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1、宝鸡培新教育考研完形填空真题完形填空(第一阶段)Test OneDirections: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)Literature is a form

2、of art that can be enjoyed without formal instruction. However, people with 1 knowledge of literature may miss a lot 2 reading a novel, short story, poem, play, or 3 . These readers are comparable to the 4 at a football game who watch the game and 5 it without really understanding the complex moveme

3、nts 6 on the field. Although they may enjoy the 7 , many spectators watch only the ball 8 , missing the contribution of other members 9 the total play as well as the intricacies occurring within the 10 . A person who understands football 11 better yet, has played the gameis more capable 12 judging w

4、hen a team is playing well or 13 and is also likely to enjoy a “good” game more. The 14 is true of reading literature. Most people have read numerous 15 works, but many do not understand or 16 the authors skill in communicating. This book 17 intended to help you learn to 18 attention not only on wha

5、t happens, but on 19 it happens and how the author has 20 it to analyze and evaluate literary works so that you can fully experience and appreciate them.1. A abundant B informal C necessary D limited2. A if B when C by D upon3. A fiction B poetry C essay D art4. A audience B spectators C coaches D p

6、layers5. A like B appreciate C enjoy D evaluate6. A happened B taken place C going D occurring7. A game B scene C work D art8. A somewhat B entirely C perhaps D generally9. A of B within C to D about10. A offence B game C defense D team11. A but B even C and D or12. A of B to C in D for13. A skillfu

7、lly B successfully C poorly D badly14. A same B reason C other D sport15. A athletic B literature C football D literary16. A realize B appreciate C like D recognize17. A will be B has been C is D was18. A pay B call C draw D concentrate19. A why B where C how D when20. A narrated B presented C maint

8、ained D explainedTest TwoDirections: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)The United States court syst

9、em, as part of the federal system of government, 1 dual hierarchies: there are both state and federal courts. Each state has its own system of courts, 2 civil and criminal trial courts, sometimes intermediate courts of appeal, and a state supreme court. The federal court system consists of a series

10、of trial courts (called district courts) 3 relatively small geographic regions (there is at least one for every state), a tier of circuit courts 4 appeal that 5 appeals from many district courts in a particular geographic region, 6 the Supreme Court of the United States. The two court systems are 7

11、overlapping, in that certain kinds of disputes (such as a claim that a state law is in violation of the Constitution) may be initiated in 8 system. They are also to a certain degree hierarchical, 9 the federal system stands above the state system in that litigants (person 10 lawsuits) who 11 their c

12、ases in the state supreme court may appeal their cases to the Supreme Court of the United States. 12 , the typical court case begins in a trial courta court of general jurisdictionin the state or federal system. 13 cases go no further 14 the trial court. For example, the criminal defendant is convic

13、ted (by a trial or a guilty plea and sentenced by the court and the case 15 ; the personal injury suit 16 a judgment by a trial court (or an out-of-court 17 by the parties while the court suit is pending) and the parties leave the court system. 18 sometimes the losing party at the trial court 19 eno

14、ugh about the cause, the matter does not end there. In these cases, the “loser” at the trial court may 20 next high court.1. A is different from B is concerned aboutC is equivalent to D is characterized by2. A composed of B composing of C disposed of D disposing of3. A ran B acted C serving D adapti

15、ng4. A on B with C of D to5. A attempt B show C deal D hear6. A and B that C as well D then7. A in an extent B in some extent C to an extent D to some extent8. A both B neither C either D such9. A so that B of which C for D and thus10. A committed to B engaged in C attentive to D engrossed in11. A a

16、ppeal B state C win D lose12. A Thus B However C Nevertheless D Moreover13. A Rare B Serious C Most D Small14. A to B than C for D by15. A spends B ends C succeeds D passes16. A announces in B results from C announces to D results in17. A deal B business C recompense D settlement18. A Usually B But

17、C For D Thus19. A cares B thinks C argues D doubts20. A plea to B appeal to C request to D summon toTest ThreeDirections: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corres

18、ponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)Public goods are those commodities from whose enjoyment nobody can be 1 excluded. Everybody is free to 2 the benefits of these commodities, and one persons utilization 3 the possibilities of 4 enjoying 5 .Examples of public goods are not 6 one

19、 might expect. A flood control dam is a public good. Once the dam is built, 7 living in the area will benefit 8 their own contribution 9 the construction cost of the dam. The same 10 true for highway signs or aids to navigations. Once a lighthouse is built, 11 ship of 12 nationality can be effective

20、ly excluded from the 13 the lighthouse for navigational purposes. National defense is another example. 14 a person who voted against military expenditures or 15 taxes 16 the protection afforded.It is no easy task to 17 the social costs and social benefits associated with a public good. There is 18 w

21、ay of 19 drivers for 100 at highway signs, sailors for watching a lighthouse, and citizens for the security provided to them through national defense. 20 the market does not provide the necessary signals, economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal judgment of the market place.1. A ef

22、ficiently B effectively C effectually D absolutely2. A have B enjoy C concern D contribute3. A will reduce B will enhance C does not reduce D does not exclude4. A anybody B somebody else C anybody elses D whoever5. A the benefit good B the peculiar good C the same good D his good6. A as same as B as

23、 rare as C as far as D as good as7. A some people B the native people C all the people D the common people8. A regarding B irrespective of C by virtue of D considering9. A for B on C towards D to10. A holds B has C grasps D carries11. A any B a C the D no12. A any B a C some D no13. A enjoying B sha

24、ring C catching sight of D utilization of14. A If B When C Once D Even15. A has paid B has not paid C paid D did not pay16. A could benefit from B will benefit fromC couldnt benefit from D wont benefit from17. A calculate B collect C determine D investigate18. A an advisable B a practicable C no adv

25、isable D no practicable19. A charging B estimating C calculating D controlling20. A Because B Even C However D SurprisinglyTest FourDirections: For each numbered blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by

26、 blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (10 points)Is there something as truth? For a good many centuries “the search for truth” has been 1 the noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to such 2 conclusions that it often seems that very li

27、ttle progress has been made. 3 , there are many people who feel that we are actually going backward 4 our knowledge. They 5 , often contemptuously, that we have more “knowledge” than our ancestors, but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have 6 the truth that we once

28、possessed.If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises 7 the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lions head, a goats body, and a serpents tailand maybe an eagles wings for good 8 . There is plenty of evidence that ea

29、ch part of this animal 9 but there is no 10 evidence that the parts ever occur in this combination. It is at least 11 that the seekers after “truth” have made a similar mistake and invented an 12 combination.It is 13 to consider that the noun “truth” comes from the adjective “true”, and that the Latin word for “truth”, veritas, also comes from an adjective, verus. In both languages the notion of “true”accurate, 14 to factsseems to have developed before the notion of “truth”. We cannot definitely prove

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