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1、高考英语完形填空专项训练高考英语完形填空专项训练收集人:proud bearText 1We are often warned by our teacher not to waste precious time, because time _1_ will never return. I think it quite _2_. What does time look like? Nobody knows for we cant see it or _3_ it and no amount of money can _4_ it. Time is abstract, so we have to

2、_5_ about it.Time passes very quickly. Some students say they dont have _6_ time to review all their lessons. It is because they dont know how to make _7_ of their time. They waste it in going to theatres, cinemas and parks, and doing _8_ things. Why do we study every day? Why do we _9_? Why do most

3、 people would rather _10_ buses instead of walking? The _11_ is very simple. We wish to save time because time is _12_.Today we are living in the 21st century. We look upon time as _13_. When a person dies, his life _14_. Since life is short, we must _15_ our time and energy to our study so that we

4、may be able to _16_ the people well in the future. Laziness is the _17_ of time, for it does not only bring us failure but also _18_ us other harm. If it is necessary for us to do our work today, let us do it today and not _19_ it until tomorrow.Remember that time is much more _20_ than money.1. A.

5、lost B. found C. expected D. made2. A. false B. true C. abstract D. valuable3. A. get B. have C. see D. touch4. A. find B. buy C. sense D. realize5. A. worry B. discuss C. advise D. think6. A. enough B. little C. valuable D. useful7. A. up B. light C. use D. fun8. A. other B. another C. some D. any9

6、. A. drink B. eat C. think D. work10. A. borrow B. get C. make D. take11. A. question B. answer C. problem D. method12. A. valueless B. precious C. endless D. fast13. A. money B. life C. gold D. water14. A. comes to B. begins C. ends D. lives15. A. waste B. devote C. put D. value16. A. ask B. rememb

7、er C. save D. serve17. A. friend B. maker C. mother D. thief18. A. brings B. does C. takes D. sends19. A. leave B. forget C. remain D. stay20. A. useful B. cheap C. heavy D. valuable本文为议论文,论点是 Time is valuable。第 1 段先提出论点时间是珍贵的;第 2 段说时间流逝很快,应节省时间;第 3 段说人们把时间比作生命,我们应该珍惜时间;最后一句话自成一段,照应首段,突出主题。1. A. 前面说

8、老师常告诫我们不要浪费时间,这里是解释原因,即我们平时所说的“时光一去不复返”。lost 为过去分词作后置定语,其他选项不合语境。2. B。下文进一步阐述说时间很珍贵,不能浪费时间等,“我”认为“时光一去不复返”这一说法是正确的,即 I think it quite true。3. D。前面问的是 What does time look like,再结合后面的 Time is abstract(抽象的)来看,此处说的是“时间既看不见,也摸不着”,故用 touch。4. B。前面说时间既看不见又摸不着,再结合钱的功能可推测,该句说的是“时间是不能用一定数量的钱能买得到的”。5. D。前面分别提到

9、时间不能看、摸,也不能用钱买,时间是抽象的,由此可推测我们只能“思考”它。6. A。有些同学把时间用在了看戏、看电影和逛公园上,当然他们就没有足够的时间来复习功课了,故用 enough。7. C。从后面的 they waste it in going to theatres, cinemas 可知他们不知道如何利用时间。make use of 为固定短语,意为“利用”。8. A。从前部分 They waste it in going to theatres, cinemas and parks 来看,此处指的是上述列举内容外的东西,故用 other 修饰 things()。9. D。从上下文来

10、看,这里说的是人们为何学习与工作,与前面说的study平行,故此处用 work。10. D。由 instead of walking 可推测这里说的是交通问题,故用take,即为什么多数人乘车而不步行?take buses 是常见搭配,意为“乘车”。11. B。前面是三个 Why 引导的问句,最后 We wish to save time because time is 是对这三个问题的回答,故此处说的是这三个问题的答案,即答案很简单,就是我们希望节省时间。12. B。从前面所说的多数人靠乘车代替步行来看,这里说的是“我们应节省时间,因为时间很珍贵”。13. B。从后面的 When a per

11、son dies, his lifeSince life is short 来看,本段是把时间比作生命,即谈论时间的珍贵。14. C。从 When a person dies 可推测,“他的生命也就完结了”,故用ends。15. B此处说的是“我们要把我们的时间和精力投入到学习中”。devote ones time and energy to sth 意为“把时间和精力投入到某事中”。16. D。从语境来看,这里是告诫人们“人生短暂,要把时间和精力放在学习上,以便以后更好地为人民服务”。serve the people 意为“为人民服务”。17. D。从后面说“它不仅给我们带来失败,而且还带来

12、了其他的危害”来看,这里应选 thief,即“懒惰是时间的窃贼”。18. B。前面说懒惰带给我们失败,此处是进一步说懒惰还带给我们其他的危害。do sb harm 是固定短语,意为“给某人带来危害”。19. A。从前面所给的条件 If it is necessary for us to do our work today来看,这里表示“我们今天能做的事情就不要留到明天来做”,故用 leave。20. D。从整篇文章来看,这里说的是时间珍贵,我们要珍惜时间。句意为“切记时间比金钱更有珍贵”,这与文章观点吻合。Text 2“Mum, I want to make you a bet,” I sai

13、d. “If I go a whole year without TV, will you give me a hundred dollars?”“Well, if you can _1_ do it, ”“Of course I can,” I replied, _2_ to convincemyself._3_, all this started from my _4_ of a picture in the newspaper. I couldnt bear to look at that boy, _5_ to have gone one year without TV for a h

14、undred dollars, staring at me with mocking(嘲笑的) eyes. He seemed to _6_ at me! “I did it, _7_ you cant!” he said. I_8_ at the boys face.That year I did a lot of things. _9_, my father taught me to ski, which became my favourite sport. Many winter afternoons snowball wars with my neighbours_10_ daily

15、drama. I went on bike trips with my friends and _11_ as much asa fish.It was unbelievable how much _12_ I had without TV. I learned so many new games. I guess the biggest thing I learnt, _13_, was self-motivation(上进心).I started to do my_14_. I went from a D student to an A student within a couple of

16、 weeks.I_15_ hatereading if there were no_16_, but now I began to read and enjoy it. I could_17_ all the pictures just the way I wanted themmy own little_18_, right inside my head!()Im _19_ what I did. I got a lot more from the_20_ than just the 100 dollars!1. A. only B. really C. occasionally D. fi

17、nally2. A. trying B. advising C. needing D. asking3. A. However B. Whats more C. As a result D. In fact4. A. joy B. disbelief C. anger D. curiosity5. A. managed B. expected C. said D. had6. A. glare B. laugh C. come D. shoot7. A. and B. but C. or D. besides8. A. wondered B. glanced C. glared D. look

18、ed9. A. Worse still B. Such as C. For example D. In place10. A. replaced B. formed C. offered D. joined11. A. ran B. swam C. breathed D. jumped12. A. difficulty B. knowledge C. fun D. trouble13. A. though B. but C. luckily D. even14. A. washing B. shopping C. sports D. homework15. A. came to B. used

19、 to C. stopped to D. happened to16. A. pictures B. explanations C. plots D. praises17. A. draw up B. arrange off C. make up D. find out18. A. TV B. books C. work D. drama19. A. surprised at B. interested in C. proud of D. changed by20. A. experience B. bet C. incident D. picture本文讲的是作者与母亲打赌,一年之内不看电视

20、。这对原本很喜欢看电视的“我”来说简直是不可思议的事。不过那年“我”真的做到了,而且也有了很大变化:“我”由一个经常不及格的学生变成了一个优秀的学生,由原来不爱看书变成现在喜欢看书。1. B。上文提到“我”与母亲打赌,根据语境可看出妈妈对“我”戒掉看电视的习惯还有些怀疑。2. A。从下文谈到报纸上的那个男孩及“我”的感受来看,“我”在回答妈妈的话时,想极力表现出自信,故用 trying(分词短语作状语)。3. D。前面说男孩与妈妈打赌,此处通过 in fact 引出打赌的原因,即与妈妈打赌事实上是由报纸上的一则图画引起的。4. C。从后面的小男孩嘲笑的眼神等可推测,报纸上的那幅画让“我”感到气

21、愤。5. C。上文说“我”通过读报获悉一男孩因为一年没看电视而得到 100美元的故事,此处是对这种情况的具体展开。由于逗号前没有连词,故此处用过去分词,即用 said 作定语,相当于 who was said to have gone one year without TV6. B。由上文 staring at me with mocking eyes 可推测,此处填 laugh才在语意上保持一致。laugh at 意为“嘲笑”,glare at 意为“盯着”,come at意为“向扑去”,shoot at 意为“向开枪”。7. B。前面说“我做到了”,与后面的 you cant 构成转折关系

22、,故用 but。8. C。前面说“我”好像被那男孩嘲笑了,心里非常生气,故用 glare才能在语意上与其保持一致。glare 有“瞪,怒目注视”之意。9. C。前面说那年“我”做了很多事,从下文的爸爸教我 ski, 还有snowball wars, bike trips 等来看,此处是举例来说明,故用 for example。10. C。此处通过例子说明,为摆脱看电视,“我”从事了各种各样的有趣的活动,其中打雪仗给“我”带来了很多的紧张和刺激。11. B。由 a fish 可联想到“游泳”,故用B。12. C。此处是对上面内容所做的总结,“不可相信的是没有电视我可以玩得那么有趣”,即一年来“我

23、”所从事的各种丰富多彩的活动给“我”带来很多乐趣。13. A。我”没有看电视却学到了很多新游戏,与后面的“我”学到的最重要的东西就是上进心为转折关系。由于此空在句中且有逗号分开,故此处应用 though(但是),但不能用 but。14. D。由后面的考试成绩由 D 到现在的 A 可推测,“我”现在开始做作业了。15. B。由后面的 but now 可推测,此处说的是“过去”的事情,这与“现在”形成对比,故用 used to。16. A。从本段来看,此处谈论的是读书问题。由上文可知“我”过去喜欢看电视(画面),若看书就看有图画的书,没有图画就不愿看。此处选pictures 才与“我”过去的实际相

24、吻合。17. C。“我”现在不看电视而喜欢读书,把读到的东西构想出图画,让它们以自己的方式在大脑里形成画面。make up 意为“构想/编造”。18. A。把读书看到的东西以自己的方式编造或构想成画面,从而在大脑中形成自己的小“电视”。这是一种比方。19. C。原认为不可思议的事,而“我”却真的做到了,因此说“我”对自己所做的事情感到非常自豪和骄傲。20. A。整整一年不看电视,做了很多其他的事,从而使生活更加丰富多彩,从这样的“经历”中得到的东西远比 100 美元多。Text 3The train shakes back and forth, its wheels making a loud

25、 noise against the tracks. Outside the window the freezing cold of winter rules. The carriage is filled with cold, _1_ passengers.Suddenly a little boy _2_ his way through the grown-up legs and sits down by the window. He is all alone among the _3_ grown-ups. What a brave child, I think. His father

26、_4_ very strange happens suddenly. The _5_ little boy slides down from his seat and leans his hand on my knee. _6_, I think that he wants to _7_ me and return to his father, so I help him to stand up. But instead he leans forward and holds his _8_ up towards mine. He wants to say something to me, I

27、think. I lower my head to receive the _9_. Wrong again! What I do receive is a _10_ kiss on the cheek.The boy calmly returns to his seat, leans back and continues looking out of the window. I am _11_. What just happened? A child is kissing _12_ grown-ups on the train. How can anybody want to kiss su

28、ch a man that has so much beard? Soon enough, all of my neighbors are certainly _13_. Nervous and a little surprised, we _14_ at the father. When he sees our questioning _15_ as he gets ready for his stop, he offers a clue(线索).“Hes so happy to be alive,” the father says. “He has been very sick.”Fath

29、er and son _16_ into the crowd moving toward the exit. The doors close and the train goes on. On my cheek I can still _17_ the childs kissa kiss that has triggered(触发) some soul-search inside me. How many _18_ kissing each other from the joy of being alive? How many even give much thought to the pri

30、vilege(特权)of _19_?The little kisser had taught us a sweet but serious lesson: Be careful you dont let yourself _20_ before your heart stops!1. A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. surprised2. A. feels B. fights C. pushes D. picks3. A. unfriendly B. friendly C. angry D. kind4. A. likes B. promises C. ch

31、ooses D. agrees5. A. impolite B. serious C. lucky D. ugly6. A. In no time B. For a moment C. In a while D. Once in a while7. A. kick B. strike C. kiss D. pass8. A. eye B. ear C. head D. lip9. A. news B. message C. kiss D. fortunate10. A. loud B. foolish C. strange D. interested11. A. pleased B. shocked C. satisfied D. familiar12. A. well-known B. smart

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