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1、仁爱英语九年级上Unit3导学案乌加河中学九年级英语导学案主备人:王玉刚 审核:英语组 课型:新授 时间:10.11Unit 3 English Throughout the World导学案:Topic 1 English is used more and more widely around the world.教学目标:要学会被动语态用法,掌握被动语态的结构教学重点,难点:被动语态的用法极其结构课文预习区 Section A.Section A.【 短语互动】 阅读1a译出短语 能,会 成百上千万 全世界 为准备 迫不及待 be good at try ones best from no

2、w on .【 语言知识】 阅读1a并掌握以下语言点1. Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. English is spoken as the first language in America. It is also widely used throughout the world now.以上三句译 姓名: 成:(1) (2)(3) 以上三句都是一般现在时的 语态。其结构是 . eg :Many trees (cut down) by people. The earth (destroy)

3、 by many chemical factories.2. I cant wait to fly there!cant wait to do sth译成: ,注意“情不自禁做某事”表达法是 .eg : He (迫不及待去见他最爱的明星)tomorrow. He often (情不自禁哭泣起来)when he sees a moving film.3. Try your best and work much harder from now much harder译成: ,修饰形容词和副词的比较级的修饰词可以是哪些: . hard有两种词性,其形容词译成 ,副词译成 .hardl

4、y是副词,译成 .eg: He does his homework (认真多了)than his brother.He is (高一点点)than his brother. He (几乎看不见)when he sits at the back of the classroom. 【 教学过程】 1. 完成Work alone 1b一 :【语法讲解】1. 一般现在时的被动语态英语语态有主动语态和被动语态两种。主语是动作的执行者,叫主动语态。如:We clean the classroom.我们打扫教室。主语是动作的承受者,叫被动语态。如:The classroom is cleaned (by

5、us).教室被(我们)打扫。1 被动语态的构成:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词+(by+宾语)其中by意为“被;由”,表动作的执行者。如:The glass is broken by that boy.玻璃杯是那个男孩打破的。be有人称、数和时态的变化,其肯定式、否定式、疑问式的变化规则与be作为连系动词时完全一样。如:English is widely spoken around the world. (肯定式)English is not widely spoken around the world. (否定式)Is English widely spoken around the wor

6、ld? (疑问式) Yes, it is./No, it isnt.2 被动语态的用法:(1)在没有指明动作的执行者或者不知道动作执行者的情况下,可用被动语态。如:This coat is made of cotton.这件大衣是棉制的。(2)要强调动作的承受者而不是执行者时,用被动语态。如:Her bike is stolen.她的自行车被偷了。3 主、被动语态的转换:主动语态:主语+及物动词谓语动词+宾语(+其它)被动语态:主语+be+及物动词的过去分词+by+宾语(+其它)注意:(1)主动、被动互转时,时态不变。(2)主动句的主语是代词的主格形式,变成被动态by的宾语时,要用宾格形式。如

7、:(1) People grow rice in the south. Rice is grown (by people) in the south.(2) She takes care of the baby. The baby is taken care of (by her).2. 根据以上的语法讲解试着完成Work alone 3a(把句子补充完整)Beijing opera Many trees Many roads The students The Great Wall 【教学小结】:【教学反思】:【板书设计】:乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚 课型:新授Section

8、B【教学目标】:继续学习被动语态的用法以及文中的重点短语【教学重点。难点】被动语态的用法及其结构【课前预习】. 短语互动 阅读1a,2a译出短语打包 与相似 向求助 去旅游 通常 做没问题 through the world first language second language 与共事 【教学过程】. 语言知识 阅读2a并掌握以下语言点1. In general, he has no trouble understanding people from different countries.has no trouble understanding译成: , 由此可以推测“做某事没有问题

9、”的英文表达法是: ,而“做某事有问题”的英文表达法可以是: .eg : I often foreigners.(我经常和外国人交流有困难)I my classmates.(我与我的同学一起学习没审核:英语组 时间:10.15 姓名有问题)2. Its used as the first language by most people in Great Britain, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.Besides, it is used as a second language in India and some other count

10、ries.以上两句译成 first language译成 second language译成 official language译成 foreign tongue译成 international language译成 mother tongue译成 eg : 中文现在被很多国家的人作为第二语言来使用。. 课文解析 1. 完成 Pair work 3 The flowers are watered by him every day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 写一篇有关“中文的重要性”的文章(写一小段) 提示内容:随着祖国的发展,中文越来越受欢迎; 世界上很多国家的人开始学习中文,甚至

11、一些人跑到中国来学; 在一些其它国家,有一些汉语言学校; 人们通过学习中文,也可以了解中国的文化。 【教学小结】【教学反思】【板书设计】乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚 审核:英语组 时间:10.16 课型:新授 姓名:【教学目标】:掌握分数的表达及其用法【教学重难点】:分数的表达及其用法和重点短语【预习过程】Section C. 短语互动 阅读1a译出短语 超过 mother tongue 的数量 foreign language reform and opening-up_ two thirds _ more and more 【教学过程】. 语言知识 阅读1a并掌握以下语言点1

12、. More than 3 000 languages are spoken in the world. Recent studies show that over 400 million people speak English as their mother tongue.以上两句译成 more than = over译成: eg: .(我们的学校有超过1000个学生)2. The United States has the largest number of English speakers, over 226 million people.以上句子译成 the number of译成:

13、 ,the largest number of译成: . eg: .(这些书的数量是500本). 3. And two thirds of the worlds scientists read in English.two thirds译成: ,分数的英文表达法:分子用 ,分母用 ,当分子大于1时,分母分子用 .eg: in our school are girls我们学校五分之四的学生都是女的。. 课文解析1. 找出课文每一段的段落大意 2. 完成Work alone 1b 2. 用简短的四五句话来复述课文1a 【教学小结】【教学反思】【板书设计】乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚

14、审核:英语组 时间:10.18 课型:新授 姓名:【教学目标】:被动语态的用法,以及结构。【教学重难点】:被动语态的用法,和文中的重点短语用法。【预习过程】:Section D. 短语互动 阅读1a译出短语international language 处于领先地位 受欢迎 在方面做得好 取得巨大进步 be required to do be regarded as . 语言知识 阅读1a并掌握以下语言点1. The American computer and Internet industry has taken the leading position in the world.take t

15、he leading position in译成: 知识延伸:work well in译成: play an important part in译成: eg:Germany .(德国在汽车制造技术方面处于领先地位)2. China, the country with the largest population in the world, has encouraged more people to learn English since the 1970s.上句子译成 encourage sb to do sth译成: ,否定式为 , 类似用法的动词有 .eg: We should encou

16、rage the disabled people (not give) up their life.3. Now, students are required to learn English and the study of required to do译成: ,知识延伸:be allowed to do译成: be forced to do译成: eg:We are required (go) to school on time by the teachers. The students (不被允许) smoke in the school. 课文解析1. 阅读1a完

17、成下列的句子 If you want to know is English used widely all the world, you may find from the history. At first, Great Britain made English a international language; and then with the of American Internet industry, English became much more popular. Chinese people were at English because China has more peop

18、le to study it. Now the students in Chinese schools to study English, because its so .2. 根据以下提示内容写写有关:英语重要性“的话题作文(写一小段) 提示内容:强调英语重要性;学习英语的优势;学好英语的建议 【教学小结】【教学反思】【板书设计】乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚 审核:英语组 时间:10.21 课型:新授 姓名:【教学目标】:被动语态的用法,以及结构。【教学重难点】:被动语态的用法,和文中的重点短语用法。【预习过程】:导学案:Topic 2 English is spoken di

19、fferently in different countries.Section A(adj) 澳大利亚人的 英国的 德国人的 迷惑的 口头的 (n) 澳大利亚人 德国人 差异 秋天 胜利 发音 表情 音调 (n连线中文) suitcase trunk thumb minibus flight guidebookclerk cent (v) 发音 迫使 磕头 (短语) 面对面 为某人送行 扑灭 搭车 拾起 填充 发生 吸收 【预习过程】:Section A. 短语互动 阅读1a译出短语 代替 与一样 比如 顺便说一下 玩得开心 . 语言知识 阅读3a并掌握以下语言点1. Is Australi

20、an English the same as British English?the same as译成: , 反义词是 .eg : His dressing style is (与一样) me. 2. English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries.different译成: . 其副词是: . 名词是: .eg: Can you find any ( 不同) between two pictures.Although they are twins, they look (不同). We should

21、dress ( 不同) in different occasions.3. Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow.此句是现在进行时态的句子,但表示的是 时态的意思,类似的短暂性动词有 .eg: . 1路公交车快要来了。 . 下午我将要动身去北京。. 课文解析1. 阅读 1a补充完整下列的句子 In Australia, G day means , people call their friends , Good on ya, mate means , people call girls . is the trunk of a car in British Engli

22、sh.2. 完成Work alone 1c. 语法讲解用现在进行时(be+Ving)表示将来现在进行时表示将来时,常有“意图”、“安排”(但不是固定不变的)或“打算”含义。它表示最近或较近的将来,所用的动词多是位移动词。如:come, go, arrive, leave, fly, start, begin, return, open, die例:I (go).我要走了。When you (start)? 你什么时候动身?Dont worry. The train (arrive) here soon.别着急,火车马上就到了。表示将来的现在进行时除了用于位移动词外,亦可用于某些非位移动词。如:

23、My uncle (meet) us tomorrow.我叔叔明天会见我们。She (buy) a new bike soon.她不久将买一辆新自行车【教学小结】【教学反思】【板书设计】乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚 审核:英语组 时间:10.23 课型:新授 姓名:【教学目标】:掌握现在进行表将来的用法,可用于此用法的动词有哪些。【教学重难点】:现在进行表将来的用法,以1a的重点短语【预习过程】:Section B.【 短语互动】 阅读1a译出短语送行 去的路上 搭车 pick up 担心 做有困难 .【 语言知识 】 (略).【 课文解析】 1. 完成Work alone 1b

24、. 2. 完成Pair work 1c.(注意用现在进行时态表将来) A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 【教学小结】【教学反思】【板书设计】乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚 审核:英语组 时间:10.25 课型:新授 姓名:【教学目标】:掌握现在进行表将来的用法,可用于此用法的动词有哪些。【教学重难点】:现在进行表将来的用法,以1a的重点短语【预习过程】:Section C. 短语互动 阅读1a译出短语 written English oral English be different from 填写 , 坐地铁 , . 语言知识 阅读1a并掌握以下语言点1.Some

25、people may not clearly know the differences between American English and British English.2. American English is different from British English in pronunciation and spelling. 以上两句译成: . .difference 是 词,different是 词。 eg: Who has any (不同)ideas about the thing?1.However, most of the time, people from the

26、 two countries do not havemuch difficulty understanding each other.have much difficulty understanding译成: , 由此可以推测“做某事有困难”的英文表达法是: ,eg: I (有困难)in reading. . 课文解析 1. 完成Work alone 1b.【教学小结】【教学反思】【板书设计】乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚 审核:英语组 时间:10.28 课型:新授 姓名:【教学目标】:掌握现在进行表将来的用法,可用于此用法的动词有哪些。【教学重难点】:现在进行表将来的用法,以1a

27、的重点短语【预习过程】:Section D. 短语互动 阅读1a译出短语 发生 被迫做 在开始 用不同的方式 little by little 吸收 总之 . 语言知识 (略). 课文解析1. 完成Work alone 1b. 2. 用中文来大体描述美式英语与英式英语的不同是怎么产生的? 【习题训练】用动词的适当形式填空。(1.)I _(fly) to Disneyland tomorrow .(2.) When _you _(leave) for Disneyland.(3.) My uncle _(meet) us tomorrow .(4.) He _(come) home in twe

28、nty minutes .【教学小结】【教学反思】【板书设计】乌加河中学九年级英语导学案 主备人:王玉刚 审核:英语组 时间:11.5 课型:新授 姓名:【教学目标】:学习情态动词dare 的用法,掌握1a中的重要短语用法。 【教学重难点】:情态动词dare 的用法Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well. Section A【预习过程】:. 短语互动 阅读1a译出短语 have been to place of interest make oneself understood 遇到麻烦 致力于 agr

29、ee with in public 害怕 取得进步 give up 向某人求助 be good at . 语言知识 阅读1a并掌握以下语言点1. Could you make yourself understood in the U.S.A.?. make oneself understood译成: ,understood是动词的 形式. eg: Sometimes its difficult for a foreigner to (使他自己被理解) by others in China. 2. I dare not speak English in public.dare 译成“敢”,既是动词,也是情态动词。当动词用时,dare to do sth: 敢做某事 dare not to do sth:

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