动,为后边的合理安排时间做铺垫。】2. Picture 2 and Picture 3 in Cartoon time.(1) T: Oh, we can do so many activities in each season. What about our friends Sam

28、and Bobby? What do they do in different seasons?播( 放动画至图 3)T: What do they do in spring and summer?S: It is spring. Sam and Bobby often play basketball. Summer comes. Sam andBobby often go swimming.(2) T: Sam and Bobby have a lot of activities in spring and summer. Does theirfriend Billy go with the

29、m?S: No.(3) Read and act.出( 示图 2 和图 3 的对话内容让学生试试表演。 )【设计企图: 从文中认识 Sam和 Bobby 在春夏做的活动而且和 Billy 作对照。 】3. Read and answer. (Picture 1)T: Bobby didn t go with Sam and Bobby. Why? W hdaote s he do at weekends?9 / 15(体现图 1)S: Billy always watches TV at weekends. He always eats a lot too.4. Watch and answe

30、r. (Picture 4 and Picture 5)T: Oh, my god. Billy eats in the whole spring and summer. What will happen then?Let s go on watching the cartoo(n继. 续播放动画至结束 )T: What do Sam and Bobby do in autumn?S: They go and have a picnic.T: Does Billy want to go with him?S: Yes!T: At last, can they go?S: No, Billy is too fat. He can t get out!T: Yes, he eats too much! What a funny story!5. Read the story.(1) Read after the computer.(2) Read after the teacher.(3) Read by yourself.(4) Read together.6. Act the story.7. Lets imagine.T: Boys and girls, do you like th

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